World Book Day: Supporting families to find the fun in reading

Embrace your children’s choices, make reading relevant and try technology

On this annual celebration on Thursday 6th March, World Book Days charity is supporting parents with easy solutions to unlock the benefits of reading for fun for children.  

Numerous studies show that reading for enjoyment has life-changing benefits, but research also confirms reading it is at its lowest levels since records began in 2005 – with only 1 in 3 UK children saying they enjoy it (National Literacy Trust). So what can we do to help children find the fun in reading before it’s too late?  

Generational Decline in Reading for Fun 

New research carried out by World Book Day and kids’ insights consultancy Beano Brain among 1,066 children aged 8-14 years old and their parents reveals that children are much less likely to grow up as readers if their parents don’t read. 

Parents who don’t consider themselves as readers are much less likely to read with their children, with only 59% saying they do, compared to 71% of those who identify as readers. Additionally, parents who were not encouraged by their own parents to read (12% of those polled), are twice as likely to say they don’t encourage their child to read (15% versus 7% of readers.)  

Reading to children is a vital support in ensuring children read for fun themselves; research shows that children who are read to often are much more likely to read on a daily basis – almost half of 5-7s (46%) and almost three quarters (73%) of 8-13s. 

However, reading avoidance is being passed down, with the children of non-readers almost twice as likely to hold negative attitudes towards reading. 

Almost a third of this group (31%) say they avoid reading as much as possible (compared to 17% of children of readers), and that they don’t read for fun as books are boring (30% versus 16%). On the converse, three-quarters of children who think their parents enjoy reading for fun want to read more themselves.  

Furthermore, a quarter (24%) say they haven’t found any books they like (versus 13%), and one in 10 (10%) say they don’t have access to books (versus 4%). 

Judgement is also a significant problem for both parents and their children. While overall 17% of parents feel judged by other parents about what and how their child reads, this increases to 26% for those who consider themselves non-readers. Meanwhile, almost one in five (18%) children say they feel judged for their reading choices at home.  

How to turn the tide 

Even if they don’t read themselves, there are some simple fixes for families to lock in the benefits of reading for future generations, which OECD states are vital to a child’s future success, more so than family background or income (OECD, 2021). 

We asked children what they need from grown-ups to support them to read for fun. 

Choice and lack of judgement 

  • Positive affirmation works wonders; 2 in 5 children think reading is best when they feel like they’re good at it (40%), while 30% say it’s best when they feel confident and encouraged 
  • Over a quarter of children (28%) say that if they were nagged less about reading they’d enjoy it more, while over a third of children say they cannot choose what they want to read at home (34%) or at school (35%) 
  • 1 in 4 children say they’re encouraged to read things they simply don’t want to, which also makes many children feel confused or overwhelmed when it comes to making reading choices (23%), creating further barriers to enjoyment.  

 Be relevant and reflect their world 

  • Over a quarter (28%) of children say they would read more if the books helped them learn about things they are interested in, so focusing on their passions and hobbies can encourage the habit, while more than one in five children (21%) also say that alternative reading formats, including audio books, comics and graphic novels, help them like it 
  • In a world of multiple distractions, let’s say reading AND screens, not reading OR screens.   Over half (56%) of parents of 11-14-year-olds say their child would rather go online than read, rising to 94% among kids who are non-readers. Over a quarter (26%) of kids also say they would read more if books were as engaging as computer games, while almost the same (23%) say they would read more if the books featured characters from their favourite TV shows, films or games 
  • New research from National Literary Trust shows that 42% of children aged between eight and 18 said they enjoyed listening to audiobooks and podcasts. A fifth (21%) of Gen Z parents say their children are already listening to audiobooks as a way encourage reading for fun.  

Try fitting reading for fun into family life, whatever that looks like.  

Modern life is often stressful and hectic, so reading together can fall down the list. But children who read with their parents, often want to read more themselves, whether this is reading before bed (51%), reading next to each other on the sofa (45%) or listening to audiobooks in the car (20%). 

We offers lots of resources to help make these activities and conversations about reading easier. 

 There is also a lack of awareness from some parents of the life benefits that reading at home can bring, plus a belief that it is school’s job alone to read with children5. 

