COP27 Climate Talks: UK & Scottish Governments must ‘set an end date for fossil fuels’ to meet goals

 + UN warns world on track for catastrophic 2.8C of heating
 + Call for Scotland to finally join global Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance
 + UK Gov’t urged to ‘Free Alaa’ from Egyptian prison
 + Scottish Climate March planned for Edinburgh

Ahead of the UN climate talks in Egypt, campaigners have issued a warning to the UK and Scottish Governments that they must ‘set an end date’ for oil and gas if the world is to stay within agreed climate limits.

The UN recently warned that the world was on course for a catastrophic 2.8C of climate warming by the end of this century, saying that emissions must fall significantly by 2030 if we are to stay within agreed climate limits. However the UK Government is opening new oil and gas fields, encouraging companies to explore for more fossil fuels and briefly tried to bring back fracking. 

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who will join the talks in Egypt, said at COP26 that Scotland would work towards becoming part of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance – a group of nations who have committed to a managed phase out of oil and gas in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

One year on this commitment has not been made. The forthcoming Scottish Energy Strategy must establish a phase out of oil and gas for any chance of meeting our climate targets. 

Demonstrations are all but banned in Egypt, which has a dire track record on human rights. Consequently there will not be any mass protests during the talks but instead Egyptian activists along with allies across African countries and the Arab world, have called for a global mobilisation to draw attention to demands for climate justice and human rights.

Edinburgh will host a Climate Justice March on Saturday 12 November as part of this Global Day of Action during COP27.  

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “In the 12 months since COP26 ended we’ve seen yet again the devastating impacts of global heating at only 1.1C of warming – 30 million people flooded in Pakistan, famine across east Africa, wildfire and drought in the UK during the summer heatwave, and thousands of premature deaths from that same heatwave. 

“Politicians did a lot of backslapping at COP26 with the UK presidency claiming to have kept the goal of 1.5C alive but these are empty words without the action to deliver on them. Over the last year the UK Government has actively made the climate crisis worse as it opened up new oil fields, tried to bring back fracking and is still considering opening a new coal mine. 

“The UK and the Scottish Governments need to set an end date for fossil fuels well within the decade and redouble efforts for a fair transition away to a renewable powered economy, with affordable heat and transport for all.

“For COP27 to have any chance of success the talks need to see rich historical polluters like the UK come to the table willing to deliver their fair share of climate action, which means deep and rapid cuts to climate emissions in line with our responsibility for causing the crisis. A fair outcome would also include paying our climate debt to those nations who have done the least to cause the crisis and yet find themselves on the sharpest ends of its extreme impacts. 

“Yet none of the big historical polluters including the UK is committing to anything near what is needed or owed. Instead, governments and corporations are greenwashing business as usual and relying on fantasy techno-fixes like carbon capture and storage and hydrogen to save the day.”

Commenting on the human rights situation in Egypt, and the ongoing hunger strike of British-Egyptian blogger and activist Alaa Abd El Fattah, one of Egypt’s highest profile prisoners of conscience who has been in prison for most of the last 8 years,  Church continued: “The human rights situation in Egypt is atrocious, and we stand in solidarity with Egyptians and call for the release of all political prisoners and the opening up of civic space.

“There can be no climate justice without human rights and without public participation in shaping the transition to a world freed from fossil fuels. 

“The UK Government must not return from Egypt without British citizen and human rights defender Abdel Abd El Fattah who is currently on hunger strike in an Egyptian jail for the so-called crime of sharing a Facebook post.”

FoES Head of Campaigns Mary Church will be attending the second week of COP27.

The First Minister will today call on world leaders to deliver on the commitments they made in the Glasgow Climate Pact, as she attends the first full day of the COP27 climate conference in Egypt. 

The First Minister will take part in an all-female panel discussion on financing decarbonisation with government leaders, including the Prime Minister of Barbados. 

The First Minister will also meet representatives of countries from the Global South to hear their experiences of the climate crisis and what they want to see delivered at the climate talks.  

