Keep animals safe this winter

The Scottish SPCA is urging people to help animals stay safe this winter

Scottish SPCAPic Peter DevlinScotland’s animal welfare charity has issued advice to pet owners, farmers and wildlife enthusiasts as the temperature falls.

Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn said, “Freezing weather can be very dangerous for domestic pets, equines, farm animals and wildlife.

“Dog owners should keep their pets on the lead near frozen waterways and people must never go after their dog if it walks out onto the ice. Each year we hear of incidents where people have tried to rescue their pet from a frozen river or lake, often with tragic consequences, and we want both animals and their owners stay safe.

“We would always recommend owners wash their dogs’ feet after they have been walking on gritted roads as salt can be an irritant to the paws and can upset the digestive system if ingested.

“Those with cats should make adequate provisions for them by ensuring they have access to somewhere warm when the temperature drops and all pets kept outdoors will need extra food, bedding and access to unfrozen drinking water. In the worst winter weather, owners of rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals kept in outdoor hutches should move them inside where possible.

“Antifreeze is one of the most common causes of cat poisoning, particularly in the winter months, and can result in a horrific death. We would urge anyone servicing their car to take extra care and ensure any spillages are cleaned up and disposed of properly as it could save an animal’s life.

“Treacherous conditions makes it hard for farmers to monitor their livestock but, again, it is vital they have access to unfrozen drinking water and food.”

Anyone who finds an animal in distress over the winter period is being encouraged to contact the charity for help and advice.

Chief Supt Flynn added, “Last year we dealt with a large number of wildlife casualties such as underweight hedgehogs found struggling to survive and orphaned or injured seal pups.

“Wildlife lovers can feed birds to help them through the winter as their natural food sources will be scarce at this time of year.

“Anyone who spots a distressed animal should call our Animal Helpline on 03000 999 999.”


Don't buy a pet this Christmas

‘A pet is a lifelong commitment’ – Scottish SPCA

Inspector Janet Proudlock with kittenThe Scottish SPCA is advising people not to buy pets as Christmas presents for fear of a surge in abandonments. As Scotland’s animal welfare charity prepares for its busiest time of year, they hope many pets will be spared the heartbreak of being dumped like unwanted gifts.

Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn said, “It’s an upsetting reality that in the weeks and months after Christmas our centres are often asked to take in puppies, kittens and other pets given as presents once the novelty has worn off.

“Or, even worse, some of these pets are abandoned and left to fend for themselves.
“Clearly in these instances the owners hadn’t realised that the young pet which was great fun at Christmas would need to be housetrained and properly socialised and that this would require effort on their part.

“Every year we stress that animals should never be bought on a whim or given as surprise presents, but some people clearly aren’t getting the message. In January this year we took in over 240 dogs, a 9% rise on the previous year and around 250 cats – over 30% more than in 2013. 

“Although we can’t be certain, it’s possible many of these animals were bought as gifts and for that reason we are asking people to consider whether they have the time and financial resources to be able to properly care for an animal.”

In order to reduce the risks of people taking on pets to give away as presents, the Scottish SPCA will stop rehoming puppies, kittens and baby animals between 19 December and 3 January.

Chief Supt. Flynn added, “We have to ensure our rescue animals aren’t being taken on by someone who just wants a new pet for Christmas.

“However, our animal rescue and rehoming centres will be open to the public throughout the festive period, including Christmas Day, and young animals can be reserved during this time.

“Our message is simple, a pet is a lifelong commitment and not a present which can be given at Christmas and then forgotten about.”

Barratt Homes launch festive food bank support

397_food-bank-292Barratt Homes has set up a foodbank collection point at their regional head office in Edinburgh.

The foodbank, which will operate until 19 December, has been set up in aid of Edinburgh North West and Central foodbanks, part of The Trussell Trust Network which provides food packs to people who are in crisis.

The foodbank collection point has been set up for Barratt employees, family and friends to donate urgently needed goods like coffee, UHT milk, custard, tinned meat and chocolate. The team at Edinburgh North West and Central foodbanks will make several collections from Barratt throughout December before processing the items and delivering to those that are in need.

Alison Condie, managing director Barratt East Scotland said; “With the party season commencing, we felt it was important to give something to those in need and we are delighted to support Edinburgh North West and Central foodbanks.  We’ve had a great response from employees so far and we hope to donate a significant amount of food over the festive period.”

Ewan Walker, operations manager, Edinburgh Food Project, added; “We need to receive over 4,000kg of food each month in order to meet demand and this increases by 50% in the run up to Christmas when we give out extras such as mince pies and selection boxes. We really appreciate large companies like Barratt coming on board, setting up their own collection points.  Not only does it boost food donations, but it raises awareness of our cause with employees.”

Barratt East Scotland’s foodbank collection will run until Friday 19 December.

