Community gardening at PYCP

To all our PY Parents, Guardians, Family, friends and Neighbours.

Do you want to join us in the Community garden (behind PYCP) on Wednesdays 10 – 12 midday and get gardening!

Enjoy fresh produce, herbs and flowers. Meet new friends and neighbours and enjoy the outdoors.

Find out more by emailing



Granton Community Gardeners become local landowners!

IT’S OFFICAL: We now own our Community Garden at 10 Wardieburn Road!

Our Community Asset Transfer is now complete, and we received money from the Scottish Land Fund (Scottish Government) to help enable us to purchase the land from the Council. The process has taken a wee while, but now it’s done. Thanks to everyone who’s helped along the way!

As a local community charity, we’re aiming to benefit our community as much as we can, and you’re all invited to get involved – and anyone living within our defined local area who supports our aims can become a voting member!

Today (and every Wednesday) there’s a free community lunch open to all at 2pm.

Wednesday Gardening club is an open drop-in session every week 1-3pm (winter hours).

And there’s women’s outdoor cooking club 12-2pm (with Pilton Community Health Project)

There are also other regular groups through the week even through the Winter:

Weds mornings: Wee Steps run by Stepping Stones North Edinburgh (parents/carers and under 5s)

Thurs mornings: Play Together Outdoor Adventures, with Pilton Community Health Project and Trees and Seas Outdoor Adventures (mums and under 5s)

Friday mornings: Women’s Woodwork, with Pilton Community Health Project and The Edinburgh Tool Library

For more information on our Asset Transfer, see:…

Pictured: Our Harvest Festival back in September

Planning committee to consider Tynecastle High School plans


The planning application for an exciting new student residential development at Edinburgh’s former Tynecastle High School site is set to go to a Council hearing on Wednesday 21st September.

Planning officials have recommended the application be granted, subject to conditions.

Committee paper:

It comes as the developers of the scheme, S1 Developments, announced that the last property in the final phase of The Ropeworks development in Leith (in collaboration with Teague Homes UK) had been sold. The development, which includes 318 private residential units and 350 affordable mid-market rent units, was launched in 2017 and has established a thriving new community on a formerly derelict industrial site.

Much like the Ropeworks, this high-quality student development at Tynecastle will regenerate a site that has lain vacant for over a decade and fallen into a state of disrepair. The sympathetic restoration of the original Category B-listed school building, designed by John Alexander Carfrae, forms an integral part of the proposals.

Development of the site is challenging due to the proximity of the neighbouring North British Distillery, Tynecastle Stadium and the Western Approach Road. The new buildings have been carefully designed to limit the impacts in terms of air quality and noise; creating a sheltered courtyard and communal amenity spaces at the heart of the site. The original school hall will be repurposed as a central amenity hub providing high quality shared facilities including a gym, library and study spaces.

This communal approach is well suited to student living and the proposed development will far exceed amenity standards for similar student developments, having more than double the external and internal amenity space of any recently consented schemes.

An independent economic report has estimated that the student development could release the equivalent of up to 170 properties back into the housing market, which would be more appropriate for families to live in, contributing an additional £266,000 in council tax annually.

Student numbers are increasing at 3 per cent a year in Edinburgh, reaching their highest ever levels, and around 70 per cent of students within the Gorgie Dalry Community Council area currently live within open market housing stock.

The committee report notes that  “student population figure in the calculated area, including the proposed development, when viewing the wider area would be approximately 24 per cent. This proportion would not lead to an over-concentrated student population in the area.”

Sustainability is at the heart of the development which will be car free with heat generated entirely by air source heat pumps. The landscaping proposals increase green space across the site by more than 40 per cent, helping to increase biodiversity within the local area.

The complete development will see increased spend of £1.7 million Gross Value Added in local shops and create an additional 55 jobs in the city.

If planning is approved, charities LOVE Gorgie Farm and People Know How will operate community facilities on the site. The highly popular urban farm, which already works with Tynecastle High School, will operate an extensive community garden, while the latter will operate a community facility within the building.