Ahead of the formal opening of COP27 the First Minister met on Sunday with the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Simon Stiell, Director General of the International Organization for Migration Antonio Vitorino and Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados. 

The First Minister said: “COP26 in Glasgow delivered real progress on tackling the climate crisis, with strengthened commitments to curb emissions, build resilience to climate change, and provide the finance needed to reach net zero. World leaders must use the next two weeks to take meaningful steps to deliver on the promises made in the Glasgow Climate Pact. 

“We are gathering against a tense backdrop and the geopolitical landscape has changed significantly in the last year, not least as a result of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. However the climate crisis has not gone away and the answer to many of the global crises we face, such as energy security and food shortages, lies in going faster.  

“For many countries, particularly in the global south, this must be the COP where the global north not only delivers on our promises to finance adaptation and mitigation, but recognises the need to address the loss and damage experienced by countries already impacted by climate change. 

“Last year, Scotland became the first developed nation to pledge finance to address loss and damage and others have now followed suit, including Wallonia and Denmark. This shows just how important the action of smaller governments can be, and I know many countries and campaigners hope to see other countries, particularly in the north, step up and make COP in Egypt the loss and damage COP.” 


PRIME Minister Liz Truss has resigned after just six weeks in post.

Truss, who yesterday declared she was ‘a fighter, not a quitter’, has, well, quit after just 45 days in the job.

Her resignation statement was equally short:

I came into office at a time of great economic and international instability.

Families and businesses were worried about how to pay their bills.

Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine threatens the security of our whole continent.

And our country had been held back for too long by low economic growth.

I was elected by the Conservative Party with a mandate to change this.

We delivered on energy bills and on cutting national insurance.

And we set out a vision for a low tax, high growth economy – that would take advantage of the freedoms of Brexit.

I recognise though, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.

I have therefore spoken to His Majesty The King to notify him that I am resigning as Leader of the Conservative Party.

This morning I met the Chair of the 1922 Committee Sir Graham Brady.

We have agreed there will be a leadership election to be completed in the next week.

This will ensure we remain on a path to deliver our fiscal plans and maintain our country’s economic stability and national security.

I will remain as Prime Minister until a successor has been chosen.

Thank you.

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted:”There are no words to describe this utter shambles adequately. It’s beyond hyperbole – & parody. Reality tho(ugh) is that ordinary people are paying the price.

“The interests of the Tory party should concern no-one right now. A General Election is now a democratic imperative.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said: “After 12 years of Tory failure, the British people deserve so much better than this revolving door of chaos. We need a general election, now.”

His full statement:

Truss will remain as PM until her successor is elected – not by the people of Great Britain, but by Tory MPs.


First Minister: Independence is “essential” to Scotland’s prosperity

Blueprint for fairer, stronger, greener Scotland published

Independence is essential to build a fairer, stronger, greener Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said as she launched the Scottish Government’s independence economy prospectus.

The First Minister said the paper, Building a New Scotland: A stronger economy with independence, sets out plans to make the economy work for everyone and forge a different path to the Brexit based UK economic model that, as outlined in the first paper, is poorer and more unequal than comparable independent countries.

It includes:

  • re-joining the European Union (EU) to benefit from, and contribute to, the vast European Single Market, helping to forge a different path to the UK system
  • a redesigned energy market that aims to provide secure and reliable low cost energy
  • retaining free movement of people, without a passport, across the UK and Ireland, with trade borders implemented smoothly
  • using the pound sterling, until the time is right to move to a Scottish pound
  • up to £20 billion in major infrastructure investment through the Building a New Scotland Fund, including investment in more energy-efficient homes, greener transport, better digital and mobile connectivity, and more affordable housing
  • using full powers over employment law to help improve pay and working conditions for people across Scotland, including introducing a minimum wage with a single rate for all age groups and stronger access to flexible working
  • a plan for better industrial relations through a social partnership approach involving business and unions
  • a migration policy tailored to Scotland’s needs and designed to boost the  working population

The paper outlines the new institutions that would be set up to manage the Scottish economy, including an independent Scottish Central Bank and a new Debt Management Office. Credible and responsible fiscal rules on borrowing and other key measures will be independently assessed by an enhanced Scottish Fiscal Commission.

