Report into Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland recommends changes to ensure patients’ voices are heard

Pioneering study heard from patients, named persons, practitioners and tribunal members

An Edinburgh Napier University-led study, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, into stakeholder experiences of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (MHTS) has recommended several ways it could improve its processes and decision-making.

Addressing the influence of clinicians, encouraging participation of patients and offering more support for named persons are among the suggestions put forward in the report.

The MHTS was set up authorise and review compulsory psychiatric measures under the 2003 Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and began operating in October 2005. The legislation is underpinned by human rights-based principles which govern the way that the MHTS makes its decisions about compulsory psychiatric care and treatment.

This study is the first of its kind since the Tribunal’s formation and heard from patients, their named persons, MHTS panel members, lawyers, independent advocates and health and social care professionals.

The timing of the study’s report means that its findings will be used to help inform the Scottish Mental Health Law Review, which is due to publish its recommendations on Scottish mental health, capacity and adult support and protection law this autumn.

Jill Stavert, Professor of Mental Health and Capacity Law at Edinburgh Napier University said: “Our study revealed several areas of agreement across all participant groups on how the Mental Health Tribunal operates and evidence of considerable caring goodwill on the part of the Tribunal and health and social care practitioners.

“However, there were certain areas where the experience and perceptions of patients and Tribunal panel members was not shared, particularly surrounding patient perceptions of their ability to participate during tribunal hearings.

“An important test whether human rights principles are effective is not only whether they are given effect by state authorities, such as tribunals, but also the extent to which they are felt to be given effect by rightsholders such as patients.”

Some of the report’s recommendations include, among others, addressing perceptions of the influence of clinicians and diversity issues, supporting patient participation, and supporting named persons more.

Professor Stavert continued: “Some of these, we consider, should be addressed by the Tribunal itself while others are for other bodies to take up.

“This is very important as human rights requirements increasingly require active respect for the rights of persons with psychosocial, cognitive and intellectual disabilities.”

Edinburgh Napier shortlisted for University of the Year

Edinburgh Napier University has been shortlisted for University of the Year at the Times Higher Education Awards 2022. ENU is the only Scottish university to get a nod in the marquee category and the first one to be included since 2020.

Widely dubbed the ‘Oscars of higher education’, the industry publication’s prizes draw hundreds of entries from across the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and recognise the full range of academic and professional services.

Edinburgh Napier’s submission, which covered the 2020/21 academic year, was based around the themes of ‘wellbeing and sustainability’. It included highlights such as leading research on the construction of major cities, the development of the world’s first community-based mangrove and seagrass conservation projects, the award-winning period poverty campaign Bleedin’ Saor, and a pioneering lab plastics recycling programme.

Professor Andrea Nolan, Principal & Vice Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University, said: “We are thrilled to see Edinburgh Napier named on the THE University of the Year shortlist. 

“Wellbeing and sustainability underpin our academic strategies, our support strategies and indeed all that we do for the communities we serve. The success of our entry, which describes how we have maintained our commitment, is recognition of our approach and impact.

“The 2020/21 academic year presented all universities with formidable challenges, and I am proud of the way everyone at ENU went above and beyond to deliver for our students in Edinburgh and internationally, and for our many stakeholders.

“What is remarkable is that, in addition to navigating through the most challenging of times, the staff continued to innovate and deliver to our strategy. The university continued to grow in the broadest terms and make a difference.

“I would like to congratulate our fellow nominees and look forward to the ceremony in November.”

Edinburgh Napier University has also been shortlisted in two other categories: Outstanding Marketing/Communications Team and ENU’s Russell Wilson in Outstanding Technician of the Year.

Pic Greg Macvean 29/11/2021 – Edinburgh Napier University Lisa McMillan and Russell Wilson from Edinburgh Napier University who have become pioneers in lab plastic recycling

THE editor John Gill said: “This is the 18th year that the THE Awards will celebrate the best that UK higher education has to offer, across 20 categories covering all aspects of university activity.

“Once again, the shortlists reflect universities doing extraordinary things in extraordinary times, during the 2020/21 academic year, when the pandemic continued to force higher education and all who work in it to respond to an unprecedented challenge.

“That universities did so with alacrity and creativity is clear from the truly exceptional stories told in the awards submissions, and we had over 550 in all – among the highest number ever.

