We are Team ESTEEM, a Heriot-Watt student team participating in the world’s largest design and construction competition, the Solar Decathlon Middle East where we designed and currently build a solar-powered sustainable house of the future.
Team ESTEEM is hosting an online conference where participants will be able to listen to panels about innovation in construction and network with industry experts, technology focused companies and ESTEEM representatives.
The event takes place on Wedneday July 28th at 12pm on Airmeet platform.
As you may or may not be aware our minibus was stolen on 24/03/2021, although the police are currently looking for it, we are under no illusion that it is highly unlikely that we will have it recovered.
As such we have started a fundraising page so that we can attempt to attain a new minibus for the children who attend our care.
We also had a people carrier for many years and it was only in February that the insurance had to write that off due to vandalism so we have lost both of our vehicles within two months and we now have no transport for the children at all.
As a charity this is totally devastating and would ask that if you can help in these terribly hard times then please do. We really appreciate any amount, small or large.
Any donations big or small would be very much appreciated
20 creatives launch new campaigns and bid for up to £10,000 match funding
Eight Edinburgh based projects are among twenty creative projects across Scotland to launch their worldwide crowdfunding campaigns, thanks to a coaching and match-funding scheme run by Creative Scotland in partnership with Crowdfunder.
The Edinburgh based Crowdfunding campaigns include INKLINGS, a new non-fiction series from award winning, independent publisher 404 INK;
ReStyler a brand-new and sustainable garment restyling alteration service from award-winning social enterprise Remode Collective;
Ink on Mesh, a community print, and textiles studio facility offering fully equipped studio space from contemporary textiles brand Blessed Unrest;
songwriter Amy Duncan is fundraising for her new album ‘Cocoon’;and
Rowanbank Environmental Arts & Education CIC is fundraising to develop an original outdoor circus & theatre show, ‘Positive Imaginings’, that engages children with the issue of climate change and how it is linked to our connection with the natural world, amongst others.
As part of the Creative Scotland Crowdmatch programme, the creatives have been building their campaigns with coaching support from Crowdfunder over the past four weeks.
Now ‘live’, once projects raise £1,000 from at least 30 supporters they will receive £1,000 match funding from the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.
Further match funding is potentially available, up to a maximum of £10,000 per project, for those that reach additional funding targets, until the total sum available of £75,000 is allocated.
Jason Nuttall, Programme Director at Crowdfunder said:“Working with Creative Scotland in 2020 was a very positive experience so we’re pleased to be collaborating once again on what is shaping up another fantastic round of crowdfunding.
“We had a huge response to this year’s call for entry, with an amazing range of ideas submitted for big and small creative projects across Scotland. Throughout the COVID crisis we have worked with thousands of organisations, so we know that crowdfunding has many positive benefits, even during tough times.
“Good luck to all the entrants, we’re looking forward to sharing the highs, lows, and surprises over the coming weeks.
Jackie Stewart, Creative Industries Officer, Creative Scotland said: “We’re delighted to continue working with Crowdfunder to help more creative businesses in Scotland gain a deeper understanding of crowdfunding by giving them the coaching and tools to launch their own campaigns.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for the projects selected to grow their networks, increase awareness of their work and build stronger connections with their customers and audiences.
“The arts and creative industries have been hit hard by the consequences of the pandemic and crowdfunding offers creative individuals and businesses a viable way to generate the income required for creative projects and to sustain and grow a business.
“Thanks to the generosity of National Lottery players, who raise £30 million for good causes across the UK every week these creative projects will be supported to deliver a fantastic range of work.”
About the Creative Scotland Crowdmatch 2021 projects in Edinburgh
Heather McDaid and Laura Jones of award-winning independent publisher 404 Ink is crowdfunding for the launch of their non-fiction seriesINKLINGS.
The eight titles, part of their series of big ideas in compact packages, are designed for the curious reader, looking to learn more on subjects that they may be interested in learning more about, but don’t know where to start.
Laura Jones, co-founder & publisher, 404 Ink: “What a thrill to see our new Inklings series launched with Crowdfunder and the Creative Scotland Crowdmatch initiative!
