A national study, which is a world first, is aiming to find out whether it’s possible to measure the importance of a funeral in the grieving process – and anyone who has organised or attended a funeral at any time is being urged to participate. Continue reading Bereaved participants wanted for world’s first study into how funerals aid the grieving process
Tag: funerals
Government action to tackle funeral poverty
Citizens Advice Bureaux will expand their support to people needing advice on funeral planning, Social Security Secretary Angela Constance has announced. Continue reading Government action to tackle funeral poverty
Grave Talk at North Edinburgh Arts
Time to talk about the great taboo?
Death and dying. It’s a subject many of us prefer not to even think about, let alone discuss – but Ruth Green, Minister of St David’s Espisopal Church in Royston Mains, says it’s good to talk about death and has organised an event to do just that. And it might even be fun!
Ruth explained: “It’s called Grave Talk, and it’s a cafe space designed to talk about death, dying and funerals. I was inspired to start this because in my experience as a nurse, and now as a minister, most people don’t know how to talk about death. This event gives a safe environment, and is a way of trying to normalise such conversation. It is free (with donations accepted for the cake) and is non-religious, so it’s suitable for people of all faiths and doubts. At previous events, strangely enough, it is fun, and there’s lots of laughter, as people are freed up to explore their ideas and feelings.”
GRAVE TALK takes place at North Edinburgh Arts on
Wednesday 2 September from 6.30 – 7.45
there will be tea and cake
there will be talk, there will be questions
the truth is we are all going to die, but nobody wants to say anything
Grave Talk is a chance to talk about death
think about your funeral
ask questions, air your thoughts
for people of all faiths and doubts
Intrigued? Interested? Like to find out more? Like to go along? Call Ruth on 629 2018 or 07941 552 768 or email liverdiet@hotmail.com
George Blaikie funeral
George Blaikie sadly passed away last Monday and his funeral takes place on Wednesday (6 November) at 1pm at Warriston, then on to Victoria Park.
Royston Wardieburn Community Centre has organised a minibus for people who require a lift there and back. The bus will leave at 12.30 – people should contact the centre (call 552 5700) if they need a lift.
Thanks to Lynne McCabe for this information.