Shocking levels of uninsured vehicle on UK roads

Data released by MIB (Motor Insurers’ Bureau) shows that there is an average of 300,000 uninsured vehicles on UK roads every day. As vehicles may be uninsured for months at a time, the total number uninsured across the year is over 1 million.

According to a YouGov study commissioned by MIB, 10% of the British public are not aware that motor insurance is compulsory for any vehicle used on a public road. Uninsured driving remains a huge problem to society, causing devastation to innocent victims and their families, and has strong links to secondary offences from speeding and drink / drug driving to money laundering or drug running.

However, with motor insurance premiums consistently rising since the start of 2022 and a cost-of-living crisis putting pressure of household finances, there are concerns that uninsured levels may rise as otherwise law-abiding drivers struggle to make insurance payments.

MIB, the not-for-profit entity that exists to protect people from the devastation of uninsured and hit-and-run drivers, are raising awareness of the need for continuous and appropriate insurance to be in place for all vehicles. As part of MIB’s mission to make roads safer, they have recently invested a further £5million to update and expand their enforcement initiatives that remove uninsured vehicles from the road. They are also increasing focus on prevention through education. 

MIB are also encouraging all motorists to explore legal ways in which they can minimise any premium increases during their policy renewal. This may include:

  • Renewing early – Research suggests that premiums are likely to be at their lowest 20-26 days before your renewal is due. This alone could save you a considerable amount of money.
  • Black Box – consider a policy with a black box, as this reduces the risk to the insurer.
  • Shop around – use comparison sites, insurers own websites, or see if a BIBA-registered Broker can secure you a deal. You can also contact your current insurer too to see if they can reduce the cost. 
  • Combine policies – consider one provider for multiple insurance policies, such as multi-car or car and home insurance, as some offer discounts. 
  • Smaller vehicles – in some instances, a smaller, less powerful vehicle may be cheaper to insure.
  • Electoral roll – being on the electoral role can be part of the ID check to reduce fraud, lowering the risk to the insurer.

Martin Saunders, Head of Enforcement for MIB, said: “It’s really important to us to reduce the level of uninsured driving on the road. We know that times are tough for many people right now and increased cost-of-living pressures may cause more people to make the wrong decision to drive uninsured, but this is not the right way to save money.

“We are encouraging people to ensure their motor insurance is adequate and appropriate for their needs, whilst reminding them that they can look at ways to legally reduce their premiums. While we understand the challenges many are facing, our message is that driving uninsured is never worth the risk.”

1 in 3 Scots don’t understand Low Emission Zones ahead of new charges coming into force 

  • New research from Carwow reveals almost half (45%) of Scottish motorists don’t know where the current Low Emission Zones (LEZ) are operating, while almost 1 in 4 (24%) aren’t sure if their own vehicle is LEZ compliant 
  • More than half (55%) of Scots also think now is the wrong time to introduce new LEZs and 59% think there are ‘better ways’ to combat air pollution
  • However, most are in support of LEZs, think EVs are the future and would buy a cleaner vehicle if they could afford to switch
  • Carwow is supporting motorists with a series of new tools to help motorists check if their car is LEZ / CAZ compliant

Ahead of the launch of three new Low Emission Zones (LEZ) inAberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh,* new data from Carwow reveals almost a third (30%) of Scottish motorists are not sure they understand LEZ rules.

Carwow’s survey also reveals that only half (55%) of drivers in Scotland are confident they know where the current zones are operating while almost one in four (24%) are not sure if their own vehicle is LEZ compliant or not.

Even in the cities where the LEZs are due to be introduced, understanding is low; in Dundee, for example, 29% of drivers are not sure if they know how LEZs work, rising to 33% in Edinburgh and 34% in Aberdeen while four in ten drivers in Aberdeen (44%) and Dundee (42%) – and half in Edinburgh (50%) – are not sure where the current zones are.

Furthermore, a quarter of drivers in all three cities worryingly do not know if the car they are driving is LEZ compliant, despite the fact the charging rules are coming into force in the coming weeks.

