First students complete pioneering football coaching degree

The first group of students from a trailblazing football coaching degree – delivered by Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) and the Scottish Football Association – have celebrated their graduation.The first group of Football Coaching, Performance and Development graduates posing outside the Usher Hall

The first degree of its kind in Scotland, the Football Coaching, Performance and Development BSc Honours programme launched in 2020.

Following four years of study, which included teaching for UEFA and Scottish FA qualifications alongside skills such as performance analysis, sport science, and leadership, fifteen students have completed the course.

They joined fellow students from ENU’s School of Applied Sciences in collecting their degrees during a graduation ceremony at Edinburgh’s Usher Hall today.

New graduates from the course have spoken with pride on difference the course has made to their fledgling careers in the game.

Ewan McLevy, who is now working as an academy coach at Scottish Premiership side Kilmarnock, is among them.

The 24-year-old from Troon said: “I look at back at the course with fond memories, it was excellent.

“We came in in September 2020 and we were a brand new group. There was a bit of trial and error as we got used it.

“After a couple of months, I caught the bug and never looked back.Football Coaching, Performance and Development graduates outside the Usher Hall

“The beauty of the course is that it touched on the things you might not consider, like psychology, analysis and sports science. I think I speak for all the group when I say it was a real eye-opener.

“The lecturers were amazing and really helped us understand it all. They took examples from other sports, which helped it all come together.

“I couldn’t recommend the programme any higher. For someone starting on the pathway, given the links with the Scottish FA, it couldn’t give you a better opportunity.

“If football is your passion, it will open doors.”

Fellow graduate Aidan Spalding, who’s also 24 years old and from Glasgow, has recently started working as a first team analyst at Hamilton Academical. He said: “I’m gutted to leave to be honest! The four years have been unreal – I’ve loved it.

“Having that one interest of working in football all the time has made us really close as a group.

“It was very well rounded and gave us a chance to learn about other sides of the game.

“Without this I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get a full-time analysis job – or have had experiences like going away with Scotland Women’s development teams.

“If you enjoy football, the course is for you. It will take your coaching to the next level.”

Dr Cedric English speaking to students in a gym hall at Edinburgh Napier University

Dr Cedric English, Programme Leader and Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University, said: “We were pretty excited to see the Scottish FA put out a tender for developing a degree programme that linked in a lot of their licences, so we put in an application and we were successful.

“That was the beginning of the process, six years ago, and it took us time to work out how we would incorporate the licences in because that’s the uniqueness of the collaboration. 

“It’s a great feeling to now see the hard work coming to fruition and I would echo the congratulations to the students who have worked incredibly hard to get to this point.”

Prospective students can find out more about the BSc (Hons) Football Coaching, Performance and Development, which offers a holistic view of coaching within a football setting, here.

Pictured top: Football Coaching graduates outside the Usher Hall with their degrees

Middle: The group with Ewan McLevy (left) and Aidan Spalding (right) in front

Bottom: Dr Cedric English speaking at the introduction to the programme in 2020

Edinburgh students recognised in national widening access campaign

The extraordinary stories of two Queen Margaret University graduates who entered higher education from a non-traditional route are being highlighted in a new national campaign by Universities Scotland.

‘40 Faces’ aims to champion the diversity and success of widening access programmes from universities across Scotland, telling the stories of students and graduates from underrepresented backgrounds.

Karen Rennie and William Torrie, former students at Queen Margaret University (QMU), are just two of the inspirational stories showcased in the campaign.

Karen Rennie joined QMU from a low participation school programme, Lothians Equal Access Programme for Schools (LEAPS). She said: “I knew that I wanted to be in a role where I could care for people and support others to live a life that was meaningful to them.

“I decided that if I was going to university, I would try to get the best degree course possible, which is why I chose Queen Margaret University to do the BSc (Hons) in Nursing.

“I knew from day one of my course that I’d made the right decision. Not only did I love the practical side of nursing, but I also developed a passion for nurse education, theory and research. 

