Full speed ahead for Martina’s low-carbon dream!

Edinburgh Napier graduate on fast track to success after funding boost

An Edinburgh Napier graduate is paving the way for low-carbon innovation after being accepted into a prestigious Europe-wide programme. Martina Zupan, who studied product design at the University before setting up her own business aimed at reducing plastic pollution, was delighted to discover her start-up made it on to the Climate-KIC Accelerator scheme. Continue reading Full speed ahead for Martina’s low-carbon dream!

Wardie Bay Beachwatch rescheduled again

Now it’s SUNDAY 11 March from 10.30am

Ok… I’m sorry. Yet again, I’ve had to postpone. 

I didn’t need to do this once last year, but my priority is a decent and thorough data survey & beachclean 🏖

The beach really needs it. It’s currently covered in tyres and sewage waste and, of course, oceans of plastic. Nature is choking.
I also want us to do a nurdle hunt for those insidious plastic pellets directly from industry waste.
Saturday’s weather forecast is obviously awful! 🌊
We can’t do a decent job in torrential rain & wind. So. please join our growing army on Sunday!!! I really need you to come this weekend. 
The more the merrier. Many hands make light work. etc. etc.
With love
p.s.  Bring your Mums!  & please help spread the word. 💙

Wardie Bay Beachwatch

email: wardiebaybeachwatch@gmail.com
facebook: @WardieBayBeachwatch
twitter: @wardiebaybeach
MCS website: Wardie Bay


Testing the Waters: Greenpeace launches plastic pollution report

The results from Greenpeace’s  2017 ship tour of Scotland have been published. Scientists found microplastics in two out of every three samples they took in Scottish waters, posing a long term threat to seabirds and wildlife. Continue reading Testing the Waters: Greenpeace launches plastic pollution report

North Edinburgh’s path network resurfacing to begin next week

Essential work to resurface worn sections of path and improve drainage across Edinburgh’s North Edinburgh Path Network is due to get underway on 7 March for 12 weeks (weather permitting, of course!) Continue reading North Edinburgh’s path network resurfacing to begin next week

Wardie Bay Beachwatch cancelled

This Saturday’s event cancelled … rescheduled for Saturday 10 March

Please note & help spread the word that our next Marine Conservation Society Wardie Bay Beachwatch has had to be postponed. A beach survey would not be fun or productive with the snow forecast for Saturday 3rd. 🌨

This is the 1st day of meteorological Spring! 🌬

We will enjoy the day next Saturday #climatechange #behaviourchangeSea Champions Scotland

Have your say on diesel surcharge

The city council’s consultation on imposing a diesel surcharge on parking permits closes this Sunday (28 January). The council wants to find out the views of people living, working or visiting Edinburgh on the proposal to apply a surcharge on parking permits issued to owners of diesel vehicles.  Have your say …

Through the Council’s Parking Action Plan, we are reviewing parking permits in Edinburgh with the aim to improve air quality and enhance quality of life.

In the past, diesel was considered to be more environmentally-friendly than petrol, as it produces less CO2 per mile. Fuel duty and road tax changed to encourage people to buy diesel cars to cut their carbon footprint. As a result, the number of diesel cars on Britain’s roads increased from around 7% in 1994 to around 40% today.

Internal combustion engines have become cleaner and more efficient in recent years, but diesel vehicles still produce higher emissions of Nitrous Oxides (NOx) and harmful Particulate Matter (PM).

The Councillors who sit on the Transport and Environment Committee have asked us to consult with residents and businesses on a proposal to apply a surcharge on parking permits issued to owners of diesel vehicles.

Some background

Diesel vehicles work best for longer journeys on motorways, but are not well suited to shorter and slower trips in built up areas like Edinburgh’s city centre. There is growing evidence to suggest that diesel engines;

  • contribute to poor air quality
  • increase the risk of lung cancer
  • can cause heart attacks and
  • reduce life expectancy.

Major world cities including Madrid and Mexico City have pledged to ban diesel vehicles and several London Boroughs have already introduced a diesel surcharge on residents’ parking permits.

With an estimated 8,000 diesel permit holders’ vehicles in Edinburgh we need to consider how we can tackle pollution, enhance air quality and improve the health of people living and working in Edinburgh.

Why We Are Consulting

We want to find out the views of people living, working or visiting Edinburgh on the proposal to apply a surcharge on parking permits issued to owners of diesel vehicles.

Give Us Your Views

Saving Our Seas: Scottish Government to consult on plastic cotton bud ban

Plans to introduce legislation to ban the manufacture and sale of plastic stemmed cotton buds have been announced by Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham. The proposals will be put to public consultation and would make Scotland the first country in the UK to legislate against these environmentally damaging items. Continue reading Saving Our Seas: Scottish Government to consult on plastic cotton bud ban