Take Your Partner: Community Ceilidh at Royston Wardieburn



TICKETS NOW ON SALE FROM Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

£2 in advance only. Note: this event is likely to sell out early!

Featuring live music and live performances from some of the many very talented people in our community.

We’ll need a big team of volunteers on the day, so if you’d like to help please message Granton Community Gardeners – Volunteers get in free!

Still a few tickets left for Community Ceilidh

It’s the popular community ceilidh at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre tomorrow night – and there’s still time to snap up a ticket! Don’t leave it too late, though … and remember admission is by ticket only

Food for Thought Forum lunch

Food for Thought Forum lunch

Tuesday 14 November from 12 – 2pm at Madelvic House (granton:hub)

33 Granton Park Avenue, EH5 1HS

Along with the usual networking opportunities, discussions will be focused around the main issues and responses coming out of the PCHP’s Hungry for Change food insecurity report and action we can all take or get involved with.

We’ll also have the chance to update on the progress of the training programme that has been put together since the last forum meeting.

If you would like to attend, please contact Joe at joejones@pchp.org.uk or on 551 1671.

Food for Thought at Millennium Centre

Earlier this week Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre played host to a Food for Thought Forum for the community led by Pilton Health Project, with Memes Molina (Food Development Worker at PCHP, above) leading the proceedings by explaining the previous forums: what they had discussed and what had been gained from the experiences (writes James McGinty)

Anita Aggarwa(PCHP Community Development Manager) then laid out the processes of the day.

A very well attended audience were treated to home made soup and some superbly healthy sandwiches, tea and coffee provided by centre volunteers and our manager Peter Airlie.

For more information on PHP please click HERE 


Pictures by JAMES McGINTY

Food for Thought Forum meets on Wednesday

‘Run by the community, for the community’


Food for Thought Forum (supported by Pilton Community Health Project) exists to link and increase local community food activity in the Greater Pilton area.

Whetted your appetite? The Forum is meeting at Pilton Community Health Project on Boswall Parkway this Wednesday (26 November) from 9.30 – 11.30am.

For more information visit www.foodforthoughtforum.org.uk


Obesity: a growing crisis

One of the very few things that has shown steady and continuous growth since the war has been the Scottish waistline. Countless healthy eating initiatives have been introduced over the years – I’ve attended more initiative launches than I’ve had pie and beans lunches – yet Scotland’s problem with poor diet, obesity and the resultant chronic health issues remain as intractable as ever.

Two thirds of Scotland’s adults are classed as either obese or overweight, and a BBC Scotland special investigation to be screened tonight confirms that Scotland’s love affair with sugary and fatty foods grows unabated. That love affair costs Scotland’s NHS £200 million a year – and unless something is done to tackle this urgently the country faces a health crisis.

Statistics produced for ‘Scotland the Fat’ indicate that heath boards across the country have seen significant increase in obesity-related issues over the last ten years, with a marked increase in weight-loss surgical operations.

Research for the programme found that more and more Scots eat processed ready meals or takeaways at least three times a week, and that barely a quarter of Scots now cook for themselves every night. As ever the most worrying statistics were found in the most disadvantaged communities, where almost one in five (17%) said they did not cook a single evening meal from scratch.

In North Edinburgh, Pilton Community Health Project (PCHP) established the Food For Thought Forum last year to address these very issues:

The Food for Thought Forum exists to bring together community food and growing initiatives, organisations, projects and individuals within the area of Greater Pilton, Edinburgh; and to support, promote, link and increase local community food activity.

Our Vision

The group believes everyone in North Edinburgh should have access to a tasty, enjoyable, nutritious diet.  We want food to be a central part of our thriving community, bringing people together to grow, bake, cook and eat.

We want to see our community skilled and empowered to grow and cook good quality food for their families, friends and neighbours, and to see more local employment opportunities created in the production, distribution and preparation of the food we eat.

Our members are working towards aspects of this shared vision, and we believe that by working together we are stronger and better able to contribute to the flourishing of North Edinburgh.

Our key aims

  • To share and pool our knowledge and resources around community food & health
  • To use our collective resources to further develop a thriving local food culture
  • To move towards an adaptable and resilient community by providing opportunities for local skills development
  • To work together towards improving diet, food access, nutrition and health in Greater Pilton

Who can join?

Anyone involved or interested in community food or growing activity in Greater Pilton.

What does it involve?

  • Attending regular local meetings
  • Sharing ideas, knowledge and resources
  • Contributing to the planning, promotion and coordination of events
  • Signposting queries to appropriate forum members
  • Regularly contributing to ongoing forum discussion

For further information about heathy eating and the Food for Thought Forum, contact Anita Aggarwal at Pilton Community Health Project on 551 1671

‘Scotland the Fat’ will be screened on BBC Scotland tonight at 8pm, and can be seen on BBC iPlayer for a further seven days.

BBC Scotland

Let’s hear it for … local apples!

Pilton Community Health Project’s Food for Thought Forum will be celebrating the humble apple at a free event at Craigroyston Community High School later this month.

The Food for Thought Forum invite you to ‘A celebration of local apples (and pumpkins!)’ on Friday 19 October from 10am – midday at Craigroyston Community High School, Pennywell Road

Everyone’s invited to:

  • Bring and share your apple recipes
  • Bring a clean empty jar and fill it with fresh apple jelly
  • Children’s apple activities!
  • Tasters
  • Cooking demonstrations (including pumpkin soup)
  • Information about food activities and groups in the area

Who’s got the best apple recipe in North Edinburgh?

Cook your favourite apple dish, bring it along and enter the great apple competition! Everyone gets to be a judge and there will be a brilliant prize for the winner!

For more information call Anita on 551 1671.