“The lecturing team encouraged me to strive for every opportunity to excel in my career – supporting me to attend conferences, write articles for publication and believe in myself. My career developed quickly because the lecturing team took time to support my individual needs and career ambitions. I will be eternally grateful for the personalised support that Queen Margaret University offered me.”

40 Faces launches with only six years left for Scotland to reach the fair access 2030 targets, originally set by the Commission for Fair Access in 2016 and supported by the Scottish Government and by universities themselves.

Universities have made major strides towards ensuring 20% of Scottish-domiciled entrants are from the 20% most deprived neighbourhoods, as well as hitting interim milestones in 2021 and introducing the most progressive admissions policies in the UK, in support of this goal.

When asked what more needs to be done to reach Scotland’s 2030 target to equalise access to university, Karen said: “More career and life skills input in schools. I was fortunate to have a fantastic mentor in my life (my dad!) who put a lot of time and effort into my career ambitions and decisions. I was always encouraged to pick the right course (both life and academia) for me and only me!”

Since graduating from QMU with a BSc (Hons) Psychology degree, William Torrie is now on an accelerated career path as Vice President of Legal Engagement at Barclays, which he attributes to the skills and confidence he developed while studying at the East Lothian university.

He said: “I had a false start elsewhere; dropping out and returning to education a year later – this time at QMU. I had another disastrous first year, but with support from the faculty under strict conditions, I was able to continue to second year.

“Without the faculty’s patience and understanding, I wouldn’t have developed the tools I needed to succeed in my education and take charge of my future.”

The success of students like Karen and William is testament to the extraordinary role universities can play for those who face significant barriers to accessing higher education.

The stories behind each of the ‘40 Faces’ serves as a reminder of the importance of this agenda and a rallying call to all stakeholders involved to refocus on working together for its achievement.

Claire McPherson, Director of Universities Scotland said: “Our universities are committed to widening access, however they cannot achieve this alone.  With our 40 Faces campaign, Universities Scotland want to galvanise the sector and Scottish Government towards the 2030 widening access target.

“Universities offer students opportunities to achieve their dreams of securing higher education and the skills and career opportunities that follow, while also strengthening their self-belief, building confidence and offering a life-changing experience which cannot be found elsewhere.”

Edinburgh Napier Degree Show award winners announced

Awards have been handed out to celebrate School of Arts and Creative Industries students

A selection of outstanding projects from Edinburgh Napier University’s 2023 Degree Show have been recognised with a series of awards, including Best in Show for five different subjects.

The prizes were presented during the launch of Edinburgh Napier University’s annual celebration of work from the School of Arts and Creative Industries at its Merchiston campus, attended by students, guests and industry experts.

People have the chance to see the diverse projects – including the prize winners – until 1 June.

Dr Diane Maclean Dean of the School of Arts and Creative Industries said: “Our students should be proud of the work they have put in to prepare for this year’s Degree Show – which celebrates such a diverse range of creative skills.

“These Best in Show winners have shown outstanding talent to be recognised among an imaginative and innovative group of peers.”

Prizes were handed out to these winners across the following categories:

Interior & Spatial Design

The Form Design Award – Cloé Robson, Rapt in Awe

Cloé’s imagining of an immersive visitor experience at the Whaligoe Steps at Lybster, in the Scottish Highlands, features a cantilever waterfall walkway and suspended viewing platform. Judges at Form Design described the idea as ‘invigorating’.

Best in Show, sponsored by Bright – Jacqueline Borland, Future Moves

SACI Degree Show 2023. Graduation Show 2023 – Edinburgh Napier University – Thu 25 May 2023 (© Andy Catlin

Future Moves is the vision of a careers, knowledge and learning hub in the heart of Glasgow’s West End. It drew praise from judges Bright for being a strong, confident submission.

Graphic Design

StudioLR Gutsy Graduate Award – Ben Polley, The Good People of Scotland

Dedicated to keeping ancient Scottish folklore and folk tales alive through contemporary design and streetwear, Ben Polley created The Good People as a subscription-based community – which impressed judges at StudioLR.

