Edinburgh College set to welcome prospective students during February Open Days

Edinburgh College is set to host four open days this month for those considering starting a course in August 2025.

At the open days, prospective students are invited to find out about the various courses they can apply for, meet curriculum teams, explore the College’s facilities, as well as experience first-hand what it’s like to study at Edinburgh College.

Midlothian Campus will be open from 4pm-7pm on Tuesday 18 February, Milton Road Campus will be open from 4pm-7pm on Wednesday 19 February, Sighthill Campus will be open from 4pm-7pm on Thursday 20 February, and Granton Campus will be open from 10am-1pm on Saturday 22 February.

Prospective students are invited to attend the open days to not only discuss course options, but also find out more about applications, funding options and the support available to them while studying at college.

The College offers a wide range of subjects within its faculties of Creative Industries, Construction and Engineering, Health, Wellbeing and Social Science, and Tourism, Hospitality and Business.

With beginner-level courses, pathways to university, short courses and continuous development courses, learners at any stage of their career or education journey will be able to find out about their possible next steps at these events.

Edinburgh College Principal, Audrey Cumberford, said: “We’re delighted to be welcoming prospective students onto our campuses this February.

“Open Days are the perfect opportunity for those considering coming to college to not only find out about the wide-variety of courses that we offer, but also explore our campus facilities, and learn about the range of support available to them.

“I highly encourage anyone considering studying here to join us for the events.”

Attendees can drop in or book a place on subject-specific sessions.

For more information and to book a place at one of the open days, visit the Edinburgh College website.

Applications for courses starting in August 2025 are now open.

Open Days at Edinburgh College

Are you ready to Experience Edinburgh College? Each campus has a wide range of facilities for our students to experience, such as our libraries, hair and beauty salons, classroom cafes and fitness facilities.

Come along to our open days this February to find out more about each of our campuses and courses starting in August 2025. Applications are open now!

To find out more about the courses available and register your interest for one of our open days, check out our website https://www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/…/events/open-days-2025





All reactions:


Edinburgh College: Join the Board

Do you want to make a positive change to the lives of learners across Edinburgh, Midlothian, and East Lothian? Do you want to help Edinburgh College to further enhance its community partnerships and stakeholder engagement in the diverse region it serves? Then come and join the Board of Management of Edinburgh College.

The Edinburgh College Board of Management currently seeks to fill three non-executive vacancies before 26 March 2025.

The Board of Management would particularly welcome applications from individuals with experience in at least one of the following areas:

(i) Education and training (across Tertiary Education, schools, and/or other training providers);

(ii) Government Relations and Public Affairs; and/or

(iii) Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Successful applicants will have the ability to contribute to a dynamic board, which deals with a variety of complex and interesting issues and promotes the highest standards of governance. If appointed to the Edinburgh College Board of Management, you will be provided with appropriate induction and training designed to support you to effectively fulfil your role as a Board member.

Applications are also encouraged from groups currently under-represented on Scotland’s public bodies.

Time Commitment: During the first year of appointment, it is anticipated you may need to devote an average of 1.5 days per month.

Remuneration: All Non-Executive roles are non-remunerated. Incidental expenses will be reimbursed.

Appointment details: Appointments to the Board of Management will come into effect anytime from 24 March 2025 onwards, following approval from the Minister for Higher and Further Education.

The appointment will be for a period up to 3 years, with the possibility of re-appointment subject to evidence of effective performance and to satisfying the requirements of the person specification for the role at the time of re-appointment.

Location: Meetings of the Board will normally be held at one of the College’s four campuses: Granton, Sighthill, Milton Road and/or Midlothian.

