Last year’s event was a hard act to follow, and we all know what the ‘summer’ weather has been like this year, so the signs weren’t promising – but this year’s Postcode Challenge proved to be a great success with hundreds of keen cyclists and enthusiastic walkers taking part in the 1 July event.
Although billed as a ‘challenge’, the Postcode Challenge is really a fun event and an opportunity to discover – or rediscover – your local natural habitat, by bike or on foot. Participants of all ages and abilities set their own pace, checking in at ten pit-stops along the cycle path routes and collecting stamps to be in with a chance of winning prizes. There were also loads of goodies to collect along the way, including high-visibility cycle vests from People’s Postcode Lottery, and flower and seed packets from the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust team.
Zero Waste Aware Scotland, State Street, Drylaw Community Centre, Drylaw Community Garden, Spokes and MYDG (Muirhouse Youth Development Group) also had stands along the Postcode Challenge route.
Liz Stewart, of organisers Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust said: “The Postcode Challenge was a great event and we were so lucky as it must have been about the only sunny day in the last month! We believe that there were at least 300 participants – walkers and cyclists. Although cyclists had to pick up a stamp from each of the 10 ‘postcode stops’, walkers only had to collect 5, which made it easier to include them. The day went really well and it was such a happy, good-natured event and loads of great feedback – helped of course by some good weather for a change!”

It took a mighty team effort to make the Challenge such a success, Liz said.
“There’s a huge list of people to thank! The Postcode Lottery and their players for funding the event in the first place, for manning a postcode stop on the day and for providing prizes. Other stall holders were our co-organisers, The Bike Station, who also provided bike repairs on the day and kept all the wheels turning; Spokes, State Street, MYDG Muirhouse Youth Development Group, Drylaw Community Centre and Drylaw Community Garden. We also had the following prizes to give away and were very grateful to all donors:
· 37 bike themed Goody Bags from The Bike Station
· 2 Tickets to see a Film of your choice at The Filmhouse
· 2 Vouchers for Greenyonder Tours
· Lunch for Two at Hula Juice Bar
· Grow your own veg & wildflower seed packets from ELGT
· 1 of 4 cycling maps of in and around Edinburgh and the Lothians from Spokes
· 2 Herb planters, 2 bird nests & 2 nectar feeders from ELGT
· An assortment of prizes from the Postcode Lottery
· A £50 Alpine Bikes gift voucher donated by State Street
· Two tickets for a free tour of Royal Yacht Britannia.
I think that’s everyone, but it’s quite a list so apologies if we’ve missed anyone out!”
“We were delighted to support the Postcode Challenge Treasure Hunt again this year,” said Clara Govier, Head of Charities, People’s Postcode Trust. “It’s a great event and it gets everyone outside and learning a little more about the beautiful environment right here in the city.”
Organisers also encouraged participants to leave messages on the Edinburgh Innertube blog (which can be found at: http://innertubemap.com/.) and comments were very positive. One person wrote: ‘As good as anything I’ve ever done in Edinburgh – great for all the family/all ages and all abilities. You all deserve medals and loads of funding for this!’