Maroon Mile: A Hearts Heritage Trail

An application (25/00544/ADV) has been submitted for ‘The Maroon Mile’—a mile-long heritage trail celebrating Heart of Midlothian FC’s history in Gorgie and Dalry.

The trail will feature 15 lamppost banners along Dalry Rd, Gorgie Rd, Ardmillan Terrace, McLeod St, and Newton St, designed to CEC guidelines.

Check out the full details on the City of Edinburgh Council’s planning portal:…/applicationDe…

Green light for seven thousand new homes in West Edinburgh

Councillors have unanimously agreed planning permissions in principle for what is expected to become one the biggest new housing developments in Edinburgh for decades.

With space for 7,000 new homes, 35% of which will be affordable, West Town Edinburgh intends to create a new, green, £2bn 20-minute neighbourhood on a 205-acre site close to Edinburgh Airport.

Following the decision made by members of the Development Management Sub Committee yesterday (4 December), Council Leader Cammy Day said: “With urgent solutions to our housing and climate emergencies needed, our new City Plan is helping to make sure development in the city creates sustainable, affordable homes. And by unlocking underused sites to the West and to the North of the city, we’re now starting to see affordable low carbon homes built at the pace and scale we need.

“The Council has approved planning in principle for over 12,000 new homes this year and more additional green space than any other city as we work urgently with partners to sustainably address Edinburgh’s housing emergency. The biggest housing-led development in Edinburgh of modern times, West Town will provide a huge number of the new homes our city needs and I’m pleased Council officers and developers have worked together to get a great result. This is a major £2 billion development of 7,000 energy efficient homes, alongside shops, schools, local amenities, and lots of greenspace.

“Consider this alongside our £1.3bn regeneration of the Granton Waterfront, which is the biggest development of its kind in Scotland, with over £250 million invested with partners and good progress being made towards delivering around 3,500 new net zero carbon homes. All of this is welcome news for the city, for our climate ambitions, for the thousands of residents in need of new housing and for Edinburgh’s economy – which is bucking national trends and continues to grow.”

The Committee will go on to consider another application in two weeks for the area, for a further 3,000 new homes by Elements Edinburgh.

Green light for Edinburgh Park Arena

Plans for a new 8,500 capacity arena by AEG at Edinburgh Park were approved at the Development Management Sub Committee yesterday.

Reacting to the decision, Council Leader Cammy Day said: “Edinburgh already boasts a great set of venues in the shape of Murrayfield, the Usher Hall and our theatres and increasingly, the world’s biggest stars are choosing the Capital. From Beyonce and Harry Styles to Taylor Swift’s record-breaking run, not forgetting our annual world famous festivals, Edinburgh has more than proved itself as a top destination for international acts.

“We’ve been concentrating on developing our cultural offering and transport links in recent years to better connect the city, and the moment is right now to build on that. We’ve been crying out for a mid-size indoor arena but we have to make sure the infrastructure is in place for that and it has to be the right site. This arena at Edinburgh Park offers the answer and the planning application received unanimous support from Councillors.

“There is no doubt this site has some of the best transport links in Scotland and it easy to picture audiences travelling from home or the airport by tram, train and bus to West Edinburgh for a show. At the other end of the tram line to the North we have another great asset in the Leith Theatre and in the city centre the Ross Bandstand.

“Smaller music venues like these are also important to the fabric of Edinburgh’s live music offering and I remain committed to championing for their investment. They are two prime examples of projects which I believe should benefit from Edinburgh’s visitor levy when it is in place.”

Work on Roseburn – Leith ‘improvements’ starts on Monday

On Monday (7th February), work starts on a major new cycling and walking route linking the east and west of the city (including other improvements to the area) – from Roseburn to Leith via Haymarket and West End.

The project is divided into  three sections:

Section 1 – Roseburn to Haymarket

Section 2 – Haymarket to Randolph Place

Section 3 – St Andrew Square to Picardy Place

Find out  more about the traffic management arrangements and works planned. 

All project and roadworks information is on the city council’s website:

Have your say on Council’s plans

Edinburgh residents are being asked to share their views on the draft City Mobility Plan, a ten-year strategy for creating accessible, affordable and environmentally-friendly travel in and around Edinburgh, and the Choices for City Plan 2030, which sets out options for the sustainable management of future development during a time of major change.

The two draft plans are closely linked and are being consulted on at the same time to ensure any new development helps people to make healthier choices, improving quality of life through enhanced provision for walking and cycling and better links to public transport.

Over the next eight weeks, the public can share comments and opinions on both by taking part in the consultations online, while they can meet the teams involved and find out more about plans at several drop-in events being held across the city.

Capital Coalition leaders call on residents to take part

SNP Council Leader Councillor Adam McVey said: “These ambitious plans to transform our approach to both transport and development in the Capital are essential to our ambition to become carbon neutral by 2030, to vastly improve the city’s environment and to create a healthier, fairer and more inclusive place for everyone.

