Police Scotland issues warning on Gift Card scams

We would like to raise awareness of Gift Card scams.

Typically, the victim receives a call, text or email demanding an urgent payment by purchasing gift cards/vouchers from reputable organisations or high street retailers.

Fraudsters may claim to represent organisations or employers.

Following the purchase, the victim is asked to provide the gift card code to the fraudster who then either sells the codes on, or purchases high-value products, at the expense of the victim.

The fraudster does not require to have physical control over the card/voucher.

Employees may also receive urgent emails purporting to be from management asking them to purchase gift cards on their behalf.

A legitimate employer will not ask you to handle company business through gift card purchases.

• No reputable organisation would ask for payment of a bill or debt using vouchers or gift cards.

• Never reveal the codes on vouchers or gift cards you have purchased apart from entering them on official websites as full or part payment for goods or services.

• Take a moment to think if the offer sounds too good to be true.

• Be wary of any texts or emails you receive, even if it appears to come from an organisation you know and trust.

• Don’t follow links in text messages or phone any numbers provided within the message.

Trading Standards Scam Share Bulletin 👉http://ow.ly/1F6650GRgsm

Cyber Scotland Bulletin 👉http://ow.ly/tlAW50GRgsl

170% rise in Dog thefts

How you can prevent your dog from being stolen

Last year saw a year on year increase of 170% in dog thefts across the UK. With this in mind the insurance experts at Protectivity give their top five tips on how best to prevent dog theft.

To view the research: https://www.protectivity.com/knowledge-centre/preventing-dog-theft/

Top 5 tips to prevent dog theft

1. Don’t leave dogs unattended

It should come as first nature to dog walkers and owners but leaving dogs unattended in public spaces increases the chance of you falling foul to thieves dramatically.

That includes leaving dogs tied up outside shops or other businesses, inside a parked car or at the park.

The less time a dog is out of your sight, the less chance there is for the dog to be stolen.

2. Ensure your setting is secure

If your business involves keeping dogs on your premises, or even if you are visiting those of your clients, making sure they are secure is hugely important.

We all know dogs can sometimes take off of their own accord, so it’s worth checking that fences and property boundaries will keep even the most inquisitive dog inside.

By keeping your dogs inside, you can also keep potential thieves out.

3. Watch what you post on social media

Social media can be a great place to showcase your business to potential clients but it also comes with potential risks.

Posting your walks, daily activities or generally marketing your business is good, however there’s also the chance it’ll tell potential thieves where and when there’s an opportunity to steal a dog.

If you must post daily about your dog walks, it’s worth mixing things up to avoid a regular routine that can set you up for the risk of dog napping.

4. Ask that your clients’ dogs have good recall

Letting dogs off the lead when out on a walk obviously gives them an opportunity for a good run to burn off some steam, but it’s always worth ensuring they come back when called.

Should they fail to return on demand it increases the chances of them being snatched by thieves.

Whether you train the dogs yourself, or ask the owners to make an effort to teach dogs good recall, it can increase the safety of the pooches in your care.

5. Invest in a dog GPS system

It might seem an extreme investment, but with the value of certain dog breeds in the thousands, the outlay of a dog GPS system might be money well spent.

There are a number of options on the market, starting from around £50, so if you’ve got a lot of different animals in your care it can be a wise investment.

Should they take off, or worse still, be stolen, a tracker will allow you and the owner to see exactly where they go. 

To view the full research please click here.

Police Scotland: Sextortion advice

What is sextortion?

Sextortion is a type of cyber extortion. It involves the threat of having sexual information, images or clips shared.

This is done to get money from you. It doesn’t always matter if the images actually exist or not.

The extortion often takes place when a victim is asked to take off their clothes in front of a webcam. They can also be asked to perform sexual acts.

The victim believes this to be a private act but it is not. The victim doesn’t know that they are being recorded. 

The offender will then threaten the victim. They may demand money. They may threaten to share the images or videos on social media or share publicly. 