Speaking as the paper was published, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “The UK economy is fundamentally on the wrong path and there is no real alternative on offer within the Westminster system.

“The establishment consensus on Brexit – despite the harm it is causing – illustrates that.

“For Scotland, not being independent means we are being dragged down the wrong path too: one people in Scotland did not vote for.

“To build a more stable, sustainable economy – with fairness and human wellbeing at heart – independence is therefore essential.

“That is the fundamental point we make in this paper. Independence is not an abstract argument separate from people’s daily lives.

“It has at its heart the ambition – and crucially, it equips us with the essential tools – to build a fairer, wealthier, greener, happier country.”

Building a New Scotland: A stronger economy with independence

Building a New Scotland series  

First Minister addresses Climate Action Week National School Assembly

Thousands of school pupils from across Scotland have taken part in a National School Assembly with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to mark the end of Climate Week yesterday.

They discussed the action young people are already taking to build a sustainable future and what pupils have learnt about climate change, including what measures they can take to secure a greener planet for us all.

Scotland’s Climate Week encourages everyone to talk about the climate as everyone has a role to play in creating a net zero Scotland.

The week culminated in more than 600 primary school classes from around the country registering to take part in a virtual assembly, led by Keep Scotland Beautiful to share their experiences and discuss what they had learned.

The First Minister visited St Albert’s Primary School, in Pollokshields, Glasgow to take part and hear about their daily live lessons on climate related topics.

She said: “Today’s assembly was a highlight of Climate Week, and I am impressed by the hard work young people have put in to further their knowledge of the topic.

“Their efforts over the past few days show why youth action is so important. Climate change is already having a massive impact around the world and if we don’t take the right action, things will only get worse.

“Future generations deserve a more equal, just and fair future that leaves no one behind. Not only have children and young people played a significant role in keeping climate change at the top of the global agenda, but they will also face the greatest impacts of climate change over their lifetimes.

“It is only right that we listen to the the voices of the next generation, and that we hear them when they challenge us to do more to tackle the climate emergency.”

Barry Fisher, CEO of Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “We’ve been inspired over the past five days to see first-hand the enthusiasm and commitment the children, young people and educators who have engaged with Climate Action Week have for taking real action to address the climate emergency. 

“Our Climate Action Schools live lessons have been a great way for us to engage with 15,000+ pupils right across Scotland – extending our reach, opening up new conversations and helping them to amplify their voices as they take action to combat climate change.”

Final farewell: Her Majesty The Queen leaves Scotland for the last time

“Scotland has now bid our Queen of Scots a sad, but fond farewell. We will not see her like again.”

Her Majesty The Queen departed Scotland for the last time last night. She will now Lie in State at the Palace of Westminster ahead of Monday’s State Funeral.

People across the country have been paying their respects, attending remembrance events and reflecting fondly on a life of service to Scotland.

Her Majesty’s departure from Edinburgh Airport concludes the ceremonial events programme in Scotland, known as Operation Unicorn, as the nation continues to mourn The Queen’s passing.

Around 33,000 people filed past Her Majesty The Queen’s Coffin, Lying at Rest in St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh, to pay their respects.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Scotland has bid a final and poignant farewell to our much loved Elizabeth, Queen of Scots.

“Over these past few days we have seen just how much Her Majesty meant to the people of Scotland.

“As anticipated, people from all walks of life gathered across the country and in our capital city to pay tribute to the only Monarch most of us have ever known.

“The scenes on Sunday as Her Majesty’s cortege made the journey from Balmoral Castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse, and then yesterday and today as thousands gathered along the Royal Mile and queued to enter St Giles to see the Queen’s Coffin, will forevermore form a very special part of the history of Scotland.

