Voters urged to have their say as General Election approaches

Edinburgh’s Returning Officer has urged residents to have their say on 12 December, with just days to go until Thursday’s UK Parliamentary Election.

In the Capital, 362, 956 people are currently registered to vote following the registration deadline on 26 November, with around 20,000 residents registering since the notice of election on 8 November. Continue reading Voters urged to have their say as General Election approaches

Citizens’ Assembly: Weekend 2

We are looking forward to the second meeting of the Citizens’ Assembly which takes place at the Golden Jubilee in Clydebank from Friday evening through to Sunday. The weekend 2 agenda has been published which sets out what will be covered across the weekend by members.

The outputs from the first weekend have now been published on our website. The outputs online include the weekend 1 report, a series of factsheets and an explanation of terms. We are delighted that some members have shared their experience of weekend 1 through their diaries which can be found on the blogs pages.

Due to the proximity to the General Election we have reluctantly come to the conclusion that it would not be appropriate to live-stream the forthcoming meeting of the Citizens’ Assembly.

This is because it is important that we do nothing that might lead to suggestions that we are drawing attention away from or otherwise intervening in the General Election, which could have the effect of undermining public confidence in the independence of the Assembly.

The relevant parts of the meeting will be recorded and may be viewed on the website after the General Election. Evidence presented to the Assembly will be published on the meetings page of the website over the weekend.

We realise this will be a disappointment to the many people who followed our last meeting and intend to do so in the future. We have not taken this decision lightly, but believe it is the right thing to do.

There are a limited number of places for people to apply to attend in person to observe the public session of the Assembly. Details can be found here.

Best wishes,

Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland Secretariat

Votes for foreign residents and prisoners?

Foreign nationals resident in Scotland should be able to have a say in how the country is run. This the view of the majority of the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee following its consideration of the Scottish Elections (Franchise and Representation) Bill. Continue reading Votes for foreign residents and prisoners?

General Election 2019: Your candidates confirmed

UK General Election – 12 December 2019

Candidates in Edinburgh have been confirmed as:

Edinburgh East

GILMORE, Sheila – Scottish Labour Party
MILLER, Claire Helen Innes – Scottish Green Party
PRICE, Eleanor Margaret Louise – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
REILLY, Jill Mary – Scottish Liberal Democrats
SHEPPARD, Tommy – Scottish National Party (SNP)

Edinburgh North and Leith

ASTBURY, Heather Jane – Renew
BROCK, Deidre Leanne – Scottish National Party (SNP)
BURGESS, Steve – Scottish Green Party
MCGILL, Iain – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
MUNRO, Gordon John – Labour and Co-operative Party
SPEIRS, Robert – Brexit Party
WILSON, Bruce Roy – Scottish Liberal Democrats

Edinburgh South

BEAL, Alan Christopher – Scottish Liberal Democrats
COOK, Nick – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
MACDONALD, Catriona Mary Elizabeth – Scottish National Party
MURRAY, Ian – Scottish Labour Party
NEVENS, Kate – Scottish Green Party

Edinburgh South West

BALLANTINE, David Craig – Brexit Party
BROWN, Mev – Social Democratic Party Scotland
CHERRY, Joanna Catherine – Scottish National Party (SNP)
COOKE, Sophie – Scottish Labour Party
INGLIS, Tom – Scottish Liberal Democrats
LAIDLAW, Callum Arron – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
PARKER, Ben – Scottish Green Party

Edinburgh West

BOLTON, Craig William – Scottish Labour Party
GUNN, Elaine – Scottish Green Party
HUTCHISON, Graham James – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
JARDINE, Christine Anne – Scottish Liberal Democrats
MASSON, Sarah Louise – Scottish National Party (SNP)

Andrew Kerr, Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council and Returning Officer for Edinburgh in the UK Parliamentary Elections, said: “The forthcoming election has dominated the news for all sorts of reasons and I’m certain it’s a big talking point for residents in Edinburgh and beyond.

“It’s essential that anyone that wants to take part in the vote makes sure they are registered – it’s easy to do.

“Visit to check if you’re registered by 26 November – it only takes a few minutes. Those who have already registered will soon begin receiving poll cards – read your poll card carefully to make sure you get to the right place to cast your vote on polling day.”

To vote in the UK Parliamentary Elections on 12 December, voters must be aged 18 or over and either a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen.

Voter registration closes at midnight on Tuesday 26 November. Anyone already registered for the European Election on 23 May does not need to re-register.

However, anyone who has changed address since then needs to re-register to be able to vote in the UK Parliamentary Elections on 12 December. Visit the voter registration website to register.

Applications for postal votes must be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday 26 November.

Applications to vote by proxy must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday 4 December.

Postal ballot packs will soon be sent out to residents who have registered. Postal voters are encouraged to return their completed ballots as soon as possible.

Voters should mark an X beside one candidate.

Find out more about where, when and how to vote.

Let’s hear it for our hard-working councillors!

Home advantage for four city councillors!

LGiU (Local Government Information Unit) Scotland and sponsora CCLA have unveiled the shortlist for the 2019 Councillor Awards.

For the second year running, the Councillor Awards have been showcasing the best of local government. The Councillor Awards are the only national awards ceremony to celebrate the achievements of individual councillors across Scotland.  Continue reading Let’s hear it for our hard-working councillors!

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils AGM

EACC Annual General Meeting –  Thursday 21st November 2019

The 2019 Annual General Meeting will take place on

Thursday 21st November 2019 at 7 pm.

Venue: European Room, City Chambers, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ

The Minutes of the 2018 AGM and provisional Agenda along with the accounts for 2018-19 can be downloaded on the website at EACC Documents. Nomination papers for Office Bearer positions are also available at the same URL in EACC Documents in two formats and can be scanned and emailed or posted to the Secretary.

Nominations for Office Bearer posts will close at 7pm on Thursday 19th November 2019.

Announcement of Candidates for Office Bearer posts will be made on Tuesday 19th November immediately after close of the nomination period.

Notice of AOCB items to the Secretary as soon as possible and at least 24 hrs prior to the meeting. It will be at the Chair’s discretion to discuss these items. We really want to hear from our representatives on issues they consider important to all Community Councils.

It is also important to ensure your nominated representative is correct.

Their names are on the Members list at 

If this has changed please inform the Secretary at soon as possible.

Please RSVP to

Voter ID risks ‘electoral gridlock’

Elections in the UK could grind to a halt if the government’s plans for voter ID go ahead, the Electoral Reform Society has warned.

Dr Jess Garland told Radio 4’s World at One that close results would be likely to be challenged if mandatory voter ID were rolled out nationally, due to voters being turned away for lacking ID. Continue reading Voter ID risks ‘electoral gridlock’