Barratt Homes


Circle joins #GivingTuesday: 'communities not consumerism'

Circle joins the UK’s #GivingTuesday movement to boost giving


 Circle has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, which encourages people and businesses to give their time, money or voice to charity for one day.

#GivingTuesday – 2 December – will provide a charitable antidote to the pre-Christmas consumer boom, falling directly after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It will ask people to follow two of the big pre-Christmas shopping days with a day of doing good, asking them to do one simple charitable act on the day and it is hoped that #GivingTuesday in the UK will replicate the successes of the US, where they have seen a huge spike in donations on the day.

With this being the first year of Giving Tuesday in the UK, we decided to launch a Christmas Campaign alongside Giving Tuesday and are asking for donations to allow us to host Christmas parties for marginalised children and families across Scotland.

We are running a social media campaign to raise awareness of our cause and have an exciting video clip highlighting our campaign, featuring our patron, David Tennant. 

“#Giving Tuesday highlights the importance of giving back and allows people to reflect upon the consumerism that can often overshadow community spirit at Christmas. This year we are hoping to raise money to allow Circle to organise Christmas celebrations for the children and families supported across Scotland. We’re delighted to be involved with Giving Tuesday and hope that the movement continues to grow next year,” said Circle CEO Liz Dahl.

#GivingTuesday is led in the UK by the Charities Aid Foundation, with support from Blackbaud. Leaders from businesses, charities and the media have joined them to explore how they can boost donations to charity and volunteering and create a giving movement in the UK.

Corporate and charitable organisations are constantly signing up to be partners and participate in the initiative this year. The campaign was launched in the US in 2012 by 92nd Street Y, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation and has since become a global movement, with Canada, Mexico, Israel, Australia, Singapore and Latin America all getting on board in 2013. Last year the campaign had 10,000 partners worldwide.

John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said: “We’re really excited to be bringing #GivingTuesday to the UK and it is fantastic that so many brilliant businesses and charities are getting involved.

“We’re bringing #GivingTuesday to the UK to provide a contrast to the peak shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, to remind us that the spirit of the festive season should be about community and not just consumerism. We hope that we can capture the imagination of the British public and permanently establish a day in the calendar to celebrate giving and the fantastic work charities are doing all over the country.”

Henry Timms, 92Y’s Executive Director, said: “It’s been a privilege to work with remarkable leaders all over the world building a movement around #GivingTuesday. This initiative has been crowdsourced by some of the smartest and most connected minds among the next generation of philanthropists and entrepreneurs.”

Those interested in joining Circle’s #GivingTuesday initiative can view our promotional video: and can share/retweet our campaign materials over the coming days and encourage people to donate. 

Facebook /CircleScotland

Twitter @CircleScotland 


For more details about the #GivingTuesday movement, visit #GivingTuesday

website:, Facebook page

or follow @givingtuesdayuk and #GivingTuesday hashtag on Twitter.


Muirhouse to aid Syrian refugees

“We hope this appeal will make a big difference to people who are living as refugees in tents in cold winter weather” – Edinburgh Direct Aid

Syrian refugees protest against President Bashar al-Assad

 Muirhouse Community Shop is to be a collection point for the latest Edinburgh Direct Aid appeal. The community shop on Pennywell Road recently worked with EDA when the shop assisted with the Toys for Gaza appeal and will now support an initiative to aid Syrian refugees.  

The latest appeal is for winter goods, such as coats, boots, jackets etc and anyone can drop of their donation to the shop five days a week.

Lisa Anderson, EDA Secretary said: “Edinburgh Direct Aid has launched a new appeal to send a further container of aid to Syrian refugees. We have previously sent a container of winter clothing and another with a 4×4 ambulance and food supplies. We have a small warehouse in Granton, but we are delighted that TRIM have offered use of the community shop to make it easier for people to drop off donations for this latest appeal.

“We are hoping to collect winter coats, boots, wellies and toiletries over the next few weeks with the help of the volunteer staff at TRIM. We hope this appeal will make a big difference to people who are living as refugees in tents in cold winter weather.”

syria_fenceCommunity Shop manager Robert Pearson said: ” We were delighted when Lisa contacted us asking for our help. I believe that residents will feel as though they are making a difference by giving something small. At this time of year many of us will buy a new coat, jumper, etc. and we are asking for you to drop your old ones off at the shop. Shop volunteers will be on hand to advise any resident who may have questions. Muirhouse Community Shop will NOT be accepting any cash donations for this appeal – we are purely accepting goods on this occasion.”

Tenants & Residents In Muirhouse (TRIM) 

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Get set for Inverleith's Christmas Charity Festival

The Christmas Charity Festival returns to Inverleith Park on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th December.

slide02The festival is an annual event which looks to raise lots of money for many local and national charities ranging from Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home to Simpsons Special Babies Unit. Councillor, Lesley Hinds will open the proceedings on the Saturday morning, while MSP Malcolm Chisholm will start off the proceedings for our Santa Toddle at 1pm.

