146 per cent rise in firework casualties sparks emphasis on safety

  • Latest data sees notable increase in victims between 2022 and 2023, with jump from 13 to 32 casualties
  • Highest rise in firework-related injuries since 2010
  • Attending an organised display is the safest way to enjoy fireworks – RoSPA

There has been a 146 per cent rise from 13 casualties in 2022 to 32 casualties from firework-related incidents in 2023, according to Home Office data.

Last year, figures were at the highest they’ve been since 2010 when fireworks injured 45 people.

As a result, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is urging everyone to do one essential thing this year to ensure a safe celebration: attend an organised display.

Phil Le Shirley, Product Safety Advisor, said: “The number one thing you can do to reduce the risk of injury from fireworks is to attend events managed by professionals and held in controlled environments.

“Each year, injuries occur due to improper handling and unsafe use of fireworks in home gardens. Organised events offer the thrill of fireworks while minimising the risks to you, your family, and your neighbours.”

But if you’re having Fireworks at home: follow the Firework Code

By following the Firework Code, you can protect yourself, your family, and others while still enjoying the magic of Bonfire Night. Every year, thousands of people suffer injuries related to fireworks, with some incidents leading to life-altering injuries or even fatalities. Many of these accidents are preventable with the right precautions.

The Firework Code: Your Safety Checklist

  • Buy fireworks from licensed sellers: · Buy fireworks from licensed sellers: Only purchase fireworks that have a UKCA or CE Mark
  • Follow instructions carefully: Read and follow the instructions on each firework, and ensure you know how to use them before lighting.
  • Keep fireworks in a closed box: Store them safely and only take them out one at a time.
  • Light fireworks at arm’s length: Use a taper or long lighter, and never go back to a firework once it’s lit.
  • Stand well back: Always maintain a safe distance once fireworks are lit.
  • Supervise children: Never allow children to handle fireworks, including sparklers.
  • Never put fireworks in your pocket: This can lead to accidental ignition and severe injury.
  • Dispose of used fireworks properly: Douse fireworks with water after they’ve gone off and dispose of them safely.
  • Keep pets indoors: Fireworks can cause distress to animals, so make sure pets are kept inside during displays.

Additional Firework Safety Tips

In addition to following the Firework Code, RoSPA offers these further recommendations for a safe and enjoyable Bonfire Night:

  • Be mindful of bonfires: Keep a safe distance and never throw fireworks, aerosols, or anything else into the bonfire.
  • Wear protective clothing: When handling fireworks, ensure you’re wearing suitable clothing, such as long sleeves and gloves, particularly when using sparklers.

To celebrate Autumn’s festivities safely, you can learn more about RoSPA’s guidance, as well as the firework code here.

Police Scotland launches new THAT GUY sexual crime prevention campaign

Be a mate, don’t be THAT GUY

Men are being challenged to be a mate, to step in and put a stop to behaviour that might put their friends at risk of sexual offending.

Last year, Police Scotland’s viral THAT GUY campaign challenged men’s attitudes and behaviour towards women. It put the cause of sexual offending where it belongs – with men.

This year’s campaign, launched today, urges men to be the solution to preventing sexual offending by having those difficult conversations with a friend who may have crossed the line.

Launching the campaign Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham, Police Scotland, said: “Last year’s campaign asked men to reflect on their own behaviours and attitudes – and those of their friends, family and colleagues – towards women, to prevent rape, sexual assault and harassment.

“We held up the mirror to harassing and abusive behaviours that impact on women. Now we are focusing on a solution.

“Our new campaign is about what men can do. It asks them to think about the impact their friend’s behaviour has on women, and to step in, to be that friend. Be the mate who takes a friend aside, and has that quiet word. It’s about stopping a friend doing something they will regret.

“Of course not all men go on to offend but all men have a responsibility and a role to play in ending sexual violence against women and girls.

“This isn’t about shaming. We are asking men to be a mate, look out for your friends, to join the conversation and to stop sexual offending before it starts.”

