Fuel poverty has not fallen ‘to any meaningful extent’ in 5 years, says Westminster committee

  • Current policies to reduce fuel poverty have not continued a downward trajectory in fuel poor households.
  • In addition, the Low Income, Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE) metric should be reviewed as it no longer captures the full range of households facing unaffordable bills.

Fuel poverty in England is flatlining rather than falling, according to the Committee on Fuel Poverty’s 2024 Annual Report, Can Fuel Poverty be Ended? 

In 2023, there were an estimated 13.0% of households (3.17 million) in fuel poverty in England under the Low Income Low Energy Efficiency metric, effectively unchanged from 13.1% in 2022 (3.18 million).

Committee Chair, Rt Hon Caroline Flint said: “Governments from 2010 onwards saw levels of fuel poverty in England falling steadily for almost a decade – a reduction of 40%, only to be followed by 5 years from 2019 to 2024 where fuel poverty did not fall to any meaningful extent. 

“There has been a stalling of progress – fuel poverty has flatlined. I don’t think any government anticipated this.  Perhaps the stable energy prices for most of the 2010s created an optimism that fuel poverty would continue to fall for years to come.  That optimism was misplaced. 

“Last year, the Committee hoped that with the pandemic behind us, energy efficiency programmes would step up and progress would continue – even if the government’s milestones were at risk of being missed.  Now, it seems the pandemic – when so much stopped – obscured the lack of progress being made.

This report is not defeatist.  The Committee believes fuel poverty can be beaten.  But for too many low-income households, the unaffordability of bills, especially in the coldest months, is all too real. We foresee that targeted financial support, possibly including the use of social tariffs, for vulnerable and low-income households may be needed for some years to come.”

Measuring fuel poverty

The report states that ‘the increase in the amount added to the standing charge element of energy bills, a flat-rate charge incurred by even households with the lowest usage, is regressive in nature.’ Based on current energy price levels, targeted support to the fuel poor will remain important, and necessary, for the foreseeable future.

Nor can fuel poverty be separated from the experience of many households who are struggling to afford their bills or are at risk of getting into energy debt. The report urges a future fuel poverty strategy to include ‘a guarantee of affordable energy for all’ and consideration should be given to low-income households who may not be in receipt of state benefits.

This includes reviewing the Low Income Low Energy Efficiency metric, the current metric used to measure fuel poverty in England, which is based on a combination of household income, energy requirements and energy prices.

Fabric first

The Committee also states that ’effectively targeted energy efficiency programmes are central to reducing fuel poverty’ and notes that the shift away from a ‘fabric first’ approach to improving household energy efficiency since 2022 has proved less effective at making homes substantially warmer.

The report argues that ‘tackling fuel poverty among fuel poor households requires a fabric first insulation approach, completing these programmes for all fuel poor and vulnerable households, before resources are directed at the incorporation of low-carbon heating systems into those properties.’

Groups most at risk

The government has committed in their manifesto to ensure homes in the private rented sector meet minimum energy efficiency standards by 2030.

The Committee warns that failing ‘to make rapid progress in the private rented sector on energy efficiency will fundamentally undermine any government strategy to end fuel poverty.’

Those living in the Private Rented Sector (PRS), ethnic minority households, and households using prepayment meters (PPMs) are all identified as most at risk of not being able to afford energy and living in a cold home.

Moreover, over 900,000 households with one or more children are in fuel poverty. Any strategy to tackle fuel poverty must be aligned to wider policies with similar end goals, such as those to eliminate child poverty.

The need for better evidence, data sharing and targeting

The Committee also advocates further research into the impact on low-income households, as well as the prevalence of fuel poverty amongst ethnic minority households. The Committee also sees better targeting and, in particular, data sharing, as key to being able to tackle fuel poverty in future.

Chair, Rt Hon Caroline Flint, said: “Our report exposes hidden aspects of fuel poverty: like very high concentrations of ethnic minority households in fuel poverty in some of our large towns and cities; like the lack of progress in the low-cost private rented sector, where too many people are still living in cold homes.

“This report argues that the Fuel Poverty Strategy requires a reset, a refresh and a new focus, to continue to bear down on a problem which too many low-income households endure year on year.  The Committee hopes to see a renewed drive to improve the fabric of our coldest homes – a fabric first approach.

“Energy prices remain about £700 above pre-pandemic levels – and are rising this winter – this poses a serious challenge.  But the cheapest energy of all is the energy never used because a house retains its heat and stays warm in winter.”