This year’s programme includes:

Santa arriving on his sleigh pulled by real Reindeer to open the Festival.

On Sunday afternoon Santa and his reindeer will lead the Santa Toddle Parade from Stockbridge into Inverleith Park, where all the kids can get involved.

Choirs, brass bands and groups will entertain throughout Saturday whilst the public can browse the many charity and gift stalls or rest awhile in our refreshment area.

Come along to our annual Carol Service at 3pm on Saturday and afterwards be our guest and have free glass of warm mulled wine with a hot mince pie in our main marquee.

Santa’s Grotto will be open all day Saturday & Sunday. Book early as it tends to sell out fast, especially as Santa will have his real reindeer with him. Last year many said, “It is one of the best Grottos in Edinburgh!”

Our new “Toddle Tent” will be open all day Saturday & Sunday. Providing lots of things for the wee ones including; soft play area, card making, ginger bread decorating, storytelling and lots, lots more.

Brand new for this year, Santa’s Reindeer! Bring the little ones to see Santa and his real reindeer in their pen. Open from 10am Saturday & Sunday.

On the Sunday, Adults can also run in our 5K, walk or stroll in our 6mile Christmas Walk, for your chosen charity.


For more info visit or give us a call on 0131 208 2500

STV Appeal support for Edinburgh's Streetwork

Streetwork is one of ten youth projects to receive STV Appeal funding 

STVappeal logo

The STV Appeal has granted a total of £30,000 to support 10 projects across Scotland, in partnership with the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI).

One of the projects awarded a £3,000 grant is Streetwork in Edinburgh which works with vulnerable people on the streets providing street based outreach and one to one follow up support to enable a life beyond the street. Streetwork has been working with vulnerable people for over 22 years and through their outreach work aims to break the cycle of crisis and chaos for our most vulnerable people, including young people. The project was nominated by Drummond Community High School.

One of the service users, aged 17, met Streetwork while on the streets and explained the difference it made for him: “Streetwork gave me help in pointing me in the right direction and providing support that I needed. They helped me contact other agencies to help me sort out my flat and debt problems by helping me contact the right people.”

Managed in Scotland by The Wood Foundation, YPI is a UK and North America wide programme which engages young people in social change and empowers them to critically understand their local community.

YPI Scotland, which was delivered in 108 secondary schools across 18 local authorities during the 2013/14 academic year, asked students to research local need within their community and identify charities they felt were making a difference, before advocating on behalf of their chosen cause for the chance to secure the £3000 STV Appeal grant.

Ten winning projects have now been chosen by the STV Appeal to receive £3,000 each from the STV Appeal, all addressing child poverty at a local level:

VSA Young Carers (Aberdeen) nominated by St Machar Academy
Befriend a Child (Aberdeen) nominated by Hazlehead Academy
Streetwork (Edinburgh) nominated by Drummond Community High School
Children’s Holiday Venture (East Lothian) nominated by Knox Academy
Drumchapel Women’s Aid (Glasgow) nominated by Turnbull High School
Haldane Youth Services (West Dunbartonshire) nominated by Vale of Leven Academy
Petal Support (South Lanarkshire) nominated by Cathkin High School
Riding for the Disabled Arran Group (North Ayrshire) nominated by Arran High School
Inverclyde Foodbank (Inverclyde) nominated by St Columba’s High School
Govanhill Family Support Group (Glasgow) nominated by St Benedict’s High School

Now in its fourth year, the STV Appeal is determined to make an even bigger difference in the lives of children and young people living in poverty in Scotland. The money raised is distributed to provide practical help like food and warm clothes; create opportunities for training and employability; and enable social and emotional support for those who need it most.

Claire Gibson, CEO at Streetwork said: “It was a pleasure to support the students from Drummond Community High School in their Youth Philanthropy Initiative. The students were very impressive and immediately engaged with the work of Streetwork and the difference we make. The presentation from Drummond Community High was excellent and we were honoured to be awarded £3,000 towards our work with vulnerable young people in Edinburgh.”

Jonathan Christie, YPI Scotland Manager at The Wood Foundation, said: “The opportunity to work with the STV Appeal, and other likeminded partners, is central to the ongoing growth, development and success of YPI Scotland. Across our 140 participating secondary schools, over 18,000 young people will engage in YPI this year, directing a total of £440,000 to small, local charities; charities providing invaluable support in their community. We are delighted the STV Appeal has chosen to support these ten projects, whilst investing in both youth voice and community social action.”

Elizabeth Partyka from the STV Appeal said: “The ten winning projects all do fantastic work to support children and young people affected by poverty across Scotland. We have really enjoyed the opportunity to work in partnership with the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative and we hope the grants from STV Appeal will help each project make an even bigger difference in their community.”


