Culture Project Fund: applications close 10 March

The City of Edinburgh Council’s Culture Project Fund will in its first year focus on support for the performing arts. Grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded to organisations based in Edinburgh to help with the costs involved in developing new performing artwork. Continue reading Culture Project Fund: applications close 10 March

“A matter of luck a child didn’t die”

PPP School buildings report published

An independent report into the closure of 17 Edinburgh schools has been published. The report into safety failures has highlighted a lack of proper scrutiny of the construction work and criticises both the council and the partnership which managed the building contracts, as well as the construction company. The city council said lessons would be learned from the report but Edinburgh’s Green councillors said the report is a “shocking wake up call.”

Continue reading “A matter of luck a child didn’t die”

Edinburgh’s Council Tax to rise by 3%

The City of Edinburgh Council has voted to increase Council Tax bills by 3%. The council says it will continue to prioritise frontline services for young, older and vulnerable residents while making necessary savings under the budget agreed yesterday, but critics say Edinburgh’s citizens are being forced to pay more for poorer council services.

Continue reading Edinburgh’s Council Tax to rise by 3%

Joan is Edinburgh’s Scambassador!

The City of Edinburgh Council has stepped up its fight against scams by joining forces with the Friends Against Scams campaign. The Council is the first organisation in Scotland to make the Friends Against Scams pledge to change perceptions and raise awareness of scams amongst staff and the wider community. Continue reading Joan is Edinburgh’s Scambassador!

City Vision 2050: the story so far

Edinburgh 2050: ‘a place without poverty or barriers to achievement’

Edinburgh should be a city full of opportunity and innovation with no barriers to achievement, according to the initial findings of a city-wide campaign. Analysis of 5,700 views submitted so far towards the ‘2050 Edinburgh City Vision’ has been published today.

Continue reading City Vision 2050: the story so far