Youth Employment blueprint launched at Craigroyston


Education Working For All report

The final report by the group tasked with helping Scotland develop a world class system of vocational education and training has been welcomed by the Scottish Government and education leaders.

Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment Angela Constance joined Sir Ian Wood, fellow members of the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce and representatives from COSLA, at Craigroyston Community High School to mark the publication yesterday.

Its recommendations include:

  • Youth unemployment should be reduced by 40 per cent
  • Enhanced careers education in Primary School
  • The opportunity to prepare for a Modern Apprenticeship (MA) in the senior phase of school
  • More support for employers to take on young employees
  • Closer links between employers and schools and colleges
  • Measures to improve gender balance in training
  • Measures to remove barriers for young disabled people, care leavers and black and minority ethnic groups taking up training opportunities.

Sir Ian believes that Scottish businesses have ‘got out of the habit’ of employing young people and said schools must prepare young people better for the workplace and ensure vocational training was offered as well as academic qualifications.

He explained: “It’s all about building a bridge between school and college into business and industry.

“We’re suggesting that we set up 15 to 20 employer-led groups across Scotland. They’ll have a three-year life and will facilitate every secondary school in Scotland having a long-term partnership with local employers, to include work experience.

“We’re suggesting a really worthwhile work experience and also better advice and career information.

“Frankly, business says ‘we would like to employ more young people, but we’re not sure how to, we don’t have the resource’. We’ve tried to do something quite concrete to change that.”

The Scottish Government will respond formally to the report in the coming weeks, with £12 million budget consequentials already set aside for youth employment.

Speaking at Craigroyston, Ms Constance said: “Today’s report sets out recommendations to deliver a 40 per cent reduction in youth unemployment by 2020 and a challenging programme to transform the way we work with young people, employers, schools and colleges to ensure that all our young women and men have the choices and opportunities they need to fulfil their potential.

“Our young people are an enormous asset in helping us to achieve our aspiration to strengthen Scotland’s economy. Our ambitions to see significant improvements in our youth employment numbers go beyond a return to pre-recession levels when, during a period of growth, youth unemployment stood 7.7 percentage points above that of the general population.

“A substantial amount of activity to help young women and men towards employment is already in place, including our very successful Modern Apprenticeship programme, which has seen over 77,000 new opportunities in the last three years. Opportunities for All also guarantees every 16 to 19 year old the offer of a place in education or training.

“The £12 million we announced earlier this year will help accelerate progress, and we will discuss with our partners in local government how best that is deployed.

“I would like to thank Sir Ian, members of the Commission and all those who have contributed to this landmark report which both matches the scale of our ambition and clearly sets out the challenges we face in delivering it.

“There is now much to consider and we will work closely with the public, private and third sectors on how the recommendations could be taken forward. Our partners in local government have a pivotal role to play in tackling youth unemployment and will be very much part of this work going forward.”


Minister for Learning Alasdair Allan added: “Curriculum for Excellence has been designed to equip our young people with the skills they need to succeed both in Scotland and in the global workplace, with local authorities having the freedom to shape education to meet the needs of our pupils, whatever their background.

“In order to truly give every young person the best possible chance of finding a sustainable career we need world class vocational education and training, allowing schools and colleges to join up with employers so that learning can be even more aligned to student needs.

“Today’s report builds on the steps we have already taken and I look forward to considering with our key stakeholders how it could make the difference we seek.”


Mandy Exley, Principal of Edinburgh College, has also warmly welcomed the findings in the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce report. She said:

“The Wood Commission report’s emphasis on ensuring young people at college study courses that will lead to employment in the prevailing labour market echoes our commitment to delivering opportunities that are relevant to the economic needs of Edinburgh and Scotland.

“The report’s objectives of establishing of a world class vocational training system that puts employers at the heart of this process is positive and something we have already embraced at Edinburgh College.

“Greater involvement between employers and colleges fits well with our activity at Edinburgh College. One of our aims is to ensure most full time students have a practical work experience embedded in their course. This is already well established in some areas such as catering and hair and beauty through the college’s restaurants and salons as well as our close links with industry in areas such as creative industries, health and social care, engineering and construction. We are seeking to extend this across all the full time courses we offer, where practical and beneficial to our students.

“The South East Scotland Academies programme that we are involved in is an excellent example of education institutions working closely with schools and employers to equip young people with the skills, experience and attitude to make a difference in industry. We will continue to pursue such initiatives to ensure we provide young people with the experience and opportunities that will help them into employment.”

