The North Sea Transition Authority has today granted development and production consent for the Rosebank field, north-west of Shetland.
The consent has been given by the oil and gas regulator to owners Equinor and Ithaca Energy, following the acceptance of the Environmental Statement.
An NSTA spokesperson said: “We have today approved the Rosebank Field Development Plan which allows the owners to proceed with their project.
“The FDP is awarded in accordance with our published guidance and taking net zero considerations into account throughout the project’s lifecycle.”
GREEN MP Caroline Lucas described the announcement as “the greatest act of environmental vandalism in my lifetime, causing emissions equal to 28 lowest income countries, busting #climate targets & doing nothing for energy security since vast majority is for export” #climatecriminals
Labour’s Environment spokesperson, Shadow Climate and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband said: “Here’s what it means. Rosebank: £3.75bn of taxpayer subsidy which could have been invested in renewables. 80% of oil exported, not a penny off bills, equivalent to half all UK emissions for a year.
“Colossal waste of taxpayer money and climate vandalism.” However Ed’s boss Sir Keir Starmer has already said that a future Labour government will NOT reverse the decision.
More responses from environmental organisations to follow
2022 greenhouse gas emissions from Scottish industry went up from 2021 – but were still lower than 2019
Global warming potential of greenhouse gas emissions up by 2.7% between 2021 and 2022
The increase is an indication of Scotland’s economic recovery in 2022
Greenhouse gas emissions continue to follow a longer-term downward trend overall.
Year-to-year variations in emissions reflect a complex interplay of factors, which in this dataset includes economic recovery, production demands and pandemic dynamics.
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has published its Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) data for 2022.
The statistics show the global warming potential of greenhouse gas emissions, measured in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) was up 2.7%, 0.30 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e, between 2021 and 2022.
This rise follows on from two years of reductions which were largely attributed to temporary site closures due to pandemic restrictions and a shift in production levels.
However, 2022 overall emissions did not return to pre-2020 levels, hinting at a continued long-term downward trend.
SPRI provides a valuable picture of the amount of pollutants released in Scotland from SEPA-regulated industrial sites. It is a publicly accessible electronic database and aims to provide information for policy makers, academics and the public about the pressure Scottish industry puts on the environment through greenhouse gas emissions.
SPRI does not assess the compliance of the facilities or the health and environmental impact of the releases.
Economic recovery
The increase in greenhouse gas emissions illustrates the “bounce-back” from reduced activity during pandemic restrictions, as well as production demand and economic recovery.
The year-to-year variations reflect the complex interplay between economic recovery, production demands and pandemic dynamics – and the 2022 figures are a look back to a period when Scotland was in recovery.
The economy in Scotland contracted by 12% in 2020, as public health restrictions and changing behaviours suppressed activity, with particular falls in the construction, manufacturing, and mining and quarrying industries. In 2021 around a third of sites reporting pollutant emissions in SPRI still noted a significant difference in their 2021 data compared to 2020. The economy as a whole did not recover to pre-Covid levels until the beginning of 2022.
The 12-month rise is set against a background of reductions overall, with 2022 emissions still lower than the values recorded in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Emissions were 7.6% (0.93 megatonnes CO2e) lower than 2019 figures.
Carbon dioxide emissions, which dominate the greenhouse gas trend, were up 4.1% (0.41 Mt) on 2021 but still 7.3% (0.83 Mt) lower than 2019.
SPRI data 2022
Global warming potential of greenhouse gases reported to SPRI since 2007 (MtCO2e)
Energy emissions show impact of demand
The energy sector remains the highest emitter in Scotland, accounting for 44.7% of the overall greenhouse gas emissions. The sector reported a 7.2% increase in emissions in 2022 due to production demand and throughput and was responsible for 47.1% of overall CO2 emissions, 10.7% of methane and 78.3% of Nitrous oxide.
The largest changes in CO2 emissions were at the Grangemouth refinery, with a 31.6% increase due to higher refinery throughput, and Peterhead Power Station with a 19.9% increase due to commercial requirements for electricity.
In the 2020 SPRI statistics a drop in emissions was reported at energy sites as a result of fewer people travelling during lockdowns and less demand for transport related fuel. In 2021 lower emissions were largely attributed due to reduced production demand and shutdowns for maintenance.
While Scotland generated a record amount of renewable electricity in 2022, there was also increased demand for electricity in Scotland during the first six months of 2022, following suppressed figures in 2021 due to pandemic restrictions.
SSE Peterhead, a gas-fired thermal facility, is now the only large-scale thermal power station in Scotland and is designed to respond quickly to market changes, maintaining security of supply.
Progress towards a circular economy
Scotland’s progress towards a circular economy is also highlighted in the SPRI statistics with a continued reduction in methane emissions from landfills. The waste sector accounted for 24.8% of overall greenhouse gas emissions – 21.2% of overall carbon dioxide emissions, 85.0% of methane, and 21.7% of nitrous oxide.
As Scotland reduces, reuses and recycles more than ever before, waste which cannot be recycled is now being diverted from landfill driven by a number of factors, including increased landfill taxes, a marked shift from landfill to incineration, improved recycling rates, upstream management of waste, and the upcoming ban on sending biodegradable municipal waste to landfill.
As a result, methane from landfills, which account for 83.2% of methane emissions, are down 6.1% on 2021, and 12.9% lower than the average of the last five years. There has also been a reduction of 10.6% in carbon dioxide emissions.