LOVE Gorgie Farm will seek to engage children and young people in its environmental programmes through the garden, located on the western edge of the site. This will include planting beds, a shelter, storage space and greenhouses. It will allow it to enhance its role in the community and to expand the farm’s Earth School project, for example, which will stimulate interest in nature, encouraging new generations to create a brighter and more eco-friendly future.

People Know How will operate a community facility, with the option for other local community groups to use space. The charity supports children, young people and their families in Edinburgh transitioning from primary to high school; helps individuals access the digital world and assists communities to shape their areas through community consultation and empowerment.

A large number of students volunteer to work with the charity and this enables a positive relationship with students in the building to be established. Not only does this support the charity in its work, but also benefits the volunteers and engages them in the local area.

S1 Developments have recently achieved planning approval for the nearby former CTD Tiles warehouse site on Temple Park Crescent. Work has recently started on site to deliver 46 high quality apartments, including 11 affordable homes in association with Link Group.  

Dan Teague, Director at S1 Developments, said: “At S1 Developments we develop sites to suit the location and have delivered hundreds of homes, including affordable homes across the city, most recently at The Ropeworks in Leith.

“Following our careful assessment of the Old Tynecastle High School site, we feel that student development is the most appropriate use given the severe constraints. This will not only secure the redevelopment of the school, and provide a boost to the local economy, but also serve to free up the equivalent of 170 homes which are more appropriate for families.

 “The original school building has fallen into a sorry state since it ceased being a school over a decade ago. Whilst the redevelopment is challenging, we are hopeful that the proposed use brings with it an opportunity to save and renovate the original school building and continue its educational use, benefitting the local community.”

Lynn Black, CEO of LOVE Learning, operators of LOVE Gorgie Farm, said: ‘“There is no doubt that should planning permission be granted, the new community garden will greatly enhance LOVE Gorgie Farm and our ability to deliver environmental programmes and help tackle food poverty.

“The garden will complement superbly what we do at the farm in the terms of educating children and young people on nature, food production and the delivery of an eco-friendly future, maximising its use as a therapeutic resource.”

Glenn Liddall, Chief Executive of People Know How, commented: “The delivery of this development will allow us to increase our activity with the local community. While we will be operating it, we are also keen that other local groups and organisations be able to make use of it.

“As a large number of students routinely work with us by way of volunteering, internships and placements, this is a win-win for us, and also engages them in the local community.”

Local Sighthill/Gorgie councillor, Catherine Fullerton commented: “The school has lain moribund for far too many years and is an appropriate site for such a development. It will bring community benefits too through the delivery of community space for charity People Know How and a garden managed by LOVE Gorgie Farm.  

“There is clear evidence that the demand outweighs supply of student accommodation in Edinburgh, and this site has excellent travel routes to the various colleges and universities in the capital.   

“In addition, and importantly, the development will boost the local economy in Gorgie and Dalry which is of great importance to me, having lived in both these areas and shop there regularly.

“I am also pleased that much of the original building/facades will be restored as a reminder of the old school which served the community well.”

Harvest Festival Weekend: two events go ahead in North Edinburgh


We would like to inform everyone that in line with the sad news of the Queen’s sudden passing, The Old Kirk and Muirhouse Parish Church has CANCELLED the community BBQ planned for today (Saturday). 

Granton Harvest Festival this Sunday

HARVEST FESTIVAL THIS SUNDAY (11th Sep) 3-6pm at the garden (10 Wardieburn Road).


This is part of Scotland-wide Dandelion festival.

There’s also an event on Saturday (10th) at Lauriston Farm: Edinburgh Agroecology Coop..


Tynecastle School student accomodation plans unveiled

LOVE Gorgie Farm and People Know How will operate community facilities

S1 Developments has submitted a planning application for an ‘exciting new student residential development’ at the former Tynecastle High School site.