Cllr Douglas Chapman, COSLA Spokesperson for Children and Young People added: “This landmark report today by the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce comes at a time of great change for Scotland. Whatever happens in September we have already embarked upon a decade long journey of renewal in education as a result of Curriculum for Excellence. The report today by the Commission in many ways represents the next steps that we need to take if we are to have a first class system of vocational learning in schools alongside the more established route to academic success.

“The report recognises the crucial role that our schools and teachers in local authorities across the length and breadth of the country can play at expanding pupil’s knowledge about the world of work and the job opportunities that are out there.

“The report’s recommendations are ambitious and transformational but in no way unachievable. This is because a key strength is that the recommendations are based, in part, on existing good practice which has been developed by local authorities, colleges and partners”

“We look forward to considering the report in more depth with Government in order to work together to progress the recommendations, as it is essential not only to support but also inspire young people with new opportunities to develop long-term rewarding careers.”


Jobs Fair at Granton Campus

Edinburgh's Telford Exterior

Edinburgh College is hosting a jobs fair next Wednesday (30 April), where job seekers will have the opportunity to meet potential employers.

The jobs fair is aimed at anyone looking for a new job, including students about to finish their studies and people looking to change careers. More than 20 organisations will be present at the event, where attendees will be able to find out about career opportunities, full and part-time vacancies, and volunteer and placement opportunities.

Organisations attending include: Skills Development Scotland; Volunteer Centre Edinburgh; Radisson Hotels; Smile Childcare; The Action Group; Blue Arrow; Apex Hotels; Autism Initiatives; the Army; the RAF; Jobcentre Plus; Scottish Ambulance Service; Specialized Security; Remploy; Business Gateway; Independent Living Services; Police Scotland; Brightwork Ltd.

As well as employers, the Support@Work group, which is part of the Scottish Trades Union Congress, will be available to advise on employee rights and explain how to resolve any issues with an employer. It has previously helped students with issues such as not receiving the minimum wage or a proper contract of employment. Edinburgh College’s Jobzone and Student Services staff will also be on hand to provide advice about careers.

The jobs fair is free to attend and is taking place on Wednesday 30 April between 3pm and 6pm at:

Edinburgh College Granton Campus,
350 West Granton Road,
Edinburgh, EH5 1QE

Encouraging signs as wages outstrip inflation

jobcentre (3)

Brighter outlook for job seekers as unemployment falls again

There have been more indications that economic recovery is gathering pace with the publication of the latest figures by the Office  of National Statistics yesterday.

Unemployment has dropped below 7% for the first time since the recession and employment has seen the biggest annual jump in a generation, the latest figures show.

Unemployment fell by 77,000 in the last 3 months, taking the unemployment rate to 6.9% for the first time since 2009.

In the largest annual rise in nearly 25 years, the number of people of people in a job rose by 691,000 – more than double the population of Newcastle – bringing the record number of people in work to 30.39 million.

Wages also rose on the year by 1.7%, against yesterday’s announcement that March’s inflation had dropped to 1.6%, and job vacancies rose again, up 108,000 over the past year bringing the number of vacancies in the UK economy to 611,000.

Minister for Employment Esther McVey said: “More young people are in work, more women are in work, wages are going up, and more and more businesses are hiring – and it’s a credit to them that Britain is working again.

“But there is still more to do – which is why I’d go even further and call on more employers to work with us to tap into the talent pool the UK offers.”

In Scotland, employment levels are at their highest since records began with 2,575,000 people over 16 now employed. The employment level is now 13,000 above its pre-recession peak of 2,562,000 in 2008.


National Statistics also published yesterday by the Scottish Government showed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 0.2 per cent over the fourth quarter of 2013 and increased by 1.6 per cent during 2013, the fastest annual growth since 2007.

The highest employment level record has been met by an increase in employment of 68,000 over the year, driven by an increase of 46,000 in the female employment level. The female rate of employment in Scotland is now 1.8 percentage points above the UK.

Scotland has again outperformed the UK across all headline labour market indicators, with a lower unemployment rate, higher employment rate and lower economic inactivity rate: details not missed by First Minister Alex Salmond.

Although the Scottish unemployment rate increased by 0.1 percentage points over the quarter, over the year it fell by 0.8 percentage points and now stands at 6.5 per cent compared to 6.9 per cent in the UK as a whole.

For the 17th consecutive month the claimant count decreased in Scotland with the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance falling by 2,400 over the month to March.

Welcoming the latest labour market figures, First Minister Alex Salmond said: “Today’s historic jobs figures show the Scottish Government’s policy of investing in infrastructure to boost the economy is making significant progress with employment levels at a record high. To put it in perspective, there are 285,000 more people in employment today than there were when the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999.