What can you do to reduce the likelihood of it happening?

Here are some tips:

Be sensible when using the internet. Only activate your camera when you want to. Make sure it is ‘off’ at all times when not required. Never allow yourself to be duped into activity that you will later regret.

If using video chat apps, be alert to the fact that ‘contacts’ are not always who they say they are. If you allow a relationship to develop be guarded if unusual requests are made of you.

If you use online chat rooms looking for a person to chat with be careful. Be careful about any getting into a relationship and if you are asked to move to a different chat platform.

Some online chat rooms have a visual contact facility. If you are looking for a person to chat with and get into a relationship be guarded on what you say and do.

Relationships are quick to develop. End any that you are not comfortable with. Stay in control of what you do.

You may make mistakes, have doubts or need support or advice. If so, contact the police or a support agency immediately.

Remember, what goes on the internet stays on the internet, forever.

What to do if you’re a victim of sextortion

Here are a few points to follow if you are a victim.

Do not panic. The police will take your case seriously. They will deal with it in confidence. You will not be judged.

Do not pay. Some victims who have paid hear no more about it, others pay and are asked for more money. In some cases, even when money is paid the offenders posts the videos or images anyway

Do not talk any further to the offenders. Take screen shots of any communication. Keep it as evidence.

Make a note of all details provided by the offenders. For example; the Skype name (particularly the Skype ID), the Facebook URL; the Western Union or MoneyGram Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN); any photos/videos that were sent, etc. 

Deactivate your social media account. Report the matter to the platform to have any video blocked. Set up an alert in case the video resurfaces. Deactivating the Facebook account rather than shutting it down will mean data is kept. This helps the police to gather evidence. The account can also be reactivated at any time. This means your online memories are not lost forever.

Report the matter to the police and your online service provider. 

Be aware that the scammer’s Skype name is different to their Skype ID. It’s the ID details that police will need. To get that, right click on their profile, select ‘View Profile’.

Then look for the name shown in blue rather than the one above it in black. It’ll be next to the word ’Skype’ and will have no spaces in it.

Remember that you’re the victim of organised criminals. You’re not alone and confidential support is available. You can get through this.

Advice for parents and carers

Parents looking for more advice on keeping children safe chatting online will find plenty of information. They’ll find it from the National Crime Agency at the following websites:

Video chatting – a guide for protecting primary school age children

Video chatting – a guide for protecting secondary school age children.

Related links

CEOP professionals who can help you

CEOP website.

PAPYRUS gives confidential advice and support. They work to stop young suicide in the UK,

Samaritans to talk any time you like in your own way and off the record.

Get Safe Online

Revenge Porn Helpline

Thinkuknow  support for young people, teenagers, parents & carers.

Sextortion Self Help Guide

Sextortion emails: how to protect yourself guide from NCSC

Video conferencing services: using them securely guide from NCSC.

HMRC warns customers about Self Assessment tricksters

As HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) prepares to issue emails and SMS to Self Assessment customers, the department is reminding them to be on their guard after nearly 800,000 tax-related scams were reported in the last year.

Fraudsters use Self Assessment to try and steal money or personal information from unsuspecting individuals. In the last year alone, HMRC has received nearly 360,000 bogus tax rebate referrals.

The Self Assessment deadline is 31 January 2022 and customers may expect to hear from HMRC at this time of year. More than 4 million emails and SMS will be issued this week to Self Assessment customers pointing them to guidance and support, prompting them to think about how they intend to pay their tax bill, and to seek support if they are unable to pay in full by 31 January.

However, the department is also warning customers to not be taken in by malicious emails, phone calls or texts, thinking that these are genuine HMRC communications referring to their Self Assessment tax return.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “Never let yourself be rushed. If someone contacts you saying they’re from HMRC, wanting you to urgently transfer money or give personal information, be on your guard.

“HMRC will also never ring up threatening arrest. Only criminals do that.