THAT GUY builds on previous Police Scotland sexual crime prevention campaigns, targeting men aged 18 – 35 years who are most likely to commit sexual offences.

Its aim is to urge men to take responsibility for their actions and language to help effect a culture change to tackle sexual crime against women.

The campaign features a new advert which will run on several online platforms, including social media.

Watch the new THAT GUY video here

Visit the THAT GUY website for advice and resources

Operation Crackle: Fireworks Dispersal Zone dates set

Dispersal Zones for #OpCrackle have been set up across Edinburgh and will be enforceable from 1400 hours on 01/11/2024 to 0000 hours on 05/11/2024.

These will be in place within: Gorgie, Saughton, Oxgangs, Liberton, Gilmerton, Gracemount, Portobello, Niddrie, Moredun, Muirhouse, Craigentinny, Pilton and Edinburgh City Centre.

We use this power where we have reasonable grounds to believe that the presence or behaviour of a group of two or more people in any public place is causing, or likely to cause, alarm or distress to any members of the public.

An officer utilising Dispersal Zone powers may give:

1. A direction requiring persons in the group to disperse.

2. A direction requiring any of those persons whose place of residence is not within the relevant locality to leave the relevant locaility.

3. A direction prohibiting any of those persons whose place of residence is not within the relevant locality from returning to the relevant locality or any part of it during such period (not exceeding 24 hours) from giving of the direction as the constable may specify.

If you knowingly contravene a direction given by an officer within a Dispersal Zone under these powers, you can be subject to an arrest without warrant.


Police launch Operation Moonbeam

Specially trained Public Order Officers will again be deployed during Bonfire Night to protect local policing teams from attack.

As part of Police Scotland’s Operation Moonbeam, existing resources across Scotland can be supplemented with public order officers whenever they respond to fireworks offences taking place.

Since Operation Moonbeam was first launched in 2018, the number of criminal incidents involving fireworks has decreased. However, last year officers responding to reports of disorder and antisocial behaviour in certain parts of the country were subjected to unprecedented levels of aggression and violence.

In total, 62 officers sustained a range of injuries after being struck by, or in proximity of, a firework that was thrown towards them.

This year’s Operation Moonbeam was launched at a joint event in Glasgow Green, alongside Crimestoppers and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, who both launched their own initiatives aimed at deterring the criminal and reckless use of fireworks.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam, said: “What we saw last year was an unacceptable level of hostility and violence, which was primarily directed at police officers and, for the most, was instigated by adults linked to organised crime, who provided young people with fireworks and other weapons and encouraged them to attack officers.

“This horrific behaviour jeopardised the safety and wellbeing of those who were trying to keep communities safe. Significant investigation was undertaken in the weeks and months that followed and numerous people were charged in connection with these incidents.

“I want to make it clear that those responsible for endangering the lives of police officers, other emergency service workers, or members of the public will be identified, and they will be brought to justice. In the event you avoid being caught on the night, you can expect a visit from us once we have conducted our inquiries.

“I would ask the public to work alongside us in helping make Bonfire Night a safe and enjoyable occasion and to report any criminality you witness, or any suspicions you may have that others are seeking to do harm within our communities.”

Keeping children safe this firework season

As Bonfire Night approaches, make sure you know how to keep you and your family safe.

Nearly half of firework injuries happen to children.

Always follow the Firework Code and read instructions before use.

Find more safety advice here ➡️bit.ly/fireworksafety2024

Stay safe this fireworks season

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) has produced safety tips for this fireworks season on how to use fireworks responsibly and considerately to help protect both people and animals:

You must only buy from licensed sellers

Make sure you buy fireworks from licensed or registered in-store and online retailers. Do not buy fireworks from unknown retailers on social media sites. Remember it is illegal for under 18s to buy fireworks.

Choose traditional dates and keep to the curfew

People are more likely to plan to protect pets and other animals if fireworks are let off on traditional dates. The firework curfew is midnight on Fireworks Night, 1am on Diwali, New Year’s Eve and Chinese New Year, and 11pm the rest of the year. Firework timings may differ in Scotland. Search ‘fireworks’ on gov.scot for more advice.