“The idea for this series came mid-pandemic when life was looking bleak for so many people and 404 Ink was in hibernation and now that idea has bloomed into a full series of topics that are vital, timely, and insightful, we can’t wait to get the books into people’s hands.
“We’re honoured to be working with such talented writers who are trusting us with their words and experiences – we hope we can do them justice and that this campaign will launch the Inklings with the fanfare it deserves.”
Edinburgh based songwriter Amy Duncan is fundraising for her new album ‘Cocoon’, which was written during lockdown.
Amy will be working with percussionist Guy Nicolson and co producer Cameron Malcolm to record the album.
Amy Duncancommented: “I am a music artist based in Scotland and will be releasing a new album next November. It was written in 2020 throughout the lockdown and it is my hope that the songs will resonate widely with people through the shared experience of being in the midst of a global pandemic.
“I will be working with PR specialist Black Arts PR who work with renowned artists such as Mogwai and C Duncan. Crowdfunding will cover costs of recording, PR, radio plugging, and a special live stream album launch gig which I will perform with a band in an Edinburgh venue.”
Isla Munro is crowdfunding the 100 Days Project Scotland which encourages people to undertake daily creative pursuits which will be exhibited in an annual show.
Building on the award-winning album Songs of Separation, Jenny Hill is fundraising for ‘SoS Music – ALL SING!’.
The project will bring together community choir leaders from across the UK to enjoy a rewarding creative residential which will result in new song teaching resources.
Contemporary textiles brand Blessed Unrest is crowdfunding Ink on Mesh, a community print, and textiles studio facility offering fully equipped studio space, a wide range of classes and expert technical support to its community.
Lorna Brown ofBlessed Unrestcommented: “With the support of Creative Scotland Crowdmatch and Crowdfunder UK I’m looking to achieve my dream of establishing INK on MESH in the heart of my local community.
“The studio will allow me to continue to develop my own textiles brand as well as providing invaluable space and specialized equipment for developing, emerging and graduate textile practitioners.
“I know just how challenging it is to pursue your professional career as a textile graduate without access to screens, studio space and the support networks that college life offers”.
Award-winning social enterprise Remode Collective are crowdfunding ReStyler, a brand-new and sustainable garment restyling alteration and mending service in Edinburgh.
Producer Penny Davies (co-owner of Smashing Pictures) is working with an all-female team including Director Shiona McCubbin and Writer Amy Hawes to crowdfund their short film ‘Maureen’.
Penny Davies commented: “Shiona, Amy and I have talked about working together a number of times, so we’re absolutely delighted to have been selected for Creative Scotland Crowdfunder with our short film Maureen.
Amy has written a fantastic script, and we have a wonderful all-female team lined up – we can’t wait to get going now!”
Rowanbank Environmental Arts & Education CIC is fundraising to develop an original outdoor circus & theatre show, ‘Positive Imaginings’, that engages children with the issue of climate change and how it is linked to our connection with the natural world.
Rowanbank Environmental Arts & Education commented: “2021 is the year we must address the climate emergency.
“Coming out of COVID-19 we have an opportunity to create a new way of living. Scotland is hosting COP26 this year, the most important meeting on climate change since 2015 when the Paris agreement was drawn up. This project aims to both educate and give a voice to children creating a sense of agency and hope for their future.”
For the full list of projects across Scotland please visit:
Lorna Brown is seeking your support to turn her dream of a creating a community arts and design resource in Newhaven into a reality.
Lorna explained: “Creative Scotland selected my business plan for their crowdmatch funding support in February this year.
“I’m looking to achieve my goal of establishing INK on MESH, a community print space that offers classes, courses and tuition in screen printing and stitched textiles.
“Post – pandemic, INK on MESH will become a space that promotes and encourages creative expression, community connections, confidence building and well being through hand craft and heritage skills education.
“I can continue to develop my own textiles brand, Blessed Unrest and also provide affordable space and specialized equipment for developing, emerging and graduate practitioners.”