Broad support for Low Emission Zones but ‘now is not the time’

Carwow’s figures show that while the majority (52%) of Scottish drivers are in support of LEZs and think electric vehicles (EVs) are the future, most (53%) think now is the ‘wrong time’ to introduce new LEZ or expand current ones, rising to 56% of drivers in Aberdeen.

However, the data suggests that this lack of support for the imminent introduction of new LEZs is driven by cost rather than willingness; most (54%) Scottish drivers say they’d like to own an EV in the future – and 61% would switch now if they could – but can’t afford to. 

In fact, of those Scots who currently own a non-LEZ compliant vehicle, a third (33%) say they cannot afford to upgrade, rising to almost one in four (37%) drivers in Dundee.

Sally Foote, Chief Commercial Officer – Sell my Car at Carwow said: “There are two clear issues that have come to light here; firstly, that more needs to be done to educate and inform drivers about LEZs, and secondly, it is cost and not lack of willing that is preventing drivers from making the switch to cleaner vehicles such as EVs and hybrids.

“We therefore need to tackle the lack of understanding amongst motorists about Low Emission Zones in Scotland – where the current ones are, where the new ones will be and which cars are compliant, because, without better knowledge, millions of drivers are at risk of being fined.

“There is also much more that needs to be done in terms of affordability. Most drivers want to do what they can to drive more cleanly – in fact, most want to own an EV –  but it is just not economically viable at the moment.

At Carwow, we are working hard to help drivers navigate LEZ; our new range of new tools can help drivers understand LEZs and check if their cars are LEZ compliant, giving motorists confidence to drive in areas and on roads without fear of charges or fines.”

Carwow has a range of tools available to help motorists who drive in any CAZ or LEZ across the country check if their vehicle is compliant:

How to keep cool in the car this summer

Motorists are being warned to keep their cars cool at all times during the hot weather else risk breaking the Highway Code.

Insurance comparison experts at have named six tips for drivers to keep their vehicles fully ventilated throughout summer.

Under rule 237 in the Highway Code, drivers should keep their vehicles fully ventilated at all times to avoid drowsiness and danger behind the wheel.

If caught and charged with dangerous driving, motorists could face two years in prison, unlimited fines and have their licence revoked.

Anyone getting behind the wheel this summer needs to ensure they have a fully ventilated vehicle for the whole journey but with the ever-increasing cost-of-living crisis, running the AC for the entire journey is not an option for many motorists.

Fuel usage can be increased by 10% by switching on the air con even for short journeys.

Internal temperatures of cars can reach dangerous levels – studies have measured vehicles reaching over 50°C, even on a cooler summer day.

Yet with the rise of petrol prices in the UK, many drivers are reluctant to turn on their air con, opting to save fuel and money.

However, there are several other ways drivers can keep cool this summer without having to switch on the air con.

Greg Wilson, Founder and CEO of said:  “It’s important to make sure the car is fully ventilated throughout hot journeys or risk going against guidance from the Highway Code – putting drivers in danger of drowsiness behind the wheel and risking big penalties.

“For those with cars that do not have air con, or if they want to save fuel by not switching the cold air on, there are several cost-effective ways to ventilate the vehicle and stay cool in the car as temperatures continue to soar.

“Drivers can buy relatively inexpensive solar-powered fans to attach to the inside of vehicles or reflective screens to line the windscreen, keeping the heat out and reducing the temperature in the car before they set off.

“Drivers can also freeze water bottles to use as ice packs and to help them stay hydrated with the ice-cold water when they melt, or hang damp cloths over the vents to cool down the air.

“If motorists are hiring a car or in the process of buying a new one, the colour of the car itself can actually make a difference too, white cars reflect the heat and also tend to cool down quicker than cars of a darker colour, so worth bearing in mind.”

Here are’s tips on keeping cool and making savings this summer:

  1. Choose your spot wisely

Watching where you park will help to stop the interior of the car getting too hot throughout the day. Leave your car underneath trees and overhanging bushes or find a large van or lorry to park beside.

  1. White is right for keeping cool

If you’re buying a new car or hiring one on holiday, the colour can actually play a part in helping to keep the car cool.  White cars reflect the heat and can actually cool down quicker.  Lighter coloured seat covers can also help.

