We wanted to let you know that, unfortunately, this week’s Friday Talk on the Edinburgh and Leith Gasworks has been cancelled due to unforeseen illness. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
We are currently working to reschedule the talk and will aim to include it in our Autumn programme.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you to our upcoming events.
Come along to the free energy advice event with Changeworks at the Heart of Newhaven on Monday 16th December from 11.00 -12.00
Managing your heating and electricity can feel overwhelming. Whether it’s understanding your bill, managing any debt, or accessing funding you’re entitled to – Changeworks can give you free and impartial advice and support to feel confident about your bills.
The opening of the Tallest Knitted Christmas Tree was held on November 30th in front of a huge audience.
Our champion volunteer Pat Wilson cut the ribbon, the Newhaven Choir sang beautifully and then people were able to enjoy the craft stalls and refreshments including mulled wine supplied by Malones of Leith.
A huge thank you to all the businesses and individuals who donated so generously to us. Also to those people who came and spent money and also donated money to help us make the Heart more accessible for everyone.
A special thanks to our army of knitters from across the world and especially those who were there at the weekend helping to make the event a such a success.
The fishwife is called JEANNIE a name chosen by 5 people and we held a draw to find the winner and she promptly donated her prize to our fund.
The Tree contained 6257 leaves and is 17’7” (or 536cm) tall.
The Tree and Jeannie can be seen until December 22nd when the Heart is open and if you come on a Wednesday or Saturday morning the kettle will be on!
In January we shall have news of next year’s projects where everyone who wants to can come and join in.
The Heart of Newhaven will be one of the participating venues this weekend as part of the Leith Creative Trai! – a trail of Leith’s creative Markets and Open Studios.
It’s an opportunity to discover and celebrate all the artistic happenings in the vibrant nooks of Leith. Some new, some institutions, some small, some big but all full of curiosity and talent.
There are 19 participating venues over the course of the week! Check out the directory and map and explore all that is on offer!
Before reading about all the exciting things that are happening this month at The Heart, please take a few minutes to do our survey.
In August 2022 Heart of Newhaven Community secured the purchase of Victoria Primary School.
In January 2023 we opened the buildings, now known as The Heart, for community uses in support of our vision- an Intergenerational Community Hub where everyone is better connected, less socially isolated and more actively engaged with their community.
In our first year of operation we focused on the buildings and their spaces and this year we undertook essential repairs to the fabric of the building.
We’ve also begun to develop community projects including the Dementia Meeting Centre, an intergenerational heritage project, a community lunch with Cyrenians and our ‘open4 coffee’/knit and natter/ IT support with AceIt, Newhaven Friendship Group.
We now need to know, from you, how we are doing? Are we meeting your needs? What are we missing?
Please do our survey and share as widely as possible The closing date is November 30th Thank you!
The Knitted Christmas Tree News
Firstly a massive thank you to everyone who donated green squares, beautiful decorations, knitted articles,the amazing tree trunk and the time you have given us to help raise money for easier access to The Heart for everyone.
We are almost there, the trunk is ready, the knitting is prepared and the Newhaven Fishwife has arrived. The next thing is to erect The Tallest Knitted Christmas Tree in the atrium of the Heart, ready for the Grand Opening on 30th November.
The official opening is at 11am. The craft fair will be open from 10am-4pm and there will be a raffle, tombola, children’s raffle and bottle stall. There will be the chance to choose the Fishwife’s name, guess the number of leaves on the tree and the number of decorations on the tree. Any contributions and donations to our stalls would be very well received.
On Sunday 1st December from 2.30-5.30 there will be a craft afternoon with the chance to make a Christmas Wreath, a Christmas Ornament and other crafts. Tickets for these activities will be on sale on the Saturday and Sunday.
On both days there will be refreshments including mulled wine.
Come along and see the Tallest Knitted Christmas, meet the creators, support a good cause and start the Christmas season at the Heart of Newhaven.
The Tree can be seen every day from 30th November until 22nd December. Call in to meet us and find out what the Heart can offer you.