Follow the instructions carefully

Before letting off fireworks, read all the safety instructions on the box, so you know important things like how far away people need to stand. If you do not understand the instructions and warnings, do not use the firework. Once any debris has cooled down, tidy it up and soak it in water overnight. Then put it in a rubbish bag and in the bin.

Check what fireworks you can use at home

Category F1, F2 and F3 fireworks are on sale to the public depending on the safety distance required. Check the labelling to ensure you have enough space to safely use a firework before you buy it.

Always follow the Firework Code. Search ‘fireworks’ on GOV.UK for more advice.

Think of local animals before setting off fireworks

If you plan to let off any fireworks, let your neighbours know in advance so they can plan for pets that might be affected.

If you live close to horses, let their owners know well in advance that you are letting fireworks off. Site your fireworks well away from them and aim them in the opposite direction. It is important to be considerate to horse owners as they cannot easily move horses away from fireworks.

Notify nearby farms and stables if you are planning to use fireworks. Do not let off fireworks if they will disturb wildlife habitats, or roosting bats and birds.

Keep your pet safe

On nights where fireworks are being let off, keep dogs and cats inside with somewhere to hide and give small outdoor pets extra bedding and nesting material to burrow in.



The Grenfell Tower Inquiry has published its second and final report into the
circumstances leading up to and surrounding the fire at Grenfell Tower in the early hours of 14 June 2017.

The publication of the Phase 2 report marks the end of a process that began on 15
June 2017 when then Prime Minister Theresa May announced a public inquiry to
examine the disaster with a view to ensuring that a similar disaster could never occur again. The fire at Grenfell Tower was the worst residential fire in the UK since the Second World War and resulted in the deaths of 72 people.

The Phase 1 report was published on 30 October 2019 and focused on the events of
14 June 2017: how the fire started, how it escaped from the flat where it had begun
and how it spread over the whole building with tragic consequences.

Phase 2 of the Inquiry examined the underlying causes of the fire to identify where
mistakes were made and how Grenfell Tower came to be in a condition which
allowed the fire to spread in the way identified by Phase 1. It also investigated the
response of the authorities to the emergency.

Introducing the report, Inquiry Chairman the Rt Hon Sir Martin Moore-Bick explained that the second part of the investigations had taken longer than originally hoped because, as those investigations progressed, the Inquiry uncovered many more matters of concern than had previously been expected:

The Inquiry report finds that the deaths that occurred were all avoidable “and that those who lived in Grenfell Tower were badly failed over a number of years by those who were responsible for ensuring the safety of its occupants.”

Sir Martin said: “They include the government, the Tenant Management Organisation, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, those who manufactured and supplied the materials used in the refurbishment, those who certified their suitability for use on high-rise residential buildings, the architect, Studio E, the principal contractor, Rydon Maintenance Ltd, and some of its sub-contractors, in particular, Harley Curtain Wall Ltd and its successor Harley Facades Ltd, some of the consultants, in particular the fire engineer, Exova Warringtonfire Ltd, the local authority’s building control department and the London Fire Brigade,”

Sir Martin went on to explain that while not all of them bear the same degree of
responsibility for the eventual disaster, “all contributed to it in one way or another, in most cases through incompetence but in some cases through dishonesty and greed.”

Panel member and architect Thouria Istephan, who spent nearly 30 years as an
architect before joining the Inquiry in 2020, said: “Our report identifies what we think is needed to make sure that the legacy of Grenfell is real and brings about lasting change.

“Our recommendations place new burdens and responsibilities on people and organisations. I make no apologies for that: put simply, if you work in the construction industry and you do not feel the weight of the responsibility you have for keeping people safe – you are in the wrong job.”