  1. Invest in some cooling accessories

Drivers can purchase relatively inexpensive items such as pocket-sized fans to attach to their dashboard to stay cool and help ward off drowsiness. Sunshades can be bought to reflect the sun rays to reduce the vehicles interior temperature. It’ll also reduce the dashboard temperature and steering wheel by blocking out the hot sun – both accessories can normally be found for under £10.

  1. Keep yourself cool and hydrated

Pop a water bottle in the freezer overnight, and in the morning wrap it up in a towel to stop any drips – it will help you keep cool and once melted, drivers will have ice-cold water to drink. Staying hydrated is vital on long hot journeys, dehydration can cause drowsiness – which is dangerous behind the wheel.

  1. Plan ahead and take a break

Plan ahead and avoid the hottest parts of the day if possible, normally between 1-3pm. If the trip can be made early or late in the day it’s best to do so and play it safe. Also don’t drive for more than 2 hours without taking a 15 minute break to recharge, as recommended by rule 91 of the Highway Code.

  1. Utilise what you have

Draping a damp cloth over the vent will make the air blowing through much cooler. Remember to take the rags out of your car afterwards to prevent mildew building up.  Leave the windows open if you’ve parked up for a summer picnic or doing some jobs in your front garden where you can keep an eye on your car.

For breakdown cover or to compare car insurance prices, can help.

Harry Potter fans have to try this Scottish road trip this bank holiday

  • Experience Harry Potter’s iconic locations in real life with a beautiful Highlands road trip
  • There are six magical locations to explore, including Glen Etive, Glenfinnan Viaduct, and Loch Morar
  • The Harry Potter road trip takes 7 hours 54 minutes to complete by car

As the fifth most popular filming location in Europe, Scotland has provided a beautiful backdrop for countless Hollywood blockbusters over recent decades.

Harry Potter is perhaps the most famous and beloved of these film series to shoot scenes north of the English border, with stunning Highland scenery featuring across each of the eight exciting instalments.

And, as this franchise has arrived on Netflix and reignited the nation’s love for all things Potter, fans can visit its most iconic filming locations, as Macklin Motors has curated the ultimate road trip route of Scotland for Potterheads.

Taking 8 hours to complete by car, this road trip is perfect for Harry Potter fans who want to feel the magic of their favourite scenes, while taking in beautiful Scottish landscapes at the same time.

The journey starts in the astonishingly beautiful valley of Glen Etive, before driving just over half an hour to Rannoch Moor’s Insta-ready autumnal shades, both of which featured in the Deathly Hallows.

The next stop is Steall Falls, the second highest waterfall in Great Britain, a popular beauty spot that made an appearance in the adrenaline-pumping dragon chase scene in the Goblet of Fire.

Drive 40 minutes further and drivers will find the most iconic Harry Potter filming location in Scotland: Glenfinnan Viaduct. Potterheads will certainly recognise this stunning railway viaduct from the Chamber of Secrets’ unforgettable flying car sequence.

The penultimate stop on the road trip route is Loch Morar, which eagle-eyed fans will immediately recognise as Hogwarts Lake from the Prisoner of Azkaban. Then, a long drive across the Scottish Highlands will reveal the very last filming location on the map: Black Rock Gorge. This stoic cavern featured in the Goblet of Fire, taking centre stage during the Triwizard Tournament.

Macklin Motors spokesperson commented: “Finding the perfect bank holiday activity for the entire family is always a tricky task. 

“With our Harry Potter road trip, we want to provide the best of both worlds for kids and parents alike, touring beautiful Highland hotspots with a magical twist. And with International Harry Potter day on Thursday, there’s no better time to take the trip. Plus, at just under eight hours in total, drivers can complete this road trip in a day or take their time with it throughout their holiday in Scotland. 

“So, pack the car with snacks, ready your family’s favourite playlist, and set off on a bewitching adventure around Scotland’s stunning scenery.”

For more filming location road trips around Scotland and to find the Google Maps route for this road trip, visit the Macklin Motors blog.