“Scams come in many forms. Some threaten immediate arrest for tax evasion, others offer a tax rebate. Contacts like these should set alarm bells ringing, so if you are in any doubt whether the email, phone call or text is genuine, you can check the ‘HMRC scams’ advice on GOV.UK and find out how to report them to us.”

Criminals use emails, phone calls and text messages to try and dupe individuals, and often mimic government messages to make them appear authentic. They want to trick their victims into handing over money or personal or financial information.

Customers can report suspicious phone calls using a form on GOV.UK; customers can also forward suspicious emails claiming to be from HMRC to phishing@hmrc.gov.uk and texts to 60599.

HMRC has a dedicated team working on cyber and phone crimes. They use innovative technologies to prevent misleading and malicious communications from ever reaching the customer.

Since 2017 these technical controls have prevented 500 million emails from reaching HMRC’s customers. More recently, new controls have prevented 90% of the most convincing SMS messages from reaching the public and controls have been applied to prevent spoofing of most HMRC helpline numbers.  

HMRC is also reminding Self Assessment customers to double check websites and online forms before using them to complete their 2020/21 tax return.

People can be taken in by misleading websites designed to make them pay for help in submitting tax returns or charging to connect them to HMRC phone lines.

Customers who are in any doubt about whether a website is genuine should visit GOV.UK for more information about Self Assessment and use the free signposted tax return forms.

Police forces launch national week of action to stop uninsured drivers

  • 45 police forces launch Op Drive Insured on 15-21 November, in a national week of increased roads policing activity to seize uninsured vehicles and protect road users.
  • Every 20 minutes someone in the UK is injured by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver. Over 26,000 victims were supported by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) in 2020.
  • Drivers can check their vehicle appears insured on police systems for free at www.askmid.com

On 15-21 November 2021, all 45 UK police forces will execute Op Drive Insured in a national effort to reduce uninsured driving levels and protect road users.

The week-long campaign which has been developed by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) and NPCC’s National Roads Policing Operations, Intelligence and Investigations (NRPOII), will see an increase in roads policing activity to detect and seize uninsured vehicles.

MIB which is a not-for-profit organisation that compensates victims of uninsured and hit-and-run drivers, supported over 26,000 injured victims in 2020 – equating to one injury every 20 minutes.

In addition to causing more collisions, MIB records show uninsured drivers often commit wider road crime ranging from ‘hit and runs’, using a stolen vehicle and drink driving.

Ben Fletcher, Chief Customer Officer at MIB, said: “Put simply, uninsured motorists are very dangerous. They cause a worryingly high level of collisions and are frequently involved in wider crime.

“By using MIB’s Motor Insurance Database police can easily see if a vehicle appears to have no insurance and will take swift action to remove the threat. Op Drive Insured serves as an important reminder that no one is above the law and illegal motorists will be caught.”

Jo Shiner, Chief Constable at Sussex Police and NPCC Lead for Roads Policing, said: “Police officers take action against the users of uninsured vehicles every day, this national week of action really highlights how we work with all of our partners to take these vehicles off the road and prosecute offenders.

We know those who are unwilling to insure their vehicles present more risk to other road users than those who do insure their vehicles. 

We have sophisticated systems to help identify offenders and we will use all of our powers to take appropriate action against offenders and make our roads safer.”

Uninsured driving is a problem that exists across all corners of the UK, with the worst-affected areas found in Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester and Greater London.

MIB which is funded by insurers and ultimately their honest premium-paying customers, requires around £400 million each year to compensate victims and help them rebuild their lives.

Furthermore, using government figures on the average value of prevention, MIB estimates that collisions caused by uninsured and hit-and-run drivers could cost the economy nearly £2 billion a year in emergency services, medical care, loss of productivity and property damage.

During the week of action, Police Officers will access MIB’s Motor Insurance Database (MID) – a central record of live UK motor insurance policies – to see if motorists’ licence plates show their vehicle as insured.

If the validity of insurance is disputed by the driver, MIB will liaise in real-time with the insurer in question to confirm if the vehicle has valid insurance.