“All of us at THE are looking forward to celebrating with those shortlisted when we get together for the ‘Oscars of higher education’ in November.”

The nominations follow several other recent accolades in support of the work being done at Edinburgh Napier.

This year Edinburgh Napier University has been named the number one modern university in Scotland by the 2022 Sunday Times Good University Guide, while it has ranked first in in Edinburgh for student satisfaction in the National Student Survey in each of the last three years.

The Research Excellence Framework results, published in May, assessed 68% of the university’s research as either “world-leading” or “internationally excellent”, up 15% since 2014. This makes Edinburgh Napier the top ranking Scottish modern university for both research power and research impact.

The ‘Napier Names’ campaign, which celebrated the achievements of 2020/21 graduates by displaying their names all over Edinburgh, also won gold at The Heist Awards for education marketing, as well as prizes at the Edinburgh Business Awards and Herald Higher Education Awards.

The winners of the 18th annual THE Awards will be revealed will be revealed at a ceremony in London on 17 November 2022.

From Sighthill to the Superbowl? 

Napier Knights giving young players a head start in American football

Edinburgh Napier Knights, the university’s American football team, is celebrating the achievement of breakthrough quarterback Cameron Dunn – one of several young players who are making moves towards playing the sport professionally.

The 20-year-old, who took up the sport with the Knights youth teams in Sighthill, is embarking on a scholarship with St John Fisher University in New York state, which is due to formally start next month.

After arriving in the USA, he said: “The move over has gone well so far. We are just settling into the pre-season camp schedule now. With practices underway, every day is busy, but exciting.

“The Knights have really helped me prepare to compete at this level with the quarterback coaching I received last year.

“Being able to compete against Americans who have played all their life is really special.”

Edinburgh Napier Knights Head Coach and Club Chairman Pete Laird said: “Cameron started with us as a youth, ended up choosing to come to university, then broke all sorts of records with the team.

“He’s so dedicated, such an earnest kid, his parents have kept him on the steady level. He is a wonderful example to others at the club.”

Cameron isn’t the only young Knights player to have been offered a chance at a higher level. The Knights’ youth teams, which were founded by Edinburgh Napier University students in 2017 as a way of getting children from the Sighthill and Broomhouse community into sport and education, have also drawn more attention from across the country.

Just weeks after the club fielded an under 19s outfit for the first time, it will provide 25 players for the Scotland under 19 squad for an upcoming fixture on 24 September.

Some of those players – AJ Danso, Charlie Torrance-Hay and Steven Malan – have been recruited on athletic scholarship degrees by English universities, while under 16s Luca Clement and Charlie Rattray were invited to try out for a place at the new NFL Academy in Loughborough.

Their development stems from the club’s determination to give young people opportunities in sport in an area of Edinburgh which has suffered from anti-social behaviour and vandalism.

Pete Laird explained: “American football has gone from being a novelty to a participation sport. That is the big difference for us.

“We had 85 kids last year and we’re now starting to see scouts come from elsewhere coming to watch our players. We get kids that have never played before and we teach them the game. We have a resource in our students who can do that – they have such a love and a passion for it.

“For us the main thing about trying to engage with the local kids and offer them an alternative. The university was always seen as an alien external building to them, but we try to show them it’s part of the community. We tell them ‘students at Napier are just like you’.

“That’s what we’re in it for, if they use it as a platform to stay in studies then we’ve done our job. I always say we could be teaching tiddlywinks. It is about giving them an outlet.”

The club is open to anyone aged 8-19 and is always on the lookout for new players.

Anyone interested in playing with the Knights youth team can contact Sam Stoddart Durning on:

Edinburgh Napier’s Alumni of the Year announced for 2022

Nathalie Agnew and Bjørn Hanson honoured

Edinburgh Napier has announced the recipients of its 2022 Alumnus of the Year and Young Alumnus of the Year awards. 

The University has awarded its Alumnus of the Year award to Nathalie Agnew.

Nathalie graduated from the University in 2005 with a BA in Communication Arts. She is the founder and managing director of award-winning PR agency, Muckle Media.

Since its launch in the Highlands in 2012, Muckle Media has grown to a team of more than twenty staff across offices in Edinburgh, Inverness, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Much of the agency’s growth has been organic, but two competitive agencies have also been acquired – community engagement agency Platform PR in 2015 and food and drink specialist agency Taste Communications in 2022.