INK on MESH is an interest partner with The Heart of Newhaven Community, one of the first dedicated intergenerational centres in the UK and will potentially open there in Autumn 2021 or in another local retail space.
Lorna added: “Individuality prevails! You can give people the same instructions and access to the same materials & equipment but how they explore that, interpret and express that is entirely UNIQUE … this is one of the fascinating and constant motivating experiences for me as a craft educator.
“Ink on Mesh will become that dedicated space where people at all ages and stages can come to explore their unique ideas through the craft of screen printing and textiles. Let’s make this happen!”
The crowdfunder launches at 9am this morning (Monday 22 March).
Linda’s friend and colleague Lisa Arnott said: “I can not express how super delighted for my amazing best friend Lorna Brown of BlessedUnrest and her Crowdfunding launch for the new and amazing dedicated print studio INK on MESH.
“Her Crowdfunding starts at 9am on Monday 22nd March. It’s an amazing way to become part of her story, show your support for a well-needed resource for our community and support the arts and design industries.
“Set your watches and phone alarms for 9am on Monday 22nd March!”
Heart of Newhaven Community’s Crowdfunding campaign goes live today, St Valentine’s day. What better day to launch what we hope will help us all fulfil our ambition of creating a vibrant Heart, full of life and vitality and shared and used by the wide, ever-growing community?
You can help us bring the Heart to life as soon as possible, by making a donation.
You can find out all about it on our website and following the link, or by going direct to the Crowdfunding website. You’ll find FAQs and get some idea of what the first funds are needed for.
You can remain anonymous or choose one of our rewards depending on the amount you give, but remember that it doesn’t matter how small or how large it is. It all adds up.
You know all about the ambition, now help fund the reality as we move closer and closer to creating the living, beating heart of the community.
Please look at the poster button at the bottom of this newsletter. They are the posters that will soon be appearing in the area. If you can possibly print out one or two of your favourites, and put them in your windows or send them to friends or colleagues that would be wonderful.
The better the coverage, the better the response and the quicker we can get the Heart beating.
First of all, we have had a magnificent response to our digital appeal which we launched so recently on 25th January.
Thanks to all who have very kindly donated old laptops or tablets to help families in the community who needed help to access online learning. We have already dealt with around a dozen such items, some of which are being wiped and processed while others are awaiting collection and soon they will all be winging their way to Victoria Primary School. Please continue to get in touch.
We understand that others have been delivered directly to the school following our appeal and if you would still like to help but have no old machines you no longer need, you can also donate funds to enable the school to buy more.
An average laptop or tablet suitable for home-schooling could cost around £200 but any smaller contributions that could go towards that would be most welcome. You can contact the school directly below:
This is such an encouraging example of the community helping each other, just what Heart of Newhaven proposes to expand on once we’re fully operational.
The main news for you this month however is about the launch of our CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN.
This will go live on 14th February. It’s all about the Heart of course – it seemed a very suitable date for obvious reasons.
While we have applied to the Scottish Land Fund for the purchase cost of the site, we still need immediate funds to pay our legal advisers, currently working on the contract with CEC. Then there are the essential repairs to such things as windows and the roof, as well as fire and safety features.
There is also the preparatory work we have to do in the way of design costs to enable us to move into the buildings and get them going with our “meanwhile use” plans to bring the centre “online” stage by stage.
The campaign will go live on Crowdfund Scotland and there will also be links from our website and social media channels.
Please consider donating something, no matter how small, to enable this ambitious project to go ahead – and don’t forget to spread the word among neighbours and friends!
Finally, may we remind you to visit our website regularly. There’s always something new, including several blogs being posted on the different pages, that you might enjoy.
This month for example, the Culture & Heritage page is hosting a contribution from one of our many volunteers, who talks about the Hispanic community in Newhaven and how they’ve adapted and settled in to the local community.
On our new Intergenerational page, there’s not only an explanation of what intergenerational means, but a blog from trustee Judy Crabb.
Of course our regular blog from the chairman will be along soon as well.
