We hope everyone had a wonderful festive break.
Please note the majority of our groups will start back next week
Please call the centre on 0131 552 5700 if you are unsure.
Its #NoSmokingDay next week! Pilton Community Health Project would love to hear your stories of quitting, trying to quit, successfully quitting …. call us on 0131 551 1571 or email Dawn on dawnanderson@pchp.org.uk to book in for lunch with us and @ASHScotland @QYWLothian @NHS_Lothian …
Thank you vouchers too!
*** IMPORTANT NOTICE from 13th December 2021 ***
We are sorry to say, we will cancel any face-to-face groups until further notice after the latest Scottish Guidelines ask us to avoid unnecessary contact with other people, especially in crowded places.
While many of our groups are held outdoors, we don’t want to create a situation where we need to tell everyone to isolate for 10 days, due to being a close contact of a person from a group who has tested positive, and thus leave them having to isolate over Christmas.
We want to do everything to avoid that and allow people to see their family and loved ones this Christmas.
Chat Cafe – moved to online
Raising Children With Confidence – online
Baby Massage – online
Garden Cooking Club – postoponed until further notice in January
Community Lunch – postponed until further notice in January
Play Together Outdoor Adventures – postponed
Women’s Winter Wellbeing – continues online
Bookbug – postponed until further notice in January
We plan to have a Remembrance Day lunch at our church after the service and I wonder if you know any veterans or currently serving members of the armed forces who live locally? We would like to invite them. Continue reading Remembrance Day service and lunch at Old Kirk & Muirhouse Parish Church