Best in Show – Kiera McGrory, Retrojet

SACI Degree Show 2023. Graduation Show 2023 – Edinburgh Napier University – Thu 25 May 2023 (© Andy Catlin

Described as ‘fun’ and ‘playful’ by judges, Kiera McGrory’s project Retrojet satirises the excesses and hypocrisies of the travel industry with bright, eye-catching designs in the style of holiday marketing.

Product Design

Best in Show, sponsored by Bright Red Triangle – Anna Hardie, Tabs

Anna Hardie’s product Tabs is a wireless organisation system for refilled ingredients, encouraging shoppers to ditch packaging. Bright Red Triangle judges praised her consideration for customers and how best to take the idea to market.

Creative Advertising

Best in Show, sponsored by Studio Something (with Innis & Gunn) – Brianna Price and Mairi Macrae, Heineken Stim

Heineken Stim takes a brief from the brewing giant to create a campaign around a bottle to make socialising more fun for people with neurodiversity. Judges Studio Something hailed the teamwork shown by Brianna Price and Mairi Macrae to come up with the idea.


Fine Art Award, sponsored by WEX Photo Video – Christy Cannon, The Death of a Princess

Inspired by stories such as those of the Brothers Grimm, The Death of a Princess subverts stereotypical depictions of women in fairy tales by eliminating their dependency to male figure.

Commercial Photography Award, sponsored by WEX Photo Video – Bethany Craig, Slow it Down

Slow It Down focuses on sustainable fashion – aiming to demonstrate the possibilities of a more ethically-conscious fashion industry which is less reliant on over-production and consumption.

Best in Show – Abi Avery, Beyond the Sport

SACI Degree Show 2023. Graduation Show 2023 – Edinburgh Napier University – Thu 25 May 2023 (© Andy Catlin

Abi Avery’sportrait series Beyond the Sport combines audio and imagery to celebrate women and non-binary athletes. Judges praised the project for its intimacy and connection with the subjects.

Police recruitment

Recently graduated and not sure what you want do next? Have you thought about joining the police?

You don’t need qualifications to join. You just need to pass the Standard Entrance Test.

You’ll go through 12 weeks of full training at the Scottish Police College in Tulliallan. After that, all new police officers spend the first two years as a probationer, continuing to learn on the job.

After the two years, you can then specialise. That could include CID, child protection, cybercrime or road policing to name a few.

The opportunities to progress your career and development are endless. Do you want to make a difference? Visit our website for full details of how to apply ⬇️


Scottish Amey apprentices and graduates help raise more than £11,000 for Cancer Research UK

Amey apprentices and graduates took part in the Amey Early Careers Challenge fundraising over £11,000 for Amey’s employee chosen charity, Cancer Research UK. 

The 29 apprentices and graduates split into five regional teams and were set a target of four weeks to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK. 

The teams came up with an array of fundraising initiatives and ideas including playing tennis non-stop for 12 hours, rollerblading whilst being hit with wet sponges, 1000 consecutive press ups and recycling old pallets into pieces of furniture. 

The challenge was a great opportunity for the young people to improve their organisation, communication and time management skills as well as working on their professional development and having an opportunity to network with peers and stakeholders. 

The phenomenal amount raised was particularly impressive as the teams had to overcome the difficulties that Covid restrictions provided, and the fact that most of the participants had never taken part in fundraising before and only had four weeks to raise the money.  

Mark Taylor who was a member of the Scotland and Northern Ireland team found the challenge tough but very rewarding.  He said, “The challenge helped me discover that I am stronger than I think, it was tough to push myself, but I did it knowing I had the support of many people.”  

Mark was the biggest individual fundraiser accumulating over £3000 in donations for playing tennis for 12-hours straight. 