Published alongside the Annual Report, the Committee’s 2023/2024 Research Project Barriers and Enablers to Net Zero sets out the importance of trusted sources of advice for fuel poor households and identifies barriers to fuel poor households achieving net zero.

Are YOU losing out on Pension Credit?


THE Scottish Government has confirmed it will no longer provide Winter Fuel Payments to all pensioners in Scotland. Replicating the recent decision announced by the UK Government, Winter Fuel Payments will now be means-tested, which means only individuals in receipt of Pension Credit and certain other benefits will receive it.

Because Pension Credit is a ‘gateway benefit’, which opens up access to other support including Winter Fuel Payments, it is now more crucial than ever that individuals claim Pension Credit so that they don’t miss out on additional money they are entitled to.

If you’ve reached State Pension age, you can claim Pension Credit if your weekly income is less than:

£218.15 if you’re single

£332.95 if you’re a couple.

Even if your weekly income is higher than these thresholds, you could still claim Guarantee Credit if you meet one of the following criteria:

*you’re a carer

*you have a severe disability

*you have certain housing costs, such as service charges

*you’re responsible for a child or young person who usually lives with you.

If you have £10,000 or less in savings and investments this will not affect your Pension Credit. If you have more than £10,000, every £500 over £10,000 counts as £1 income a week. For example, if you have £11,000 in savings, this counts as £2 income a week.


To claim Pension Credit, you can either:

*claim online on GOV.UK (if you already claim State Pension and there aren’t any children or young people included in your claim)

*call the Pension Credit claim line on 0800 99 1234 and they can fill in the application for you over the phone (lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm).

To discuss your benefit entitlements and to find out what you can claim, get in touch with us at Granton Information Centre.

Our Welfare Rights Advisers are here to help!

Call 0131 551 2459 or 0131 552 0458 or email info@gic.org.uk

Public trust in charities at ten-year high, new research shows

People receiving charitable support grows threefold in four years, as cost of living pressures bite

The Charity Commission, the regulator of charities in England and Wales, has published fresh research that shows public trust in charities at highest level since 2014.  

The research reveals that information about how money is spent by a charity is the single most important factor for most people. This is followed closely by knowing that the charity achieves its purpose, that it makes a difference and that it operates to high ethical standards.  

Overall, trust in charities is high and continues to recover. Charities now score 6.5 out of 10 for trust, up from 6.3 in 2023, from a low of 5.5 in 2018 following a series of scandals. 58% of people have “high” trust in charities (7 out of 10 or higher), placing it among the most trusted groups in society, second only after doctors.  

In a challenging financial environment, the research illustrates a growing reliance on charities for support, alongside a declining percentage of people donating to charities. 47% of people say they donated money or goods, or raised funds for charity, compared with 62% in 2020.

By contrast, there has been an increase in people saying they have received charitable services, such as financial help, food or medical support from a charity – 9%, up from 3% in 2020.  

Around half of people say they have heard of the Charity Commission, with 19% knowing it ‘well’. Awareness of the Charity Commission is associated with higher trust in charities, with those who have heard of the regulator being more likely to report high trust (63% vs. 52%). Around 4 in 10 people are aware of the online Register of charities.  

Charity Commission Chief Executive, David Holdsworth, says: “These findings are encouraging, demonstrating that charities collectively are once again firmly trusted by the public, making a visible, essential difference locally, nationally and globally.

“But there is no room for complacency, for charities or for us as regulator. The new findings point to the challenging financial environment charities are operating in, with a decline in the number of people giving to charity, whilst the high cost of living appears to be driving more people to access charity services.

“In these financially challenging times, charities must continue to show people how they deliver on their purpose, including how every penny makes a positive difference.

“Anyone can look up this information on our public Register of charities, which gives details of each charity’s purpose and spending.”

Research into trustee attitudes  

Alongside the research into public trust, the regulator has published the findings of a survey into charity trustees’ attitudes towards their role.  

The research finds that most trustees share the public’s high expectations of conduct in charities – 61% agree that because of its registered status, their charity’s standards of behaviours and conduct ought to be higher than that in other organisations.  

Overall, trustees have high stated levels of confidence in their responsibilities, and generally understand what they should do when making decisions, with those who are aware of the Charity Commission demonstrating they are better informed.   

But the research, also conducted by BMG, finds that trustees are less clear on things they should not be doing, including making decisions based on their personal views, or avoiding awkward questions. They are also less confident about dealing with conflicts of interest, and overseeing charity finances. 