The developers say ‘this high-quality student development will regenerate a site that has lain vacant for over a decade and fallen into a state of disrepair. The careful restoration of the original Category B-listed school building, designed by John Alexander Carfrae, forms an integral part of the proposals. The development will far exceed amenity standards for similar student developments and has sustainability at its heart.’

Charities LOVE Gorgie Farm and People Know How have also been revealed as preferred operators for community facilities on the site should planning permission be granted.

The highly popular urban farm will operate an extensive community garden while People Know How, which already works with Tynecastle High School, will operate a community facility within the building.

The original school hall will be repurposed as a central amenity hub, sitting within a collegiate-style courtyard space and providing high quality shared facilities for student residents. The landscaping proposals increase green space across the site by more than 40 per cent, helping to increase biodiversity within the local area.

The development has been designed to be highly sustainable with zero parking, 100 per cent cycle parking, the employment of low carbon technologies and no use of fossil fuels.

Council guidance points to the benefits of purpose-built student accommodation in freeing up traditional housing stock for families with children and it has been estimated that a development such as this could release up to 180 properties back into the housing market. Local businesses will also benefit through increased spending from student residents. 

People Know How will operate a community facility, with the option for other local community groups to use space. The charity supports children, young people and their families in Edinburgh transition from primary to high school; helps individuals access the digital world and assists communities to shape their areas through community consultation and empowerment.

A large number of students volunteer to work with the charity and this enables a positive relationship with students in the building to be established. Not only does this support the charity in its work, but also benefits the volunteers and engages them in the local area.

LOVE Gorgie Farm will seek to engage children and young people in its environmental programmes through a community garden, on the western edge of the site, which will include planting beds, a shelter, storage space and greenhouses. The farm’s Earth School project, for example will stimulate interest in nature, encouraging new generations in creating a brighter and eco-friendly future.

Dan Teague, Director at S1 Developments, said: “We’re delighted to be submitting a planning application for this exciting development, and to also highlight our involvement with two charities who do such valuable work in local communities.

“As S1 Developments we develop sites to suit the location and have delivered hundreds of homes, including affordable homes across the city. Following our careful assessment of this site, we feel that student development is the most appropriate use given the constraints.

“This will not only secure the redevelopment of the Old Tynecastle High School, and provide a boost to the local economy, but also allows us to develop the site in manner which is compatible with neighbouring uses.

 “The original school building has fallen into a sorry state since it ceased being a school over a decade ago. Whilst the redevelopment is challenging, we are hopeful that the proposed use brings with it an opportunity to save and renovate the original school building and continue its educational use, benefitting the local community.”

Julie O’Donnell, Head of LOVE Gorgie Farm, said: “We’re very exciting about the prospect of operating the community garden should the scheme receive consent.

“With the environment and climate change such topical issues the garden will complement superbly what we do at the farm in the terms of educating our children and young people on nature and the delivery of an eco-friendly future.”

Glenn Liddall, Chief Executive of People Know How, commented: “It is great to be offered this facility, allowing us to increase our activity with the local community. While we will operate it, we are also keen that other groups and organisations be able to make use of it.

“As a large number of students routinely work with us by way of volunteering, internships and placements, this is a win-win for us. It not only allows us to establish a positive relationship with students in the building who can support us in our work but benefits and engages them in the local area.”

Pick up the pieces with Granton’s Garden Buddies

Community Mosaic afternoon: 9 May at Granton Library


Jill Marple from Granton Library has asked me to pass on the attached invitation to you all – happily the library have received some funding to create a story garden with a community mosaic as part of it, and they would really like members of the community to come along and get involved with creating the mosaic – they would love it to have influences from lots of different cultures.

This will be happening on Saturday 9 May from 2pm -4pm (see poster (below)for details). 

No artistic experience is necessary – it will be very relaxed and refreshments will be provided. Please let Gill know if you (or anyone you know) would like to go along  – her contact details are on the poster.

It sounds like it will be a really fun way to create something for the whole community to enjoy!

 Garden buddies Living In Harmony invite

Rachel Farrier

Development Worker – Living in Harmony

Pilton Community Health Project