Edinburgh sees record number of people travelling by bike

More than 2,000 daily bike trips on Leith Walk in May, following completion of cycle lanes between Leith and Picardy Place

New traffic data collated by Cycling Scotland, Scotland’s national cycling charity, has revealed how the growing network of cycle routes in Edinburgh is encouraging record numbers of people to travel by bike.

Through May 2024, a daily average of 1,812 bikes were recorded travelling on the cycleway on Leith Walk, with a peak of 2,107 journeys on 30th May.[1]

Demonstrating the significant year-on-year growth in cycling on Leith Walk, a total of 219,070 bike journeys were recorded along the route between January 2024 and the end of May 2024 – almost double the number recorded over the same time period in 2022 (117,969). Data shows that cycling volumes are at their highest during commuting times, indicating many people are using the route for everyday journeys.

Data was captured by an automatic counter located on the cycle path at Picardy Place, one of Cycling Scotland’s nationwide network of counters, funded by Transport Scotland to help measure cycling levels across Scotland.

In addition, a survey organised by Cycling Scotland to monitor traffic over a 48-hour period between 15th and 16th May, recorded that bikes accounted for 9.1% of all journeys on Leith Walk: a level of modal share rarely seen in Scotland.

A person cycling on Melville Street separated cycle lane, part of the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL) route in Edinburgh

On the other side of the city centre, Melville Street also recorded a high cycling modal share of 6.4%. The number of cycling journeys in Edinburgh is up 12% compared to May 2023, and up 19% compared to May 2022.

The sustained growth in bike journeys seen on Leith Walk comes after the completion of fully separated two-way cycle lanes along the 2km route, as part of the Trams to Newhaven project, connecting communities in Leith and Edinburgh’s city centre. The route was developed by City of Edinburgh Council, with funding from the Scottish Government.

The route has also recently connected to the newly opened 4km City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL), which runs from Roseburn to Picardy Place via Haymarket Train Station, and is already seeing increases in cycling.

The results in Edinburgh follow on from an autumn 2023 traffic survey in Glasgow, which similarly revealed record levels of cycling along the newly completed South City Way.

Elspeth at Leith Walk

Leith resident Elspeth, who uses the Leith Walk and CCWEL routes to cycle to work in Edinburgh Park several times a week, said: “I use the Leith Walk cycle lanes regularly – for travelling to work but also for lots of other shorter journeys, like popping into town or visiting friends.

“The separated cycle lanes have made my bike journeys so much more relaxed, and thanks to CCWEL, it’s now almost completely on separated cycle lanes. It means I can go whatever pace suits me without feeling rushed with traffic on my tail.”

“I love how it gives me independence and allows me to get about town. I find getting around by bike is great for my physical and mental health, and I love the passing waves and nods from other people on bikes in the morning!”

People cycling on Leith Walk

Rowan Simpson, Monitoring and Development Officer at Cycling Scotland, said: “It’s really encouraging to see more than 2,000 people are cycling on Leith Walk each day – yet more evidence that where Scotland builds networks of connected cycling routes, separated from vehicle traffic, more people travel by bike.

“We know that road safety is the single biggest barrier to more people cycling, and the early success of Leith Walk and City Centre West to East Link underlines the critical role of safe, convenient, separated cycle routes, if more people are to choose cycling for short and medium journeys.”

“The new cycle routes make it possible to cycle to Edinburgh Waverley and Haymarket stations more safely, supporting multi-modal journeys by bike and public transport and helping more people to choose sustainable transport.

“With transport the largest source of carbon emissions in Scotland, we need to help more people to cycle, walk and wheel safely. Investing in dedicated, separated cycling lanes, limiting polluting traffic growth and helping everyone to access bikes, training and bike storage are all key actions to reduce our climate impact and improve health.”

Person cycling southbound on Leith Walk

Transport and Environment Convener of City of Edinburgh Council, Councillor Scott Arthursaid: “These are really exciting counts that showcase the significant growth in cycling on Leith Walk following completion of the Trams to Newhaven project and the connection with the recently opened City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL).

“The Leith Connections project will be continuing the segregated cycle infrastructure and public space improvements, from the Foot of the Walk northwards, first to Commercial Street and ultimately to Ocean Terminal in the north, Hawthornvale path in the west and Seafield in the east.

“This improved connectivity, and better active travel and public transport links support our wider ambitions to achieve net zero by 2030 and active travel across Edinburgh.

“Once the Leith Connections project is complete, this improved route will not only provide a safer environment for people walking, wheeling and cycling but will transform the area to create a more pleasant, welcoming space to spend time.”

Person cycling northbound on Leith Walk

Karen McGregor, Scotland Director at Sustrans, added: “Edinburgh residents want to safely and easily get around without needing to rely on a car. This new data shows the demand that can be unlocked by delivering safe walking, wheeling and cycling links like the City Centre West to East Link.

“People in Edinburgh know that every time they decide to travel under their own steam, they are helping their health, our planet and improving the quality of the air we all breathe – and delivering more of these opportunities has support across the city.

“It’s so important to build on the success of projects like CCWEL and deliver even more high-quality, active connections which give everyone fairer, better choices to reach the places they need to.”

Further data on cycle rates in Scotland can be found on the Cycling Open Data Portal.

Oh, oh: Council to launch ‘Leith Connections’ active travel project


Work will soon begin on a scheme to create safer, more welcoming places to walk, wheel, cycle and spend time in Leith, the city council has announced.

The first phase of Leith Connections will introduce measures to limit through traffic and enhance streets for pedestrians and people cycling in areas around Constitution Street, Leith Links and the Shore.

Construction will begin in the week commencing 10 April and is expected to last until late June. Amongst the changes are improved pedestrian crossings, planting and seating in newly created pedestrian spaces, community-inspired artwork and pavement decluttering.