More than 123,000 potholes were reported to councils in Scotland last year as Britain’s pothole problem continues to burden drivers

The 53% increase in reports since 2020 has resulted in council’s paying out around £411,000 as a result

  • The worst roads revealed: the A703 from Peebles to Leadburn and Irvine Road in East Ayrshire are just some of the roads named by councils as having the most number of pothole reports overall. The most prolific being Great Western Road in Glasgow, with 1,451 reports by drivers in 2023.
  • Elsewhere, some of the worst regions also include Scotland and the South West of England. But the South East is the worst overall, with almost 200,000 pothole reports from drivers.
  • And drivers from all over the UK are seeing similar conditions. That’s as data shows how around 1 million pothole reports were made last year, with 4.4 million claims made as a result. But compensation payouts are down by 13% overall.
  • The most common damages caused by potholes include punctured tyres (57%), damaged suspension (35%) or damaged tracking (32%).
  • And repairs are costing drivers around £169, on average, to fix.
  • Not sure what to do if you hit a pothole? Drivers should always go directly to their local council first, but Louise Thomas, motor expert at, shares further advice on what to do.

More than 123,000 potholes were reported to councils in Scotland last year as Britain’s pothole problem continues to be a burden to drivers. That’s as new data reveals how there’s been a 53% increase in reports since 2020, resulting council’s paying out around £411,000 as a result.

And it’s a similar picture elsewhere in the UK. The worst region overall is the South East of England, with almost 200,000 pothole reports made by drivers in 2023. The South West had more than 173,000 reports and Scotland had more than 123,000. So it might come as no surprise that around 1 million pothole reports were made in total by UK drivers last year. That’s an increase of 24% since 2020.

As a result, more than 4.4 million claims were also made by drivers for pothole damage last year. That’s a 6% rise in pothole claims in comparison to the 3 years prior. But despite claims going up, it appears that payouts aren’t following the same trend. Data reveals how councils paid out around £3.3 million last year for pothole damages. But in comparison, this is down from £3.8 million that was paid out in 2020.

Potholes are all too common on UK roads and affect millions of drivers each year. Further research of 2,000 UK drivers found almost all (92%) have driven over a pothole in the past. More than 1 in 5 (22%) damaged their car as a result. Tyres suffered the worst damage by potholes, with more than half (57%) of those reporting a punctured or flat tyre. More than a third (35%) said potholes damaged their suspension, and another third (32%) said their car tracking was impacted.

To repair these damages, drivers said they had to pay out £169, on average. But less than 1 in 5 (17%) tried to claim back repair costs from their local council. And with those drivers saying they found the process stressful (42%) or long-winded (30%), it could be why many chose to just fund the repairs themselves. And of those who made a claim to their local council, around a third (31%) were completely unsuccessful in getting compensation. But those who did managed to claim back around £214, on average for damages..

More than half (58%) of drivers think UK roads have never been worse for pothole damage. But the amount of potholes and the lack of compensation offered to drivers could be down to the tight budgets given to local councils.

Last year, the government recognised the influx of potholes creating dangerous scenarios for many UK drivers. And as a result, the government announced a £200 million pot of money for councils in England during the 2023 Spring Budget(2).

This was to specifically tackle pothole repairs and funding was allocated to councils by the Department for Transport (DfT). But some local councils received a bigger slice than others. This could be one of the main reasons why some drivers are more successful with claims than others. It could also be why some councils are able to repair potholes more frequently than others.

Money aside, councils were kept busy last year. That’s as data reveals how 1.2 million potholes were collectively fixed across the UK in 2023. The good news is that the amount of pothole repairs is up by 19% in comparison to 2020.

But the bad news is that a fairly equal amount is still being reported annually, so the burden on drivers is vast. And potholes can not only cause serious damage to cars, but injure drivers and risk the safety of many other road users. In fact, a third (33%) of drivers say potholes are one of their main safety concerns as a driver. And if potholes aren’t fixed by councils in a timely manner, they could continue to be a burden for many who use the roads.