Further Information: If you would like to find out more about the role, you are welcome to contact the Board Secretary, Marcus Walker on Tel. 0131 2979326, or by emailing: Marcus.Walker@edinburghcollege.ac.uk

Edinburgh College: Performing Arts Open Days

🎭🩰🎤 Whether you’re looking to develop your skills and shape your future on the stage or behind the scenes, come along to our Performing Arts Open Days to find out more about courses starting in August 2025! 👯‍♀️💄🎧

– Friday 29 November

– Friday 13 December

– Thursday 19 December

Find out more 👉https://www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/…/events/pass-open-days


Christmas Community Singalong at Granton Campus

THURSDAY 5th DECEMBER from 6 – 7pm

On Thursday 5th December at 6pm, come join us for a festive evening of carol singing, choir singing and live music performance in the warm and welcoming surroundings of The Hub @ Edinburgh College, Granton Campus.

Free festive treats and mulled wine will be served by Edinburgh College Professional Cookery students to get us in the festive spirit, and there will be live performances from Edinburgh College musicians, with lyrics made available for singalongs for everyone to join in.

This is a free, family-friendly event and all are welcome!

The Hub is fully accessible but if you have any concerns about accessing the event please do get in touch.

This event is run in partnership with Edinburgh College and The City of Edinburgh Council.

Edinburgh College wins national cooking challenge

Winners of Annual Scottish Chefs Nespresso Professional Student Coffee Challenge revealed

Scottish Chefs, Scotland’s official National Organisation for all chefs in Scotland and member of The World Association of Chefs Societies, has once again teamed up with Nespresso Professional for the student coffee challenge to help find the next generation of culinary stars.

The winning team from Edinburgh College, Milton Campus each received an invite to Scottish Chefs 30th anniversary celebration lunch where they met Andy Cuthbert, World Chefs newly elected President, and were presented with a Nespresso M100 coffee machine for their college.

This year, Scottish Chefs will also release a special anniversary cookbook as it celebrates its 30th year, where the winning recipes will also be included.

Teams were made up of three students, all in full time catering and hospitality college courses, and were given two hours to produce an afternoon tea selection alongside Nespresso coffee.

The judging panel of Joe Queen, Chair of The Scottish Chefs Culinary Committee, Kevin MacGillivray Chief Executive of Scottish Chefs & International World Chefs Accredited Judge, Derek Johnston, the first winner of BBC’s Masterchef: The Professionals and Gary Shanks, Nespresso Account Manager for the East of Scotland were looking for a well-presented table and a front-of-house server demonstrating effective communication and interaction skills with guests.

For the chefs, they sought a display of both modern and traditional cooking methods that showcased a variety of skills, as well as adherence to hygienic working practices.

The winning menu from Jenny MacLeod, Eileen Ingle and Emilia Lawandowska was made up of Leek, Mushroom & Gruyere Tart, Coffee Chicken Pie, Apple & Coffee Meringue Tart and Coffee & Chocolate Choux au Caquelon.

The judges commented on how each element of their afternoon tea was well cooked and was full of flavour which highlighted the coffee and various technical skills which ultimately made the team from Edinburgh College, Milton Campus victorious.

Gary Shanks, Nespresso Account Manager for the East of Scotland, said: It was a privilege to once again support this competition, and help support the next generation of culinary superstars.

“It was inspiring to see the skills and imagination on display to create incredible menus to complement our coffee. When food is this delicious, being able to offer the best coffee is something we feel extremely passionate about.

“Congratulations to the winners from Edinburgh College, the standard was so high, so they should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved.”

Joe Queen, Chair of The Scottish Chefs Culinary Committee, said: “It was very encouraging to see the interest from colleges throughout Scotland that participated. The support that the young chefs and servers received from their respective college lecturers was fantastic.

And then from the students came the imagination, the innovation and the team work to help produce brilliant Afternoon Teas. Scottish Chefs now hope now that this competition can go from strength to strength and help build up an array of talented youngsters. 

Well done to Edinburgh Milton College campus who also were very worthy winners last year, there must be something in the Edinburgh air! We all look forward to next year.” 

The Scottish Chefs 30th anniversary celebration lunch took place at Murrayfield recognising 30 years of promoting excellence in all areas of the hospitality industry in Scotland. Mairi Gougeon MSP and Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands joined as guest speaker.

Edinburgh College Class of 2024 students celebrate graduations

More than 700 students celebrated in style as they graduated as part of Edinburgh College’s class of 2024 at the McEwan Hall last week (8 November).