Nathalie was praised by the award panel for embodying a number of the University’s values and was described as an inspiration and a role model for Edinburgh Napier students and alumni alike.

The University’s 2022 Young Alumnus of the Year award recipient is Bjørn Hanson.

Bjørn is a double Edinburgh Napier alumnus having graduated in 2020 with a Kino Eyes International Film Masters and again in 2021 with MFA in Advanced Film Practice.

He is a producer and has worked in production in the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Portugal and Estonia. He recently produced the queer drama FLOAT for BBC Scotland, which won the award for Best Series in the Short Format competition at Series Mania 2022.

Bjørn was recognised by the judging panel for being a talented, ambitious and entrepreneurial young film producer.

Professor Andrea Nolan, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University, said: “I am delighted to announce this year’s alumnus and young alumnus of the year award recipients.

“These awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our alumni around the world and showcases the value and impact of their Edinburgh Napier education.

“Through peer, student and staff nominations, we identify an individual, or a group of alumni who have shown excellence and distinction in their personal and or professional lives and made a positive contribution to the University, their community and profession.

“A massive congratulations to both Nathalie and Bjørn – two individuals making a real difference in their chosen careers.”

The annual alumnus awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of the University’s global community and showcase the value and impact of their Edinburgh Napier education. 

The Edinburgh Napier community was asked to nominate alumni who have shown excellence and distinction in their personal or professional lives and who have made a positive contribution to the University, their community and profession.

The winners were selected by an award panel chaired by Geoffrey H. Day, Director of Marketing and External Relations, Edinburgh Napier University. 

More information on the awards can be found here.

More information on Nathalie can be found here.

More information on Bjørn can be found here.

Five of the Best: Napier University honours inspirational figures

From cinematographer to illustrious military career, the five honorary graduates celebrated for making a positive difference

Five leading figures making a positive difference in their respective fields and communities had their achievements recognised with an honorary degree from Edinburgh Napier University last week.

Accomplished cinematographer and Primetime Emmy winner Neville Kidd was awarded with an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Arts for his contribution to the creative industry.

Responsible for overseeing several of Netflix’s popular science-fiction series, including Travels and The Umbrella Academy, this is not the first time Neville has been awarded an Edinburgh Napier degree after studying for a BA in Photography and Film in 1989.

Serving across the globe in his illustrious military career, former CEO and producer of Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, David Allfrey MBE, received an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Business Administration.

During his 10-year stint leading the Tattoo, David worked tirelessly to promote its mission to be the world’s greatest immersive event whilst highlighting the value and importance to Edinburgh’s cultural heritage.

David has used this experience to support Edinburgh Napier’s tourism, festival and event students by delivering annual lectures as well offering internships and work experience.

A fellow Edinburgh Napier student, composer and performer Anna Meredith MBE received an Honorary Degree of Doctor for Music in recognition of her services to industry. Defined by her traversing genre and style, Anna has been a composer in residence for the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and RPS/PRS Composer in the House with Sinfonia ViVA.

Former chief executive of Wood Group, Robert Keiller CBE, was presented with an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Enterprise for commitment to the humanity of business, after being at the helm of some of the world’s largest multi-national organsations as well as supporting innovative SMEs.

Also in receipt of an Honorary Degree is former Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland Gill Imery QPM for leading substantial improvements in policing for the benefit of the public and was the first woman to take command of policing Edinburgh divisions as well as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

The honorary graduates will become doctorates of the University, alongside 2000 students graduating from the universities six faculties this week.

Professor Andrea Nolan, Principal & Vice Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University, said: “It’s a real privilege to be presenting these five outstanding individuals with an honorary degree at this year’s ceremony.

“Each one has not only exemplified significant contributions to their chosen fields but made a positive impact on society as a whole. We hope their achievements will continue to play an inspiring role to those attending and graduating Edinburgh Napier University.”

Honorary graduates

Robert Keiller CBE, Doctor of Enterprise

Bob attended Jedburgh Grammar School and then went on to graduate from Heriot-Watt University with a Master’s in Engineering. Over the course of a 30-year career in the oil and gas industry, he held no less than 18 different roles in 10 different organisations, a varied career trajectory that provided him with a wealth of valuable perspectives on the impact of leadership style on organisational culture.