For the first time, the Commission asked charity trustees about their charity’s use of Artificial Intelligence. Only 3% of trustees said their charity has used AI, however this rose to 8% of larger charities (income £1m+). 

Previously published data from the research confirms how widespread problems with banking services are for trustees – 2 out of 5 trustees said their charity has experienced a banking issue over the past year.

The Commission has previously spoken out on its concerns about the impact on charities of poor service from the banks.

Earlier this year, the Commission said it was “shocked, but not surprised” by “undeniable evidence of the extent and impact of the appalling service charities receive from some banks.” 

The full research is available on GOV.UK

Social security support as children prepare for back to school  

Parents and carers are being encouraged to check their eligibility for financial support as the summer holidays end and they prepare for their children going back to school.  

Extra costs, including new shoes, stationery and lunch boxes, can soon add up.   

The five family payments administered by Social Security Scotland can help pay for extra back to school expenses alongside everyday family costs like food, clothing and days out.  

This includes the Scottish Child Payment, a weekly payment of £26.70 for eligible families with children up to 16. The payment is unique to Scotland and is supporting over 329,000 children and young people. 

The three Best Start Grant payments and Best Start Foods, also part of social security support, are designed to help families at key stages in their children’s early years, including during pregnancy.  

There is no cap on the number of children in one family who can receive these payments.  

Up to the end of March 2024, over £829 million has been provided to families across Scotland through the five family payments.  

Speaking at Home-Start Dundee, a charity that helps families with young children, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Shirley-Anne Somerville, said: “The most important priority for our government is eradicating child poverty, and we are committed to easing the pressure on families by getting vital money into their pockets at key stages in their child’s life.  

“Whether it is helping families to buy healthy foods during pregnancy and for their kids as they grow, pushchairs to help on the move, or new shoes and clothing for school, our payments are there when they need it most. 

“We’re already supporting thousands of families across Scotland through our five family payments, and wider Scottish Government support is also helping to protect them as much as we can from the impacts of the cost of living crisis. 
“Even if you are working you could still get these payments and I want to encourage everyone to check if they are eligible and access the money they are entitled to.” 

Estelle Coulthard, Family Support Coordinator at Home-Start Dundee, said: “We are a local charity providing support for families with young children across Dundee that face daily challenges in life. We’re there to provide support as they learn to cope, help improve their confidence and build better lives for their children.

“We are responsive to the individual needs of families, and this includes helping to make parents aware of the financial support they are entitled to and work with them to complete application forms for financial assistance. 

“We know parents who have struggled to purchase everyday items such as formula and healthy foods for their children but the support they have received through the five family payments meant they no longer have to worry about feeding their child.

“The first five years between birth and school are vital for a child’s development and the five family payments make a huge difference to the beginning of a little one’s life, supporting parents to have the funds to purchase the necessities they need. Without these payments, families would not survive the constant rise in the cost of living in Scotland.”

REVEALED: 2 in 3 parents in Edinburgh are feeling the strain of back-to-school shopping

The back-to-school period can be a stressful time for parents and carers, and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis is only adding to this stress.

Looking to understand the situation parents face this September, UK affordable footwear retailer, Wynsors, has carried out their annual survey of 1,000 parents to understand exactly how much the cost of school uniform is affecting their finances.

The results do not paint a positive picture for households across Edinburgh:

  • Nearly 2/3 of parents (65%) in Edinburgh agree that the cost of buying school uniform and supplies puts a strain on their household budget.
  • Almost 4/5 of parents (79%) in Edinburgh feel that the financial pressure on parents has increased over the last 12 months.
  • More than 1/3 (37%) of Edinburgh’s parents do not receive any financial support with the cost of new school uniform, but state they need it.

With 29% of Edinburgh’s parents are spending over £200 each year on school uniform, households across the country are having to make cutbacks elsewhere to afford it.

More than three quarters (78%) are spending less on new things for themselves (such as clothing) so they can stretch their household budget to cover the cost of buying new school uniform, and 30% only shop at discount supermarkets and shops to do so.

The cost of school uniform has even made it onto the new government’s agenda with King Charles outlining a new bill to help level the playing field for families from different economic backgrounds.

In a speech to the new government, King Charles announced legislation aimed at reducing rising costs for parents by limiting the number of branded uniform and PE kit items that schools can require.

