Meet the Police at Tesco Duke Street

Edinburgh police officers are inviting local children to an arts and crafts and face painting session at the Tesco store in Duke Street on Saturday 4th March.

The officers will be at the store between 11am and 4pm giving away wristbands, pencils and pens and refreshments supplied by the store. Children will be invited to dress up as police officers and sit in the police car, and there will also be a DJ and other fun activities provided by Tesco at their 80’s themed event.

This event is a follow-on from two successful community-based ‘Meet the Police’ pilot projects at the Sheriff Court and Stenhouse Primary School aimed at building trust between communities and the police with a particular emphasis on children.

Police Constable Tracey Gunn said: “We want to encourage children and families to think about the ways the police keep them safe but also to raise awareness of the rights and responsibilities of the police towards the public and vice versa.

“We will also showcase our work with offenders and their families, in particular our booklet ‘My Daddy and the Police’ and will gather feedback as to how better to build trust within the communities we serve. I am looking forward to meeting families at Tesco’s on Saturday 4th March and hope they will find it a fun and informative day.”

Tracey is the driving force behind the creation of the Police Liaison Officer position at HMP Edinburgh. It was the first in Scotland and initiatives and ways of working she has introduced have been adopted at other prisons in the country. It’s key in developing positive working relationships between local police and the prison.

If you regularly follow Police Scotland’s Facebook page you may have seen Tracey’s flagship scheme, “Meet the Police”, which is being rolled out in prisons across Scotland and local communities through events at courts, supermarkets, libraries and schools.

Tracey continues to develop her work and is currently working on a short film made with prisoners that aims to steer young people who are involved in low level offending or those at risk of offending away from more serious crime, by showing them the harsh realities of being involved in organised crime and prison life.

West Pilton West Granton Community Council meets tomorrow

West Pilton West Granton Community Council hold their first meeting of 2017




  • Welcome and introductions
  • Attendance and apologies
  • Minutes and Matters Arising
  • Correspondence
  • Police Report
  • Locality Report – named council representative, George Norval’s team.
  • Forthquarter Park update.
  • MSP’s MP’s Councillors’ Update
  • Chair’s report
  • Finance report
  • AOCB
  • Date of Next Meeting.

See below for Minutes of Last Meeting

wpwgcc minutes 6th December 16

Correction: West Pilton West Granton CC meets on TUESDAY

West Pilton West Granton Community Council

meets on TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY at 7pm

in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, West Pilton Grove.

All welcome.


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Attendance and apologies
  3. Minutes and Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Police Report
  6. Locality Report – named council representative, George Norval’s team.
  7. Forthquarter Park update.
  8. MSP’s MP’s Councillors’ Update
  9. Chair’s report
  10. Finance report
  11. AOCB
Care about your community? Why not go along!

Fewer than two thousand engage in city budget consultation

With the ongoing debate about the state of Scotland’s public services high on the agenda, you might have thought that angry council tax payers would be desperate to have their say on budget proposals. However in Edinburgh – where the population is steadily increasing towards half a million residents – only 2000 citizens took part in the city council’s budget consultation.

Trinity Community Council: January News

I hope you had a great Christmas and a fantastic Hogmanay.  Here’s your first update of the year from TCC which includes a glance forward to events over the next 12 months.  Get your diaries out!

Also a couple of supplementary attachments on the Local Improvement Plan and the ArtRoots funding for anyone who is looking for more detail on these.

Best Wishes for 2017,

Bill Rodger

ArtRoots Fund info

ArtRoots fund

LIP engagement events

LIP Engagement Events – Feb 2017 Flyer

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership to meet on 30 January

The next meeting of Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership will take place on Monday 30 January at 6.30pm in Stockbridge Church, Saxe Coburg Street. Continue reading Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership to meet on 30 January