Former housing association chief executive Ali Akbor OBE, who joined the Inquiry as a Panel Member in 2020, said: ““I hope that our report acts as a reminder to the clients of future building projects – including social housing providers – that they have a responsibility to the users of their buildings to ensure that safety is not sacrificed to the demands of speed and cost.

Mr Akbor concluded: “We cannot in a few words here today do full justice to the totality of our report. What is needed is for those with responsibility for building safety – in my sector as in Thouria’s – to read the report, to reflect on it, and to treat Grenfell as a touchstone in all that they do in the future. To act with professionalism, with competence, and to put people first.”

Recommendations put forward by the Inquiry panel include:

● bringing responsibility for all aspects of fire safety under one government
● the appointment of a construction regulator to oversee all aspects of the
construction industry;
● the establishment of a body of professional fire engineers, properly regulated
and with protected status and the introduction of mandatory fire safety
strategies for higher-risk buildings;
● a licensing scheme for contractors wishing to undertake the construction or
refurbishment of higher-risk buildings;
● the regulation and mandatory accreditation of fire risk assessors;
● the establishment of a College of Fire and Rescue to provide practical,
educational and managerial training to fire and rescue services.the introduction of a requirement for the government to maintain a publicly accessible record of recommendations made by select committees, coroners and public inquiries, describing the steps taken in response or its reasons for declining to implement them.

The Panel expressed its gratitude to all those who had supported the Inquiry through giving evidence and providing statements to assist its investigations, in particular the bereaved, survivors and residents of Grenfell Tower.

Grenfell Tower Inquiry opened on 14 September 2017. During the course of its
investigations it disclosed over 300,000 documents to 646 Core Participants,
obtained over 1500 witness statements and sat for more than 300 days, most of
which were devoted to taking evidence from a wide range of factual and expert

Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s statement in the House of Commons on Grenfell Tower Inquiry final report:

Mr Speaker, this morning Sir Martin Moore-Bick published the final report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

And I am sure the whole House will join me in thanking him, the members of the Inquiry and his whole team for their dedicated work.

Mr Speaker, I want to speak directly to the bereaved families, the survivors, and those in the immediate Grenfell community…

Some of whom are with us in the gallery today. 

Sir Martin concluded this morning – I’m afraid there is no way of repeating this that won’t be painful – “the simple truth is that the deaths that occurred were all avoidable and that those who lived in the tower were badly failed over a number of years and in a number of different ways”  by, as the report lays out in full, just about every institution responsible for ensuring their safety.

Mr Speaker, in the face of an injustice so painful. So deserving of anger

Words begin to lose their meaning. 

Seven years – still waiting

For the justice you deserve.

I want to say very clearly, on behalf of the country: you have been let down so badly before, during and in the aftermath of this tragedy. 

And while Sir Martin sets out a catalogue of appalling industry failures, for which there must now be full accountability, he also finds – and I quote – “decades of failure by central government.”

He concludes that “In the years between the fire at Knowsley Heights in 1991 and the fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017 there were many opportunities for the government to identify the risks posed by the use of combustible cladding panels and insulation

And he concludes – and I quote – “By 2016 the department was well aware of those risks, but failed to act on what it knew.”

Further, he finds that “The department itself was poorly run”  and “the government’s deregulatory agenda dominated the department’s thinking to such an extent that even matters affecting the safety of life were ignored, delayed or disregarded”. 

So Mr Speaker, I want to start with an apology on behalf of the British state to each and every one of you and indeed to all the families affected by this tragedy. It should never have happened. 

The country failed to discharge its most fundamental duty to protect you and your loved ones: the people we are here to serve. And I am deeply sorry.

I also want to express my admiration for the strength it must have taken to relive those events when giving your evidence to this Inquiry.

And indeed, to see written down today the circumstances that led to the deaths of your loved ones. 

After all you have been through, you may feel you are always just one step away from another betrayal. 

I get that – and I know I cannot change that with just words today. 

But what I can say is that I listened carefully to one of the members of the inquiry Ali Akbor who said this morning: “What is needed is for those with responsibility for building safety to reflect and to treat Grenfell as a touchstone in all that they do in the future.”