He has earned distinction and eminence at the helm of large multi-national organisations, as well as innovative, small and medium sized enterprises, by developing and nurturing the right organisational culture and putting people first. Today Bob is an inspirational TEDx speaker, a LinkedIn influencer with more than 160,000 followers, Chief Storytelling Officer at The Lens, and a Business Advisor through his consultancy firm, AB15.

Anna Meredith MBE, Doctor of Music

After studying at Edinburgh Napier University, Anna went on to receive a first-class honours degree in Music from the University of York, before gaining her master’s degree from the Royal College of Music. In recognition of her services to music, Anna was named a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

She has presented for BBC Radio 3 and 6Music and is a regular radio and TV guest, judge and panel member. She has created original music for numerous films, television productions, documentaries and installations, and has performed at pop festivals and classical concert halls worldwide.

Anna’s debut album, Varmints, was released in March 2016, achieving both Pitchfork’s coveted Best New Music and the Scottish Music Industry Association Scottish Album of the Year awards.

David Allfrey MBE, Doctor of Business Administration

David’s strong ability to co-ordinate and motivate, and his enthusiasm and skill for running large scale events led him to be awarded an MBE for delivering the commemoration events for D-Day. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel he became Director of Studies for technical training and became involved in army recruiting, with a focus on increasing diversity. A further promotion to Brigadier led him to work with the Scottish regiments and command the 51 Brigade.

David is also dedicated to making international connections. He has visited 55 countries and one of David’s greatest achievements was to take the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo brand overseas. In 2016 and 2017, the Tattoo, under his directorship, delivered sell-out shows in New Zealand and Australia, selling more tickets than events featuring AC/DC and One Direction.

Gill Imery QPM, Doctor of the University

Gill has led substantial improvements in policing for the benefit of the public and was the first (and so far the only) woman to take command of policing Edinburgh division, as well as the first (and only) female Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

She has had an impressive career in policing and was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for distinguished service in 2017. Gill also has a Master of Arts degree in English Literature and Language and a postgraduate certificate in Child Protection.

In 2016, Gill was seconded to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland as an Assistant Inspector and then in 2018 she was appointed as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland. There, she set the strategic direction for the inspectorate.

Neville Kidd, Doctor of Arts

Neville is an accomplished cinematographer, working at the highest level of the global screen industry as a Director of Photography, DoP, in which role he is responsible for the visuals, the camerawork and lighting, for high budget international television programmes.

By the early 2000s, Neville had become the ‘go-to’ cameraman when producers needed a distinctive versatile visual approach. He made a significant contribution to the way television cooking programmes are filmed.

He was the cameraman when Jamie Oliver, then an unknown junior chef at London’s River Café, made his debut; and Neville filmed the pilot and many successful series with Nigella Lawson, perfecting the art of framing close-ups of both the food and presenter.

Producers from North America approached Neville to work as DoP on projects for Hollywood studios. One of his first American projects was the Outlander series made in Scotland. For his work on an episode entitled The Battle of Prestonpans he was inducted into the American Society of Cinematographers.

Kael set to spice up the Scottish street food scene after award win

Inaugural winner of Appin Entrepreneurship Award announced

Appin Entrepreneurship Awards 2022 at the new Bright Red Triangle space in Bainfiled. accomodation complex

An Edinburgh Napier student that aims to spice up the Scottish street food scene has been announced as the inaugural winner of the University’s Appin Entrepreneurship Award.

Student Kael Begbie – known as The Hoagie Man – scooped the top prize of £2,000 after coming out top in the competition held at Edinburgh Napier’s Bright Red Triangle last month.

Kael – who will this week graduate with a degree in Business Management from Edinburgh Napier – pitched his way to success, pipping three other Edinburgh Napier student finalists to the top prize as he impressed judges with his plans to launch his new food business later this month (22 July) at the popular Pitt Market in Leith.

Kael’s food outlet specialises in wraps, with his signature dish – the hoagie – putting a Scottish spin on the classic burrito by substituting the regular meat ingredient of chicken or beef with haggis.

Alongside the prize money that he will use to help support the launch of his business, Kael will also now receive 1:1 business advice and support from Bright Red Triangle – a free resource for Edinburgh Napier students, staff and alumni to develop enterprise skills and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Appin Entrepreneurship Awards 2022 at the new Bright Red Triangle space in Bainfiled. accomodation complex

Kael Begbie said: “It was a special day; I really appreciate it and I am truly grateful for the support and encouragement offered to me by Damien and Bing as well as my Edinburgh Napier colleagues and fellow contestants.