SPRI figures for incineration show a 12.9% increase compared to 2021, but these figures need to be interpreted carefully. Emissions from this sector are small compared to that of the energy sector, and reported carbon dioxide from incinerators includes emissions from large waste wood co-incinerators. As a result, the SPRI statistics are not an accurate comparison for municipal waste management.
It is also important to note that emissions from landfill are emitted over many years as waste breaks down, while incineration emissions are immediate. As a result, the benefits of reducing the amount of waste going to landfill will be realised over a longer time period.
SEPA will publish household waste statistics in October, which will include information on the overall impact of Scotland’s waste management system – taking into account reduction, recycling, incineration and landfill.
Continuing Scotland’s journey
David Pirie, SEPA Executive Director, said: “There is a strong relationship between our environment and our economy, and meeting Scotland’s climate targets will require a collective effort from all sectors.
“SEPA’s annual SPRI data is a very visual demonstration of the progress we’re making as a nation, and is important in helping us understand how changes in our society are impacting on our environment both directly and indirectly – ensuring Scotland can identify priority areas to reduce releases and track progress.
“As Scotland’s environmental regulator, SEPA’s firm focus remains on ensuring Scottish businesses are compliant with permit conditions designed to protect the environment and supporting innovation.
“We’ve all got a role to play in tackling climate change and the continued reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from Scottish businesses is vital in helping our country reach net zero.”
This is a Policy statement and relates to the 2022 pollutant emissions and waste transfers from SEPA-regulated industrial sites Official Statistics published at 9.30am on Tuesday 26 September 2023 and available on SEPA’s website.
I know people in our country are frustrated with our politics.
I know they feel that much gets promised, but not enough is delivered.
I know they watch the news or read the papers and wonder why in the face of the facts as they have them, choices are made as they are.
I know that they dislike Westminster game playing, the short termism, and the lack of accountability.
But most of all I think people are tired of the false choice between two versions of change that never go beyond a slogan.
I have been Prime Minister for nearly a year now and it is the privilege of my life.
I know the fundamentals of our great country are solid and timeless.
Its people are its greatest strength, economically and socially.
Their hopes and genius are what propel us forward, not Government.
Government can set the framework, step in when needed, and step back when necessary.
It can make big decisions.
But what I have concluded during my time so far as Prime Minister, is that those decisions – the decisions that could bring real change, change that could alter the trajectory of our country – can be so caveated, so influenced by special interests, so lacking in debate and fundamental scrutiny that we’ve stumbled into a consensus about the future of our country, that no one seems to be happy with.
And this is because too often, motivated by short term thinking, politicians have taken the easy way out.
Telling people the bits they want to hear, and not necessarily always the bits they need to hear.
We are making progress, including on my five priorities.
Inflation – down again today and on track to be halved.
Fastest growth in the G7 over the last two years.
Debt – on target to be falling.
The NHS – treating more patients than last year.
And small boats – crossings significantly down on last year.
But put simply: that isn’t enough.
If for too many, there remains a nagging sense that the path we’re on no matter which party is in government isn’t quite what we hoped for, and that no one seems to have the courage to say so.
That we make too little, that we spend too much, that things take too long and that even when we know these things, we seem powerless to change them.
Now, I am here today to tell you that we do not have to be powerless.
Our future doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion.
Our destiny can be of our own choosing.
But only if we change the way our politics works.
Can we be brave in the decisions we make, even if there is a political cost?
Can we be honest when the facts change, even if it’s awkward?
And can we put the long-term interests of our country before the short-term political needs of the moment, even if it means being controversial?
I have spent my first year as Prime Minister bringing back stability to our economy, your government, and our country.
And now it is time to address the bigger, longer-term questions we face.
The real choice confronting us is do we really want to change our country and build a better future for our children, or do we want to carry on as we are.
I have made my decision: we are going to change.
And over the coming months, I will set out a series of long-term decisions to deliver that change.
And that starts today, with a new approach to one of the biggest challenges we face: climate change.
No one can watch the floods in Libya or the extreme heat in Europe this summer, and doubt that it is real and happening.
We must reduce our emissions.
And when I look at our economic future, I see huge opportunities in green industry.
The change in our economy is as profound as the industrial revolution and I’m confident that we can lead the world now as we did then.
So, I’ll have no truck with anyone saying we lack ambition.
But there’s nothing ambitious about simply asserting a goal for a short-term headline without being honest with the public about the tough choices and sacrifices involved and without any meaningful democratic debate about how we get there.
The Climate Change Committee have rightly said you don’t reach net zero simply by wishing it.
Yet that’s precisely what previous governments have done – both Labour and Conservative.
No one in Westminster politics has yet had the courage to look people in the eye and explain what’s really involved.
That’s wrong – and it changes now.
The plans made on your behalf assume this country will take an extraordinary series of steps that will fundamentally change our lives.
A ban on buying new boilers even if your home will never ever be suitable for a heat pump.
A ban that takes effect in just three years for those off the gas grid.
And mandatory home upgrades for property owners in just two years’ time.
There have even been proposals for:
Taxes on eating meat
New taxes on flying
Compulsory car sharing if you drive to work
And a government diktat to sort your rubbish into seven different bins.