Uninsured drivers will likely have their vehicle seized (and potentially crushed), receive a £300 fixed penalty notice and six licence points. Furthermore, uninsured motorists could face court and receive an unlimited fine and/or a driving ban. A criminal record can also affect job prospects.

So far this year, over 100,000 uninsured drivers have had their vehicle seized.

Driving insured? Be confident with MIB’s quick guide

Do Don’t ✖
Do check that your vehicle is appearing as insured on the Motor Insurance Database (MID) for free at www.askMID.comDon’t withhold key information when buying insurance to save money. This is fraud – the consequences are serious, and it will invalidate the insurance policy.  
Do only use your vehicle for the agreed purposes of its insurance cover. If unsure what your policy covers, speak to your insurer. Don’t buy car insurance on social media, or through an unfamiliar source. It’s probably a fake car insurance scam called Ghost Broking.
Do find out when your policy expires and if it auto-renews, so you can ensure it doesn’t run out without your knowledge.Don’t use a personal E-scooter on public roads and spaces. Only local authority-operated trial E-scooters are covered for third party use.

Crackle and Moonbeam: Capital Police prepare for Bonfire Night

Police in Edinburgh have launched their annual campaign to keep the public safe and deter fireworks-related disorder over Bonfire Night.

Operation Crackle, which runs from today (Thursday 4th November), to Saturday 6th November, sees local officers deployed throughout the city to address the range of criminality that typically arise as a result of the antisocial use of fireworks during the bonfire period.

In advance community policing teams have been working alongside the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the City of Edinburgh Council and may other partners, to engage with young people through various channels and discuss the risks and consequences of using fireworks recklessly.

Officers have also carried out joint patrols with council Environmental Wardens and members of the fire service to carry out environmental audits and identify and safely remove any debris or materials that could be used to start bonfires.

In addition to Operation Crackle, Police Scotland has also launched its national public order response for Halloween and Bonfire Night, Operation Moonbeam.

As part of this campaign, a range of specialist and national resources will be available to Edinburgh’s officers if they are required.

The city’s dispersal zones will once again be in operation as an additional tactic to tackle and deter antisocial behaviour and disorder.

The zones will run between 4th and 6th November from 2pm to midnight each day.

Like the past four years, the zones include Muirhouse, West Pilton, Portobello, Loganlea, Saughton, Gorgie, Gilmerton, Moredun and Southhouse and enable police to instruct groups of two or more people who are congregating and behaving in an antisocial manner in these areas to disperse.

Those who fail to comply, or fail to stay away for up to 24 hours, can face arrest.

Chief Inspector Murray Tait from Edinburgh Division said: “Last year saw unprecedented restrictions placed on the public, in terms of gatherings within their homes and gardens, as well as all public bonfire and fireworks displays being cancelled and we are yet to see the return of such events.

“If you are planning to purchase and use fireworks over the coming days and weeks then please do so responsibly and within reasonable times of the day, so as not to disturb and distress vulnerable members of our community.

“We have been working alongside our various partners in advance to mitigate against fireworks-related disorder but nevertheless, we still anticipate a very busy period for ourselves and the other emergency services.

“We are committed to keeping not only the public, but our officers and emergency service colleagues safe, and we are grateful that Operation Crackle officers will once again be supported by the specialist resources as part of Operation Moonbeam.  

“I would ask that parents and guardians have frank conversations with the young people in their care and remind them that behaving recklessly with fireworks can not only put lives at risk, but will result in arrest and a criminal record.”

Fireworks: local Dispersal Zones to tackle antisocial behaviour

This year two Dispersal Zones are being set up in North West Edinburgh to combat antisocial behaviour and disorder over the bonfire period. The zones will be in operation between 2pm and midnight from Thursday 4th to Saturday 6th November.

Under the Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004, police have a Power of Dispersal within the designated zones authorised by Superintendent David Robertson.

This means that Police can instruct any people in groups of two or more who are congregating and behaving in an antisocial manner to disperse, and if they do not live there to leave the zones, and then not to return for up to 24 hours.