But does this go far enough? Almost half of Edinburgh’s (47%) agree that abolishing school uniforms altogether would help to save money.

Adam Foster, Retail Director from Wynsors, comments: “As highlighted by the research we commissioned both this year and last, the back-to-school period is a stressful time for parents and things do not appear to be getting any easier on their wallets.

“But as the UK’s most affordable family footwear retailer, we want to take the stress out of the shopping experience by making school uniform accessible to all. Our commitment to high quality products for low prices has helped parents over the last 50 years get their kids equipped and ready for school.”

The full study, including more information on parents’ attitudes to school uniform and tips for saving money on the back-to-school shop, can be found on-site here: https://www.wynsors.com/blog/true-cost-of-school-uniform/

Enhanced back to school support from Edinburgh School Uniform Bank

Edinburgh School Uniform Bank has taken another step forward in addressing the needs of children facing poverty by including stationery items in every clothing crisis pack.

This initiative comes in response to feedback from the Child Poverty Action Group Report on the cost of the school day.

By ensuring that children not only have access to proper school uniforms but also essential stationery, ESUB is helping to create a more level playing field.

This move will aid in reducing the stigma associated with poverty and enable children to focus on their education without the added worry of lacking basic school supplies, crucial for fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.

This would not be possible without the generosity of our supporters! Thank you!

RIPPED OFF: Drivers still paying too much for road fuel, says CMA

Increases in retail fuel margins cost drivers over £1.6bn in 2023

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published an update today on the widespread action it is taking to ensure that people can get the best possible choices and prices in the face of ongoing cost of living pressures.

New analysis highlights how the cost to drivers of weakened competition in the fuel sector persists, but competition in the groceries sector appears to be more effective in bearing down on retail margins.

Road Fuel 

In its third interim monitoring update, the CMA has found that:

  • Retailers’ fuel margins – the difference between what a retailer pays for its fuel and what it sells at – are still significantly above historic levels.
  • Supermarkets’ fuel margins are roughly double what they were in 2019.
  • The total cost to all drivers from the increase in retail fuel margins since 2019 was over £1.6bn in 2023 alone.
  • Competition among fuel retailers is failing consumers, just as it was in July last year when the CMA published its road fuel market study.

When the CMA published its road fuel market study report, it recommended that a smart data driven fuel finder scheme be set up to make prices available to motorists across the UK in real time, such as through map apps and sat-navs. This will be backed up with ongoing monitoring by the CMA to hold the sector to account. This scheme could save drivers up to £4.50 each time they fill up, as it would make it easier to find cheaper fuel in their area.

The CMA is currently monitoring developments in the fuel market using information provided voluntarily by fuel retailers. It has created a temporary price data-sharing scheme, and it is positive that some major players have started to integrate this into consumer-facing products, like apps. However, the current scheme covers only 40% of fuel retail sites and is not comprehensive enough to be utilised by map apps or sat-navs to bring accurate, live information to people – and this is what would have a substantial impact on the market.

The proposed introduction of the Digital Information and Smart Data Bill by the new government could provide the legislative basis to set up a compulsory and comprehensive scheme that would change this – which the CMA would welcome.

Legislation – which is needed to establish the scheme fully – may take time to come into force. So that motorists can start to benefit from quicker, easier access to fuel prices through everyday apps sooner, the CMA encourages the government to introduce an enhanced interim voluntary scheme that is as close to the final scheme as possible.

Richard Evans, head of technical services at webuyanycar comments: “Rising motoring costs are unsurprisingly taking a toll, as our research revealed 4 in 10 drivers (40%) trying to drive less as a result of expensive fuel. 

“As households unfortunately feel the pinch from rising costs across the board, there are a few things drivers can do to get the most out of their fuel. The more weight a car is carrying, the more fuel it will consume, so remove anything that isn’t needed.

“Driving habits have a huge impact on fuel consumption; making sure to accelerate gently and use the highest appropriate gear will help to use as little fuel as possible. And, keeping a car in good condition can also help to improve fuel consumption, as fuel won’t be wasted on broken parts.

Amidst the fluctuation of fuel prices, it’s also important that drivers are aware of the cost to fill up and where they can get the best deal in their local area. Drivers can use our fuel cost calculator to estimate their weekly, monthly (and even annual) fuel spend.


Many households have been struggling to put food on the table. Last year the CMA launched a wide-ranging project looking at competition and prices in the groceries sector, to make sure that people can get the best deals possible when they are shopping for essentials.