Leith Creative Trail
The Leith Creative Trail running from 30th November – 8th December is an initiative designed to encourage people to explore their local creative community, art studios, organisations and services.
Follow the MAP and drop in on 19 different venues across North East Edinburgh including The Heart.
We’re open Saturday 30th Nov & Saturday 7th Dec 10am to 4pm with open studio visits, handmade artisan gifts and artwork for sale, craft demonstration, mulled wine, festive nibbles and cheer.
Meeting Centre Update October/November
Members of the Heart Dementia Meeting Centre have been enjoying our Wednesday morning meetings, working on creative projects with Tortoise in a Nutshell Theatre Company and continuing our intergenerational School Days sessions with students from Victoria Primary School. We celebrated Halloween with spooky bread making and enjoyed some home-made tattie scones.
Meeting Centre Manager Jan Brown also organised ‘Start from the Heart’ two dementia inclusive walks around Newhaven with local poet Ken Cockburn, piloting the idea of celebrating local heritage through poetry and song with a gentle health-walk. Feeback on these Monday afternoon walks was very positive, and we hope to start a series of monthly walks in the Spring.
Jan recently ran a Dementia Awareness session for volunteers at The Heart of Newhaven, if you or a family member is interested in becoming a member of the Heart Dementia Meeting Centre or volunteering with us, please contact:
The Heritage Lottery Funded, Schooldays Project is underway, featuring intergenerational workshops with local primary school students from Victoria, Trinity, Wardie, and Holy Cross.
The students are collaborating with groups that regularly meet in our building, including the Dementia Meeting Centre, the Knit and Natter Group, the Newhaven Friendship Group, as well as new groups such as Feniks.
We’re thrilled about the creative workshops happening and being led by resident and local artists and look forward to sharing these experiences with our groups in the coming months.
Stay tuned for regular updates in future newsletters!
A visual legacy celebrating a project aimed at restoring seagrass and oysters to the Firth of Forth has been unveiled.
The mural in the grounds of the Heart of Newhaven Community Centre celebrates the innovative Restoration Forth initiative which aims to bring back seagrass meadows and European flat oysters to the waterway.
Edinburgh based mural artist and illustrator Natasha Russell was commissioned by the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh to bring to life the restoration activities across the Forth.
Local residents, alongside pupils from Victoria Primary School, attended workshops to explore what the themes and design of the artwork would be.
Artist Natasha Russell said: “It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with the local community and Restoration Forth, RBGE and Heart of Newhaven in order to design this mural.
“Through creating the artwork we wanted to celebrate and help to spark interest in the return of oysters to the Firth of Forth and the ways that they can benefit local communities once again by enhancing water quality and supporting biodiversity. The mural also looks to capture the story of how the oysters in the Forth used to support fishing communities in Newhaven and highlights how our relationship with this species has changed over time.
“Through painting the mural at the Heart of Newhaven we hope to support the lively environment of this community space and to make an artwork that is accessible to the wide range of people who pass this wall.”
Workshop participant Beth Cockerline said: “It was so lovely to come together to discuss the mural , the local community and learn about the beauty and importance of the oysters.
“I’ve been telling everyone how cool and vital they are.”
Workshop participant Lucy Neville said: “I have loved the opportunity to be involved in the mural workshops. The Forth was once such a biodiverse estuary filled with life that supported us communities.
“Volunteering with Restoration Forth has given me the faith that it can be that way again. And the mural will be a daily reminder of our history, present and potential future, as a community that is part of the river and sea.”
Heart of Newhaven is a community hub for the Restoration Forth project, aiming to engage local people with efforts to restore and enhance the Firth of Forth.
Judy Crabb, Chair of Heart of Newhaven said: “It is a great privilege for us to be the location for a beautiful mural that represents such an important part of the heritage of this area. We can’t wait to share it with everyone that visits the Heart for years to come.”
The oyster beds around the Firth of Forth were some of the most famous in Scotland over the 17th and 18th centuries. Oysters were significant for jobs, the economy and diet in the local Newhaven and Leith areas.
