Greenpeace: Britian must turn the tide on throwaway plastic

On the day Prime Minister Theresa May delivers a high-profile speech on the environment to coincide with the publication of Defra’s 25-year plan for nature, Greenpeace UK executive director John Suaven has called for action, not words, to tackle critical environmental challenges. Continue reading Greenpeace: Britian must turn the tide on throwaway plastic

Theresa going green? PM to announce plans for cleaner, greener Britain

Prime Minister Theresa May will today pledge to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste within a quarter of a century. Launching the 25 Year Environment Plan, the PM will set out the government’s determination to leave our environment in a better state than we found it. Continue reading Theresa going green? PM to announce plans for cleaner, greener Britain

Seasons greetings from Wardie Bay Beachwatch

I am extremely grateful to all of you who came to Wardie Bay this year to help clear it up for the sake of our local creatures & neighbours but also to contribute to the crucial MCS data which we know to be helping the case against marine litter at policy level (writes KAREN BATES). 

Continue reading Seasons greetings from Wardie Bay Beachwatch

One Helluva hangover: clearing up after Britain’s bevviers

Boozing Britain wakes up to recycling headache – 1.5 BILLION bottles of wine!

Britain’s boozers, already amongst the heaviest drinkers in Europe, are responsible for one of industry’s biggest headaches – how to deal with the waste products of both production and consumption. Continue reading One Helluva hangover: clearing up after Britain’s bevviers

Call to ban ALL plastic bottles in the workplace

By banning plastic bottles from the workplace outright, the UK would save 3.9 billion bottles from being produced by 2020 – a saving of 156,000 tonnes of plastic a year. These are the findings of office provider who is spearheading a campaign to have all single use plastic bottles outlawed by 2020.  Continue reading Call to ban ALL plastic bottles in the workplace

Communal bin collection service to be overhauled

Edinburgh’s communal bin collection system is set to be redesigned to improve the service for thousands of residents across the city, subject to approval by the city council’s Transport and Environment Committee tomorrow. As part of the shake-up, a trial would see communal landfill and packaging bin collections increased to every other day, as opposed to the current average rate of twice weekly. 

Continue reading Communal bin collection service to be overhauled

Letters: Tears

Dear Editor

My tears are for all children, women and man who are suffering extreme poverty and starvation

My tears are for all animals, birds and wildlife

My tears are because of all the cruelty and the destruction of trees and natural habitat

But my tears are not tears of despair, they are tears of knowing how different things could be.

We have allowed a relatively few powerful financial organisations to control and exploit – with unbelievable callousness – people, animals and the natural environment for their private profit: these same people having created the biggest financial mess ever seen worldwide and are now passing it on to everyone.

This ‘system’ must be changed. Wealth created by the work of people must be used for the benefits of all people: we would then be able to deal with all these terrible problems.


Silverknowes Gardens

Beach litter rises 6% around Scottish coasts in just a year, report reveals

With food and drinks litter accounting for up to 20% of all rubbish found on beaches, the UK’s leading marine charity has launched an appeal to the Scottish Government and others in UK calling for urgent action. The Marine Conservation Society says levies on disposables are needed NOW. Continue reading Beach litter rises 6% around Scottish coasts in just a year, report reveals

The Blue Planet effect: UK Blue Belt extended to protect rare seabirds

UK Government announces two new marine Special Protection Areas and extensions to four other sites to safeguard rare seabirds …

Nearly 150,000 rare seabirds – including the iconic little tern and black-throated diver – will be better protected as the UK’s ‘Blue Belt’ of marine protected areas extends by over 650 square miles, Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey announced today. Continue reading The Blue Planet effect: UK Blue Belt extended to protect rare seabirds

MP’s fingers crossed for Friends of Starbank Park

Deidre Brock MP has congratulated Friends of Starbank Park on being shortlisted for the Friends Group of the Year Award – the only Scottish park on the shortlist. The winner will be announced at a ceremony at Lords Cricket Ground tonight. Continue reading MP’s fingers crossed for Friends of Starbank Park