And despite efforts by the government to tackle the problem, it seems that the majority of UK drivers want further change. That’s as almost half (48%) want the government to put more funding towards pothole repairs. And more than half (53%) think that it should be a legal requirement for councils to repair a pothole after it’s been reported.

Motor expert, Louise Thomas at car insurance comments: “Although the harsh winter months are almost behind us, potholes are still proving problematic for drivers. That’s as pothole reports in the region reached more than 123,000 last year. And across the UK, data shows how reports totalled almost 1 million – a 24% increase compared to 2020.

“There’s no denying that the UK has a pothole problem, and the government has dedicated more funding as a result. But for some drivers this isn’t enough. Especially if they live in high risk areas, where wet and colder weather means problems are more likely to arise.

“If you see a pothole while driving, it’s important to report it to the local council straight away. Even if it didn’t damage your car, you could help to protect other drivers who might come into contact with it at a later date. Potholes can cause damage to vehicles, so the sooner it’s fixed, the safer road users will be.

“If your car is damaged due to a pothole, you should always try to reclaim the cost of damage through the council first. That’s because pothole repairs are their responsibility. When making a claim, make sure to take pictures or videos for evidence and be as detailed as you can.

“You should share information about where the pothole was, the time of day it happened and the damage it caused your car. And if the local council won’t compensate for damages, you could also make a claim through your car insurance. But be wary that this could result in a higher premium the following year, so always try the council first.”

Dazzling headlights: Government commits to independent research following RAC campaign

The RAC has today welcomed a commitment from the Government to commission an independent study into the issue of headlight glare, after research showed an overwhelming majority of drivers affected – as many as eight-in-10 – believe the problem is getting worse.

Responding to a petition set up by a member of the public following campaigning on the issue by the RAC, the College of Optometrists, Baroness Hayter and others, the Government said: “Recognising the need for further evidence [regarding headlight glare], we intend to commission independent research shortly.”

RAC road safety spokesperson Rod Dennis said: “The fact the Government has listened to drivers’ concerns and heeded our calls to examine the complex issue of headlight glare in more detail marks a real turning point.

“The topic has undoubtedly struck a chord with motorists up and down the country, with many people contacting us directly to call for something to be done.

“Brighter headlights, while giving drivers a better view of the road ahead, are clearly causing other road users significant problems. As many as nine-in-10 drivers tell us they believe at least some car headlights are too bright, while 14% of drivers aged 65+ say they have stopped driving altogether as a result of being dazzled.

“An independent study provides a golden opportunity for the Government and industry to get to the bottom of the problem, identify the factors involved and map out a way forward. We’re aware of regulatory changes being made at an international level that will hopefully make a difference in many years to come, but are concerned that these alone may not be enough to address headlight dazzle.

“There are also known shortcomings concerning the official road casualty data not accurately capturing the true number of incidents associated with headlight glare, so it’s absolutely right that the topic is investigated properly to understand what can be done to keep everyone safe.

“We look forward to working with the Department of Transport to help ensure the study is as robust as possible and drivers’ voices are heard.”

Baroness Hayter said: “This is a victory for all those drivers affected by glare who’ve complained to their MP, signed the parliamentary petition, or indeed sought help from an optometrist – only to discover the problem was with headlights, and not their eyes.

This is an issue the RAC has long campaigned on and I am delighted the Government has recognised there is a real problem. We look forward to discussing its research in due course.”

Hay fever suffering drivers at risk this bank holiday weekend

Drivers are at risk of an unlimited fine and driving ban for taking over-the-counter hay fever medication

Spring allergies have arrived weeks early in the UK, and the first pollen warning of 2024 has already been issued.

Hay fever is one of the most common allergies in the UK, with reports that 10 million people in England alone suffer from pollen allergies. 

Symptoms of hay fever, which include anything from itchy eyes and a runny nose to sneezing and headaches, are usually treated with antihistamines.

However, many motorists are unaware that a normal dose of the tablets can impair driving abilities, causing drowsiness, reduced reaction times, decreased coordination and judgement as well as blurred vision.

The laws surrounding drug driving mean taking over-the-counter medication to treat summer allergies could land drivers with serious charges. 