Mr Speaker, I consider myself responsible for building safety. And that is exactly what I will do. And what I will demand of this government.

Mr. Speaker, today is a long-awaited day of truth – but it must now lead to a day of justice. Justice for the victims and families of Grenfell. 

But also a moment to reflect on the state of social justice in our country and a chance for this Government of Service to turn the page. 

Because this tragedy poses fundamental questions about the kind of country we are.

A country where the voices of working class people and those of colour have been repeatedly ignored and dismissed. 

A country where tenants of a social housing block in one of the richest parts of the land are treated like second class citizens. 

Shamefully dismissed – in the words of one survivor – as people with needs and problems… Not respected as citizens, as people who contribute to Britain, who are part of Britain, who belong in Britain. 

And Mr Speaker, unbelievably this continued even after the tragedy.

Sir Martin highlights…and I quote – “Certain aspects of the response demonstrated a marked lack of respect for human decency and dignity and left many of those immediately affected feeling abandoned by authority and utterly helpless.”

Mr Speaker, that alone should make anyone who feels any affinity towards justice bristle with anger. But Sir Martin continues. He finds – and these are his words – “systematic dishonesty on the part of those who made and sold the rainscreen cladding panels and insulation products

And he goes on to say: “They engaged in deliberate and sustained strategies to manipulate the testing process, misrepresent test data and mislead the market.” 

Sir Martin also cites – “A complete failure on the part of the Local Authority Building Control over a number of years to take basic steps to ensure that the certificates it issued were technically accurate.” 

He finds that the work of the Building Research Establishment “..was marred by unprofessional conduct, inadequate practices a lack of effective oversight, poor reporting and a lack of scientific rigour.”   And that the Tenant Management Organisation “must also bear a share of the blame

Its only fire safety assessor “had misrepresented his experience and qualifications (some of which he had invented) and was ill-qualified to carry out fire risk assessments on buildings of the size and complexity of Grenfell Tower.” 

He also finds – “a chronic lack of effective management and leadership” on behalf of the London Fire Brigade” With tragic consequences on the night of the fire. 

Mr Speaker, in the light of such findings it is imperative that there is full accountability, including through the Criminal Justice process, and that this happens as swiftly as possible.

So I can tell the House today that this government will write to all companies found by the Inquiry to have been part of these horrific failings as the first step to stopping them being awarded government contracts.

And, of course, we will support the Met Police and the prosecutors as they complete their investigations.

But, Mr Speaker, it is vital that as we respond to this report today we do not do or say anything that could compromise any future prosecution. 

Because the greatest injustice of all would be for the victims and all those affected not to get the justice they deserve.

Mr Speaker, there must also be much more radical action to stop something like this from ever happening again.  

Because one of the most extraordinary qualities of the Grenfell community is their determination to look forward.

They are not only fighting for justice for themselves, they are fighting to ensure no other community suffers as they have done. 

Mr Speaker, some important reforms have been made over the last seven years.

Reforms we supported in Opposition. 

Including banning combustible cladding.

New oversight of building control.

A new safety regime for all residential buildings over 18 metres.

New legal requirements on social landlords.

Making sure Fire and Rescue Services are trained and equipped to handle large scale incidents. including moving from “stay put” to “get out” when needed.

And we are now addressing the recommendation from Sir Martin’s first report: to introduce a new Residential Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan policy for anyone whose ability to evacuate could be compromised and funding this for those renting in social housing.

Mr Speaker, we will look at all 58 of Sir Martin’s recommendations in detail.

There will be a debate on the floor of this House. 

We will respond in full to the Inquiry’s recommendations within six months.

And we will update Parliament annually on our progress against every commitment we make. 

But there are some things I can say right now. There are still buildings today with unsafe cladding. And the speed at which this is being addressed is far, far too slow. 

We only have to look at the fire in Dagenham last week. A building that was still in the process of having its cladding removed. So this must be a moment of change. 

