New opportunities in childcare

 necWe have more dates in place for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

Friday 22nd July @10am

Wednesday 3rd August @10am

Thursday 11th August @1.30pm

Wednesday 24th August @10am

Wednesday 31st August @10am (if required)

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.

Audrey O’Neill

Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare, 18b Ferry Road Avenue

0131 311 6931

0131 315 4420

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

Like our Training Services on Facebook @

New Childcare Academy taster courses announced

mother and child

We now have new dates available for our Mini Childcare Taster course: 

Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th April: 9.30am – 12.30pm

Child Development

Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th June: 9.30am – 12.30pm


We have a few free places for young people still at school who are ineligible for ILA funding. Please see attached posters with further information. If you would like to book a place, please complete the attached booking form.

Audrey O’Neill

Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare, 18b Ferry Road Avenue


MCT 13.04.16

MCT 8.06.16

Train with North Edinburgh Childcare


We still have places available for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions on:

Monday 8th February @ 10am
Wednesday 17th February @ 1.30pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.
Audrey O’Neill
Training Administrator
North Edinburgh Childcare
18b Ferry Road Avenue
Edinburgh, EH4 4BL

Childcare Academy information sessions

We still have places available for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions on:

Monday 8 February @ 10am
Wednesday 17 February @ 1.30pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 311 6926.

2016 CA Publicity Poster 16+

Audrey O’Neill

Training Administrator, North Edinburgh Childcare

Tel: 311 6931

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

Like our Training Services on Facebook @

First Minister visits North Edinburgh Childcare

FM announces £1 million for early learning and childcare trials


A report into what more the Scottish Government and others can do to tackle poverty in Scotland has been welcomed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Ms Sturgeon used today’s visit to North Edinburgh Childcare to announce £1 million funding to support new early learning and childcare initiatives. Continue reading First Minister visits North Edinburgh Childcare

More Childcare Academy info sessions


We now have more dates in place for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

Friday 24 July @ 10am
Wednesday 5 August @1pm
Wednesday 19 August @11am
Thursday 27 August @ 10am

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on 311 6931 or Barbara Webster on 311 6926.

2015 CA Publicity Poster 16+

Audrey O’Neill (Training Administrator)
North Edinburgh Childcare

Funded childcare: take your place!


Around 20,000 two year olds are now eligible for funded early learning and childcare – and parents and carers are being reminded to take up a place for their child.

The entitlement to 600 hours of annual funded early learning and childcare has been extended to two year olds from low income households. This comes into effect from August and adds to the entitlement for all three and four year olds and around 15 per cent of two year olds.

Acting Minister for Children Fiona McLeod reminded parents of eligible children to register for their funded places as she met staff and children at Dens Nursery in Dundee yesterday. Ms McLeod said:

“We know the early years are a crucial point in a child’s life where they develop essential skills. This is especially true for more vulnerable or disadvantaged children and I’m pleased they will be able to benefit from this extra provision.

“This is not simply about childcare; it is about ensuring all three and four year olds and those two year olds who would benefit the most, have access to high quality early learning and education in a nurturing environment. This will allow them to develop vital skills including literacy and numeracy from an early age.

“I’m encouraging all parents and carers to check if their child is eligible for funded early learning and childcare and register now so they can get their place in the autumn term.”

A public information campaign with advice for parents and carers on the eligibility criteria for funded early learning and childcare will begin next month.

Early learning and childcare funding to DOUBLE

‘Education is not just part of our sense of ourselves, it’s the key to a better future for young people growing up in Scotland today’ – First Minister Nicola Sturgeon


Funding for free nursery places delivering early learning and childcare will double over the term of the next Parliament, increasing opportunities for families and giving children the best start in life, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has pledged.

In a speech on education at the David Hume Institute in Edinburgh, Ms Sturgeon laid out the Scottish Government’s ambition to see every child have the educational opportunities that she herself benefitted from.

During her address, the First Minister set out the contribution education makes to tackling inequality and growing the economy, focusing on the importance of all children, no matter their background, having the best opportunities through early learning and childcare, strong school education and wider access to higher education.

In a move she described as ‘one of the best investments any government can possibly make’, Ms Sturgeon confirmed that free early learning and childcare provision would rise to 30 hours per week, matching the time children spend each week in primary school, by the end of the next Parliament.

Committing to funding this expansion, she pledged that by 2019/20 annual revenue spend on early learning and childcare will have increased from an anticipated £439 million this year to around £880 million.

The First Minister said: “Today I want to highlight some of the areas where we can and must do better. In particular, I want to focus on how inequality in attainment – starting in the very early years, and persisting into adulthood – is weakening our society, holding back our economy, and constraining the life chances of too many of our fellow citizens.

“Early Learning and childcare promotes opportunity twice over. It enables parents to enter the workforce now and provide a better standard of living for their children, and it helps all children to make the most of their potential later in life. It’s one of the best investments any government can possibly make.

“In my view, it is central to any enlightened view of what modern Scotland should look like and that is why it is such a driving priority of my government. That’s why I can confirm today my intention that spending on early learning and care will double over the course of the next parliament.

“That’s in addition to the extra capital spending we will provide. The great capital investment project of this parliament is the Queensferry Crossing. If I am re-elected as First Minister next year, I intend that the great infrastructure project of the next parliament will be perhaps less visible, but arguably even more transformational.

“It will be the investment in care and learning facilities needed to ensure our early years provision matches our primary school provision. These facilities will create a bridge to a better future for children and families across the country.”

Addressing the need to widen access to university Ms Sturgeon said: “When I became First Minister, I set out the clear ambition that a child born today in one of our most deprived communities should, by the time he or she leaves school, have the same chance of going to university as a child born in one of our least deprived communities.

“And let me stress that – the same chance. Not just a better chance than they have today. But the same chance as anyone else. In other words, where you are born and brought up and your parents’ circumstances will not be the driver of how likely you are to go to university.

“But to ensure we’re doing everything we can, as early as we can, we are establishing a Commission on Widening Access. The Commission will propose milestones, measure progress, and identify improvements. It will be central to ensuring that our ambition of equal access within a generation becomes a reality.

“It is part of a far broader approach to post-school learning. After all, the key test we need to apply is not whether learning takes place in college, at work or in university. It’s whether the learning is relevant, engaging and widens people’s opportunities.

“So since 2007 we’ve focused colleges on promoting skills which help people to work, and which support economic growth. The number of students gaining recognised qualifications has increased by a third in the last 5 years.”

Ms Sturgeon concluded: “So from supporting mothers in the early stages of pregnancy, to helping people gain their first experience of work, this government is committed to promoting opportunities and reducing inequalities. That’s not something that Government, schools, colleges and universities can do on our own – although our role is hugely important. It’s got to be part of a shared endeavour.

“I want Scotland to be a land of opportunity – a country where every individual, regardless of background or race or gender, gets the chance to fulfil his or her potential. Can that be achieved? Yes, I believe it can and education is the key.

“The removal of obstructions to education, and the opening up of new opportunities, has been the focus of many of the major initiatives of my first 100 days. It is a subject which will receive sustained attention for as long as my government holds office. Because education is not just part of our sense of ourselves, it’s the key to a better future for young people growing up in Scotland today. And it is at the heart of the fairer, more prosperous Scotland, that all of us seek to build.”

Childcare Academy: recruiting now


We are now recruiting  for the new Childcare Academy, which starts on Monday (23 February). 

I have attached a poster and standard information for display and distribution.

Childcare Academy Standard Information

February 2015 CA Publicity Poster 16

Audrey O’Neill, 

Training Administrator, North Edinburgh Childcare

Telephone: 0131 311 6931