Granton Food Bank: tons of support from Sainsburys customers



Sainsburys Blackhall would like to thank all our colleagues and customers for their support with our weekly collections of food for the Food Bank at Granton Baptist Church.

From January until the end of October Sainsbury customers have helped us distribute 9179kg (nearly 10 metric tonnes) to people and families in food crisis in this area. There were 521 visits to the Food Bank over this period.

Granton food bank said a big thank you again for Sainsburys Blackhall’s support.

Gail, Sainsburys Blackhall

DEC launches Ebola crisis appeal

DEC launches first ever appeal in response to disease outbreak
Ebola Getty
Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)  member agencies are scaling up their aid efforts in West Africa where they have already helped over 2.5m people affected by the Ebola crisis. The DEC launched its Ebola Crisis Appeal yesterday with appeals carried by all major UK broadcasters.
The urgent appeal for funds is essential to help member agencies intensify their efforts to stop the explosive spread of the disease and support those affected.
DEC Chief Executive Saleh Saeed said“Aid workers are on the front line in the fight against Ebola.  Some are facing great risk and local staff and partners are also being ostracised by their friends and families because people are so terrified.
“This is a price they are prepared to pay as they struggle to stop the spread of the disease and support those affected by the crisis.  They need your help NOW not only to support medical treatment but to bury the dead safely, care for Ebola orphans, help families disinfect their homes, provide food to people in quarantine and, critically, to teach communities how to keep themselves safe and stop the spread of Ebola.”
This is the first time in the DEC’s 50-year history that it has launched an appeal in response to a disease outbreak: an historic move that reflects the scale of the situation.
The Ebola outbreak is the most severe the world has ever seen: it has so far infected 10,000 people and killed nearly 5,000 more, with the World Health Organisation warning of up to 10,000 new cases a week by December if it is not contained.
All major UK broadcasters carryied the DEC appeal yesterday, including the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky. The appeal is also supported by other major DEC partners including ITN, BT, Post Office, British Bankers Association, Royal Mail, RadioCentre and NewsNow.
In addition to the 2.5 million people reached by DEC member agencies’ efforts, several hundreds of thousands more have been targeted by radio broadcasts and print materials containing life-saving messages on how communities can safeguard themselves from the disease.
Amongst the aid delivered activities so far include:
  • ActionAid has reached over 271,000 people in Sierra Leone and Liberia, delivering sanitation supplies to medical facilities, giving food and clothing to affected families and running public information campaigns.
  • British Red Cross partners have buried 3,595 victims of Ebola safely and with dignity across Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. They have helped to trace over 41,000 at-risk individuals.
  • CAFOD is giving food aid to over 9,000 quarantined families, providing sanitation materials and training faith leaders to raise awareness of safe burial practices.
  • CARE International has distributed hygiene packs to 1,100 vulnerable and quarantined households in Sierra Leone, reaching 53,000 people. The kits include soap, buckets fitted with taps and other essential materials.
  • Christian Aid is distributing food and hygiene kits to over 2,000 quarantined residents in Ebola hotspots and has reached 1.2 million people with awareness raising work, run by 900 volunteers using existing community networks.
  • Concern Worldwide is managing burial teams, educating communities on prevention methods and supporting district health workers. It has reached 170,000 people in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
  • Oxfam is providing hygiene kits, giving health and burial workers protective clothing, supplying water to treatment and isolation centres, and co-ordinating door-to-door awareness-raising campaigns. It has reached almost 500,000 people.
  • Plan UK is giving psychosocial care to children, and has distributed food and sanitation kits to nearly 45,000 people.
  • Save the Children are building and managing health and community care centres where Ebola sufferers can be isolated and treated. It is training health volunteers and providing medical supplies.
  • Tearfund is working with over 1,000 churches to curb transmission, reaching over 350,000 people with prevention advice and distributing 2,600 hygiene kits to families.
  • World Vision has reached 7,500 people in mosques and churches with disease prevention advice and is providing materials to health workers.
The DEC does not set fundraising targets for its appeals and is always grateful for whatever support the UK public are able to offer.  
To make a donation to the DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal visit or call the 24-hour hotline on 0370 60 60 900. You can also donate £5 by texting the word SUPPORT to 70000. 
What your money could buy: 
  • £25 can provide cleaning kits including bleach, soap and a bucket for three families at risk from Ebola.
  • £50 can provide basic protective clothing such as gloves, masks, boots and gowns for three volunteers supporting people under quarantine.
  • £100 can provide training to a community on how to keep themselves safe and help stop the spread of Ebola.
Stay up to date with developments in Ebola, the emergency response and the fundraising efforts with the DEC on twitter: or on Facebook via 
pictures: Getty Images