“We’re about to embark upon a period of significant change, where we simply must meet the challenges posed by population growth and a climate emergency head-on. We have it within our power to drive our city forward, to adapt and thrive despite the pressures we face. If we act now, with pace, we will realise the future Edinburgh and its residents deserve.

Depute Council Leader, Labour’s  Councillor Cammy Day, said: “These proposed changes will affect everyone who lives in, works in and visits Edinburgh, so it’s only right that we continue to have a conversation with our residents, businesses and other stakeholders about how our city grows and changes to meet future needs.

We want everyone to play their part in these momentous decisions and I look forward to engaging with the public on these two, inextricably linked strategies, which will have a game-changing impact on Edinburgh’s development.

How the two plans have progressed to this stage

The draft City Mobility Plan was approved for consultation by the Transport and Environment Committee on 16 January and will replace the Council’s Local Transport Strategy 2014 – 2019. The plan sets out new policy measures over the next ten years focusing on public transport provision, improved cycling, walking and electric vehicle infrastructure and reducing the volume of polluting traffic in the city. These draw on feedback gathered during public engagement carried out in 2018.

On 22 January members of the Planning Committee agreed to consult on the Choices for City Plan 2030. The document sets out options for how to make the best use of land for future development while also addressing how the Council could tackle short term lets, planning for and building more affordable housing and managing the growth of student housing, amongst other issues.

Both strategies envision the Capital in a decade’s time, when residents will live in homes they can afford and won’t necessarily need a car to move around, with policies addressing Edinburgh’s rising population and the wider climate emergency while managing the growth and success of the city.

Take part in drop-in events to find out more

To help the public have their say on both sets of plans and to speak to experts, several drop-in events will be held on:

  • Monday, 3 February; 4pm – 7pm in Gilmerton Library, 13 Newtoft Street, EH17 8RG
  • Saturday, 8 February; 11am – 4pm in The Wash House, 3 Adelphi Grove, Portobello, EH15 1AP
  • Monday, 10 February; 1pm – 7pm in the Urban Room, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, EH8 8BG
  • Thursday, 13 February; 4pm – 7.30pm in Kirkliston Parish Hall, The Square, EH29 9AS
  • Wednesday, 26 February; 4pm – 7pm in YMCA, 1 Junction Place, EH6 5JA
  • Wednesday, 4 March; 4pm – 7pm in Blackhall Library, 56 Hillhouse Rd, EH4 5EG
  • Thursday, 19 March; 1pm – 8.30pm in St Bride’s Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace, EH11 2DZ

There will also be a series of consultation hub surgeries where help will be on offer, with one-to-one support to complete the online consultation for Choices for City Plan 2030 specifically. These will be on:

  • Monday, 10 February; 1pm – 7pm in the Urban Room, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, EH8 8BG
  • Monday, 24 February; 4pm – 7pm in Piershill Library, 30 Piersfield Terrace, EH8 7BQ
  • Monday, 2 March; 4pm – 7pm in Fountainbridge Library, 137 Dundee Street, EH11 1BG
  • Monday, 9 March; 4pm – 7pm in Leith Library, 28-30 Ferry Road, EH6 4AE
  • Wednesday, 11 March; 4pm – 7pm in Drumbrae Library Hub, 81 Drum Brae Drive, EH4 7FE.

Next steps for City Plan Mobility Plan and Choices for City Plan 2030

For the City Mobility Plan, the results of this public consultation, alongside a comprehensive travel behaviour survey to be completed by the end of February, will form the basis of a finalised plan to be brought to Transport and Environment Committee later this year supported by a delivery plan packaging and phasing the implementation of actions and policy measures.

Consultation responses to the Choices for City Plan 2030 will help inform the proposed City Plan 2030, which is due to be published by the Council in August. It will then be published to allow for representations to be made after which it will be formally examined by the Scottish Government before the Council can consider adopting it.

Choices for a future generation: building a more sustainable Edinburgh

By 2030, Scotland’s Capital will be a sustainable city which supports everyone’s wellbeing. Its residents will live in homes they can afford and won’t necessarily need to own a car to move around, while having every opportunity to share in their city’s success … (AYE, RIGHT! say Edinburgh residents!)

But this is how Edinburgh could be in a decade’s time, if it responds fully to the twin challenges of a rising population and the climate emergency and in the manner set out in a radical plan for future growth.

‘Choices for City Plan 2030’, published earlier this week, will be discussed by the Council’s Planning Committee on 22 January. It sets out bold options for the public to consider and comment on about how we manage future development so Edinburgh can adapt and flourish during a time of major change.

The wide-ranging document sets out options for how to the make best use of land for future development. It also addresses how the Council could tackle short term lets through new planning policies, in addition to the new regulatory powers announced last week by the Scottish Government following Edinburgh’s campaign to seek national legislation.

Views will also be sought on planning for and building more affordable housing, managing the growth of student housing, and whether all new buildings and conversions should meet the highest zero carbon standards to help Edinburgh meet its ambitious target of becoming a carbon neutral city by 2030.