The ‘Newhaven Fishwives’ would sell oysters around Edinburgh and were a prominent part of the community. Some records show that nearly 30 million oysters were fished from the Firth of Forth annually. Unfortunately, overfishing and industrial development led to the local extinction of oysters in the area.
We now understand a lot more about the benefits of oysters within an ecosystem. Where there are oyster reefs, you can also find juvenile fish, crabs, sea snails, sponges and more! By reintroducing European flat oysters to the Firth of Forth, we’re creating a sanctuary for a vast array of marine life. Recent research suggests that by restoring healthy oyster beds, biodiversity could potentially double over a 10-year period.
Restoration Forth was recently announced as a finalist at the Nature of Scotland Awards.
The aim of Restoration Forth, a partnership with communities and organisations, is to restore 4 hectares of seagrass meadows and European flat oyster beds in the Firth of Forth. Partners delivering Restoration Forth include WWF, Edinburgh Shoreline, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, Heriot Watt University, Marine Conservation Society, Project Seagrass, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scottish Seabird Centre, The Ecology Centre, and The Heart of Newhaven Community.
This three-year programme has been made possible by funding from Aviva, the Moondance Foundation, the ScottishPower Foundation, and Sky; this project is also supported by the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund, facilitated by the Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund, and managed by NatureScot.
Victoria Primary School Head Teacher Rhian Chapman cuts the ribbon with some of the pupils that were involved in the mural design workshops
We are excited to invite you to our Doors Open Day
on Saturday 28th September & Sunday 29th September 10am – 4pm
Join us for a day filled with fun activities, delicious food and music. Explore our vibrant community, tour the building and grounds and dabble in some of the workshops on offer.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to celebrate with us and be sure to arrive in time for the Unveiling of our new Oyster Mural at 11:00 on Saturday !
We will be open from 10am – 4pm on both Saturday 28th September and Sunday 29th September 2024.
You can find our more details about the event and sign up to workshops here :
First of all, a little boasting. We are proud to let you know that we have achieved an “Advancing” report from It’s Your Neighbourhood, part of Keeping Scotland Beautiful, for our achievements over the year (that’s level three out of five).
Our efforts were scored at the beginning of August and we were praised for community participation and environmental responsibility.
In particular, the work done by the Men’s Shed, on various planters and raised beds, the planting of particular ingredients for dyeing and wood treatment by our partners and the creation of free Little Libraries, one with a green roof, came in for special mention, all providing opportunities for a wide variety of activities for local residents.
The report also included a few suggestions for going forward, which we will certainly work hard to bring to fruition.
Hear About …
September means that our Hear About talks are starting soon, on Friday 20th to be precise. We’ll be kicking off with a return visit from Kenneth Williamson who this time will be telling us about Old Edinburgh Trams that served Edinburgh from 1876 until 1956.
Talks will take place at 3pm and will be followed by the chance for a cup of tea and an informal chat. Talks are currently free but we would appreciate a donation towards the refreshments.
See our website, notice boards and social media for details of the other autumn talks which will be on most Fridays until 6th December.
Join us for a celebration of the Heart of Newhaven’s garden and to eat a lot of potatoes.
Expect – Food – from the garden, the Scran Van and groups who are based at The Heart of Newhaven; Herbal tea from the garden (and tea and coffee from the supermarket if that’s not your thing); Creative activities – potato printing, screen printing, potato crocheting and knitting; Garden tours and a chance to meet other people from our community
There will also be Tattie Contests, including a beauty contest – if you’ve been growing your own in your garden or on your balcony, and have some unusual looking potatoes, bring them along to be entered!
And as we drift into autumn, the gardening drop-in days have changed and are now weekly on Thursdays from 10.30 till 12.30 and monthly on the first Saturday of the month, 10.30 till 12.30.
Remember, remember that our regular volunteer-led Reminiscence sessions are taking place on the last Thursday of every month (except December). Everyone is welcome to come along and share memories in the Anchor building. September’s gathering will take place on Thursday 26th.