Creative Scotland has launched Creative Scotland Crowdmatch 2021 in collaboration with Crowdfunder – the UK’s largest crowdfunding platform – offering expert coaching and match funding, to support Scotland’s creatives to run successful crowdfunding campaigns.
The second iteration of the programme will launch with a series of introductory, free to attend webinars:
From Monday 25 January, interested parties will be invited to express their interest in participating by noon Monday 8 February.
A shortlist of projects, selected by Crowdfunder and Creative Scotland, will receive tailored coaching support from the expert Crowdfunder team to set up their campaigns.
Jason Nuttall, Programme Director, Crowdfunder said: “We were blown away by the successes of the projects involved in Creative Scotland’s 2020 initiative.
“The range of ideas and the creativity shown in things like the rewards offered was fantastic to see. We have high expectations for this competition, and are looking forward to supporting the chosen projects to being their campaigns to life in 2021.”
Jackie Stewart, Creative Industries Officer, Creative Scotlandsaid: “This is a fantastic opportunity for practitioners and organisations across Scotland to raise funds for creative projects as well as grow awareness of their work and foster meaningful relationships with audiences.”
Expressions of interest are invited from all artforms, and shortlisted projects will be announced on Tuesday 16 February.
Thanks to National Lottery players, Creative Scotland will contribute a total of £75,000 of match funding, and entrants can receive up to £10,000 towards their projects.
Eligibility criteria, information about the initiative and about Crowdfunder is available on the Crowdfunder website.
The first phase of the programme which launched last year, saw 18 projects achieve their target crowdfunding campaign figures with many stretching beyond their original targets.
The recording and production of experimental focus musician James Lindsay’s second album, Torus was made possible through the first iteration of Creative Scotland Crowdmatch.
James Lindsaysaid: “I couldn’t have done a pre-order self-release like this independently to the same effect.
“The crowdfunding process gave people the drive to help the project and the tutorials offered by Crowdfunder were very helpful in helping me bring some shape to the campaign”
Eligibility criteria, information about the initiative and about Crowdfunder is available on the Crowdfunder website.
Approximately 2.2 million people in the UK are living in food poverty, many of whom require support from foodbanks on a regular basis. Before the outbreak of the pandemic a record high 1.9m emergency food parcels were distributed between April 2019 and March 2020 by the Trussell Trust. It is estimated there will be a 61% increase in demand for food parcels between now and Christmas.
This equates to six parcels being distributed per minute. Mass unemployment, on a scale not seen since the early nineties is predicted, which will result in a further rise in food poverty. An estimated 670,000 additional people will be classed as destitute by the end of 2020.
Since its launch in 2014, Bounceback Food CIC has been committed to fighting food poverty. Their public cookery courses and foodbank drive uses the ‘buy one, give one’ model to generate social impact.
The cookery courses have enabled them to provide free places to people using foodbanks or getting third sector support, teaching them how to cook.
Their foodbank drive is supported through donations at market events. This proactive approach to tackling food poverty has helped them teach thousands of people how to cook, donate over 10,000 items of food to foodbanks and provide over 75,000 meals as part of their wider community outreach work which includes catering, supper clubs and corporate cook offs.
Prior to lockdown, Bounceback’s outreach work predominantly supported people in Greater Manchester, Cheshire & North Wales. However, as the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic continues, the non-profit organisation is adapting its model to social franchising, so they are able to support the increasing numbers of people living in food poverty nationwide. By introducing this model the team at Bounceback are more confident they can help combat the growing number of people in food poverty in the UK.
Its current crowdfunder aims to raise sufficient funds so they can expand with three additional teams in new locations throughout the UK by November 2021, supporting the social enterprise’s long-term plan to have 20 teams operational by 2024.
Each team will manage regional cookery workshops educating people how to cook as well as their market events generating food donations which will then be distributed to foodbanks in the community.
Discounted tickets to cookery workshops are just one of several rewards that people who pledge their support to the crowdfunder will receive. Signed first edition copies of the new recipe books are also available.