“Scotland is outperforming the UK across employment, unemployment and inactivity rates which goes to show even with the limited powers over the economy at our disposal we are improving our country’s economic health.

“Everyone aged between 16 and 19 is guaranteed an offer of a place in training or education through Opportunities for All and just this week we revealed we will create thousands of additional Modern Apprenticeship places, bringing our total target for MA’s to 30,000 every year by 2020 – double the level we inherited in 2007.

“This commitment to equipping our young people with the skills that they need will be further strengthened with the appointment of Angela Constance as Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Female Employment.”

National Statistics

Jobseekers must ‘hit the ground running’

New rules ‘treat people like adults’


Simply ‘signing-on’ for benefits will be a thing of the past under new rules coming into force at the end of this month which will mean jobseekers will have to do more to find work.

Employment Minister Esther McVey has hailed the new rules as a ‘fundamental shift in expectations’ which helps put to an end the one-way street to benefits where people start claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) by just signing-on without first taking steps to make themselves attractive to employers.

From the end of this month, jobseekers will be expected to take the first basic steps to make themselves employable before meeting with a Jobcentre Plus adviser. More regular meetings with their adviser – weekly instead of fortnightly – are also planned ‘so they get more support up front’.

Minister for Employment Esther McVey (pictured below)  said: “With the economy growing, unemployment falling and record numbers of people in work, now is the time to start expecting more of people if they want to claim benefits. It’s only right that we should ask people to take the first basic steps to getting a job before they start claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance – it will show they are taking their search for work seriously.

This is about treating people like adults and setting out clearly what is expected of them so they can hit the ground running. In return, we will give people as much help and support as possible to move off benefits and into work because we know from employers that it’s the people who are prepared and enthusiastic who are most likely to get the job.”


To prepare for their first interview with a Jobcentre Plus adviser, jobseekers will be asked to do things like preparing a CV, setting up an email address and registering for the government’s new jobs website. This change will mean people start their JSA claim ready to look for work and will show they are serious about finding a job as quickly as possible.

People who need it will also have more regular meetings with their Jobcentre Plus adviser – weekly rather than fortnightly – to ensure they are doing everything they can to look for work and to quickly identify any gaps in their worksearch.

All new JSA claimants will also now have a quarterly review with their adviser where they will review their progress and job goals to identify what more they can do to move into work. This will mirror reviews that are carried out in the workplace to look at achievements and areas for development.

The Westminster government says that the employment picture is improving across the country. They say the  new measures are being introduced as figures show the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance fell by over 363,000 on the year,  the largest annual fall since 1998. The number of young people claiming JSA has been falling for the last 21 months.

Office for National Statistics figures also show that the employment rate has hit a 5-year high and a record 30.19 million people are now in jobs. Private sector employment has increased by 1.73 million since 2010, showing the government’s long-term economic plan is proving successful.

The latest figures also show the number of job vacancies increased in the last 3 months by 23,000 to 588,000.

The number of people who are unemployed fell by 63,000 in the last 3 months, with the number of people who have been unemployed for over a year falling by 38,000. The number of unemployed young people also fell by 29,000 and has been falling now for the last 6 months.

The government says it is committed to helping people off benefits and into work and the vast majority of people move off JSA quickly – over 75% of people end their JSA claim within 6 months.



Do you think the new rules help get more people into work? Let us know ..

Carmichael welcomes income tax changes to help ‘hard working Scots’


Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael has welcomed changes to income tax that will see thousands of Scots workers taking more of their pay home. Mr Carmichael said Scotland is benefiting from being part of the ‘fastest growing economy on the world’.

From this weekend, 242,000 people in Scotland will be taken out of income tax altogether thanks to UK Government policy which sees the tax free personal allowance increase to £10,000 in 2014-15 – and that means that from overnight on Sunday an extra 19,000 Scots will no longer pay any income tax.

Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said: “I am extremely proud to be part of a Government that has ensured that every hard working Scot will not pay any income tax on everything they earn up to £10,000. This is a key measure in our long term economic plan and one which every single Scot will be able to see and benefit from in their pay packet this month.

“Scotland is doing well because it’s part of the UK. We are benefiting from one of the fastest growing economies in the world which is creating jobs and ensuring certainty and security for families and individuals across the country.”

Over one million women in Scotland will directly benefit from this increase which comes as Scottish female employment levels reach near record highs.