Cassie Chadderton, CEO of World Book Day says:  “To turn the tide and get more children reading for fun, we all need to recognise what our children are enjoying and reflect that in what they read.

“Our job as a charity is to get more children experiencing the life changing benefits of choosing reading, so let’s listen to children and give them reasons to find reading fun.  

“Supporting choice and embracing technology are simple steps to address our growing reading crisis, unlocking the benefits of reading for fun for generations to come.”   

SCSC: New figures highlight 145 children waiting more than a year for mental health treatment

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, has raised concerns that 145 children and young people have been waiting more than a year for mental health treatment.

These figures were highlighted in the latest waiting time statistics from Public Health Scotland published yesterday (4th March), indicating that 145 children and young people had been waiting over a year for treatment from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in the quarter ending December 2024.

This is an increase from 115 in the previous quarter ending September 2024.

In addition, 4,362 children and young people were waiting to start treatment at quarter ending December 2024, which is an increase of 3.1 per cent (131) compared to 4,231 in the previous quarter

On a more positive note, 90.6 per cent of children and young people started treatment within 18 weeks of referral. The Scottish Government target, dating from December 2014, states that 90 per cent of children and young people should start treatment within 18 weeks of referral to CAMHS. This has been achieved for the first time.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, cases of poor mental health in children and young people were at unprecedented levels, with under-resourced services struggling to keep pace with growing demand, leaving an increasing number of vulnerable individuals unable to access support

However, it should be noted that despite this greatly increased demand, only 0.82 per cent of the total frontline NHS budget was spent on CAMHS in the 2023/24 financial year, amounting to £134.188 million (real terms). This equates to just 82p in every £100 of the NHS budget. 

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “The latest figures highlighting that 145 children and young people have been waiting over a year for mental health treatment is extremely alarming.

“We are facing a mental health emergency, and many of our children and young people are at breaking point, with stress and anxiety reaching alarming levels as they battle with the long shadow of lockdown and the rising cost of living.

“This is also having a major effect on classroom behaviour, impacting the young people concerned, their fellow pupils and staff.

“Each one of these statistics is an individual, and we would urge the Scottish Government ensure the adequate resourcing of mental health services for our children and young people so that they can get the care and support they need, without lengthy waits.”

New Ratho Library unveils special artwork

The new Ratho Library has officially opened its doors to the public as it moves into its permanent location after closing its doors in 2020 and serving as a mobile service since 2021.

The opening celebration includes the unveiling of a special artwork inside the library, showcasing a quote chosen by the local community.

In the summer of 2023, the library hosted a community vote to select a quote from a selection of beloved children’s books. The winning quote, now proudly displayed above the children’s library section, is from Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The quote celebrates the joy of reading and literature, making it a perfect fit for the new library’s vibrant atmosphere.

In addition to the winning quote, illustrations of Rowena frog and other characters from the book accompany the quote, further enhancing the library’s welcoming environment for young readers.

Each child who attends the early years centre adjacent to the new library will receive a copy of Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler to mark the official opening of the new library.

Winning quote 

‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ (2005) written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. Macmillan Children’s Books (Pan Macmillan).

About Rowena Reddalot,
a very well-read frog,
Who jumped upon a lily pad
and jumped upon a log,
Then jumped into the library
which stood beside the brook,
And went, “Reddit! Reddit! Reddit!”
as she jumped upon a book…’

Julia Donaldson said: “I have long campaigned on the valuable role that public libraries play in communities and in developing a love of books.

“I am very pleased that this library is opening in Ratho; it isn’t news that you hear every day!

“I want to thank everyone who voted to see ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book‘ featured on the walls in the children’s area and I hope this joyful space introduces a new generation of readers to stories they will treasure for life.”

Axel Scheffler said: “It is an honour to know that ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book‘ was chosen by the local community in Ratho to feature in their new library.

“I would like to thank them all and also the librarian team who have worked so hard to make this happen. I am so pleased that Rowena frog and Charlie will welcome young readers into the children’s area and I hope they will inspire families to discover great new books together.”

Culture and Communities Convener Val Walker, said: “We are thrilled to open the doors of our new Ratho Library and celebrate the community’s involvement in selecting the quote that now graces our children’s library.

“This collaboration highlights our shared love of reading and the importance of literature in inspiring young minds.