Retailer profitability analysis

In the CMA’s review of the sector in July 2023, it did not find widespread evidence of weak competition: profit margins were historically low; consumers were switching to get the best deals; and the lowest-price retailers were gaining market share from others. But the CMA committed to have another look at this and monitor margins as costs came down. 

Overall, the updated retailer profitability analysis that the CMA has published today should provide shoppers with reassurance that competition in the groceries sector appears to be effective in bearing down on retail margins.

Grocery retailer revenues, profits and margins have increased slightly, in aggregate, in the most recent year (FY 2023/24), as inflation has eased. However, the CMA found that the average operating margin for grocery retailers was less than 3% last year, which remains below pre-pandemic levels. Overall, this does not give the CMA cause for concern about the general state of competition in the groceries sector.


The CMA has also been investigating a range of pricing issues, to help shoppers access clear and accurate pricing information:

  • When shoppers are looking for the best deal possible, they need to be able to easily compare the prices of similar items. Unit pricing can help with this, but a lack of consistency or accuracy can cause confusion. The CMA has identified a number of concerns with retailers’ unit pricing practices, some of which stem from the legislation itself – the Price Marking Order (PMO) 2004, which allows for inconsistences in retailers’ practices, including when products are on promotion. The CMA has recommended changes to the PMO and the Northern Ireland PMO which will help people access better information when they shop, and encourages the government to implement these changes.
  • Alongside this, the CMA has published guidance aimed at independent retailers to help them display clear and accurate prices in general.
  • Shoppers are looking for deals more than ever, and, increasingly, supermarkets offer special prices only for customers that use their loyalty schemes. The CMA has been assessing whether the savings on offer through loyalty schemes are genuine. The analysis – involving tens of thousands of loyalty price promotions – is ongoing, but the results to date suggest it is unlikely to identify widespread evidence of loyalty promotions that mislead shoppers. The CMA has commissioned a consumer survey to understand consumer attitudes and the impact of loyalty pricing on how we shop around and compare prices. The CMA will report on this work in November.

Infant formula

Infant formula is a vital part of the weekly shop for many parents and carers.

Through our review of the groceries sector, the CMA identified significant price rises for infant formula (over 25% between 2021-23) and launched a formal market study in February. Five months into the study, the CMA has concerns that the combined effect of the current regulatory framework, the behaviour of suppliers, and the needs and reactions of consumers buying formula, may be resulting in people paying more than they need to.

The CMA will publish an interim report in October setting out in full the concerns it has in this market and its provisional recommendations for action to improve it.

Sarah Cardell, Chief Executive of the CMA, said: “At a time when household budgets are under huge strain, it’s our job to make sure people can be confident they are getting good deals and that they are not being harmed by weak competition or unfair sales practices.

“Despite inflation falling to 2%, many people are still struggling to pay for everyday items – whether it’s filling up at the pump, buying groceries, feeding babies, treating ill pets, or having somewhere to live.

“Last year we found that competition in the road fuel market was failing consumers, and published proposals that would revitalise competition amongst fuel retailers. One year on and drivers are still paying too much.

“We want to work with government to put in place our recommendation of a real-time fuel finder scheme to kick-start competition among retailers. This will put the power in the hands of drivers who can compare fuel prices wherever they are, sparking greater competition.”

A full list of the CMA’s work to help tackle cost of living pressures – including any recommendations already made – can be found on its collection page.

Morrisons Gyle fights holiday hunger

Morrisons Gyle has announced that it will continue to support its local community by joining the national effort to help prevent holiday hunger this summer.

Morrisons Community Champion Tess at Edinburgh Gyle donated £200 to Community One Stops Shop and Space at The Broomhouse Hub to help towards their free breakfast and free lunch for kids, to support families and children in the community and to tackle holiday hunger this summer. 

It was our pleasure to donate £100 to our friends at Community One Stop Shop and £100 to Space at The Broomhouse Hub. Community One Stop Shop are offering free breakfast packs, and Space at The Broomhouse Hub are offering free lunches to children. Tess met with Willie from Community One Stop Shop on Monday to hand over the donations.

Morrisons stores across the country will support school holiday activity programmes – arranged by local schools, community groups and HAF (the Holiday Activities and Food Programme), by donating £100,000 of food across the UK this summer. 

To help those in need, Morrisons already has its in-store Food Bank ‘Pick Up Pack’ scheme which allows customers to purchase a bag filled with a mix of products which are distributed to local food banks and community organisations by the in-store Community Champions. 

