Future Libraries Consultation

Edinburgh Libraries are developing a new Future Libraries Strategy that will provide a framework for service delivery and development for public and school libraries over the next five years.

To help shape the new strategy and inform future proposals for change, Council Committee agreed to carry out an engagement and consultation process to gather feedback from individuals, groups, and stakeholders across the city.

The first stage of the engagement process was successfully carried out earlier this year, and I’m pleased to let you know that the next stage of our “Future Libraries” consultation is now live and will run until 18 December.

As a valued stakeholder, we would appreciate your involvement and to hear your views and ask that you complete the consultation questionnaire which can be accessed here https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/futurelibraries

Over 14,000 individuals, groups and organisations provided feedback in our initial engagement activity held between 26th January 2024 – 19th April 2024.

We have now considered the views and ideas that were gathered through this activity alongside our existing data on service use and knowledge of how the service operates and have used the information to shape our new draft Future Libraries Strategy 2024 – 2029. 

The information has also helped to inform the identification of potential options for change to library opening hours and how the service manages events and activities. Both the draft Strategy and information about the potential options for change are available at the above Future Libraries website.

You can also find our Engagement Report there, which provides a summary of the findings from the engagement process. We hope you will find it of interest and that you might find some time to give us your views on the draft Future Libraries strategy and any proposals for change to opening hours and how the service manages events and activities by completing the consultation questionnaire.

We would also appreciate your support in ensuring the questionnaire is promoted widely and reaches as many people as possible including those who do not currently use library services. It would therefore be very helpful if you are able to let your service users, clients or group members know about the questionnaire and encourage them to provide us with a response.

Thank you for your help and support,

Future Libraries Team