“The winning quote from ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book‘ perfectly reflects the joy of storytelling, and we are excited to create a space where every visitor, especially our young readers, can feel the magic of books.

“Our dedicated team at Ratho has worked closely with Macmillan Children’s Books to develop the graphic design for our new library and it looks fantastic.

“I would like to extend our sincere thanks to Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler and Macmillan Children’s Books for their permission to use ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ and their ongoing support in the process. I hope visitors enjoy the design for years to come.”

Ratho Library offers a broad range of services to customers, including access to a wide variety of digital and printed books, free public access to computers, free public Wi-Fi, collection of NHS hearing Aid batteries, support with National Entitlement Cards alongside an exciting programme of events and activities for children and adults.

The library will also host Tech Donation Boxes later in the year where everyday tech devices can be upcycled.

An official opening event for the library will be held at a later date.

Shelter Scotland research: Children’s experiences in temporary accommodation

New research commissioned by Shelter Scotland reveals that over ten thousand children living in temporary accommodation are at risk of severe impacts on their health, education, and social lives.

Professor Nadzeya Svirydzenka of De Montfort University and Professor Monica Lakhanpaul of University College London interviewed twenty-three children and parents from four Scottish local authorities.

The report titled “IN THEIR OWN WORDS: CHILDREN’S EXPERIENCES IN TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION” shows that children living in temporary accommodation face safety issues such as overcrowding, dampness, mould, antisocial behaviour, pest-infestations and more.

Temporary accommodation has also been found to impact the mental health of children and parents, leading to anxiety, depression, increased aggression, and disturbed sleep. Children in these situations were also found to be socially isolated and their school attendance disrupted.

This research is published following a significant increase in the number of children in temporary accommodation in Scotland. Scottish Government figures show there are 10,360 children in temporary accommodation, a 149% increase in the last ten years.

On average, single people spend 240 days in temporary accommodation, a single parent with children 355 days, and a couple with children 565 days. The number of children in bed and breakfasts has risen by 223% (290 children) between September 2023 and 2024 (Scottish Government, 2025)

In Edinburgh, the number of children in temporary accommodation has grown by 74% since 2020 to a backdrop of rapidly increasing homelessness in the capital.

Shelter Scotland’s report calls for an increased supply of family homes, more work towards homelessness prevention, addressing the poor quality of temporary accommodation, and taking a ‘children’s rights-based approach’ to the allocation of temporary accommodation.

Scottish Conservative MSP for Lothian Miles Briggs attended the launch event for this research in Edinburgh and said:“It is completely unacceptable that so many children are left languishing in temporary accommodation for so long across Scotland. They should be living in safe, clean, and permanent houses of their own.

“The situation in Edinburgh is particularly concerning. Housing here has been in a state of emergency for years now. We cannot allow this to continue.

“This report is a shocking indictment of the SNP’s record on housing and makes important recommendations on housing, health, and education which will require cross-sector and cross-government reform and actions.”

@Miles4Lothian (Miles Briggs) will ask @scotgov for its response to the @shelterscotland‘s report ‘In Their Own Words: Children’s Experiences in Temporary Accommodation’ at Holyrood this afternoon.

Watch from 2.05pm:

Original report:

Shelter Scotland – In Their Own Words, Children’s Experiences in Temporary Accommodation

Child Poverty: Turning the Tide


The Government is due to publish a Child Poverty Strategy later this year, with a promise to bring about “an enduring reduction in child poverty” (write ALEX CLEGG and ADAM CORLETT of The Resolution Foundation).

In this report we focus on the Government’s headline metric of relative child poverty and look at what might be needed to achieve this welcome goal in the face of significant headwinds.

We consider the role of improvements in parental employment and housing affordability, but also of reforms to social security, and we show what is needed to make sure that any gains in this Parliament are not lost in future.