Students were joined by over 1,600 proud family members and friends who watched as their loved ones crossed the McEwan Hall stage to receive their certificates of achievement.

Graduates from across the College’s curriculum areas were honoured during three ceremonies throughout the day, graduating in subjects across each of the College’s faculties: Health, Wellbeing and Social Science; Tourism, Hospitality and Business; Engineering and Construction; and Creative Industries.

Across the three ceremonies, the College’s best-performing students were also commended by Principal Audrey Cumberford, receiving awards for academic excellence.

Prizes were also awarded on behalf of the Edinburgh College Board of Management to students who have exceeded expectations throughout their College journey.

In addition, James Thomson OBE was presented with an Honorary Edinburgh College Ambassador Award in recognition of James Thomson’s significant contribution to Edinburgh College over many years, through his support of our hospitality students, sponsorship of international exchanges, and the creation of the James Thomson Award for Customer Excellence.

Around 14 members of College teaching staff were also presented with professional development awards during the ceremonies – celebrating the wealth of CPD opportunities available to staff to support them in their role of educating more than 28,000 students each year.

Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford said: “Graduation is a special occasion—one that celebrates the dedication, resilience, and growth that each student has shown throughout their college journey.

“The Class of 2024 has demonstrated incredible focus and perseverance, setting themselves up for success in whatever path they choose to pursue next. With the skills and knowledge they’ve gained during their time at Edinburgh College, there’s no doubt that they are poised to achieve great things.

“On behalf of the College’s leadership, faculty, and support teams, I offer my deepest congratulations to each and every one of you. I wish you nothing but success as you continue your studies, start new careers, and chase your dreams.

“Here’s to the Class of 2024—you’ve earned this!”

Granton Campus Coffee Morning

WEDNESDAY 2nd OCTOBER 10.30am – 11.30am

Students! The College’s Professional Cookery and Hospitality department are hosting a coffee morning in the Apprentice Restaurant at Granton Campus on Wednesday 2 October.

You are invited to come along from 10.30am-11.30am to grab a coffee and a cake for just £2.50.

Edinburgh College lecturers speak out

As of Thursday 15th August, members of the EIS-FELA trade union at Edinburgh College who are  taking part in Action Short of a Strike will be docked (deemed) 100% of their pay.

College  lecturers across Scotland are taking part in a protracted dispute over pay and job security, and  have had no consolidated pay rise since 2021 despite rampant inflation. 

In a recent email to all staff, Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford conceded that  staff should be “due a pay award that reflects the issue of pay erosion over a number of years,  and reflects the value of what you do”.

She further accepts that the current pay dispute is  inextricably linked to the lack of Scottish Government funding of the sector, and that colleges  have been left behind compared to other public sector organisations when it comes to cost-of living payrises. 

EIS Branch Secretary Dan Holland said: “It is welcome that Edinburgh College leaders now  publicly recognise what EIS members have been saying from the outset: that the Scottish  Government are providing the barrier for a cost-of-living pay rise in the college.

“However, by  choosing to punish staff for participating in Action Short of a Strike and deduct all their salary, this has now escalated the matter locally which will only serve to harm industrial relations. 

“Following a local strike last year which damaged these relations, the local EIS branch has  worked extremely hard with local management to repair this trust.

“This unconscionable act of  deducting all our salary for refusing to complete less than 1% of our job is effectively locking staff out of coming to work, as the Principal clearly stated that any work carried out would be  consider voluntary and go unpaid.

“The local branch implores the Principal to withdraw this  punitive approach to evidence her commitment to the agreed cultural reset.” 

Last year, the Edinburgh College EIS Branch passed a unanimous vote of no-confidence in  Audrey Cumberford following an acrimonious redundancy process and complaints of bullying  within the college.

Edinburgh College’s own Hive survey, commissioned at the cost of  approximately £20k, further highlighted that there are significant cultural issues within the college.

Ironically, an all-staff day tomorrow – Monday 19th August – will be themed around improving the culture of the college will see many EIS members unable to attend due to this de facto lockout without pay.