The organisation is determined to make things fun too and have introduced an innovative way for people to stay connected, learn about food preparation and global cuisine, even in these difficult times.
Their Secret Supper Clubs is a new concept that will bring a group of friends together for a dinner party with a difference. Bounceback’s team serves up a feast based on their favourite recipes as the host joins an interactive, virtual cook-a-long session.
In line with the current UK Government ‘rule of 6’ guidelines, these intimate social events may be a welcome alternative way to spend an evening, as the nation faces more restrictions on socialising out of the home – although this would not currently be allowed north of the border, where it would only be permissable for one household.
A range of corporate sponsorship packages have also been developed providing businesses with an opportunity for exposure by sponsoring an episode of Bounceback’s weekly Share Your Secrets podcast.
The podcast celebrates the diversity of food, art and community and includes interviews with the artists involved in the production of ‘Secret Dishes From Around the World 2’, insights about community and culture from people in the featured countries and updates from Bounceback’s team as they scale up their proactive fight against food poverty across the UK.
Bounceback’s founding director Duncan Swainsbury (above) said: “I’m proud of the progress we have made over the last 6 months and that we have developed new ways to work.
“We have pledged 5 million free licenses to our online Cooking & Nutrition Portal and donated all remaining stock to our foodbank drive in the North-West – this is as well as adapting our catering service to deliver meals door to door, and launching online cookery workshops that provide free places for our beneficiaries.
“As claims for Universal Credit soar and with the furlough scheme coming to an end, we know that our organisation will be needed more than ever before to support those living in food poverty.
“It is essential that we scale up our social enterprise and build delivery teams in multiple locations to provide effective support to people nationwide.”
Capital Theatres, Scotland’s largest theatre charity, has thanked the public for its incredible support of the theatres through its Crowdfunder campaign, an urgent appeal for support launched last month.
The Crowdfunder closed at noon yesterday having raised £86,900 from 1670 people, more than doubling its original target of £35,000.
Capital Theatres, which operates Edinburgh’s much-loved King’s Theatre, Festival Theatre and The Studio had asked for donations to help ensure its three city centre theatres can re-open when it is safe to do so, and to ensure continued access to creativity and the arts for the most vulnerable communities during COVID-19.
The money raised through this outpouring of love and affection for the organisation and its theatres will be put to great use protecting the core staff of the theatres, maintaining the heritage buildings and preparing for a March re-opening should government restrictions, public safety and science allow.
A series of rewards proved extremely popular with supporters, especially opportunities to get behind the scenes with the tech team at the theatres, enjoy a glass of fizz with Elaine C Smith or a chat about theatre voices with Ian Rankin over zoom, an illustrated limited edition poem about the King’s Theatre by King’s Ambassador Alexander McCall Smith, and the opportunity to appear in the next panto!
Fiona Gibson, CEO of Capital Theatres said: “All of us here at Capital Theatres are very humbled by the response from the public to our appeal. We know we still have a long way to go to reopen our doors, but an incredible show of support like this, with wonderful comments and memories shared, clearly demonstrates what our theatres mean to so many.
“It gives us all the passion, energy and determination we need to ensure we survive this crisis through bringing back great shows to our stages when we can and to support our community throughout. A huge, huge thank you to everyone who made this possible with your incredibly generous donations. We can’t wait to welcome you back over our doors when it’s safe for us to do so.
“A huge thank-you too to our King’s Ambassadors, our national companies Scottish Opera and Scottish Ballet and to Birmingham Royal Ballet as well as our corporate partners for their in-kind support of the campaign, and to all of our stakeholders for their beautiful words of encouragement and support.”
Other members of the Capital Theatres staff team added their thanks as news of the scale of donations was shared.
“I was blown away watching all the rewards get snapped up and our total just soar and soar. It truly brought home a sense of belonging to, and our value in the community both at home and afar! I’m looking forward to seeing all of you soon. Thank you for your support!” commented Mark Pringle, Head Flyman
Cat Sheridan, Learning and Participation Coordinator, said: “I am so overwhelmed by the incredible support for Capital Theatres and our ‘Raise The Curtain’ programme, without which none of our digital engagement sessions, with our wonderful participants, would be possible.