“The sympathy and good wishes of Scotland for The King and Royal Family has also been evident in these last few days, and on behalf of the Parliament and people of Scotland, I continue to offer my heartfelt condolences to all of Her Majesty’s Family.

“I also want to record my sincere thanks to, and admiration for the many public servants who have worked tirelessly in recent days and over many years to develop and, when the time sadly came, implement Operation Unicorn. 

“Thousands across the emergency services, local authorities, armed forces, volunteer networks, transport and government agencies have helped ensure that Scotland paid fitting tribute to The Queen, and that Scots from all walks of life could celebrate the unparalleled contribution She made in her 70-year reign. The events of recent days have provided a sincere, solemn and fitting tribute from the people of Scotland to Her Majesty The Queen.

“Scotland has now bid our Queen of Scots a sad, but fond farewell. We will not see her like again.”

The Princess Royal Princess Anne was Her Majesty The Queen’s constant companion during her last days in Scotland and she accompanied her mother on her final journey south.

In a short statement issued last night, The Princess Royal said:

I was fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest Mother’s life. It has been an honour and a privilege to accompany her on her final journeys. Witnessing the love and respect shown by so many on these journeys has been both humbling and uplifting.

We will all share unique memories. I offer my thanks to each and every one who share our sense of loss.

We may have been reminded how much of her presence and contribution to our national identity we took for granted. I am also so grateful for the support and understanding offered to my dear brother Charles as he accepts the added responsibilities of The Monarch.

To my mother, The Queen, thank you.’

The Queen’s cortège arrived at the Palace of Holyroodhouse on Sunday afternoon, with The King and members of the Royal Family following on Monday to participate in the Ceremony of the Keys.

They then joined a historic procession up the Royal Mile and a service at St Giles’ Cathedral, where the Queen lay at rest until her final departure for London.

There were also two public Proclamations in Edinburgh on Sunday to announce the Accession of The King.

Hundreds of thousands of people descended on the city to pay their respects and millions more across the world tuned into the broadcast coverage. 

Rt Hon Lord Provost and Lord Lieutenant of the City of Edinburgh Robert Aldridge, said: “The last four days have marked a significant, historic occasion globally, and it is with immense pride that we look back on Edinburgh’s contribution.

“It’s thanks to the monumental efforts of all those involved that we, along with the public, were able to say a heartfelt farewell to Her Majesty, whose strong connection to the Capital and Scotland was widely known.

“This has been the result of a very detailed and successful planning operation that has been delivered flawlessly by a community of partners and is a shining example of the power of coming together in difficult circumstances.

“I know many will remember this for a lifetime, and we’re honoured to have played such an important role in this moment.”

The public have been invited to take part in a National Moment of Reflection to mourn the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and reflect on her life and legacy.

The National Moment of Reflection will take place at 8pm on Sunday 18 September, the night before the State Funeral, and be marked by a one-minute silence.

The silence can be marked privately at home, with friends and family, out on doorsteps or the street with neighbours, or at locally arranged community events and vigils.

Community groups, clubs and other organisations across the country are encouraged to take part and people overseas are also encouraged to observe the one-minute silence at 8pm local time.

Details of larger-scale public events to be held across the country will be published at:

Scottish Parliament to consider motion of condolence for Her Majesty The Queen

The Scottish Parliament will meet today (Monday 12 September) to consider a motion of condolence following the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

This will provide an opportunity for Members across the Parliament to reflect on The Queen’s life of exceptional public service and her close and enduring bond with Scotland. 

The format for the event in the Chamber will see the Presiding Officer, the Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP, welcome His Majesty The King and The Queen Consort to the Chamber before inviting each of the Party Leaders to speak to the motion. 

The King will then respond to the motion. 

The Presiding Officer said: “People across Scotland continue to mourn the passing of Her Majesty The Queen and I wish to express on behalf of the Scottish Parliament our deepest condolences to His Majesty The King and The Royal Family. 

“This motion of condolence will provide an opportunity for the Parliament to come together to pay tribute to The Queen’s life of service and her enduring bond with Scotland and its people. 