Doors Open
The last weekend of the month will see the Heart open for Doors Open Days, on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th.
We’ll be open from 10am till 4pm both days and there will be a chance to take a tour round the thriving building, talking to some of our artistic and creative partners including Ink on Mesh and Robert Furze, violin maker, or take part in a short Victorian lesson in the Schoolroom. The latter will only be on twice each day, (11.30 and 1.30) so sign up on arrival to be sure of the experience.
There will be not one, but two art exhibitions on display to enjoy: The Joy of Painting and Art in Healthcare and the day will also see the unveiling of the Oyster Mural on the outside of the Anchor building, at 11am. Come along and see the result of co-operation and consultation between Restoration Forth and the local community.
That will be followed by a performance by the Newhaven Community Choir while there will also be music from the Men’s Shed Splinter Band. The Shed will be open to visitors both Saturday and Sunday from 10am, with a “Repair Shed” and a “Guitar Clinic” from 10am-1pm on Saturday.
In addition, our Ukranian Spiders will be providing some wonderful refreshments between 10 and 3 on both days.
The Tallest Christmas Tree
September also means that there are barely three months to go before our Tallest Tree goes on display. The knitters are busy getting everything ready by fireproofing the squares and decorations, continuing to sew squares and trim pom-poms for garlands. Everyone is welcome to come along and help at the various sessions.
Sewing will continue fortnightly at the Heart in September but with a revised time of 1-3 pm which means that everyone will be travelling home in daylight and those who are interested in our Friday afternoon talks will also be able to attend.
The trunk and branches are in the capable hands of Derek from Men’s Shed and Eain is building a stable for our knitted nativity scene while the Heart knitters are busy with baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all things nativity. The Heart of Newhaven Fishwife has not arrived yet but we are certain she will look lovely on top of the Tree. We are running a competition to guess her name and we shall have forms available for you to make your guess at the Tattie Fest on 21st September and Doors Open Days on 28th and 29th September or call in and make your guess. Only 50p a name!
We would appreciate anyone who could donate a raffle prize, as we are raising funds to make the Heart as accessible as possible for everyone and for Home-Start our chosen partner. This is an organisation which supports parents to give children the best start in life. We are also looking for sponsors in our Sponsor a Branch appeal. We shall, of course, acknowledge everyone who helps in this way in the Heart and also on our our social media channels.
We need any remaining squares or decorations to be brought in to the Heart for fireproofing and will also be delighted to receive more decorations as any extras left over will be sold at the craft fair on opening day, November 30th to help raise funds for our good causes.
Leith Folk Club
Leith Folk Club is presenting an evening with the extraordinary Scottish-Canadian artist, Evangeline Gentle, on Tuesday, 24 September, 7.45 for 8pm start. With a sound that seamlessly blends folk, pop, and Americana, Evangeline’s music is a heartfelt celebration of queerness, identity, and the shared human experience.
Their songs are marked by lush melodies, powerful storytelling, and a voice that resonates with warmth and authenticity, while their performances are known for their emotional intensity and inclusivity, so whether you’re a dedicated folk fan or simply looking for a night of beautiful, thought-provoking music, this is an opportunity to witness a truly gifted artist up-close and personal.
– Tickets: £12 (cash only, at the door) Remember, the venue is not licenced but you are welcome to bring along whatever you’d like to drink.
Calling all seamstresses
Finally, an appeal from our History of Education Centre partners who run the Victorian Schoolroom on the first floor of the Heart.
The schoolroom is in dire need of some new children’s costumes for visiting school pupils, in particular boys’ shirts.
Our top floor tailor partner Poppy has very kindly made some shirt patterns but if anyone feels able to donate some suitably Victorian-looking materials, or feels able to sew up a few shirts from the patterns once we have the material, then please get in touch either with histedcentre@gmail.com or with christine.mcderment@heartofnewhaven.co.uk.
Please have a look at our regular sessions – we are have amazing new workshops and classes.