Health pressures: Resilience Committee meets again

Fourth meeting to discuss pressure on healthcare services

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon chaired another resilience meeting yesterday as part of the ongoing efforts to help lead health and social care out of the toughest winter in its history.

This is the fourth time the Scottish Government Resilience Room (SGoRR) has gathered to discuss the scale of the of challenge and find solutions.

The First Minister heard updates on hospital capacity, actions to alleviate delayed discharge, and the rates of respiratory illness. Statistics published this week have shown a continued improvement in A&E performance, although hospital occupancy levels remain high. 

She was joined by the Deputy First Minister, the Health Secretary and other cabinet ministers, along with the Chief Medical Officer and senior representatives from NHS boards, COSLA, Integration Joint Boards and the Scottish Ambulance Service.

The First Minister said: “It is encouraging to see A&E waiting times are reducing, and long waits in emergency departments dropping, but significant challenges remain. 

“We’re pulling every lever at our disposal to get us through this winter. Above all, I want to thank the incredible efforts of staff right across the health and social care system for their commitment and hard work during this extremely challenging winter.”

Scotland’s health and social care crisis discussed by resilience committee

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon chaired a further meeting of the Scottish Government’s resilience committee (SGoRR) yesterday to discuss the ongoing pressures on the health and social care system.

The group met on Friday morning and assessed issues including the latest situation with respiratory infections, pressures throughout the system, and ongoing work to reduce rates of delayed discharge.

The SGoRR meeting was also attended by Deputy First Minister John Swinney, Health Secretary Humza Yousaf, other Cabinet ministers, the Chief Medical Officer and key partners from across the system including senior representatives from NHS boards, COSLA, Integration Joint Boards, NHS24 and the Scottish Ambulance Service.

Earlier this week, Health Secretary Humza Yousaf announced a number of additional measures to address demands on the system, including £8 million to procure around 300 additional care home beds, and NHS24’s plans to take forward recruitment of around 200 new starts before the end of March.

The First Minister’s handling of the health crisis was criticised by opposition parties at Question Time this week and Conservative leader Douglas Ross also called for the sacking of Health Secretary Humzah Yousaf.

The First Minister said: “It is clear that pressure on the NHS and social care system continues to be very high, and that we need to maintain our emphasis on doing everything we can to help the service through the remainder of the winter.

“The measures set out by the Health Secretary earlier in the week will help to address some of the main issues – easing delayed discharge by purchasing additional care beds for those who are fit to leave hospital, and ensuring adequate resource is in place for NHS24.

“The focus of today’s meeting was to ensure that we keep pushing ahead with every possible step to support our tremendous health and social care staff, and ensure the people of Scotland continue to get the care and treatment they need. I would like to thank every single person working in the NHS and care system for the tremendous contribution they are making.”

Additional Winter support for NHS

Measures to help NHS deal with extreme pressure

Funding of at least £8 million for additional care home beds and efforts to boost NHS 24 capacity are among the measures outlined by Health Secretary Humza Yousaf to help the NHS and social care deal with ongoing extreme winter pressure.

Health and Social Care Partnerships will share £8 million to procure around 300 additional care home beds to help alleviate pressures caused by delayed discharge. The funding will allow boards to pay 25% over and above the National Care Home rate for beds. This is in addition to around 600 interim care beds already in operation across the country.

NHS 24 is taking forward plans to recruit around 200 new starts before the end of March. In the run up to Christmas NHS 24 had already recruited over 40 whole time equivalent call operators, call handlers and clinical supervisors.

Guidance has been issued to all Boards making it clear they can take necessary steps to protect critical and life-saving care.

Mr Yousaf said: “This is the most challenging winter the NHS in Scotland has ever faced and the immediate pressure will continue for the coming weeks. My thanks to all health and social care staff for their incredible efforts during these exceptionally challenging times.

“We are ensuring all possible actions are being taken to support services, and the additional measures I have outlined today will help relieve some of the extreme pressure Health Boards are facing. We know one of the most significant issues our NHS is facing is delayed discharge, that is why I have announced further support to buy additional capacity in the care sector.

“NHS 24 has a vital role in referring people to appropriate urgent care services outside of hospitals and plans to increase staff numbers over the course of winter,  will help the service deal with increases in demand.

“Emergency care will always be there for those who need it, but for many people, the best advice and support might be available on the NHS Inform website or the NHS 24 App, or by calling NHS 24, so I would encourage people to make use of these services as many are already doing.”

Responding to the Scottish Government NHS briefing on Monday, Dr Iain Kennedy, Chair of BMA Scotland said: “”Scotland’s NHS is not just being pushed to the limit, in many places it is well past that.

“Bed occupancy of 95% across our hospitals is just not sustainable in terms of providing the safe and effective care that patients need on a daily basis either in A&E or across all wards. And we know demand is far exceeding capacity at GP surgeries too and has been for some time.

“In that context, the very fact that the First Minister and Health Secretary provided today’s briefing should emphasise the seriousness and urgency of the situation. Our members provided us with first hand testimony from all across the health service just before Christmas, and the picture that painted was really harrowing. Services and staff are on their knees.

“In terms of the short term actions that the Government indicated today, we have long emphasised the need to focus on ensuring people who are able to leave hospital, can do so – freeing up desperately needed capacity and therefore ensuring those who need to can be admitted from A&E more quickly and safely. So the focus on this is welcome, but we will need to see the details and extent of the proposals to make any judgement on the immediate impact it may have. Extra interim care beds – while something which could help as part of the overall plan – will also deliver nothing unless there are people there to staff them, which we know is a huge issue in social care.

“More fundamentally, many doctors remain to be convinced that the Scottish Government’s practical response matches up to the huge scale of the problems the NHS is facing. In particular, staffing shortages will only get worse as more staff burn out and dread going to work, unless there is a more comprehensive and urgent package of investment in staffing to support and retain them in our NHS for good.

“Longer term, these pressures are the culmination of the warnings the BMA and many others have delivered for some time, that Scotland’s NHS isn’t sustainable within the resources – both staffing and financial – we are willing to provide it with.

“We have to get serious about this and have a proper long term discussion about the future of our health service rather than just struggle to survive from crisis to crisis as the NHS and its staff endure the kind of perpetual pressures which in the past were reserved for the worst of winter.

“We absolutely agree with the assessment of the First Minister that there are no easy solutions, so the sooner we truly get to grips with the big picture issues, the sooner we can get away from having to implement short term measures in the desperate hope of bolstering collapsing services and begin actually start talking about an NHS fit for the future. That’s why a national conversation on the NHS in Scotland is required without delay.”