Emma Scott also found the challenge helped her step outside her comfort zone.  She said, “I am usually quiet in meetings, but I had to talk to my team to organise plans.  I also had to speak at the quiz I organised, and I wouldn’t normally speak in front of large groups.” 

Eve Mitchell, Head of Partnerships Management at Cancer Research UK, said, “We’ve been so impressed with how Amey employees taking part in the Early Careers Challenge embraced the opportunity to work together and raise vital funds to help beat cancer.

“Their enthusiasm and dedication to the challenge is inspiring and we’re very grateful to each and every one of them for their support of our life-saving work.”    

David Fawcett, Amey’s Social Value Manager added: “To fundraise over £11,000 for Cancer Research UK in a four-week period is exceptional, our apprentices and graduates should all be very proud of what they have achieved.

“I have been really impressed by their ingenuity in thinking up different fundraising ideas and how they worked together to achieve their goals.”  

The event concluded with a virtual celebration event where Amey’s CEO Amanda Fisher announced the winners of the following awards: 

“Best Teamwork” – Anthony Towey 

“Most Innovative Idea” – Daoud Hamdani 

“Most Innovative Idea” – Will Shipley 

“Special Recognition Award” – Janet Forster, Patrick O’Callaghan, and Ben Crampton 

“Top Individual Fundraiser” – Mark Taylor 

“Overall Winners 2021” – Team Scotland and Northern Ireland 

Amey’s partnership with Cancer Research UK focuses on three core strands: raising awareness of cancer, fundraising and volunteer work. 

This will help Amey employees have the information they need to be aware of their own and others health, as well as helping Cancer Research UK continue its work to beat cancer.  

Opportunity for food and drink students to THRIVE

New and future food and drink entrepreneurs are invited to pitch their business ideas for the chance to win a free place on a weekend interactive programme.

Applications are now open for the two sessions which are part of THRIVE – a collaborative initiative launched by Queen Margaret University, Abertay University and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) to support sustainable growth in the country’s food and drink sector.

There are up to 60 places available on the online Saturday workshops in November which will bring together expertise from all three institutions, as well as external industry professionals.

They will help students and recent graduates gain an understanding of the skills and knowledge they need to start a business in the sector – whether that be offering new food and drink products or a service to the industry.

Dr Carol Langston, Reader in Rural Entrepreneurship at SRUC, said: “This programme is an ideal opportunity for a student or recent graduate to really explore their business idea and commence planning their start-up journey. 

“It is also an invaluable occasion to build their personal network in the Food and Drink sector – which is vital to helping to build a successful business.”

Dr Jon Wilkin, of Abertay University, said: “These workshops will be hugely valuable for students and recent graduates looking to get into the food and drink sector.

“With COP26 coming to Glasgow this year, the eyes of the world will be on our approach to sustainability, and this project is a great example of an initiative that can help new businesses or entrepreneurs set up ventures with climate change in mind.”

Miriam Smith, Innovation and Enterprise Manager at Queen Margaret University, said: “Venturing into the world of entrepreneurship is an exciting but daunting prospect for anyone, especially when funding and knowledge is limited.

“So many business ideas don’t even get off the ground. We want to ensure our graduates have the very best chance of success and are equipped to develop their business idea so they can turn it into reality.

“THRIVE will provide students with an outstanding insight into the food and drink industry by equipping them with the essential skills for product development along with  marketing, legislative, and business knowledge that will be essential in executing their vision and creating a sustainable food business.”

THRIVE is aimed at third and fourth-year students, as well as recent graduates, with applicants asked to pitch their ideas as part of the process.

To register, visit: or for more information email:

Much ado as Edinburgh College students take theatre costume exhibition to Stirling

Edinburgh College Theatre Costume students have delved into a Shakespearean world of farthingales and ruffs to launch an exhibition of Elizabethan inspired stage costumes this week. Elizabethan Costumes for Theatre Performance, an exhibition by Edinburgh College Theatre Costume students, is on display at the Macrobert Arts Centre in Stirling until 27 February.  Continue reading Much ado as Edinburgh College students take theatre costume exhibition to Stirling

Ready, set, go! The Graduate Journey

Get ready, 2015 Graduates – your future awaits! Whether that’s a future of internships, experiencing other cultures, or as yet to be decided, your final year of University is the time to get this all under way. It might feel intimidating – adding more to the to do list than simply “pass 4th year” is a troubling prospect, but having the future you want depends on what you do now. What will it hold for you? (writes Sophie Craik).