  • On the Government’s headline measure of relative poverty after housing costs, 4.3 million children (three-in-ten) were living in relative poverty across the UK in 2022-23. On an international measure accounting for both housing and energy costs, the UK’s relative child poverty rate is higher than in any EU or EFTA nation bar Greece.
  • On present policies and our baseline economic forecasts, we project that UK child poverty will rise over this Parliament from an estimated 31 per cent in 2024-25 to reach 33 per cent by 2029-30, its highest rate since 1998-99, and the highest number of children on record, at 4.6 million. This is partly because the outlook includes £3 billion of scheduled welfare cuts, in the form of the ongoing roll out of the two-child limit and family element abolition, and real cuts each year in the value of Local Housing Allowances and the benefit cap.
  • It is right to be ambitious about employment rates and housing supply. Concerted action on these could lower child poverty by 130,000 compared to our base scenario, and would provide fiscal room for new spending (as would higher-than-expected growth more generally). But without changes to social security, poverty would still rise over the Parliament.
  • The child poverty priority should be to abolish the two-child limit, and the benefit cap alongside it, which would take an estimated 500,000 children out of poverty in 2029-30. This would cost £4.5 billion in 2029-30 but is the most efficient anti-poverty measure the Government could take. Turning the two-child limit into a three-child limit (and assuming the benefit cap is still abolished) would have about two-thirds of the impact at two-thirds of the cost.
  • Free School Meal entitlement should be extended to cover all families on Universal Credit, which would take around 100,000 children out of poverty, with money found from within existing departmental spending plans. For further poverty reductions, Local Housing Allowance should be repegged to local rents – rather than remain frozen indefinitely – and Universal Credit’s basic adequacy tackled, for example by reversing the abolition of the ‘family element’. This would reduce child poverty by a further 140,000. These policies could mean that, by 2029-30, child poverty could be around 900,000 lower than in our default projection, at 3.7 million: getting below 4 million for the first time since 2015 outside of 2020-21. And the child poverty rate could be cut to its lowest in four decades, at around 27 per cent, in the highest-ambition scenarios.
  • The ambitious package would have a price tag of around £8.5 billion, falling to £5.5 billion if the extension of free school meals is funded within existing departmental budgets and the Government can succeed in raising employment and building more homes.
  • In the longer-term, family benefit uprating needs to move to tracking average earnings – alongside the State Pension – or else relative child poverty will always tend to rise as social security entitlements fall behind average earnings.

Read Resolution Foundation’s TURNING THE TIDE report:

Fundamental review needed of planning and resourcing of additional support for learning

The Scottish Government and councils must fundamentally rethink how they plan, fund and staff additional support for learning as part of core school education in Scotland.

Since legislation in 2004 to make additional support for learning (ASL) more inclusive, there has been an eight-fold increase in pupils recorded as receiving ASL; currently 40 per cent of Scottish pupils – or 285,000 children – receive ASL. Almost all support is now delivered in mainstream classrooms, and it has become an increasingly central part of what teachers do.

The Scottish Government failed to plan for the impacts of this inclusive approach, and poor data means it is not possible to determine the scale, complexity and nature of needs across Scotland. The Scottish Government and councils urgently need better information to understand pupils’ needs and appropriate level of resource to support them.

Existing measures show a wide gap in outcomes for pupils receiving additional support compared with other pupils, including being more likely to be absent or excluded from school. More appropriate ways of measuring the achievements of pupils who receive ASL are still to be developed.

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, said: “The Scottish Government has failed to plan effectively for its inclusive approach to additional support for learning. Current gaps in data mean it is unclear whether all children’s right to have an education that fully develops their personality, talents and abilities is being met.

“The Scottish Government and councils urgently need better quality data to understand pupils’ additional support needs and the resources required to provide support to enable all pupils to reach their full potential.”

Ruth MacLeod, Member of the Accounts Commission, said: “Councils and the Scottish Government must fundamentally rethink how additional support for learning is planned and provided as a core part of Scotland’s school education.

“This includes reviewing how mainstream and special education is provided to meet current and future additional support needs and demands.

“It is critical they work with pupils, parents and carers and staff throughout this process.”

COSLA’s Children and Young People Spokesperson, Councillor Tony Buchanan @antbuc1), has commented following report published today about Additional Support For Learning from the Auditor General and Accounts Commission.

The Auditor General and Accounts Commission published a briefing paper on additional support for learning (ASL) on 27th February 2025. It makes a series of recommendations to Scottish Government and Councils, touching on data, measuring the outcomes of children and young people with additional support needs, funding, workforce planning and school buildings.