And Joanna Miller, Head of Marketing added: “We have been overwhelmed at the outpouring of love for the theatres from the 1670 donors and the generosity of our Friends, customers, Edinburgh’s arts community and the city’s residents. This money will help us to provide entertainment and inspiration during this current pandemic whilst our venues are closed. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
Capital Theatres is currently actively campaigning to receive emergency Government funding at the same level as other publicly supported theatres, which would allow the theatres to continue to play a vital part in Edinburgh’s year-round thriving arts scene and support the local and national economy.
A petition calling on the Scottish Government to recognise the scale of emergency facing Capital Theatres on Change.org has secured 12,667 signatures to date and is still open for those looking to lend their voice to its campaign.
The money raised through the Crowdfunder is a fantastic support for Capital Theatres. Those who missed the Crowdfunder but would like to support the theatre charity’s work can still donate at www.capitaltheatres.com
#SaveOurTheatres and #AfterTheInterval
Just a few of the comments received on the Crowdfunder page:
Lynne said: “I love the panto very much and was always going to donate but the chance to BE IN the panto was too good to pass up! Wishing you all the best.”
Martin said: “A building, team and company I love. They have welcomed, supported, cajoled and helped me develop as an amateur stage manager.️”
Jennifer said: “Life is so poor without live arts and culture. I miss you very much and am desperately hoping you survive this ongoing lengthy crisis.”
Linda said: “Theatres give so much joy and pleasure and we really need to know they will survive this terrible pandemic. Here to support you in your time of need.”
Evelyn said: “No question our theatres are worth preserving, and the artists and technicians working in the theatre should be supported, not only because the theatre is their livelihood, but also because the arts are actually vital to our well-being (and make life so much more interesting!). I have missed the fun and buzz of live performances (not to mention the cancelled festivals!) and I look forward to the day the doors open again!”
Mairi said: “The Festival Theatre holds a special place in my heart; I’ve been coming here since it opened in 1994 and it is one of the things I have most missed over the last six months.”
June said: “We can’t let this happen – everything is a venue in the Festival, but if we are still to be internationally renowned as a city of culture we must have theatres of international standard, with their own Edinburgh heritage. (And there is no panto in the world like it!)”
Susan said: “My whole family has been coming to The Kings panto for nearly 30 years, never missed it once! Would be gutted if my kids couldnt carry on the tradition! Our best night of the year! Good luck! X️️”
And as Jo succinctly said: “Long live the King’s!”
The lockdown and Covid 19 have been particularly difficult on many BAME, low income and isolated families here in Edinburgh.
In June 2020 ELREC started a food project to help bridge the gap between BAME people and food poverty and access to free food services such as food banks.
This came about after ELREC was contacted by many community members asking for food support due to job losses, furlough, redundancies, and benefits income not being sufficient to live on for many families and also children being at home fulltime.
ELREC provided this work thanks to local funding but this has now ended, yet the demand for food parcels and halal meat for BAME families remains. The work is all volunteer led and these include ELREC staff, board members and our other volunteers who give up their time to help us deliver this project.
ELREC provides on average 30 food parcels per week but not only put the parcels together but also deliver them to any family who are unable to collect them. There are 15 volunteers involved and on average we spend 20 hours per week on this work.
Currently ELREC is working in partnership with Edinburgh Community Food and Fareshare who provide us with free food parcels, but we do not have sufficient funding to top up the parcels with meat, which is the main item we are asked for.
There are many families within our communities who need and rely on this food support for many reasons but the standard food banks don’t meet their needs. Therefore, ELREC is asking for funds to top up their food support with specific items they need such as halal meat, nappies, baby milk or any other essential items.
ELREC hopes to continue this work until end of October 2020 in line with the furlough scheme and then make alternative arrangements for these families to continue to access this food support with which they need to live.
FOOD for those who need it:
PLEASE DONATE what you can and help us keep doing this important work for our community.