Report reveals ‘worrying’ levels of Islamophobia in city schools

Campaign group Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC) has launched a new report on experiences of Islamophobia amongst Muslim students at schools in Edinburgh. The report reveals ‘worrying’ levels of both verbal and physical abuse. Continue reading Report reveals ‘worrying’ levels of Islamophobia in city schools

Calls to Samaritans reach record high

Samaritans volunteers responded to more than 5.7 million calls for help in 2016, an increase of nearly 300,000 on the previous year. Releasing the figures to coincide with the start of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), the charity says there are a number of reasons for the record high, including making its confidential helpline free to callers. Continue reading Calls to Samaritans reach record high

Trauma framework launched

Minister for Mental Health, Maureen Watt has launched a new training resource to help meet the needs of people affected by trauma and abuse. The National Knowledge and Skills Framework for Trauma is designed to support people working in the public and third sectors in Scotland to support those affected by trauma, their families, carers and supporters. Continue reading Trauma framework launched

Good sports: medals all round at Spartans mini-Olympics

More than 200 local primary school children took part in a 14-sport ‘Mini-Olympics’ at Spartans Community Football Academy’s Ainslie Park home yesterday. The pupils aged 10-12 enjoyed rugby, cycling, athletics, football, and relay races as part of a programme to help introduce young people to sport and the psychological and physiological benefits it brings. Continue reading Good sports: medals all round at Spartans mini-Olympics