This is alongside new traffic layouts in several of the streets to prioritise people travelling by foot, wheel or bike. These include the closure of Sandport Place Bridge to motor traffic, bus gates at the Shore and Links Place and modal filters to prevent through traffic in some areas.

All residential and business properties will still be accessible by motor vehicle, while blue badge parking will be unaffected. Full details are available on the Leith Connections website.

Leith Connections designs draw from two years of engagement with the community and local stakeholders, encompassing online co-design workshops, public drop-in sessions and focused meetings. Some of the measures, those to the east of the Shore, will be implemented on a trial basis under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO).

The project is being funded through Places for Everyone, an active travel infrastructure programme funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Sustrans.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said:Leith Connections is a really exciting opportunity to create safer, more welcoming spaces to walk, wheel and cycle in Leith, as well as for spending time with friends or visiting local businesses.

“These changes have drawn on feedback from the community, as well as the Council’s own monitoring. They will also provide better connections to popular walking and cycling routes nearby, like the north Edinburgh path network and the Water of Leith walkway and soon, protected cycle lanes on Leith Walk, delivered as part of the Trams to Newhaven project.

“The team has drawn up a robust monitoring and evaluation plan so that once it’s in place, they can understand the benefits and impacts of Leith Connections. I look forward to hearing what the community thinks too, as part of the ETRO process. I shall be watching this installation closely as I am keen to see more schemes like this in Edinburgh.

Michael Melton, Grant Manager at Sustrans, said:We are pleased to be working with City of Edinburgh Council to make Leith a safer and more accessible place to walk, wheel, cycle and spend time. The Leith Connections project has been shaped by the local community, with changes including new traffic layouts, improved pedestrian crossings and community-inspired artwork.

Officers will closely monitor the impact of the project through automatic traffic counts, air quality monitoring, market research and focus groups. Information gathered will feed into recommendations for the future of the project.

Further phases of Leith Connections will deliver protected cycle lanes running from the Foot of the Walk to Ocean Terminal (delivered in parallel to the Trams to Newhaven project) and from the Hawthornvale path to Seafield.

These plans are still under development and will include additional improvements to the public spaces in the area.

Find out more about Leith Connections.

Council consults on sustainable transport connections across city

Views are being sought on proposals to improve walking, wheeling and cycling, plus public transport links, parks and public spaces, around new and future residential developments across the city.

Plans have been developed for four neighbourhoods identified as significant areas of new residential development in Edinburgh’s Local Development Plan – Leith, Lochend and Easter Road, Queensferry and Burdiehouse.

Amongst the potential measures are walking, cycling and public realm upgrades complementing changes already proposed through the Leith Connections project, pavement widening, dropped kerbs and placemaking improvements around Lochend and Easter Road and segregated cycle lanes and enhanced crossings in the Burdiehouse area.

These have been drawn up in close collaboration with the Council’s public transport team and in discussion with bus operators – improving access to bus stops is an important component of the schemes.

In Queensferry, changes in the Echline Estate, the Builyeon Road development, Viewforth Road, Scotstoun Avenue and Queensferry High School would make it easier and more pleasant to travel by foot, wheel or bike, especially to Dalmeny station and a planned new primary school at Builyeon Road.

A new linear park would be introduced on part of the current Builyeon Road route as well as ‘pocket parks’ and tree-planting.

Proposals support Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan by encouraging people to make healthier, more sustainable transport choices, and align to our 20-minute neighbourhood strategy. This aims to help residents meet their daily needs within 20 minutes of their homes by walking, using public transport, wheeling or cycling.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “Over the coming years we’re going to see tens of thousands of new houses built in Edinburgh, and it’s essential that we support residents in these homes, and those living nearby, to make healthy, sustainable transport choices.

“These proposals target areas where new developments are planned or are already underway and look to make improvements or introduce new infrastructure – like cycle lanes, widened pavements and safer crossings – to help people move around their neighbourhood, and further afield, by foot, wheel or bike.

“It’s crucial that we support travel by bus, tram and train as well as active travel, which is why we’ve worked closely with our public transport team and with providers to develop these plans – for example they will significantly improve access to bus stops and will transform travel on foot and bike from the Builyeon Road area in Queensferry to Dalmeny rail station.

Recent research has shown that most people would walk, wheel or cycle more if they could access local amenities more easily. We need to encourage this kind of behaviour change if we are to achieve net zero goals, healthier lifestyles and a more pleasant city for future generations.

“This is how things used to be, and it is a great way of supporting local jobs. People’s feedback and ideas will be really important as the Council develops these proposals, and I’ll also be working closely with local councillors to ensure your voice is heard.”

Four separate consultations will run until 17 July and feedback will help inform the design process in each of the areas.

Drop-in events, where people can view proposals and provide feedback, will take place over the period of the consultations. Proposals for Queensferry will be on show at Queensferry Community Centre on 30 June (3pm to 7pm) and for Burdiehouse at Valley Park Community Centre on 30 June (3.30pm to 7.15pm). Further drop-ins are being arranged and will be announced in the coming weeks and publicised on the Council’s consultation web pages.

In Leith, proposals form phase three of Leith Connections. Consultations have already been undertaken on recommendations for phase one, a high-quality cycle track between Foot of the Walk and Ocean Terminal, and phase two, a low traffic neighbourhood where through traffic is removed and new community spaces are created.

View the full proposals and take part in the consultations online:

Walk Wheel Cycle Burdiehouse 
Queensferry – walking, wheeling and cycling improvements 
Lochend and Easter Road – walking, wheeling and cycling improvements 
Leith Connections: Phase 3 west – east proposals.