In each section, the Council gives its preferred option for development as well as other alternatives.

If the ‘Choices’ document is agreed by committee, an eight-week public consultation will begin on 31 January.

Residents and other interested groups will have every opportunity to have their say with 17 public sessions and six themed events for stakeholders planned. Copies of the document will be available in libraries and online, where feedback can be left via the Council’s consultation hub.

‘Choices for City Plan 2030’ links closing with the Council’s ambitious draft City Mobility Plan, designed to improve sustainable transport over the next decade.

Cllr Neil Gardiner, Convener of the Planning Committee, said: “Edinburgh is a vibrant city, with a great quality of life. We have a beautiful green and historic environment, a thriving economy and numerous cultural attractions to be enjoyed.
“But, like many cities, we have increasing levels of poverty and health inequalities in our communities, rising housing costs and in some areas, traffic congestion and poor air quality.
“We also need to adapt our city to meet the needs of an aging population, address the increasing impact of climate change and ensure growth is sustainable.
“We need to have an open conversation with our residents, businesses and other stakeholders about how our city grows and changes to meet future needs where this growth takes place. City Plan 2030 is about us making the right choices now so that our residents can make reasonable and informed choices about how and where they live and how they get around in the future.
“We’re embarking on one of the most significant periods of transformation in a generation and we need to rethink the way we expand to accommodate our growing population. We’re already committed to building 20,000 affordable and low-cost homes by 2027 but the city needs more housing, with particular emphasis on affordable homes.
“The plan we finally publish will affect us all to some degree and it’s important that we hear from residents on this journey to accommodate future needs. The history of Edinburgh is about successfully adapting and evolving – now it’s our turn to come together to think about how we can plan most effectively for the future.”
Vice Convener, Cllr Maureen Child, added: “To meet our ambitious climate change targets, we must develop differently in the future and all houses and other buildings will need be much more energy efficient.
“We will work with our partners in the industry to ensure we make the best use of the limited space we have and, going forward, we’ll be asking developers to think more carefully about location, density and design. Where historically you may have built a supermarket on a brownfield site, we need to think of a mix of opportunities and uses for the site, including housing.
“Of course, connectivity is central to this and our Transport and Environment Committee today agreed an ambitious new draft City Mobility Plan, designed to improve sustainable transport over the next decade, while enabling the type of growth we’re aiming for in City Plan 2030.”
The proposed City Plan 2030 will be published by the Council for representation before being formally examined by the Scottish Government before the Council can consider adopting it.

City development and regeneration: Edinburgh goes in-house

End of the road for ‘arms-length’ companies EDI and Waterfront Edinburgh

The City of Edinburgh Council is to change current arrangements for city development by providing a new, in-house one stop shop for developers and investors. Continue reading City development and regeneration: Edinburgh goes in-house

Have your say on Edinburgh’s local development plan

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The City of Edinburgh Council has prepared a Second Proposed Edinburgh Local Development Plan. It sets out policies and proposals to guide land use and development.

The Second Proposed Plan is accompanied by a Environmental Report – Second Revision, a Second Proposed Action Programme, a revised Draft Habitats Regulations Appraisal Record and a number of other supporting documents. These include a Schedule of Representations, which explains what regard has been had to representations made in 2013 to the first Proposed Plan.

All of these documents are available for inspection from 22 August – 3 October 2014 at:

  • Planning and Building Standards Reception, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
  • All Council libraries during normal opening hours.

The documents can also be viewed at

Representations can be made on the Second Proposed Plan. These must be submitted in writing using the form provided by 5pm on Friday 3 October 2014. Representations can be submitted electronically to or by post to Local Development Plan Team, City of Edinburgh Council, Business Centre G.3, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG.

Copies of the representations form and guidance note on submitting representations are available on the above website, at Waverley Court and in Council libraries.

If you made a representation to the first Proposed Plan in 2013, please note that you will need to resubmit your representation if you wish it to be formally considered by the Council and dealt with through the examination process. 

Written comments can also be submitted on the Environmental Report, Action Programme, Draft Habitats Regulations Appraisal Record and other supporting documents. These should be sent to the above email or postal address by Friday 3 October 2014.

Drop-in engagement events have been arranged to provide further information on any aspect of the Second Proposed Plan:

  • North West Edinburgh, Rosebery Hall, Queensferry, 26 August, 3.30-6.45pm.
  • West Edinburgh, Drumbrae Library Hub, 28 August, 4-7pm.
  • South East Edinburgh, Kings Manor Hotel, Milton Road, 1 September, 4-7pm.
  • South West Edinburgh, Gibson Craig Hall, Currie, 3 September, 4-7pm.
  • South East Edinburgh, Faith Mission Hall, Gilmerton, 4 September, 4-7pm.
  • General session, Urban Room, Waverley Court, East Market Street, 22 September, 4-7 pm.

For more details see

or contact Marius Hince on 0131 529 4692

or email

Ben Wilson

Principal Planner, Local Planning Policy