Now I believe deeply that when you ask most people about climate change, they want to do the right thing, they’re even prepared to make sacrifices.
But it cannot be right for Westminster to impose such significant costs on working people especially those who are already struggling to make ends meet and to interfere so much in people’s way of life without a properly informed national debate.
That’s especially true because we’re so far ahead of every other country in the world.
We’ve had the fastest reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the G7. Down almost 50% since 1990.
France? 22%.
The US? No change at all.
China? Up by over 300%.
And when our share of global emissions is less than 1%, how can it be right that British citizens, are now being told to sacrifice even more than others?
Because the risk here, for those of us who care about reaching Net Zero – as I do – is simple: If we continue down this path, we risk losing the consent of the British people.
And the resulting backlash would not just be against specific policies but against the wider mission itself, meaning we might never achieve our goal.
That’s why we have to do things differently.
We need sensible, green leadership.
It won’t be easy.
And it will require a wholly new kind of politics.
A politics that is transparent, and the space for a better, more honest debate about how we secure the country’s long-term interest.
So, how do we do that? What is our new approach to achieving net zero?
First, we need to change the debate.
We’re stuck between two extremes.
Those who want to abandon Net Zero altogether – because the costs are too high, the burdens too great or in some cases, they don’t accept the overwhelming evidence for climate change at all.
And then there are others who argue with an ideological zeal: we must move even faster, and go even further no matter the cost or disruption to people’s lives and regardless of how much quicker we’re already moving than any other country.
Both extremes are wrong.
Both fail to reckon with the reality of the situation.
Yes, Net Zero is going to be hard and will require us to change.
But in a democracy, we must also be able to scrutinise and debate those changes, many of which are hidden in plain sight – in a realistic manner.
This debate needs more clarity, not more emotion.
The test should be: do we have the fairest credible path to reach Net Zero by 2050, in a way that brings people with us?
Since becoming Prime Minister, I’ve examined our plans and I don’t think they meet that test.
We seem to have defaulted to an approach which will impose unacceptable costs on hard-pressed British families.
Costs that no one was ever told about, and which may not actually be necessary to deliver the emissions reduction that we need.
And why am I confident in saying that?
Because over the last decade or more, we’ve massively over delivered on every one of our carbon budgets despite continuous predictions we’d miss them.
We’ve seen rapid technological advances which have made things like renewables far cheaper:
Just consider offshore wind, where costs have fallen by 70% more than we projected in 2016.
And people are increasingly choosing to go green – look at how demand for electric vehicles has consistently outstripped forecasts.
Given these things, I’m confident that we can adopt a more pragmatic, proportionate, and realistic approach to meeting Net Zero that eases the burdens on working people.
And that’s the second part of our new approach.
Now I’m not saying there will be no hard choices.
And nor am I abandoning any of our targets or commitments.
I am unequivocal that we’ll meet our international agreements including the critical promises in Paris and Glasgow to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.
I’m proud that our country leads the world on Net Zero, with the most ambitious 2030 target of any major economy.
And as we’re as committed as ever to helping developing countries.
Just the other week I announced $2bn for the Green Climate Fund – the single biggest commitment of its kind, the UK has ever made.
But we can do all this in a fairer, better way – and today I can set out the details of what our new approach will mean for people.
That starts with electric vehicles.
We’re working hard to make the UK a world-leader.
I’m proud that we’ve already attracted billions of new investments from companies like Tata’s Jaguar Land Rover gigafactory.
And I expect that by 2030, the vast majority of cars sold will be electric. Why?
Because the costs are reducing; the range is improving; the charging infrastructure is growing.
People are already choosing electric vehicles to such an extent that we’re registering a new one every 60 seconds.
But I also think that at least for now, it should be you the consumer that makes that choice, not government forcing you to do it.
Because the upfront cost is still high – especially for families struggling with the cost of living.
Small businesses are worried about the practicalities.
And we’ve got further to go to get that charging infrastructure truly nationwide.
And we need to strengthen our own auto industry, so we aren’t reliant on heavily subsidised, carbon intensive imports, from countries like China.
So, to give us more time to prepare, I’m announcing today that we’re going to ease the transition to electric vehicles.
You’ll still be able to buy petrol and diesel cars and vans until 2035.
Even after that, you’ll still be able to buy and sell them second-hand.
We’re aligning our approach with countries like Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Canada, Sweden, and US states such as California, New York and Massachusetts and still ahead of the rest of America and other countries like New Zealand.
Now, to get to Net Zero, we also need a fairer, better approach to decarbonising how we heat our homes.
We’re making huge advances in the technologies that we need to do that, like heat pumps.
But we need a balance.
Between incentivising businesses to innovate, so heat pumps become even cheaper, more effective, and more attractive.
But without imposing costs on hard-pressed families, at a time when technology is often still expensive and won’t work in all homes.
For a family living in a terraced house in Darlington, the upfront cost could be around £10,000.
Even the most committed advocates of Net Zero must recognise that if our solution is to force people to pay that kind of money support will collapse, and we’ll simply never get there.
So, I’m announcing today that we will give people far more time to make the necessary transition to heat pumps.
We’ll never force anyone to rip out their existing boiler and replace it with a heat pump.
You’ll only ever have to make the switch when you’re replacing your boiler anyway, and even then, not until 2035.