Ready Set Go Graduate Future WEB LARGEInternships

As a current Intern with Eden Scott, I know first hand how valuable the experience of an internship can be. If you’re going into 4th year and haven’t yet managed to secure an internship, it’s not too late but it is crucial that you try to get one, even if it’s only for a few weeks. The fact that you went out of your way to track one down will really stand out to employers upon graduation, and the reason everyone says it’s important for your knowledge and skills? That’s because it is. If there’s one piece of advice that can be given in the hunt for internships, it’s “just ask”. If you’ve got a great CV, personal website and skill set, you might make a company realise that they could benefit from an intern just as much as you would love to have the experience. Make yourself known to them, and don’t be disheartened – if at first you don’t succeed, email, phone and email some more!

Shorter term work experience placements are also a really good way to build up different types of experience throughout your final year and in the summer after graduation. This will also help you to make connections in the industry and see what company cultures you fit best with. This is an especially useful tactic if you see your future in London or another big city – living expenses for a full internship can be difficult if you can’t stay with family members or have to support yourself, but a few weeks can be manageable if done on a budget. If hostels aren’t your thing, Room for Tea offers an alternative by connecting those with spare rooms in London with people coming from out of town for internships and placements.

Graduate Schemes vs Entry Level Roles

When it comes to grad schemes, it’s best to follow the mantra “apply early, apply often”. Before the applications can start though, you need to know the lay of the land. For example, for 2015 some schemes won’t open until January of that year, whereas others have a deadline of October 2014 – just a month after you’ve returned to Uni. If you’ve already decided on an industry you want to be a part of upon graduation, now is the time to sit down with a trusty spreadsheet and get organised. Even a column of the company name, the deadline and a link to the application page/mechanism will make you feel a little more on top of things.

If you haven’t gotten to that stage yet, dedicate a few days to completely immerse yourself in the world of grad schemes. Some great websites to find them include Milkround and Target Jobs, but don’t let these limit you – if there’s an industry or company that you have an interest in, add them to your spreadsheet and find out if they have a graduate scheme. If you can’t see one listed, there’s no harm in asking – some companies may not have specific graduate channels, but will still hire graduates they see potential in.

Of course, the graduate scheme route isn’t for everyone – if you would prefer to have more responsibility from the beginning and the opportunity to work your way up, then you may be more suited to an entry level role. They tend to be less structured in terms of training, mentorship and guidance, and yet this can be ideal for self starters who prefer to impress through hard work and networking.

Gap Years

Taking a gap year after University is the perfect opportunity to see the world and travel for an extended length of time, especially so if you are heading towards a career that doesn’t offer very much time for travel in the future.

To have the most successful gap year possible, 4th year needs to be spent saving – how much depends on where you’re going. Travelling around Asia, for example, can be relatively cost effective once the flights have been purchased, whereas America or Europe can be more expensive in terms of living costs. You might be able to work on your year abroad, but again, this must be planned well in advance to ensure you have the correct visa and haven’t missed out on any employment opportunities.

Many employers value gap years in job applications, but only if they are pitched in the right way. You don’t have to be doing something constructive with the whole time you’re away – everyone’s allowed some downtime. It is important, however, to be able to demonstate how the experience has strengthened you as a person in terms of skills, experience and global understanding, and so planning activities that you will be involved with accordingly is important to factor in.

Whether you already have your graduation journey all mapped out, or you’re leaving things a little more open ended, the most important thing to remember is to never be closed to an opportunity – you never know which path might be a shortcut to your dream future!

Sophie Craik