“I’m very proud to be the first winner of this competition and it’s given me a fantastic opportunity to grow my business with a generous investment. I hope to return for future competitions and see a new wave of young entrepreneurs boldly exploring new ideas and developing their businesses.

“Until then I’m excited to keep working on The Hoagieman and to see where this journey takes me next!”

In its inaugural year, the Appin Entrepreneurship Award has been led by the University’s Bright Red Triangle alongside support from its Development and Alumni Relations team. It has been established to encourage and support the development of entrepreneurial ideas and concepts within the University’s student and graduate community.

The award has been made possible thanks to the generous support of two trailblazing entrepreneurs, Damien O’Looney and Bing Li, who met whilst studying Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Edinburgh Napier.

The pair have donated the award and prize money to celebrate and recognise outstanding student and graduate entrepreneurs each year at the University.

As young entrepreneurs Damien and Bing Co-founded UK-China Trading Ltd (UKCT), a product sourcing business in 2010, but didn’t stop there.

Damien and Bing’s entrepreneurial journey has seen the pair launch a number of successful businesses, including an English school in China, a property letting agency, a holiday letting agency, a Sportswear supplier – Appin Sports – for mass sports events and custom football apparel and a business which responded to the Covid-19 pandemic to source and supply PPE to the NHS and to various outlets internationally.

On Kael’s award win, Damien O’Looney said: “We are both very much looking forward to hearing about all the new business ideas coming out of Edinburgh Napier. The Centre for Entrepreneurship was instrumental in bringing Bing and I together and gave us the knowledge and confidence we needed to try and run a business ourselves.

“It also gave us practical tools (finance, budgeting, marketing and promotion, business planning and pitching) which are needed in every business. We hope our Appin alumni award can help fledgling businesses with the cash they need to start their business.”

“I hope Kael is successful – he seems to have all the right ingredients (pun intended) to make it a success!” 

Pete McLean, Business Growth Advisor at Edinburgh Napier’s Bright Red Triangle, said: “We are delighted that the Appin Award has been launched and would like to congratulate Kael on his well-deserved win.

“We are grateful to Damien and Bing for their generous support – their contribution will allow us to help more budding entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into reality, and provides a brilliant platform for showcasing the student innovation and entrepreneurial spirit present at Edinburgh Napier.

“We had a such a great calibre of entries for the inaugural year and the BRT team look forward to continue supporting Kael and his fellow pitchers on their entrepreneurial journey.”

Dr Maggie Anderson, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Edinburgh Napier, said: “I’m delighted as the entrepreneurship lecturer to connect Damien and Bing – two Edinburgh Napier alumni entrepreneurs – with Kael, a current student, to fund and enable him to progress his business idea.

“The competition focussed this year on students who had studied the Starting a New Business module and it was great to have so many keen to take their ideas further- that’s what entrepreneurship is all about.

“We look forward to further completions thanks to the generous funding now in place, to enable many more students to become alumni entrepreneurs of the future.”

More details on the Appin Entrepreneurship Award and Bright Red Triangle can be found here.

Napier student lands dream role following difficult start to life

Jade Lindsay graduated Business Studies with Human Resources Management this summer at Edinburgh Napier University Business School. Jade was adopted at the age of three and is the first person from her birth family to complete school and go into higher education. 

After completing her SQA Highers and unfortunately not getting the results she needed to pursue her dreams of becoming a vet, she had to rethink her choices. Jade decided to go on my world of work, a website that helps people discover a career that matches their skills.

After completing the different skill and personality tests, Jade said she was given a new purpose as she was recommended to pursue a career in Human Resources. Jade applied to Edinburgh Napier for their business and HRM degree and got an unconditional offer.

Jade said: “I was adopted at the age of three with a very difficult start to life and was the first person in my birth family to complete all of school and enter into higher education, which was a huge achievement.

“During my years at Napier University I have experienced lots of support and made lifelong friends. Over Christmas 2021, I applied to many graduate jobs and recorded many interviews as I looked forward to life after university.

