‘Our message is simple: the best approach is NONE’


Sadly, statistics show that this is the time of year when Scotland’s road users are at their highest risk of being killed or seriously injured because the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Sometimes “just one drink” can push you over the legal limit and in turn have devastating consequences.

The video (below) from THINK road safety is a reminder that you should not succumb to peer pressure in social situations. Every life is worth more than any extra drink.

Speaking about the launch of a campaign to tackle this issue, our national Head of Road Policing Chief Superintendent Andy Edmonston said: “As we head towards summer there are many additional social events for people to attend, such as barbecues with family and friends or larger organised events such as town shows or village galas. All are perfect opportunities to socialise in relaxed surroundings and many people will take the opportunity to have an alcoholic drink.

“Whatever the occasion, as responsible individuals, we all have a duty to consider the amount of alcohol we consume if we intend on driving. It is important to remember that the measures of alcoholic drinks consumed at social events can be significantly more than pub measures. Unfortunately, people can get caught up in the moment and unintentionally or otherwise over-indulge in alcohol.

“Drivers must consider that even if you make alternative arrangements to get home after an event, you could be over the limit the next day, depending upon the amount you have had to drink. The effects of alcohol do not wear off immediately and drivers must be aware of this if they intend driving the following morning. Make sure you do not get caught out.

“Over the next week our increased visibility and activity throughout the country aims to reassure the public that drink/drug driving is highly dangerous and publicly unacceptable. If you choose to drink and drive or drive whilst unfit due to the effects of drugs there is a high likelihood that you will be caught.

“Our message is simple – the best approach is none.”

Police Scotland is committed to achieving the Scottish Government’s 2020 casualty reduction targets by tackling the risks associated with drink/drug driving and the campaign supports the service’s efforts to reduce road casualties.

Anyone with information on drink/drug drivers can contact Police Scotland on 999 in an emergency. Alternatively call 101 or Crimestoppers in complete anonymity on 0800 555 111

Community Safety Boosted With Arrival of New Fire Appliances

The safety of communities across Scotland has been bolstered thanks to a multi-million pound investment in the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s front line. Four Aerial Ladder Platforms (ALPs) and a Turntable Ladder appliance (TTL) were unveiled yesterday in a spectacular convoy that set-off from Edinburgh’s George IV Bridge under a police escort. Continue reading Community Safety Boosted With Arrival of New Fire Appliances

Community justice: have your say

Tuesday 28 March, 2 – 4pm

EVOC, Ashley Place off Newhaven Road

The Scottish Government and partners are working towards a new model for community justice. The new model aims to:

  • Reduce crime
  • Keep communities safe; and
  • Promote social inclusion and citizenship.

Continue reading Community justice: have your say

Seven face Court following derby day violence

Seven men have been arrested in connection with a large-scale disturbance in the city centre last week following the Hearts v Hibs cup clash at Tynecastle.

Following the derby game on Sunday 12th February, police received reports of disorder and violence taking place outside a pub on Brougham Place. As a result of this incident two men required treatment for facial and head injuries.

On Wednesday 22nd February officers carried out enforcement activity in the Oxgangs, Newington and Meadowbank areas of the city, as well as within Newtongrange, Ormiston and Aberfeldy. Seven men aged 16, 20, 26, 33, 33, 48 and 48 were all subsequently charged and will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow.

Chief Superintendent Kenny MacDonald, Divisional Commander for Edinburgh said: “The disorder on Brougham Place was football-related and caused a great deal ofconcern to local residents, businesses and patrons in the area.

“We will not tolerate such offences and will actively pursue anyone believed to be involved to ensure they are brought to justice.

“The vast majority of supporters of both Hearts and Hibernian are regularly a credit to their clubs and behave responsibly whenever their teams are in action. However, a small minority behave in a manner, which puts themselves and others at risk.

“The replay of the Scottish Cup match takes place tonight and we’ll have an appropriate presence in place to ensure the safety of all spectators and maintain order in and around the stadium.

“In addition, police will be assisting stewards to check for contraband items such as alcohol, weapons and flares and anyone in possession of such things will be prevented from entering the ground and may be arrested.

“Following the match, officers will be out on patrol and any offences identified will be dealt with robustly.”


Police appeal following George Street assault

Police are appealing for witnesses following an altercation on George Street in the early hours of Sunday morning. The incident happened around 3.25am in the cobbled area in the centre of George Street and left a 26-year-old man needing hospital treatment for a head injury. Continue reading Police appeal following George Street assault