Scottish voluntary sector dealt £177million real-terms funding cut 

Public sector spending on the third sector in Scotland has frozen

Public sector funding to Scotland’s voluntary sector has dropped by £177million in real terms since 2021, a new report has found.  

Research by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) shows the amount of public money provided to third sector organisations froze between 2021 and 2023.  

The SCVO ‘Public Sector Funding’ research report found a 5% cut in real-terms funding, meaning organisations across Scotland are being asked to continue providing vital frontline services with a pot of money now worth less.  

SCVO has consistently called for public bodies to implement a new Fair Funding model to help charities, voluntary groups, and social enterprises to thrive and provide greater security for our people.  

The national membership organisation for the voluntary sector said this must include longer-term funding of three years or more, and sustainable funding that includes inflation-based uplifts, full cost recovery, including core operating costs, and pay uplifts.  

Public sector funding – around half of which comes from local authorities, and a third of which comes from the Scottish Government – should also accommodate paying staff at least the Real Living Wage, which organisations in receipt of public money are required to pay their staff. 

SCVO also continues to push for funding to include provision for the additional costs that medium and large voluntary sector employers will face as a result of increases to Employer National Insurance Contributions.  

The calls for Fair Funding come at a time when voluntary sector organisations are increasingly required to make use of their reserves, with SCVO research showing a decline in cash reserves – particularly in those organisations who deliver public sector contracts.  

These pressures, including the real-terms cut in public sector funding, underline the need for the Scottish Government and other public bodies to implement Fair Funding across the country.  

SCVO Chief Executive, Anna Fowlie, said: “We know the times are tight for the public sector, and we appreciate that in that context even standstill funding is sometimes seen as a win.   

“However, at a time when demand for support from voluntary sector services is rising, including as a result of cuts in public services, it is simply unsustainable to expect the voluntary sector to find the £177million shortfall that these figures tell us our sector is facing. 

“Voluntary organisations do not have ready access to other sources of funding: public fundraising and trading income has also been impacted by the cost of living crisis. That leaves many organisations using their reserves to fund this deficit, which may provide a temporary solution, but over the long term is wholly unsustainable.” 

SCVO Head of Policy and Research, Kirsten Hogg, added: “In addition to rising demand and rising costs, voluntary sector employers face additional pressures going into the new financial year.   

“Medium and large voluntary organisations that employ staff will be hit by changes to employers National Insurance contributions, leaving the sector to find at least an additional £75m annually.   

“Against the backdrop of reduced real terms budgets, and a lack of other sources of income, it is little surprise that nearly one in ten of Scotland’s 46,500 voluntary organisations is unsure whether or not they will still be operating in 12 months’ time.”

Programme for Government: Crisis point for voluntary sector

We’re not a nice-to-have sector. We’re an essential sector

It all feels a bit grim (writes SCVO Chief Exec ANNA FOWLIE). 

A few weeks ago, the Chancellor revealed a “black hole” in public finances across the UK and announced the end to the universal winter fuel allowance. This week the Cabinet Secretary for Finance announced significant cuts to programmes this year to enable the Scottish Government to fund public sector pay deals. 

On Wednesday, John Swinney took to the lectern in the Scottish Parliament to present his first Programme for Government, having watched them being delivered from different seats across the Scottish Parliament in the previous 24 years. 

I’m sure that was a novel experience for him, but I’m left with a sense of déjà vu. 

There is no doubt that parts of our public sector need reform. It’s been more than 13 years since the Christie Commission said that reform must empower individuals, integrate service provision, prioritise expenditure on prevention and increase shared services. But have we seen significant shifts, or have the deckchairs just been rearranged and repainted while pointing towards little ‘pilots’ as evidence of progress? 

The voluntary sector is often closest to the most vulnerable people in our society and best placed to support them, including helping them to navigate the baffling complexity of some public services. 

Hundreds of organisations are rooted in communities, supporting families to help address the First Minister’s top priority of tackling child poverty.  Indeed, the sector will be key to achieving all four of the First Minister’s priorities. 

However, with resources increasingly being pulled into the public sector, much of the voluntary sector is resigned to getting scraps from the table.  

With years of static funding, an inability to keep pace with public sector pay and constant inability to plan because of a lack of Fair Funding, it does feel like we’ve reached a crisis point.  

There is no doubt Government sometimes needs to make difficult choices, but they’re avoiding the hard ones. If we are to turn the rhetoric on addressing poverty and public service reform into reality, we can’t expect current systems and structures to deliver the radical change we need, and we can’t imagine that the public sector can do it all alone. 

Public sector staff deserve to be paid fairly, but the voluntary sector deserves to be treated fairly. We deserve more than warm words. 

We need to channel the limited resources we have to the experts. People are the experts in their own lives – and most know what they need.

Those at the front-line know how best to support them, but we need to challenge the practice that the public sector is prioritised without truly thinking about how ‘public services’ are best delivered, and by whom. 

We’re not a nice-to-have sector. We’re an essential sector. 

Record high number of patients waiting for an outpatient appointment in NHS Lothian

Lothian Tory MSP, Miles Briggs, has warned that NHS Lothian needs a record level of financial support to match a record number of patients waiting for treatments.

The number of patients waiting for an outpatient appointment in NHS Lothian has risen to almost 75,000 people, 74,546. This is an increase of 19,873 patients from 54,673 at the end of June 2020, an increase of 36%. The number of patients waiting for an appointment has increased from 65,855 at the end of June 2019, pre the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the last ten years, the number of patients waiting for an outpatient appointment in NHS Lothian has almost doubled, from 38,880 at the end of June 2011.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, has repeatedly called for NHS Lothian to receive fairer funding from the Scottish Government with the health board receiving a lower percentage of funding than other health boards due to the formula used to work out allocations.

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (Spice) found the gap between the amount NHS Lothian should receive and its actual allocation added up to a total of £365.7m, over the last 10 years.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “Under this SNP Government the number of patients waiting for an outpatient appointment has almost doubled.

“Over the last decade NHS Lothian has been underfunded by SNP Ministers and it is patients in Edinburgh and the Lothian’s who are suffering.

“NHS Lothian staff have made an incredible effort over the last year and a half and patients waiting numbers are still growing.

“Significant investment will be needed to return services to even where they were five years ago and this SNP/ Green government -who is independence first and recovery second – isn’t up to the job.”