“This day will also mark a significant milestone for the country as we welcome The King to the Scottish Parliament for the first time as monarch.”  

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who will move the Motion, said: “For countless people – across our country, and around the world – this is a moment of profound sadness. We see that in the crowds gathered outside here, at St Giles’ Cathedral, and all across Scotland. This Parliament and this nation are in mourning today.

“At the heart of it all, of course, is the sense of loss felt by those who were closest to Her Majesty. Our thoughts are with the entire Royal Family – and we are honoured by the presence here, of His Majesty, King Charles III, and The Queen Consort.

“In an ever changing world, especially in turbulent times, Her Majesty was the great constant – the anchor of our nation. Even towards the end, as her health declined, her genuine love of Scotland and profound sense of public service never faltered.

“She performed her duties with dedication and wisdom, setting an exceptional example to each and every one of us. We stand ready to support His Majesty as he continues his own life of service and builds on the extraordinary legacy of his beloved mother Queen Elizabeth – the Queen of Scots.”

First Minister to set out Cost Crisis Programme for Government

Scottish Child Payment increased from 14 November

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will set out a raft of actions this afternoon (Tuesday 6 September) in a Programme for Government designed to help people through the cost emergency.

The package will include an increase in Scottish Child Payment to £25 per eligible child per week from 14 November, with the ground-breaking anti-poverty benefit also opening to applications for all eligible under-16s from that date.

The First Minister is determined to help households and businesses cope with a “humanitarian crisis that will cost lives.” She has also called on the UK Government to take urgent action as it holds most of the key policy levers and resources to fully address the crisis.

Speaking ahead of her statement to Parliament on the 2022-23 Programme for Government, the First Minister said: “The Scottish Child Payment is unique to Scotland, the most ambitious child poverty reduction measure in the UK and an important action to mitigate the growing cost emergency. 

“We doubled the payment to £20 per week per child in April and the further increase to £25 from November means a rise of 150% in less than eight months.

“Around 104,000 children currently in receipt of Scottish Child Payment will have it automatically increased to £25 per week. All new eligible under 16s will also benefit from the £25 rate, with all payments backdated to the date their application is received.

“Through this year’s Programme for Government we will take every action, within the financial means and legislative powers at our disposal, to help people through this humanitarian crisis that will cost lives.

“The most significant powers to tackle this crisis rest squarely with the UK Government and their inaction has compounded the difficulties everyone is facing.

“In the absence of a plan from the incoming Prime Minister we have a clear set of actions which the UK Government could take now, and should have taken already, to begin to address the crisis. These include an immediate cancellation of the October price cap rise and an uprating of benefits. 

“The last few months have made it abundantly clear Scotland cannot rely on the UK Government to support people in Scotland through this crisis. It is vital they have a choice over their future.

“Make no mistake, we will continue to act where others have not to help people and businesses – and the UK Government needs to follow our example.”

Tuesday 6 September – 1420-1450 First Minister’s Statement: Programme for Government, followed by; 1450-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Programme for Government.

UNITE: Bins strikes to resume Tuesday


UNITE members in Waste and Cleansing will walk out again from Tuesday 6th to Tuesday 13th September as the dispute over local government pay in Scotland continues.

Schools workers in Edinburgh are not on strike.

Unite is adamant that until COSLA obtains funding from the Scottish Government to offer a proper pay rise, action will continue with the mandates we have in waste and schools.

The First Minister held talks with both Cosla and the striking trade unions yesterday in an attempt to break the deadlock. There has been some progress and a deal is inching closer. Talks will continue today.

UPDATE: 3.30pm UNITE has suspended next week’s strike action as members consider an improved pay offer

FM hosts Scottish energy summit

Further action agreed as consensus reached

The Scottish Government, energy companies and advice organisations met at Bute House yesterday (Tuesday 23rd August) for a summit chaired by First Minister Nicola Sturgeonbut it’s the UK Government that will have to act to head off a financial crisis for families across the country.