In the UK, the law doesn’t distinguish between drug driving caused by illicit drugs, over-the-counter or prescribed medication. 

This means that if hay fever medication affects driving ability, it could lead to drug driving convictions.

The penalties for drug driving are severe, even if the driver has innocently taken drowsy-prone hay fever medication.

If convicted, motorists could receive a one-year driving ban, unlimited fines, up to six months in prison and a criminal record. 

Additionally, for 11 years afterwards, drivers found guilty will have the conviction displayed on their licences. 

The NHS strongly advises those who take medications prone to drowsiness – such as chlorphenamine, cinnarizine, diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine or promethazine – avoid driving.

Greg Wilson, CEO and car insurance expert at said: “It may be hard to believe taking your hay fever tablets could land you a criminal conviction, which is why we wanted to issue an urgent warning to those who suffer with seasonal allergies.

“If you are one of the millions of Brits who suffer from hay fever, it is imperative you check the side effects of any medicines you are taking.  

“Blurred vision, slow reaction times and drowsiness behind the wheel can all cause serious issues on the roads, putting yourself and other road users in serious danger.

“Driving in an impaired state under the influence is a very serious matter, meaning the penalties for doing so can be life-changing.

“We’re urging drivers who suffer from summer allergies to check the details of their medication to avoid potentially serious charges.  Any medication that says do not operate heavy machinery includes the use of a car, so drivers need to be on the lookout for such warnings and read all instructions carefully.  If in doubt, ask the pharmacist and err on the side of caution.”

Five driving tips for hay fever sufferers

1.Keep your car as pollen-free as possible – clean your car regularly to get rid of dust that could trigger symptoms before setting out, changing the pollen filters in your car’s ventilation system when necessary and try to keep windows closed. 

2.Plan your journeys – check the Met Office Pollen warnings or download the weather app, which gives a 5-day forecast, for high pollen counts – if your symptoms are particularly bad try additional travel options or ask someone else to drive, don’t take the risk.

3.Check your medication – antihistamines and hay fever medications can differ in strength, check with your doctor if in any doubt about possible side effects and always read the label – the warning, ‘do not operate heavy machinery’ is commonly found and applies to cars, forklifts and any other heavy machinery.

4.Get stocked up – keep your car stocked with fresh tissues, hay fever medicine, a bottle of water, eye drops, anything used to ease the symptoms, should they strike unexpectedly.

5.Drive safely – be extra careful on the roads, giving lots of space to fellow road users and taking breaks if hay fever symptoms start to play up.  If you don’t feel well or the pollen count is too high, play it safe and don’t take non-urgent journeys. helps millions of people in the UK find savings – can help people living in Northern Ireland.

Magnificent Seven: Honours shared out evenly at UK Car of the Year Awards 2024

  •  Shortlist for UK Car of the Year 2024 announced – seven cars from 45 contenders
  •  Electric vehicles dominate with five category wins
  •  Fisker triumphant for the first time at UK Car of the Year Awards
  •  Overall winner to be announced on 8 March 2024

Electric vehicles have led the way after the first round of voting at the UK Car of the Year Awards 2024, with five of the seven winners powered by batteries.

No manufacturer picked up more than one accolade, with each of the seven awards being claimed by a different company.

For Fisker, it was a first UK Car of the Year Award, after its Ocean came out on top in the Medium Crossover class. Another all-new electric model claimed the Small Crossover prize when Volvo’s EX30 triumphed over the competition. The third of three crossover categories at the Awards went to Kia, whose EV9 was named the best Large Crossover.

Away from EVs there were UK Car of the Year Award wins in 2024 for more familiar models, with the Renault Clio voted the top Small Car, while the sought-after Performance Car category was given to the Honda Civic Type R.

Completing the set of winners were two companies who have previously won the overall UK Car of the Year Award. BMW – which won the inaugural title in 2014 and then triumphed again in 2015 – claimed the Executive Car category with the i5. Finally, Hyundai, whose IONIQ 5 was named UK Car of the Year 2022, claimed the Family Car prize for the IONIQ 6.