This year’s Budget also confirmed that the personal allowance will increase again to £10,500 from next year helping even more Scottish families.

Across the UK, Government measures are cutting tax for over 26 million people. This includes taking over three million out of paying any income tax at all – 200,000 of these from this week.

The Sunday 6 April changes also mean that:

  • Someone working full-time on the October 2014 minimum wage (£6.50/h at 35hrs a week) will pay over 50 per cent less income tax in 2014-15 than a than someone on the national minimum wage in 2010.
  • Someone working for just under 30 hours a week on the October 2014 minimum wage will not pay any income tax at all.

HM Treasury

Thirty thousand respond to Zero Hours Contract consultation

Zero Hours Contracts: fair deal flexibility or a licence to exploit?


The Westminster government received more than 30,000 responses to their consultation on zero hours contracts which closed last week. Business Secretary Vince Cable acknowledged there has been ‘some abuse’ but said the controversial contracts do have a place in today’s labour market, but the TUC believes government proposals fail to tackle the exploitation of workers on zero hour contracts.

The Office for National Statistics estimates over 580,000 employers and individuals are currently using zero hours contracts, and that that number is on the increase.

The twelve week consultation was launched in December by Business Secretary Vince Cable, following a review of evidence on the extent of the use of zero hours contracts conducted last summer.

The consultation focused on two key issues that were raised in the summer review: exclusivity in employment contracts and lack of transparency for employees.

Commenting on the consultation, Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “It is clear that a growing number of people are using zero hours contracts. While for some they offer welcome flexibility to accommodate childcare or top up monthly earnings, for others it is clear that there has also been abuse around this type of employment, which can offer more limited employment rights and job security.

“We believe they can have a place in today’s labour market and are not proposing to ban them outright, but we also want to make sure that people are getting a fair deal. This is why we conducted research last summer (2013) and launched a consultation looking at the key concerns, such as exclusivity clauses and the availability of clear information.

“We don’t think that people should be tied exclusively to one employer if it unfairly stops them from boosting their income when they are not getting enough work to earn a living. We also want to give employees and employers more guidance and advice on their rights and responsibilities around these types of employment contracts. The consultation received a high level of interest, with over 30,000 responses. We will publish our response to the consultation in due course.”


However government proposals to clamp down on the abuse of zero-hours contracts will fail to stem the widespread exploitation of workers, according to the Trades Union Congress (TUC). Responding to the government’s consultation, the TUC submission highlights how zero-hours workers are dogged by low pay, under-employment, and job and income insecurity.

Half of all zero-hours workers earn less than £15,000 a year (compared to 6 per cent of other employees) and two in five want to work more hours, according to recent research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Three-quarters of zero-hours workers report that their hours change each week. These varying hours – and the unstable, irregular income they provide – make it hard for staff to organise childcare, pay monthly bills and plan ahead, says the TUC.

The TUC is concerned that zero-hours contracts allow employers to evade basic employment rights such as maternity and paternity leave and redundancy pay, while some companies pressurise workers to remain available on the off-chance they will be offered work. None of the proposals contained in the government’s consultation deal with any of these problems, warns the TUC.

The TUC instead wants the government to introduce compensation, including travel costs, where shifts for zero-hours workers are cancelled at short notice, as well as written contracts with guaranteed hours where a zero-hours worker does regular shifts. The TUC would also like to see the government simplify employment law so that all workers get the same basic employment rights.

The submission supports the government’s proposal to ban exclusivity clauses – which prevent people from working for anyone else – in employment contracts, though this recommendation on its own will fail to meet the government’s stated aim of ending the abuse of zero-hours contracts.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The growth of zero-hours contracts, along with other forms of precarious employment, is a key reason why working people have seen their living standards worsen significantly in recent years. These contracts are commonly associated with poverty pay, poor terms and conditions, and leave staff vulnerable to exploitation from bad bosses.

“We welcomed the government’s belated acknowledgement last year that abuse of zero-hours contracts needs to be stopped. It’s disappointing therefore that they’ve failed to back this up with any meaningful policies to tackle exploitation.

“If the government wants to be on the side of hard-working people it needs to put proper policies in place to curb exploitative working practices, even if this means ruffling the feathers of a few business lobbyists.”

The government’s response to the consultation findings will be published ‘in due course’.

WOW! Helping women into work for 25 years


An Edinburgh charity that helps women prepare for work celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. Women Onto Work (WOW) provides individual packages for women who are keen to get back to work, but don’t know where to start.