And to help those households for whom this will be hardest I’m introducing a new exemption today so that they’ll never have to switch at all.
Now, this doesn’t mean I’m any less committed to decarbonising our homes.
Quite the opposite.
But rather than banning boilers before people can afford the alternative; we’re going to support them to make the switch.
I’m announcing today, that the Boiler Upgrade Scheme which gives people cash grants to replace their boiler, will be increased by 50% to £7,500.
There are no strings attached.
The money will never need to be repaid.
And this is one of the most generous schemes of its kind in Europe.
Next, energy efficiency.
This is critical to making our homes cheaper to heat.
That’s why we’ve got big government grants like the Great British Insulation Scheme.
But under current plans, some property owners would’ve been forced to make expensive upgrades in just two years’ time.
For a semi-detached house in Salisbury, you could be looking at a bill of £8,000.
And even if you’re only renting, you’ll more than likely see some of that passed on in higher rents.
That’s just wrong.
So those plans will be scrapped, and while we will continue to subsidise energy efficiency – we’ll never force any household to do it.
And that’s not all.
The debate about how we get to Net Zero has thrown up a range of worrying proposals and today I want to confirm that under this government, they’ll never happen.
The proposal for government to interfere in how many passengers you can have in your car.
I’ve scrapped it.
The proposal that we should force you to have seven different bins in your home.
I’ve scrapped it.
The proposal to make you change your diet – and harm British farmers – by taxing meat.
Or to create new taxes to discourage flying or going on holiday.
I’ve scrapped those too.
And nor will we ban new oil and gas in the North Sea which would simply leave us reliant on expensive, imported energy from foreign dictators like Putin.
We will never impose these unnecessary and heavy-handed measures on you, the British people but we will still meet our international commitments and hit Net Zero by 2050.
And if we’re going to change politics in the way I’m talking about, we can never allow carbon budgets to be set in the same way again.
The last Carbon Budget process was debated in the House of Commons for just 17 minutes and voted through with barely any consideration given to the hard choices needed to fulfil it.
It was the carbon equivalent of promising to boost government spending with no way to pay for it.
That’s not a responsible way to make decisions which have such a bearing on people’s lives.
So, when Parliament votes on carbon budgets in the future, I want to see it consider the plans to meet that budget, at the same time.
If the first part of our new approach to meeting Net Zero is to change the debate and the second part is a more pragmatic, proportionate, and realistic approach that eases the burdens on families…
…then the third is to embrace with even greater enthusiasm, the incredible opportunities of green industry and take the necessary practical steps to create whole new sectors and hundreds of thousands of good, well-paid jobs right across the country.
We’re already home to the four of the world’s largest offshore wind farms, we’re building an even bigger one at Dogger Bank and we’re improving our auction process to maximise private investment into this world-leading industry.
We’re lifting the ban on onshore wind.
We’re investing in four new clusters to capture and store carbon from the atmosphere.
And we’re building new nuclear power stations for the first time in thirty years.
Just this week, we took a significant long-term decision to raise funding for Sizewell C – putting beyond all doubt our commitment to decarbonising our power sector.
And later this autumn, we’ll shortlist the companies to build the new generation of small modular reactors.
But one of our biggest constraints to reaching Net Zero and improving our energy security, is this:
We’re investing billions in new energy projects, yet we don’t have the grid infrastructure to bring that power to households and businesses.
And when energy security is national security – that’s unacceptable.
Right now, it can take fourteen years to build new grid infrastructure.
There are enough projects waiting to be connected to generate over half of our future electricity needs.
So, I can announce today that the Chancellor and Energy Security Secretary will shortly bring forward comprehensive new reforms to energy infrastructure.
We’ll set out the UK’s first ever spatial plan for that infrastructure to give industry certainty and every community a say.
We’ll speed up planning for the most nationally significant projects.
And we’ll end the first-come-first-served approach to grid connections by raising the bar to enter the queue and make sure those ready first, will connect first.
So, from offshore wind, to nuclear, to a revolution in our energy infrastructure investors should have absolute confidence that we’re getting on with the job and the UK will remain the best place in the world to invest in the green industries of the future.
Not least, because of something else this country has always excelled at: innovation in new technologies.
As a country that emits less than 1% of the world’s carbon emissions, one of the most powerful contributions, we can make is our unique ability to develop new technologies that can help the world.
Like the SENSEWind team in Scotland developing the technology to service floating offshore wind turbines while still out at sea.
Or the researchers at Cambridge who pioneered a new way to turn sunlight into fuel.
And that’s why today we’re going further, creating the new, £150m Green Future Fellowship.
This will support at least 50 leading scientists and engineers to develop real, breakthrough green technologies.
And it builds on the £1 billion I invested as Chancellor, in the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio.
And finally, we can’t tackle climate change without protecting nature; and vice versa.
Just the loss of forests alone accounts for the equivalent of ten times the global emissions of the entire United Kingdom.
And in the coming weeks, ahead of my attendance at COP28, I will set out the next stage in our ambitious environmental agenda.
So, in conclusion.
This country is proud to be a world leader in reaching Net Zero by 2050.
But we simply won’t achieve it unless we change.
We’re now going to have a better, more honest debate about how we get there.
We’ll now have a more pragmatic, proportionate, and realistic approach that eases the burdens on families.
All while doubling down on the new green industries of the future.
In a democracy, that’s the only realistic path to Net Zero.