If they do return, they can be arrested.

Nine dispersal zones will be set up across the city in known ‘hot spots’. As well as West Pilton and Muirhouse, zones will be established in Portobello, Loganlea, Gilmerton, Moredun, Southhouse, Gorgie and Saughton.

News of the establishment of Dispersal Zones will come as no surprise to local residents – the real surprise is that these dispersal zones will be in place over one weekend only.

Neighbourhood Watch: How Do We Tackle Antisocial Behaviour?


Book your FREE place on @N_Watch webinar now

http://ourwatch.org.uk/webinars @ Mon 15th Nov 5-6pm to find out about the impact antisocial behaviour has on communities & how together we can tackle this growing problem


Appeal after woman’s bag stolen near St Mary’s Cathedral

Police are appealing for witnesses after a woman’s handbag was stolen in a robbery near St Mary’s Cathedral at the West End.

The incident happened at around 7.25pm on Tuesday (19 October) as the 39-year-old was walking with a second woman on the lane between Manor Place and Palmerston Place, which runs behind the cathedral.

Two men approached the women from direction of Atholl Place and together forcibly removed the woman’s handbag.

The suspects left the area on foot towards Manor Place. Officers attended the scene and found no trace of the men or the stolen items, which include a phone and keys from within the bag.

Both suspects are described as adult men, of stocky builds and wearing all black clothing with their hoods up.

Detective Sergeant Gary Smyth of Gayfield CID said: “The victim and her companion were simply walking along the street when these men approached them and stole her handbag. The red leather bag is still missing, along with its contents.

“We are reviewing CCTV in the area and would ask anyone with private systems to check their footage and provide anything of relevance to officers as soon as possible.

“I’d also ask anyone in the West End area on Tuesday night who may have witnessed what happened, or the suspects before or after the incident, to come forward and speak with officers.”

Those with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 and quote incident number 2965 of 19 October. An anonymous report can be given to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Operation Moonbeam: Police Scotland working to keep communities safe during fireworks season

Local and national resources from Police Scotland will again come together to keep communities across the country safe during the weekends of Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night.

Local area commanders the length and breadth of the country, in collaboration with Divisional Commanders, have designed policing plans for scheduled events and to take into account sporadic incidents.

These plans will be enhanced with national resources, including tactically-located specially trained public officers, if required, who will deploy in support of colleagues where required.

A policing operation under the name Moonbeam has been stood up since 2018 in response to significant public disorder and anti-social behaviour in 2017, which included targeted attacks on the blue light services responding to emergency calls on what is typically one of the busiest periods of the year.

It has been activated as both a reassurance for communities, our officers and their colleagues, and as a deterrent to those who may set out to cause disorder and engage in criminality.

Since the operation was first instigated there have been decreases in the levels of disorder witnessed around these events, including in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic substantially curtailed the number of organised fireworks displays which were held.

The Executive Lead for Operation Moonbeam, Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, said: “Both Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night fall on weekends this year, which also land during our policing operation for the COP26 climate change conference taking place in Glasgow.

“While this will undoubtedly be a time of exceptional demand on the police, and all of our emergency services colleagues, I can assure the public and our partners that we are fully committed to responding to any disorder which may occur as a result of these annual events.

“Owing to the ongoing impact of COVID-19 , there are far fewer organised events taking place this year, but be assured plans are in place to manage any problematic unauthorised events which may occur.

“I encourage those who are parents to young people to speak clearly and seriously to them about the potential for personal injury when handling fireworks, as well as the devastating damage they can cause to property. In addition, anti-social behaviour and violence can have life-long consequences, including a criminal record, regardless of their age.

“We absolutely will not tolerate our officers, or our colleagues in the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and the Scottish Ambulance Service, being lured into situations where they face being subjected to violent attacks.

“We will do all we can to prevent these incidents occurring in the first place, but should they happen, we will respond in whatever means necessary to keep our people and our communities safe.”