Its first project was in Wester Hailes in 1989 when it ran a training course for 10 women. Since then it has provided support for thousands of women across the city, from a wide range of backgrounds such as low skills and qualifications, returning to work after being a mum, or having confidence issues.

And there are places available now for women who are not in work and are thinking about finding a job.

Susan Watt, WOW’s chairperson, says: “We would love to hear from any women in Edinburgh who would like to know more about our service. Please get in touch.”

“WOW is open to every woman who feels she’s struggling to make her way in the job market and we can offer help with childcare and travelling expenses where required.

“We are the only gender based employability organisation in Scotland, but we are about so much more than just finding women jobs, we offer personal and professional support so that women can achieve their full potential.”

WOW’s services include one to one coaching with a wide range of activities and courses from personal development to an enterprise course aimed at women thinking about working for themselves. Its funders include the Scottish Government, City of Edinburgh Council and the Big Lottery.

For more information check out WOW at

Carmichael welcomes latest employment figures

The latest employment figures show that Scotland is doing well as part of the UK, Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said today.

Unemployment in Scotland fell by 7,000, to 196,000 in the period August to October 2013, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) data released today.

The Scottish unemployment rate is 7.1 per cent, which is below the average of 7.4 per cent for the whole of the UK.

The labour market statistics also show employment in Scotland has increased by 11,000 over the three months August to October 2013. The number of those in employment in Scotland now stands at 2,546,000.

Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said: “Every new job created in Scotland represents someone getting back into work and is to be welcomed. Today’s figures reinforce how well Scotland is doing as part of the UK and they are good news for people and families across the country. There are 83,000 more people in employment in Scotland than there were a year ago.

“Unemployment has fallen and employment increased over the three months to October. We have also seen a further significant fall of 2,900 in people claiming Jobseekers Allowance in November. As a result there are 23,300 fewer Scots claiming JSA compared to one year ago.

“This comes on the back of recent positive news and the continuing recovery of our economy. We will keep up all our efforts to create the right conditions for the private sector to create sustainable, long-term jobs.”


Justice Secretary congratulates TOIL graduates

The Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Justice has congratulated six young people who have completed an 18 week work placement programme.

Kenny MacAskill MSP (Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Justice) handed out completion certificates to the Training Opportunities in Lothian (TOiL) graduates at a ceremony held at the City Chambers on Monday (9 December).

He said: “I congratulate all the young people for completing this TOiL programme and TOiL and Port of Leith Housing Association for contributing to their success.

“We have made a commitment that every school leaver under the age of 19 will be offered the opportunity of a place in meaningful learning or training. One way we are meeting this commitment is through the creation of 25,000 Modern Apprenticeships each year along with £25 million Youth Employment Scotland funding to support 10,000 young people into employment.

“As the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, I am particularly aware of the importance of such opportunities in providing positive futures for young people and their communities. I wish these young people well as they take the next step towards their future career.”

TOiL offers paid six-month work training and placements. Operated by Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA), the programme was established in 2004 and since then has helped almost 450 young people aged 16 to 24 into work and training.

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive at PoLHA, said: “We are very grateful to the Cabinet Secretary for Justice for attending our ceremony. Young people are the lifeblood of the economy and it’s imperative there are projects, such as the this, to give them the required skills to get on the career ladder.”

One of those graduating was 18 year old Ben Hughes of Drumbrae. Ben has secured permanent employment as a direct result of the programme with J. Smart’s builders on completion of an 18 week placement with the firm. He said: “I really enjoyed the TOiL programme and the courses were great. I now have a job I love.”

Also graduating on the day were Michael Bryce, Connor Kerr, Mac Cruikshank, Danielle McGill and Lauren Edwards.

John Murray, who manages TOiL, said: “Congratulations to all the young people who have graduated and we look forward to continuing to support them as they progress in their early careers.”

As well as the young people graduating, the ceremony also honoured those involved in TOiL and there were awards for Partner Organisation of the Year which went to RTL, Award of Recognition for Good practice which went to Lothian Gas and Employer of the Year which went to CCG (Scotland) respectively.

If you are a young jobseeker or employer interested in learning more about the TOiL programme, call 554 0403.

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill MSP, congratulates young training graduates.

A new career in childcare?

Into Childcare Nov 13 Publicity

We are now recruiting to our Into Childcare Course which will start on Wednesday 6 November and we are holding an information drop in session this

Thursday (24 October) between 10 – 11.30am.

If anyone is interested in coming along please contact me directly to book a place.

Kim Weir (Training Administrator)

North Edinburgh Childcare, 18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh, EH4 4BL

Tel:  0131 311 6931     Fax: 0131 315 4420    