Consent, not imposition.
Honesty, not obfuscation.
Pragmatism, not ideology.
That’s how we’ll turn the challenge of net zero into the greatest opportunity – and the proudest achievement – of our lifetimes.
And this is just the start.
What we begin today, is bigger than any single policy or issue.
We are going to change the way our politics works.
We are going to make different decisions.
We won’t take the easy way out.
There will be resistance, and we will meet it.
Because I am determined to change our country and build a better future for our children.
Nothing less is acceptable.
What the PM’s new approach to Net Zero means for you
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak explains his new approach to Net Zero
I’m absolutely committed to reaching Net Zero by 2050.
But no one in politics has had the courage to look people in the eye and explain what that involves.
That’s wrong – and it changes now.
We’re changing our approach to meeting Net Zero to ease the burden on working people.
So what does that mean for you?
Removing unnecessary and heavy-handed measures
The debate about how we get to Net Zero has thrown up a range of worrying proposals and I want to confirm that under this government, they’ll never happen.
I’m scrapping the proposal for government to interfere in how many passengers you can have in your car and the idea that we should force you to have 7 different bins in your home.
I’m also scrapping the proposal to make you change your diet – and harm British farmers – by taxing meat.
And the proposal to create new taxes to discourage flying- I’ve scrapped that too.
We will never impose these unnecessary and heavy-handed measures on you, the British people, but we will still meet our international commitments and hit Net Zero by 2050.
Extending deadlines to transition to clean energy
We know the upfront costs for families are still high – so to give us more time to prepare, we’re easing the transition to electric vehicles on our roads and heat pumps in our homes.
That means you’ll still be able to buy new petrol and diesel cars and vans until 2035, in line with countries like Germany and France.
It also means we’ll never force anyone to rip out their old boiler for an expensive heat pump, which for a family living in a terraced house in Darlington, could cost up to £10,000.
How can we afford to make these changes
This country is proud to be a world leader in reaching Net Zero by 2050.
Because of the progress we have already made, the UK’s share of global emissions is now less than 1%.
In fact we are a world leader in cutting emissions, surpassing the targets most countries have set for 2030 including Australia, Canada, Japan and the US.
We have overdelivered on all our previous targets to date.
Given this progress, reaching our targets does not need to come unnecessarily at the expense of people facing higher costs – and that’s why today we can ease the burden on working families.
We will continue to meet our international agreements, including the critical promises in Paris and Glasgow to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, but our new approach to Net Zero is:
Pragmatic, proportionate and realistic
Accountable to the British public
Meet our Net Zero commitment
Supporting British families
In a democracy, that’s the only realistic path to Net Zero.
Consent, not imposition.
Honesty, not obfuscation.
Pragmatism, not ideology.
That’s how we’ll turn the challenge of Net Zero into the greatest opportunity – and the proudest achievement – of our lifetimes.
Reacting to the Prime Minister’s speech this afternoon on meeting net zero, Environmental Audit Committee Chairman, Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP, said: “The Prime Minister’s speech this afternoon, contrary to prior media speculation, reinforced his clear commitment to net zero Britain.
This was very welcome, as was his reflection on how far we have come in meeting our environmental goals. It was a measured and realistic response to the current Net Zero challenge and the demands the transition will make on the British public.
“The very welcome ‘rabbit in the hat’ is the 50% increased grant for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to £7,500 for any household scrapping their fossil fuel boiler. There is also specific relaxation of the proposed timeline to replace oil-fired boilers for those households off the gas-grid by 2026, of which there are some 1.5 million, including the majority in rural areas of South Shropshire. The Government has clearly listened to concerns that, without Government support, some low carbon alternatives are simply too far out of reach for many at this point.
“As our Committee found during our work on heat pumps earlier this Parliament, successful heat pump installation often requires significant additional work to insulate homes properly and may require changes to radiators. There are simply not yet enough skilled engineers in the supply chain. The Government appears to have learned the lesson from previous home heating schemes for homeowners and landlords and I expect this straightforward grant support will enable the supply chain to develop.
“We still have the leakiest housing stock in Europe, but the cost of requiring energy efficiency measures on the 20% of hardest to insulate homes, such as those which are listed or old properties in rural areas, lacked credibility. Energy efficiency policies will now be focussed on the 80% of homes which need improving and can be achieved to meet emission reduction targets.
“Delaying the ban on sale of new petrol and diesel cars is disappointing, but reflects the reality that this is where most of the major car manufacturing nations are. The take-up of electric vehicles has been led by fleet buyers, which is happening faster than predicted and likely to continue until economies of scale bring down the purchase price for individuals able to buy new cars. The industry has called for ambition and certainty. It is now absolutely imperative that this date does not slip further. The Government must now accelerate its efforts to get charging infrastructure up to speed.
“I was encouraged to learn the Chancellor and the Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary will confirm their plans to make the grid ready for Net Zero Britain: the Environmental Audit Committee will be engaging actively with these policy proposals. It was also good to learn that the next Contracts for Difference auction round for Offshore Wind will be improved to reflect sustainable pricing in a global context, which shows the Government has learned from the last round and should enable projects to come forward to help meet renewables targets.
