Systemic change needed to address disadvantage in STEM subjects, says Holyrood committee

Disadvantages as a result of deprivation, gender and rurality need to be addressed to improve learning experiences in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), according to a new Holyrood committee report. Continue reading Systemic change needed to address disadvantage in STEM subjects, says Holyrood committee

Putting down roots: the importance of STEM subjects to be explored

The importance of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects in the early years of Scottish education is to be explored by the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee. Continue reading Putting down roots: the importance of STEM subjects to be explored

Lights, camera, DATA!

Calling all budding Steven Spielbergs, Kathryn Bigelows or Peter Jacksons, Netflix fans, and promising BBC Data Scientists! A national competition to design a film or tv series based on data has been launched at DATAFEST 2019 – the UK’s first ever two-week festival of data innovation in Scotland. Continue reading Lights, camera, DATA!

Scottish parents prioritise careers that make a difference

–          Parents say teaching, medicine and engineering are careers where their children could make a difference to the world

–          Seven in ten have had a conversation with their child about how their career can make a positive difference to society

–          Tomorrow’s Engineers Week starts today to celebrate engineers on a mission to make a positive impact on the world

Scottish parents want their children to have a future that makes a positive difference to society, according to new research released to mark the start of Tomorrow’s Engineers Week. Continue reading Scottish parents prioritise careers that make a difference

Edinburgh man wins global photography competition

Mike Glendinning, 44, from Gilmerton, has been named the overall winner of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s annual photography competition for 2018.  Continue reading Edinburgh man wins global photography competition

Scottish Engineering Leaders Awards highlight inspirational problem solvers of the future

The Depute Provost of Renfrewshire, Cathy McEwan, has welcomed Stephen Metcalfe, MP on his inaugural visit to Scotland as HM Government Envoy for Year of Engineering. The visit came on the final grading day of the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award 2018, an innovative award that attracted more than 15,000 entries from 262 Scottish Schools. – some of the inventions will go on to be built by local colleges and universities. Continue reading Scottish Engineering Leaders Awards highlight inspirational problem solvers of the future

Leonardo apprentices create new ‘immersive’ work experience programme

  • The new work experience format at engineering company Leonardo allows high school students to experience what it would be like to have a career in a high-tech business
  • The programme, driven by the company’s engineering apprentices, aims to reflect the real-world impact of engineering and boost students’ enthusiasm for a career in STEM

The value of apprenticeships to Scottish industry could not be more topical, with 2018 marking the launch of Scottish Government’s ‘Year of Young People’ and the UK Government’s ‘Year of Engineering’. It was in the spirit of these two initiatives that apprentices at Crewe Toll-based engineering company Leonardo have created a completely immersive work experience programme for local high school students, believed to be an industry first. Continue reading Leonardo apprentices create new ‘immersive’ work experience programme