The COSLA Children and Young People Board will discuss the briefing at their meeting on 7th March.

Councillor Tony Buchanan, said: “Local Government is fully committed to supporting all children and young people to learn and to providing opportunities so that they can realise their full potential. The briefing paper published by the Auditor General and Accounts Commission on additional support for learning is welcomed.

The COSLA Children and Young People Board will be updated next week, with an initial consideration of the recommendations. COSLA, alongside the Scottish Government, co-chair the Additional Support for Learning Project Board.

“There will be an opportunity for the project board to consider the recommendations fully when they meet next month and consider how these can inform their priorities.”

Party in the Park!

SATURDAY 5th APRIL 11am – 1.30pm at GASHOLDER 1 PARK

Join us for the official launch of Granton’s newest public park at Granton Gasholder 1!

Enjoy a day for all the family and celebrate with the community. Activities will include:

🎤 A one-off community singalong with Pianodrome at 11am
🎀 A ribbon-cutting ceremony at 11.15am
🎨 Family arts and craft activities
⚽ Penalty shoot-outs with Craigroyston Community Youth Football Club
🍦 Free ice cream from Lucas
🙂 Free facepainting
🎪 Exhibition stalls

🌞Bring your family, friends and a picnic blanket for a fun day out. All are welcome! We can’t wait to see you there! 🌞

Aldi Scotland Announces CHAS as the Official Charity Partner for its 2025 Supermarket Sweep

Aldi Scotland has proudly announced Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) as the official charity partner of its long running and hugely popular Supermarket Sweep initiative for 2025. 

The much-loved event has named CHAS as the exclusive beneficiary, with funds raised helping to provide vital hospice care and support to children with life-shortening conditions across Scotland.

Launched in 2016, the supermarket challenge, inspired by the legendary game show, offers shoppers the chance to take part in a five-minute trolley dash, allowing them to gather as many Aldi favourites as they can within the timeframe. Once the time is up, the lucky shopper gets to take home the trolley full of goodies, while Aldi matches the cash value of the goods as a donation.

Each year across Scotland CHAS supports over 500 babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions and their families. In 2025 every penny raised through the initiative will go directly to CHAS, with £10,000 pledged in support. 

With ten Sweeps set to take place throughout the year, the partnership will have a real impact on CHAS’ vital services, providing palliative, respite, and end-of-life care at Rachel House in Kinross, Robin House in Balloch, and across all of Scotland through CHAS at Home.

Graham Nicolson, Group Buying Director at Aldi Scotland, said: “CHAS provides an incredible lifeline for families across Scotland, offering specialist care and unwavering support during the most difficult moments imaginable. This is a charity very close to our hearts and we’re honoured to be partnering with them for our 2025 Supermarket Sweep.

“The annual initiative holds a special place in the Aldi calendar, donating over £50,000 to local charities since 2016, while offering loyal customers across Scotland the chance to take part in a truly unique supermarket experience.

“We hope this partnership will not only raise significant funds for the charity but also help to shine a light on the incredible impact CHAS has across Scotland.”

Rami Okasha, CHAS CEO, said: “Aldi Scotland’s Supermarket Sweep is a fantastic initiative that will not only help raise vital funds for our organisation but hopefully highlight the reality faced by families caring for a child with a life-shortening condition.

“At CHAS, we provide unwavering care to children who may die young and their families, at every step on this hardest of journeys. We are dedicated to ensuring that no family in Scotland faces the death of their child alone.

“This partnership will help us continue to deliver expert care – whether in our hospices, in hospitals, or at home – so that families can make the most of every precious moment together.”

Aldi Scotland’s 2025 Supermarket Sweep will kick off at Aldi’s Chesser store in Edinburgh, with applications set to open on 24 March. Further locations and dates will be announced in due course.

For more information about CHAS and how to support its work, visit:

You can find your nearest Aldi here

Artwork by young Scottish artists to be showcased in Scotland’s National gallery

Your Art World


National Galleries Scotland: National

10 May – 2 November 2025

A colourful exhibition, showcasing the artwork of creative 3–18-year-olds from across Scotland is due to open at the National gallery on 10 May. 