“After completing my last lot of exams in May, I received the news that I was invited down to Bristol for an assessment centre for GKN Aerospace, a global organisation which leads the aerospace technology industry. 

“I was one of only 3 business students out of over 400 applicants to get to the final stage of recruitment.

“I was successful in my endeavour and I have now accepted an offer of a position in the 27 month HR graduate programme which includes 2 global placements and specialisation in one of the HR departments at the end of the programme.

“I will be starting my new chapter in September and I look forward to graduation.”

This year’s ceremony saw over 2,000 students graduating from the university’s 6 schools.

Edinburgh Napier’s most inspiring student winner completes degree

Katerina Dufkova has overcome more than most students usually have to during her university career and has achieved a bachelor with honours in Social Sciences. She was named Edinburgh Napier University’s most inspiring student for 2019-2020 which is no surprise considering what she has had to overcome throughout her studies.

As a survivor of Complex PTSD she immigrated to Scotland by herself at the age of 18 to remove herself from the proximity of her biological family who were the primary source of her trauma. She has excelled despite this difficult start to life and began her studies at Edinburgh Napier University in 2016.

Now 35, Katerina was in the final stages of completing her degree when the pandemic started, which meant she then had to juggle home schooling her 8-year-old daughter, whilst also completing her degree studies.

On top of this Katerina was in an ongoing custody battle with her daughter’s father with the support of women’s aid. Katerina persevered nonetheless and will graduate this summer. 

Graduations July 2022 – Graduations July 2022 – Katerina Dufkova, Social Sciences

She said: “Despite facing many obstacles, I was able to complete my undergraduate degree and was pleased to be named the most inspiring student 2019/20 for always being helpful to my peers whilst going through an incredibly challenging time myself”.

This year’s ceremony saw over 2,000 students graduating from the university’s 6 schools.

Veterinary Nurse completes degree following autism diagnosis

Nikki Mcleod graduated with a bachelor degree in veterinary nursing just 10 days before her 50th birthday, having received her Registered Veterinary Nurse badge 22 years ago.

When Nikki received a diagnosis of autism at the age of 45, much of what she had struggled with throughout her life began to make sense. The neurodiverse disability affected her social skills as well as multiple aspects of her life, Nikki found her calling in caring for Animals and has excelled in her career and education.

Graduations July 2022 – Graduations July 2022 – Nikki Mcleod, Veterinary Nursing

Nikki completed her degree in 4 years alongside a busy career, and has been awarded the Meghan Ambrozevich-Blair Prize in recognition of her incredible achievements as a student at Edinburgh Napier University.

Nikki has a particular love for cats and achieved the silver certificate from the international society of feline medicine. 

Having been told for much of her school life that she wasn’t good enough and could try harder, Nikki has overcome this and excelled in her career. Her autism diagnosis helped her understand her personal daily struggle and she has excelled in her career and education.

Graduations July 2022 – Graduations July 2022 – Nikki Mcleod, Veterinary Nursing

Nikki said: “With the university allowing me to take all the top-up modules over four years instead of two, it made it a lot easier to continue working in a busy small animal practice and study for my other certificates.

“Napier’s disability service was super supportive with regards to my autism and what help I could get. I’m proud to have walked across that stage – even if I’m twice the age of my fellow graduates”

This year’s ceremony saw over 2,000 students graduating from the university’s 6 schools.

Twin doctors graduate together at Edinburgh Napier University

Twins Tosin and Toyosi Oye studied PhD Engineering together at Edinburgh Napier University. They both decided to study at the same university and chose Napier due to its track record of achievement and the great support they provide for students.

Prior to applying to Edinburgh Napier University, Tosin and Toyosi spent a hours researching the research facilities on offer at the university and which lecturers would teach them during their studies. Napier ticked all the boxes for what the twins were looking for in their education and also the environment in which they wanted to study in.

Tosin said: “The student experience encompasses many aspects of academic and intellectual development; social and emotional life; and growth. We’re proud to say we have all these at Edinburgh Napier University.”

Toyosi added: “Our university experience was great, and we enjoyed every bit of it. We’re really looking forward to graduation and our plan after graduation is to continue with postdoc and thereafter be lecturers.”

Tosin and Toyosi have always supported each other from their childhood to their university career.

During their time at Edinburgh Napier University, they assisted each other with their university work, for instance by taking the time to discuss the best ways to solve technical areas of their studies.