During the meeting a consensus emerged around next steps that must be taken by the UK Government, and where further work and action will take place between energy companies, advice organisations and the Scottish Government ahead of a follow up meeting next month.

The First Minister said: “Any further increase in energy bills in October will have a profound impact on households, businesses and the public sector already struggling with the cost crisis.

“No single government, company or organisation can solve this crisis alone. It requires a collective response commensurate to the situation and the Scottish Government is now treating this situation as a public emergency.

“There was clear consensus at today’s summit that energy customers simply cannot be expected to carry the burden of further price rises in October, and that the UK Government must now commit to freeze the cap for all households and to support the energy companies to deliver that.

“This meeting was focussed on practical solutions, but without action by the UK Government to address the problem at source, the actions we discussed can only ever mitigate the impact of such dramatic price rises at the edges.

“I am grateful to energy suppliers and our third sector partners for coming to the table today and for committing to work together with the Scottish Government to develop further action and practical steps to help households and businesses through the cost crisis.”

The consensus reached in the meeting was that the UK government should:

  • Immediately cancel any further energy price increase for domestic consumers, and work with the regulator and energy companies to put in place the funding to support this;
  • Provide significant additional support to help households and businesses meet current energy bills and the impact of inflation more generally;
  • Take action to protect small and medium sizes businesses, and other organisations not covered by the price cap, from rising energy costs;
  • Reform the energy market for the longer term to prevent this situation occurring again in the future.

The following actions to mitigate the current situation were also agreed and will be developed further:

  • Energy companies will pursue all possible options to provide enhanced support to consumers who are in difficulty, including working with advice agencies and government to improve the support available to consumers, and protect customers from disconnection. It was agreed that the energy companies will work with the Scottish government over the next two weeks to agree a package of measures;
  • The Scottish Government will provide additional support to advice agencies and consider, as part of its emergency budget review, further support for households and businesses. It will also undertake a public information campaign to promote energy efficiency measures alongside sources of help and support for those in difficulty;
  • This group will reconvene following the announcement by Ofgem of the new price cap on Friday 26th August and the appointment of a new Prime Minister to determine further specific actions.

First Minister attends the Tattoo with special guests from Ukraine

Over the weekend First Minister Nicola Sturgeon attended The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Seated in the Royal Gallery, Ms Sturgeon was accompanied by a group of Ukrainian teenagers, currently residing in Scotland to take in the spectacle of this year’s Show, Voices.  

On arrival, the Tattoo gave each of the teenagers a specially designed Tattoo t-shirt inspired by the Ukrainian flag and the special projections included in this year’s show.  

In March 2022, The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo showed its support for the people of Ukraine by flying the Ukrainian flag high above their Cockburn Street Office, while opening their shop doors to function as a pop-up donation hub in support of the work of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain.

Alongside this, the Tattoo made a charitable donation of £20,000 to the Disasters Emergency Appeal; it is now furthering its support of the relief efforts by launching these Ukrainian dedicated t-shirts with £10 from each sale being donated to the Association of Ukrainians in Edinburgh to fund their excellent work with refugees to Scotland.   

Buster Howes, Chief Executive of The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, said: “It is always an honour to welcome the First Minister to The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, but it was even more significant to host her alongside these young people from Ukraine.   

“The Tattoo is a celebration of the connections, culture and creativity which frame our common humanity, and which unite us all; we are always delighted to introduce young people to the vivid multinational spectacle we present.  We stand resolutely alongside the embattled people of Ukraine.” 

Over 900 performers from across the globe are taking part in this year’s Tattoo. Voices, is a celebration of expression, giving a stage to performers and acts from around the globe to share their voices through the spoken word, song, music, and dance.  

You can purchase these special edition t-shirts at online at, The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Shop & Box Office, located at 1 Cockburn Street in Edinburgh or at the Retail Kiosks at the Show.

The Show runs until 27 August 2022. Limited tickets are still available and can be purchased at or on the phone on 0131 225 1188.