Your Art World encourages young people across the nation to get creative, with the opportunity of having their work displayed in Scotland’s National gallery, which is home to iconic works such as The Monarch of the Glen and works by Scottish artists including William McTaggart and Phoebe Anna Traquair.

The young people are invited to be as imaginative as they liked and use any type of materials for their creations. From drawings, paintings, 3-D sculptures or video – there were no limitations on what they could make.

Plus, there is still time to submit works for display! All 3-18 year olds living in Scotland are invited to send their art for inclusion in the exhibition, all you need to do is photograph their work and upload it to the National Galleries of Scotland’s online gallery, then come along to the exhibition and see their creations featured proudly on digital screens at the National! Your Art World is a celebration of what happens when young people are encouraged to be wildly imaginative, so why not see what’s possible.

Discover physical installations created by community and school groups who have been working with the National Galleries of Scotland over the last few months. Groups involved include Redhall School in Edinburgh, Victoria Primary and Nursery in Falkirk, Oban High School and North Edinburgh’s LIFT Kids’ Club (Low Income Families Together).

The groups worked to create extraordinary displays ranging from drawings and embroideries engaging with social issues, to 3D sculptures, sensory works and vibrant abstract paintings.

Siobhan McConnachie, Head of Learning and Engagement, National Galleries of Scotland, said: ‘I’m so excited and proud to be showcasing the artwork of the talented young artists of Scotland.

“The response so far has been truly inspiring and we have been so impressed with everyone’s creativity. We can’t wait to see what else is still to come! Your Art World is incredibly important to us at the National Galleries of Scotland as it hands over the creative process to young people and celebrates their work.

“Art has its place in every school, home and young person’s life, whether that be encouraging people to think creatively, use it as an expressive outlet or simply for some fun. This project and exhibition truly celebrates that art really is for everyone.’

New entries will be accepted throughout the exhibition and added to the rolling display on the digital screens every month until the end of September. All submissions can be made online.

The exhibition is part of a wider Your Art World project, designed to inspire and engage young people in art. With online resources available for teachers and families, the project supports children in creative activities. By providing tools and guidance, Your Art World demystifies the creative process and invites everyone to explore and enjoy art.

The exhibition is made possible thanks to funds raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Children in Scottish hospitals deprived of mental health support

Charity Starlight highlights the need for play to reduce healthcare-induced trauma

Only one in four (25%) health boards in Scotland report having budgets for essential mental health play services for seriously ill children, according to a freedom of information request carried out by Starlight, the national charity for children’s play in healthcare. 

Areas with the most children living in areas of highest deprivation tended to have less or no resourcing. As noted in Starlight’s recent report2, these children are most at risk of trauma.     

Cathy Gilman, chief executive of Starlight said: “Play services, which include evidence-based activities, games and toys, are one of the most effective ways to reduce trauma in children undergoing healthcare treatment.

“It can explain complex procedures in child-friendly ways, distract children from pain and help professionals do their jobs by reducing children’s stress. 

“The lack of budget for this vital support in Scotland is as shocking as it is sad, with so many children facing incredibly harrowing circumstances without support.” 

Starlight’s research also revealed that even those trusts with budget for play services did not extend support to evenings and weekends – quiet periods that can be hardest of all for children to face. 

Claire’s daughter Lucy, 12, has had a rare condition affecting her oesophagus and trachea since birth. Claire said: “We live two hours away from Aberdeen and Lucy’s dad is in the RAF, so it’s hard for him and Lucy’s two siblings to visit when we are staying there, and other family are five hours away.

“This means it’s usually just me there, so having the play workers in hospital organising fun things to do, for example face painting and having visits from exotic animals, means that Lucy can have some fun, and I can do things such as have a shower, and not have to worry about her being alone in hospital, as I know she is with the play workers and having fun.” 

Heather Beattie, play service manager at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, said: “I genuinely believe that a paediatric hospital couldn’t function properly without a solid, well-trained play team.

“Play is such a vital component of creating a positive experience for both the child and their family and is an inseparable part of their treatment journey. 

“You can’t separate children from play, it’s inherent to who they are. But it’s crucial that this play is appropriate and provided by trained professionals who understand the unique needs of these young patients.” 

In October 2024, Heather’s team won Play Team of the Year award at Starlight’s annual Play in Healthcare Awards.