We will take the necessary steps to speed this up. 

We are willing to force freeholders to assess their buildings and enter remediation schemes within set timetables with a legal requirement to force action if that is what it takes to tackle industry intransigence. 

And we will set out further steps on remediation this Autumn.

We will also reform the construction products industry that made this fatal cladding so homes are made of safe materials and those who compromise that safety will face the consequences. 

We will ensure that tenants and their leaseholders can never again be ignored. And that Social landlords are held to account for the decency and safety of their homes.

And as this government tackles the most acute housing crisis in living memory, building one and a half million new homes across the country, we will ensure these homes are safe, secure, and built to the highest standards. 

Places of security, health and wellbeing that serve the needs of residents and their wider communities. Because a safe and decent home is a human right and a basic expectation and the provision of that right, should never be undermined by the reckless pursuit of greed. 

One of the tragedies of Grenfell is that this was – and is – a community that nurtured so much of what we want from housing.

People who had made the Tower their home. And were entitled to a place of safety and security not a death-trap. And yet time and again they were ignored.

Mr Speaker, two weeks ago I made a private visit to Grenfell Tower. I laid a wreath at the Memorial Wall and affirmed the government’s commitment to the work of the Memorial Commission. Delivering a permanent memorial on the site through a process led by the Grenfell community.

As I walked down that narrow staircase from the 23rd floor and looked at walls burned by 1000-degree heat I got just a sense of how utterly, utterly terrifying it must have been.

And as I saw examples of the cladding on the outside of the building, and listened to descriptions of the catastrophic and completely avoidable failures of that fatal refurbishment.

I felt just a sense of the anger that now rises through that building. And it left me a with a profound and very personal determination. To make the legacy of Grenfell Tower one of the defining changes to our country that I want to make as Prime Minister.

To the families, the survivors, and the immediate community We will support you now and always, especially those who were children. In the memory of your loved ones we will deliver a generational shift in the safety and quality of housing for everyone in this country.

And in the memory of Grenfell, we will change our country. Not just a change in policy and regulation – although that must of course take place – but a profound shift in culture and behaviour.

A rebalancing of power that gives voice and respect to every citizen, whoever they are, wherever they live.

And Mr Speaker, we will bring the full power of government to bear on this task.

Because that is the responsibility of service. 

And the duty we owe to the memory of every single one of the 72.

And in that spirit, I commend this statement to the House.




= more to follow =

Supporting community cohesion

Joint statement with STUC condemning recent disorder and racism

The First Minister and STUC General Secretary have issued a joint statement expressing solidarity with communities affected by recent disorder and racism in parts of the UK.

The joint statement follows First Minister John Swinney’s first biannual meeting with the Scottish Trades Union Congress, which took place yesterday.

The First Minister said: “Trade unions have a long and proud history of supporting those facing oppression at home and around the world and bringing communities together.

“The Scottish Government and STUC are aligned in our support of communities across the UK that have faced violence and intimidation instigated by far-right groups.

“Scotland is a diverse, multi-cultural society and this diversity strengthens us as a nation. There is no place in Scotland for hatred of any kind, and each of us has a responsibility to confront racism and religious prejudice, including Islamophobia, wherever and whenever it appears.

“I am grateful to Police Scotland for their ongoing efforts to keep communities safe and provide reassurance.” 

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “Alongside the Scottish Government, we jointly condemn the recent, inexcusable violence and disorder perpetuated by the far-right across the UK.

“Scotland is not immune and we cannot become complacent. We must do all we can to oppose the far-right, including reaching out to our faith and migrant communities to offer solidarity, support and the reassurance that they enrich the social and cultural fabric of our nation. Scotland is their home. We stand with them.

“We’re pleased the First Minister recognises the role of our movement in opposing fascism and racism. That work continues.

“We won’t cower to hatred and prejudice. We will work with the Scottish Government to ensure inclusivity, respect and tolerance triumphs over persecution and ignorance and will oppose, across every village and town, those who wish to divide us.”