To find out more about the work being done by your local Morrisons community champion please visit: https://www.facebook.com/GyleCommunityChampion/

Trust in politicians at an all-time low

Change of public mood creates challenge for the next government

The results of the latest British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey, published yesterday by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), reveal that there have been significant changes in the public mood since the last election in 2019.

As a result, the next government, whatever its partisan colour, will find itself with many policy and political challenges ahead.

Much of the change in the public mood has been occasioned by the fallout from the pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine war, including the impact on inequality, the health service, Brexit, and immigration.

At the same time, the experience of the last few years has served to undermine confidence in the country’s system of government.

Inequality, cost of living, and housing

Debates about inequality during the pandemic have seemingly created a public that is now more concerned about the level of poverty. At the same time, more people say they are ‘struggling’ on their current income.

  • 73% now believe there is ‘a great deal’ of poverty in Britain, up from 68% in 2019.
  • 70% say that their income has failed to keep up with prices over the last twelve months.
  • 26% say they are ‘struggling’ on their current income, compared with 17% in 2020.
  • However, the experience of living at home more during lockdown may explain why fewer people now support more houses being built in their neighbourhood, despite the difficulty that many currently have in finding affordable accommodation.
  • 41% support more houses being built in their local area, down from 57% in 2018.

The NHS and tax and spend

The post-pandemic growth in NHS waiting times have resulted in record levels of dissatisfaction with the health service. The same is true of social care, which also came under great pressure during the pandemic.

  • The proportion dissatisfied with the NHS is, at 52%, slightly more than double what it was in 2019 (25%).
  • As many as 57% are dissatisfied with the provision of social care, up 20 points on 2019 (37%).
  • Even though taxation is now at a record high, at present, at least, many people still seem to regard the state of the NHS as a more pressing problem than the level of taxes.
  • 46% say that, if forced to choose, the government should increase taxes and spend more on ‘health, education and social benefits’.
  • This is down somewhat on the 53% who expressed that view in 2019, but is still well above the 31% figure recorded in 2010 at the end of the last period of Labour government.

Brexit and immigration

Record levels of immigration since the pandemic have reversed a previous trend towards more liberal attitudes towards immigration. Together with doubts about the economic benefits of Brexit, they have also resulted in a change of attitudes to the EU.

  • In 2019, 47% said that migrants who come to Britain are good for the economy. This edged up further to 50% in 2021 but, in the most recent reading, this has fallen back to 39%.
  • 45% said in 2019 that migrants enrich Britain’s cultural life, while 48% did so in 2021. Now the figure is 38%.
  • In 2019, 51% thought that the economy would be worse off as a result of leaving the EU. Now 71% believe the economy is worse off as a result of Brexit.
  • Faced with a range of options for Britain’s relationship with the EU, in 2016, 41% said that Britain should be outside the EU, as did 36% in 2019. Now the figure stands at 24%.
  • Supporters and opponents of Brexit continue to have different political preferences. 45% of supporters think of themselves as a Conservative, while 49% of opponents identify as a Labour supporter.

Trust and confidence in government

Between them, these policy concerns, together with the political instability of the last couple of years, have undermined levels of trust and confidence in how Britain is governed, a change that has occasioned increased support for constitutional reform.

  • As many as 45% ‘almost never trust governments of any particular party to place the needs of the nation above the interests of their own political party’, up from 34% in 2019 and a record high.
  • After falling from 79% in 2019 to 61% the following year, once again 79% believe the present system of governing Britain is in need of ‘quite a lot’ or ‘a great deal’ of improvement.
  • A record high of 53% now say we should change the Commons voting system ‘to allow smaller parties to get a fairer share of MPs’. 60% of Labour supporters take this view, whereas 73% of Conservative supporters believe we should keep the current system ‘to produce effective government’.
  • A record low of 45% believe that England should be governed as now from Westminster rather than have regional assemblies (26%) or an English Parliament (23%).

Gillian Prior, Interim Chief Executive at the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), says: “The last four years of parliament have left their imprint on public opinion.

“From the NHS to immigration, from inequality to tax and spend, people’s attitudes have been affected by the experience of a pandemic, a cost of living crisis, and political turmoil.

“The period has left them asking themselves just how well they are being governed. Irrespective of its partisan colour, the next government will have much to do if it is to meet people’s concerns about the many difficulties they feel the country has been facing.