Celebrating 10 years in 2024, the UK Car of the Year Awards now has the biggest and best ever judging panel, comprising 30 motoring journalists based all over the UK. The group selected their winning cars in categories ranging from Small Car, to Medium Crossover, to Performance Car.

The top model in each of the segments has now qualified for the next stage – the category of UK Car of the Year 2024, which will be revealed on 8 March 2024.

The UK Car of the Year Awards is run in association with heycar, which has sponsored the awards since January 2022.

Karen Hilton, CEO at heycar, commented: “Another year with an excellent range of models, from a variety of manufacturers, winning at the UK Car of the Year Awards and getting the recognition they deserve.

“It’s especially great to see so many electric vehicles take the win! heycar is very pleased to be sponsoring the UK Car of the Year Awards for another year. Congratulations to all of the category winners!”

Full list of UK Car of the Year Awards 2024 category winners:

Small Car – Renault Clio
Family Car – Hyundai IONIQ 6
Small Crossover – Volvo EX30
Medium Crossover – Fisker Ocean
Large Crossover – Kia EV9
Executive Car – BMW i5
Performance Car – Honda Civic Type R

For more information about the UK Car of the Year Awards, go to or follow @ukcaroftheyear_ on Instagram or @UKCOTY on Twitter.

Car insurance costs squeezing British motorists

British motorists are being given top tips on how to save money on their car insurance policy after concerns premiums are on the rise.

In a year many goods have increased in price, car insurance premiums are no exception.

Insurance price comparison specialists are urging drivers to take steps to lower their premiums.

One of the most important money-saving tips is to do your homework, compare different providers, and never let a policy automatically renew. 

Drivers need to strike a good balance between cost and coverage, ensuring the policy has all the essentials they need at a competitive price.

Among the list of money saving hacks is shopping early, improving vehicle security, building up the no claims bonus and being mindful of where the car is kept overnight.

These simple tips can come in very handy for those looking to make cutbacks on their insurance expenses without making any major changes. Founder and CEO Greg Wilson said: “It’s concerning to see car insurance prices on the rise.  The soaring cost of repairs, materials and even paint, has all had a knock-on effect on premium price.  The volume of claims is also increasing, partly due to the extreme weather we’ve witnessed recently.

“However, we can help, there are ways to save and using our comparison site is an ideal platform to compare products, to make sure you’re getting the cover you need, at a price you can afford.

“While aiming to secure cost-effective coverage, it’s crucial for drivers to ensure they’re not compromising on protection in case of accidents or unforeseen circumstances.  Often there’s very little difference in price between third party cover and fully comprehensive, so if you can, it’s best to safeguard your finances and go fully comprehensive.

“It’s also important to always give accurate information when getting a quote, as any incorrect information can invalidate your policy and leave you unprotected.”

Here are’s top 10 tips to help get a cheaper insurance premium:

  1. Shop early

It’s better to plan ahead and buy your policy early to lock in the price, as premium prices tend to increase the closer you get to your renewal date. The optimal time for bagging the cheapest deal is three weeks before the new policy is due to start.

  1. Pay annually

If possible, it’s best to pay the entire annual premium upfront to save hundreds in the long term. Insurance providers look at monthly instalments as loans and can have high interest rates.  Consider paying it all in one go to knock cash off your policy.

  1. Improve vehicle security

Most vehicles should have an alarm and immobiliser as standard but it’s worth installing anti-theft devices such as a tracker and dashcam – it will upgrade the vehicle’s security and could get you cheaper premiums. Get the policy quotes first to consider whether the extra cost of fitting the devices will be worth it for the insurance savings.

  1. Review your policy

Make sure to only pay for what you need and avoid driving up the premium by adding unnecessary add-ons – such as annual mileage, make sure your estimation is accurate.  Also check your vehicle use, if you use it to drive to the train station for your commute to work it still needs to be noted as used for your daily commute.  If you now work from home full-time, it might be worth switching the vehicle use to social only, it could result in big savings.