“On scrutiny, the Prime Minister is right to point to the deficiencies in how Parliament examines carbon budgets. The effective bypassing of the Commons chamber on measures which have such a significant effect on the UK economy means that we as parliamentarians do not have a stake in the crucial policy decisions we are asked to approve on the nod. So I welcome his commitment to present a full delivery plan for the Seventh Carbon Budget to Parliament for scrutiny before we are asked to approve the Government’s plans.
“My colleagues on the Environmental Audit Committee and on the other Commons and Lords committees examining Government policy will have heard the Prime Minister’s criticism of poorly-scrutinised policies developed in departments, with too little external engagement.
“Colleagues across Parliament who take scrutiny seriously will welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to opening more Government decisions on climate targets up to fair and rigorous scrutiny.
“We look forward to greater openness from Government on its climate plans and greater responsiveness to those Commons committees tasked with holding the Government to account.”
First Minister Humza Yousaf has called on governments to accelerate financial support for countries most affected by climate-induced loss and damage, in a keynote speech during Climate Week NYC.
In the speech, the First Minister set out the details of how Scotland’s loss and damage finance – pledged at COP26 and COP27 – is being mobilised.
A total of £5 million has been awarded to the Climate Justice Resilience Fund who support vulnerable communities in the Global South who have experienced loss caused by climate change, with a specific focus on women and young people.
In addition, the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) will receive a further £300,000 to support communities in Malawi impacted by Storm Freddy.
Scotland’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund will also receive an additional £1 million to support communities affected by disasters, disease or conflict, in recognition that climate change is increasingly driving humanitarian emergencies abroad.
The First Minister said: “Not a single community on Earth will be left untouched by the effects of climate change, but that suffering is not and will not be divided equally.We must ensure the communities facing the worst hardship, with the least resources, are not left behind.
“At COP26, Scotland became the first country in the global north to pledge financial support to address that Loss and Damage.
“At COP27 we again led the way, committing another £5 million for the neglected area of non-economic loss and damage. We have made good on those promises but the need for urgent responses to climate shocks is only increasing.
“That is why I am also announcing a further £1 million programme to address loss and damage to be delivered through Scotland’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund.
“Scotland might be a small country but I hope these actions will inspire others to join us in not only making pledges, but in urgently mobilising the finances that are needed on the ground today.”
Climate campaigners will march through Edinburgh today (16 /9/ 23) to demand the UK and Scottish Governments develop a plan for a fair and fast transition away from fossil fuels.
The protestors are demanding action to phase out oil and gas in the UK including a halt to controversial projects like the Rosebank oil field and a new gas-fired power station in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.
Organisers say there must be a fair and fast transition for the workers and the communities most affected by the move away from fossil fuels and these people should be at the heart of planning this transition to ensure it meets their needs.
The march is one of 400 actions taking place around the world with millions of people involved this weekend ahead of a UN Climate Ambition Summit of world leaders in New York next week.
Scientists, energy experts and climate campaigners agree that there must be no new investment in oil, gas or coal anywhere if the world is to limit further climate breakdown. Despite this the UK Government wants to “max out” new North Sea oil and gas and grant over 100 new licences for further oil and gas exploration.
The march is organised by a coalition of groups including Edinburgh Climate Coalition, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Fridays for Future, Climate Justice Coalition, War on Want, Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh, Scot.E3, Greenpeace Edinburgh and Youth in Resistance.
Steve Gray, a delegate of Aberdeen Trades Union Council who will speak at the rally after the march said: “Aberdeen Trades Union Council welcomes the opportunity to march in solidarity with the climate justice movement and thanks everyone for their support for a just transition for workers employed by the fossil fuel industries.
“The tragic deaths caused by the Stonehaven trail derailment during a storm showed the devastating impacts of a changing climate. Aberdeen Trades Union Council, alongside our STUC allies, recognise that we cannot allow these hazards to multiply and threaten our communities.
“All our gains from free school education to votes for working people and equal pay for women have been won through collective struggles. We can once again win this shared fight and secure decent jobs for people building climate resilient communities in Scotland and around the world.”
Lucia Harrington, Lead Organiser of Fuel Poverty Action who campaign for insulated homes and clean, affordable energy for all commented: “Our households’ resources, and the earth’s resources, are being exploited by the profiteering fossil fuel industry, and this is driving fuel poverty and climate disaster.
“ One of the leading causes of the cost of living crisis was that fossil fuel powered energy companies were allowed to make record profits at the expense of millions of people who are forced to go without heating, hot water and electricity.
“We need a just transition now to an energy system that works for people and the planet. Many workers in the fossil fuel industry want to be part of this transition without losing their jobs and falling into fuel poverty.”
Friends of the Earth Scotland’s oil and gas campaigner Freya Aitchison said: “Millions of people will be in the streets around the world because politicians are failing to deliver the fast and fair transition away from the fossil fuels that are fuelling climate breakdown.
“ The near daily climate disasters we are witnessing from Libya, to Greece to China are driven by the burning of fossil fuels yet politicians are still cheerleading for fossil fuel companies. Rishi Sunak’s plan to ‘max out’ oil and gas will maximise climate destruction while the Scottish Government is considering approving a new gas plant at Peterhead in Aberdeenshire which will lock us into burning fossil fuels for decades to come.”
“Marchers in Edinburgh are calling for a properly planned transition away from oil and gas which is led by the workers and communities most affected. A credible plan to switch to renewables can deliver huge benefits to people such as more affordable energy, secure green jobs, warm homes and a safe climate.”
