Food Access Points in EH4 & EH5

Our Wednesday afternoon Crewe Toll Mini Stars currently has space to welcome new dancers. Continue reading Mini Stars dance classes at Granton Baptist Church
While Pilton Community Health Project faces an uncertain future due funding cuts, the local project will continue to deliver much-appreciated services at least until the end of the financial year in March.
Continue reading Pilton Community Health Project: keeping the show on the road
It’s PEP’s Panto Time!
(Oh no it isn’t, oh yes it is!)
Pilton Equalities Project will perform ‘Cinderella’
at Granton Baptist Church, Crewe Road Gardens
on Thursday 18 December from 6 – 8pm.
Tickets are £4 – Adults, £1– Children – refreshments included
For catering purposes, please book a place – call Trish on 315 4466
Sainsburys Blackhall would like to thank all our colleagues and customers for their support with our weekly collections of food for the Food Bank at Granton Baptist Church.
From January until the end of October Sainsbury customers have helped us distribute 9179kg (nearly 10 metric tonnes) to people and families in food crisis in this area. There were 521 visits to the Food Bank over this period.
Granton food bank said a big thank you again for Sainsburys Blackhall’s support.
Gail, Sainsburys Blackhall
We started to collect for Granton Baptist church at the end of January and it has proven to be a great success. Every Tuesday a member of Granton Baptist Church comes along to collect the donations of food so kindly donated by Sainsburys customers and colleagues.
This is Sainsbury’s colleague Lesley with one week’s worth of donations!
Sainsbury’s Blackhall