  1. Add another driver

If you add another driver to the policy then you may be eligible for a multi-driver discount, plus you can split the cost of the premium. It can be particularly beneficial if the other person is an experienced driver with a clean record as they pose less risk to the insurance company, which could lead to lower premiums.  Just make sure the person who uses the vehicle the most is noted as the main driver, incorrect use of this information is known as ‘fronting’ and is actually illegal, likely resulting in a criminal record and a void insurance policy.

  1. Park in a safe place

Car owners that make use of their garages, driveways or carports for overnight parking can make big savings on their car insurance – parking on driveways rather than on the road can save you over £140 on average every year. Carport owners can do even better, with savings coming in at £230 on average.

  1. Build up your no claims bonus

Avoid filing small claims to build up your no claims bonus. Opting to pay for minor damages out of your own pocket instead of filing a claim can prevent potential premium hikes.

  1. Opt for a telematics product or black box

Getting a telematics device or black box fitted allows drivers to showcase their safe driving which can lead to cheaper premiums. This is a good option for young drivers and those with previous motoring convictions who are charged more as they are seen to be more at risk. By using the device it’s giving the insurance company data on which to base its risk analysis.

  1. Avoid penalty points

Penalty points on your licence may not only result in a steep fine but will also bump up your insurance costs too. Drivers can expect premiums to rise by 5% for three points and 25% for six points if they’re starting from a clean licence.

  1. Compare everything

Don’t allow your policy to renew automatically or settle for the first insurance quote you receive. Take the time to do your research and compare rates from multiple sources to get the cheapest price on your premium. You can save time and utilise price comparison websites to help you compare providers, compare products and of course compare prices.

To compare up to 110 UK car insurance providers visit:

EV Adopters urge those considering making the switch to to their homework

MotorEasy survey finds the cost and practicalities of charging remain a significant challenge for EV owners

New figures reveal that sales of used battery electric cars almost doubled last year, with a record 119,000 of the vehicles changing hands*.

However, despite increasing numbers of motorists making the switch, a new survey of MotorEasy members has revealed that continuing challenges with the cost of charging, access to public charging and the apps used to facilitate charging are damaging the ownership electric vehicle (EV) experience.

Over half of survey respondents expressed frustrations with battery range and one in four said energy costs for recharging are a worry. However, the biggest ownership hurdles for owners are access to public charging (73%) and the practicalities of using these chargers (71%), including the multitude of apps supposedly designed to ease charging (65%). The rapid and much-publicised depreciation of used EVs has also left 65% of owners worried about the loss of value in their EV.

“Although the number of EVs on UK roads is accelerating, our membership survey strongly confirms that the accessibility of EV charging still has a long way to go,” commented Duncan McClure Fisher, CEO of Intelligent Motoring, the parent company of MotorEasy.

“Almost three-quarters of the EV drivers we surveyed have experienced difficulties with accessing and using the infrastructure.

“As a result, EV owners advised those considering the switch to prioritise the installation of a home charger to save both time and money. Experienced owners also suggest new buyers research energy providers and take advantage of nighttime charging tariffs wherever possible, to make powering up even more cost-effective.”

Over 22% also said that service, maintenance and repair costs are putting a strain on finances, with 25% of drivers claiming to have faced challenges finding a qualified garage or technician to conduct service, maintenance or repair work.

Duncan McClure Fisher continued: “With high voltage systems and advanced technology onboard, technicians working on EVs need to have the right training, which can mean EV owners may not be able to use their usual garage.

“However, a little research should identify a qualified EV technician locally or check out the Institute of the Motor Industry’s Professional Register which lists TechSafe-accredited technicians.

“It is vital that owners have the assurance that their vehicle is suitably maintained by a qualified professional and safe to drive.”

EV adopters – two essential points of advice

  • Choose carefully – do your research on different makes and models, take a test drive, do not be swayed by an enthusiastic salesperson, and prioritise range by opting for the vehicle with the longest range you can afford.
  • Get a home charger – it’s a more cost and time-efficient way of charging. Consider your expected usage and charging requirements, and don’t leap into having an expensive fast charger installed – you may not need it if you can charge slowly overnight using a three-pin plug and relevant adapter and cable provided with the car.

*Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)