One of Scotland’s fastest-growing food brands has announced that reducing its carbon emissions by almost 110% helped the company to survive Brexit, Covid and especially the ongoing energy crisis.
We hae meat, which supplies major supermarket chains with high-quality sausages and burgers from its Ayrshire farm and factory, installed a biomass plant on site and solar panels. The investments helped to save £750,000 from its annual energy costs.
Alex Paton, fourth-generation farmer and co-founder of the business with his wife Carlyn, said: “Without doubt, we could have closed our doors in the last two years if we hadn’t made our operations much more sustainable.
“The increase in energy prices, on the back of Brexit and Covid, would have been impossible for us to absorb. We’ve seen other businesses in our sector struggling where we’ve been able to use the cost savings as a basis for growth.”
The company first created a carbon management plan in 2015 with support from environmental consultants Tomson Consultancy, reducing its emissions by nearly 90% within the first year alone. It has since gone on to install LEDs and a wastewater treatment system.
Further savings have come from switching its delivery fleet to hybrid plug-in vans charged by the company’s own CHP electric generation, saving 66% on fuel costs, and using excess heat from on-site heat generation to replace tumble dryers.
These have all resulted in the business now being carbon neutral.
The family business includes four traditional farms and even the cattle gain from a greener approach as waste cardboard is shredded for bedding.
Alex added: “Brexit has affected competition for labour and maybe an inflationary effect on materials, and clearly Covid was disruptive for virtually every business sector.
“The increase in energy prices could have been catastrophic. We started on our net zero journey eight years ago because it was the right thing to do but now we’re really seeing the business benefits too.”
We hae meat’s achievements have resulted in it being recognised for sustainability with the Co-Op in Scotland Awards and most recently winning at the Scotland Food and Drink Excellence awards in 2022 for Sustainability Achievements.
Edinburgh residents are being encouraged to hand in their unwanted laptops and other tech to be refurbished & repaired for reuse as well as being passed on to people who suffer who digital poverty.
The Council has partnered with the Edinburgh Remakery, an award-winning social enterprise committed to diverting waste from landfill and promoting a culture of repair and reuse, to help to make this happen.
Three tech donation centres have been set up at the following locations:
13 Sept – 16 Oct: Central Library
17 Oct – 20 Nov : Wester Hailes Library
21 Nov – 13 Dec : South East Locality Office
So far, the Edinburgh Remakery has helped more than 400 people out of digital poverty by donating tech to them through their Tech Gifting Programme.
Council Leader Cammy Day said:“The idea is to make it as easy as possible for anyone to pass on their unwanted technology instead of throwing it away.
“An estimated 24 million old smartphones are kept as ‘spares’ in homes across the UK in cupboards or drawers so I’d encourage everyone across the city to have a clear out where you can and donate your old phones or other tech items to those on low incomes who really need them.
“This project is also about tackling electronic waste, which is one of the fastest-growing and most polluting waste streams in the UK.”
Chief Executive Officer the Edinburgh Remakery Elaine Brown said:“We are delighted that our tech Donation Boxes will be hosted in the three libraries.
!The impact your donations will make cannot be underestimated. Together we can contribute to the city’s ambitious net zero targets, ensure that tech can get a new lease of life and prevent valuable, finite resources going to landfill.
“In addition, we will be able to give the gift of connectivity to people in our community experiencing digital poverty. Together we can Waste less and Live More!”
Through their activities, the Edinburgh Remakery estimated that they saved 83,087kg (CO2e) in CO2 emissions in 2022 – equivalent to 100 million smartphones being fully charged, or 1,400 trees grown for 10 years.
What you can donate:
Laptops and Macbooks
Tablets and iPads
Smart phones
DSLR cameras
General cables
Smart watches
Peripherals, such as keyboards, webcams, and mice.
Further information
Please don’t drop off general household electrical goods, such as toasters, kettles, lamps, hair dryers, etc. The donation boxes are also not able to accept printers of any size or type.
You can recycle electrical equipment at household waste recycling centres, but if you just have small items you might be able to recycle those at some local shops. The Recycle Your Electricals campaign has a postcode search to help.
We are very excited to be organising another family-oriented rubbish picking event at Granton Beach with an eco group from St. James church at Goldenacre on Saturday 23rd September.
We will be meeting by the entrance to the beach at 11 am. Look out for Granton Goes Greener feather flag and our volunteers in green T-shirts
We will have rubbish pickers and rubbish bags for everyone, remember to wear some boots/ appropriate shoes rather than sandals and weather appropriate clothes.
Children must be accompanied by responsible adults.
Targets for nature recovery could be put into law in line with those for climate change, as part of a range of proposals to protect and restore Scotland’s natural environment.
The Scottish Government is asking for views on its plans and actions to accelerate nature restoration and regeneration. The consultation sets out the key elements of Scotland’s overall Biodiversity Framework, including:
Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy – published in draft form in December 2022 – setting out goals of halting biodiversity loss by 2030 and reversing declines by 2045;
The first 5-year Delivery Plan to implement this strategy;
A set of principles to guide the delivery of key commitments to conserve 30% of land for nature by 2030 and expand ‘nature networks’ across Scotland;
Proposals for the upcoming Natural Environment Bill, including the introduction of statutory nature recovery targets which will be binding on government in the same way that climate change targets require Ministers work towards meeting net zero targets; and
Changes to National Parks legislation to strengthen the leadership role of National Parks in tackling the climate and biodiversity crises.
Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater said: “We are at a tipping point for nature – it is in decline across the globe with around 1 million species already facing extinction. In Scotland alone, we have seen a 24% decline in abundance of wildlife since 1990; if we don’t take urgent action, nature in Scotland will continue to decline and important species will be lost forever.
“This week we have published our Programme for Government which recognises that the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss are global challenges of unprecedented proportions. Restoring nature will reduce carbon emissions, and tackling the climate crisis is essential if we are to prevent extinctions. We must be both Net Zero and Nature Positive.
“A nature-positive Scotland creates great opportunities that will benefit people and communities throughout the country and particularly in rural areas. We want to work with everyone – with local government, local communities, organisations and environmental experts – to protect our precious natural environment for future generations.
“We are especially keen to hear the views of the stewards of our land and seas – farmers, gamekeepers and fishers who have the knowledge and skills to drive the transformation that is needed.”
Anne McCall, Director, RSPB Scotland said: “We welcome the Scottish Government’s ambition to drive forward and scale up action for nature – action which evidence tells us is needed now more than ever.
“We are at a crossroads, but this consultation gives me hope as it kickstarts a process that is the biggest opportunity for nature in Scotland that I’ve seen in my 25-years working in conservation.
“This is not just a big moment for nature, it’s important for every person in Scotland. Nature underpins our health, wellbeing, the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat and much of our economy. Restoring nature will deliver many benefits including creating new jobs.
“RSPB Scotland will consider the proposals in detail and will no doubt have suggestions. That is why this consultation is so welcome: delivering the change needed for nature and people will require collaborative action across government, NGOs and the private sector and requires a collective discussion to ensure we get the plans right and then delivered successfully.”
NFU Scotland Director of Policy, Jonnie Hall said: ““As with climate challenges, active farming and crofting are critical to this nation’s biodiversity ambitions. With more than 70 per cent of Scotland’s land under agricultural management, farmers and crofters have a unique role in the stewardship of our habitats and wildlife.
“Rural Scotland is a working landscape, with food production and economic activity being driven by sustainable land management. For nature to flourish, we need to enable those who manage our land to deliver multiple outcomes.
“Enhancing our natural environment is clearly in the public interest and will deliver an array of public goods. But that cannot be sustained at private cost. We have the clear opportunity to ensure our agricultural landscapes deliver the right outcomes for food production, climate, biodiversity and rural communities and a balanced approach to delivering on all four fronts is critical.
“We will encourage farmers and crofters to participate in this consultation as it offers an opportunity to shine a light on all the great work already being undertaken on farms and crofts as well drilling down on the full range of reasons that lie behind any biodiversity loss.”
NatureScot Chair, Colin Galbraith said: ““Nature is in crisis, and we need to take urgent action now. This consultation is an opportunity for everyone to get involved in tackling the crisis in our natural world.
“We want to hear from the land managers, farmers and crofters already working to support and enrich wildlife, as well as from people in rural and urban communities who seek a fair and just transition to a nature-rich future for all.
“Now is the time to speak up for nature; to tell us what your priorities are for the future – we are listening.”
Additional £5 million from Nature Restoration Fund to enhance biodiversity
Scotland’s councils will invest £5 million this year to develop Nature Networks across the country to help tackle the nature and climate crises.
The funding from the Scottish Government will allow local authorities to develop new woodlands, hedgerows, wildflower meadows and ponds, as well as restoring and joining together existing natural habitats that are important for wild plants and animals. Nature Networks provide the opportunity to create and improve active travel spaces, mitigate against flood risk, and give spaces for people and communities to enjoy the natural environment.
The Scottish Government has committed to ensuring every local authority has a thriving Nature Network. Using practical guidance, local authorities and communities can put in place projects that best meet their priorities for nature and climate change.
Local Government Empowerment and Planning Minister Joe FitzPatrick said: “We are facing twin climate and nature crises, and we have a responsibility to protect our natural environment for future generations.
“Local authorities have a key role to play through their engagement with communities to identify shared priorities and the projects that will best allow these to be met.
“The additional £5 million from the Nature Restoration Fund will allow councils to develop Nature Networks and build on the good work already delivered through support from the fund to support new, or to enhance existing, approaches to restoring biodiversity.
“One of the key drivers of biodiversity loss is changes to how land is used, causing habitats to be lost and/or broken up. Remaining habitats are often isolated and less resilient, meaning they struggle to support healthy plant and animal populations in the way they once did. If we are to reverse declines in biodiversity, it is vital to address this by developing robust networks for nature across Scotland.”
Jo Pike, Chief Executive, Scottish Wildlife Trust, said: “The Scottish Government has recognised that nature is in crisis and that concerted action will be required to tackle the twin crises of nature loss and climate change.
“We welcome the focus on nature networks as a way of stepping up our approach to bringing about nature’s recovery.
“Since 2019, the Scottish Wildlife Trust has been working with the City of Edinburgh Council, with input from a host of community organisations, to develop the Edinburgh Nature Network, which is the first of its kind.
“Every local authority is different but we hope that the methodology, which focuses strongly on local circumstances, will provide a sound foundation for work across Scotland.”