Charity fundraising? It’s a snip!

Little Princess Chrissie raises £1000 for children’s charity


Little Christina Downie heard her mum talking about a small charity and took it upon herself to do something to support other children. The six year old Forthview pupil decided to get her hair cut for charity – and she’s raised over £1000!

Proud mum Dawn explained: “Back in February Chrissie heard me talking about Little Princess Trust, a charity provides real hair wigs to children who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment. She told us that she wanted to help the charity and she came up with the haircut idea herself.

“She is a very kind wee girl who always thinks and cares about other people so when we saw how determined she was we knew she would see it through.

“We thought at first we might raise a hundred pounds or so, but people have been so generous. The school, neighbours, my mother’s workmates have all supported Chrissie and she’s raised over £1000, with still more to come!”


Christina’s Aunt Ashley, who’s a hairdresser, popped in to family’s West Pilton home on Friday to cut Chrissie’s hair. She took around eleven inches off the length – and that hair will soon be turned into gold for the Little Princess Trust!






When the snipping was over Dawn said: “It’s really nice but I feel a bit weird – Chrissie’s hair hasn’t been that short since she was about a year old!”

Fortunately wee Christina likes her new look. She said: “I look different and it feels funny at first but I’m glad I’ve had it done.”

Ah, well. Hair today, gone tomorrow! Fundraising? It’s kid’s stuff!

CHILDREN 1ST the real winners in Dragons’ Glen finale

‘Can Do’ attitude produces results for children’s charity

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The winner of the CHILDREN 1ST corporate charity challenge Dragons’ Glen will be announced on Wednesday (29 April) during a special ceremony at Edinburgh Castle to be attended by Roseanna Cunningham MSP. 

Now in its third year, Dragons’ Glen has seen ten teams from all over Scotland use their business skills to launch products and turn an initial investment of £500 into £5000 plus. All profits then go to CHILDREN 1ST, Scotland’s leading children’s charity.

During the challenge, the teams were mentored by leading Scottish business experts including Jo Bucci (Managing Director, People’s Postcode Lottery); Carolyn Jameson, Director, General Counsel for Skyscanner and Ken Lewandowski, formerly Local Chairman of Clydesdale Bank Financial Solutions Centres.

Teams and projects in the Edinburgh section up for this year’s award include:

  • BCF Technology Team B, who focused on fashion, selling designer T-shirts which used ethically-sourced materials.
  • Larbert High School’s main project was science experiment kits, complete with lesson plans, for primary schools to bring science to life for younger children.

Rosanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training, said: “Dragons’ Glen is a valuable exercise that has helped those involved learn some fantastic skills, aiding their careers for a long time to come. This is very much in line with our ‘Scotland CAN DO’ approach and I can’t wait to see what ideas they have come up with.”

Alison Todd, Chief Executive of CHILDREN 1ST, said: “From board games to hand warmers the teams have really used their imagination and come up with some great ideas and products. Dragons’ Glen is not just about team-building, learning new skills and having words of wisdom from top business gurus – this is about companies showing the difference they can make to vulnerable children and their families in local communities across Scotland. Thanks to everyone who took part.’’

Jo Bucci, Managing Director of People’s Postcode Lottery and one of this year’s Dragons, said: “It’s been a wonderful experience being involved and it has been so rewarding to see all the teams progress and develop into young entrepreneurs.”

Dragons’ Glen will be recruiting teams for this year’s challenge which will start in August. To sign up or for more details email or call 0131 319 1111.

Veterans launch Operation Ragnarok Icelandic Challenge

ONE month, FIVE volcanoes, TWO men – and a pick-up truck!


Two Edinburgh ex-Servicemen today (Tuesday 14 April) launched their challenge to raise as much money as possible for Poppyscotland. 

Operation Ragnarok will involve driving on tricky off-road terrain to the summits of five or six volcanoes across Iceland in a Mitsubishi L200 pick-up truck during the month of August.

At an event at the outdoor quarry area of the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena at Ratho, Matthew (Matt) McHugh (26) and Rhys Rowlands (29) undertook training for the treacherous conditions that they will face during their challenge, which included winching their pick-up truck, named Louis, on a rock face at a near vertical angle!

Matt trained as a mine clearance diver with the Royal Navy for two years but had to leave after being diagnosed with a heart condition. After discharge he received employment training support from Poppyscotland.

Rhys served with 2 SCOTS and retired from the Army last year following a serious leg injury sustained while on tour in Afghanistan.

Both men are passionate about the work of Poppyscotland and are raising funds to ensure that serving and ex-Service people and their families can receive support when they need it, both now and in the future. Their challenge is entirely self-funded which means that all money raised will be donated to Poppyscotland.

The name Operation Ragnarok is derived from an old Norse term that is interpreted as Final Destiny of the Gods and the pair are bracing themselves for a tough time ahead.

Matt said: “I have always wanted to see lava and, admittedly, there might be simpler ways to do this but tackling these volcanoes and reaching the summits is going to be a huge adventure and will test our endurance and stamina to the maximum.

“Raising money for Poppyscotland is just as important as the physical challenge. I was helped by the charity to train for a new career and I want to give something back so that they can carry on helping veterans lead fulfilling lives on their return to civilian life.”

Rhys added: “The rocky, off-road environment and varying climate of Iceland will test our resilience, and perseverance. The attributes and skills we learned in the military will help us to operate in this remote area but it will still be extremely hazardous. As a former soldier, Poppyscotland is a cause close to my heart and I really hope people will get behind Operation Ragnarok and donate as much as they can to help the charity continue to make a difference to those in need.”

VETERANS LAUNCH OPERATION RAGNAROK FOR POPPYSCOTLAND:  1 MONTH, 5 VOLCANOES, 2 MEN & A PICK UP TRUCKPoppyscotland’s events fundraiser Marianne Craig said: “We feel privileged that Matt and Rhys have chosen Poppyscotland to benefit from their fundraising efforts. It is a unique challenge and we admire them for their drive and determination.

“We need to raise money all year round to ensure that members of the Armed Forces community can get the help they need to get their lives back on track. We rely on the enthusiasm and imagination of supporters like Matt and Rhys to help us make a difference and we wish them all the best.”

Matt and Rhys have gained sponsorship and financial support from a number of businesses including JÖTTNAR clothing and Belmont Group. The pair are also grateful to Edinburgh Leisure for hosting the launch at EICA: Ratho.

People can donate at or text 70070 with the letters OPRK88£ and the amount you wish to donate.

Find out more at

Gearing up for Moonwalk – the hottest party in town

All aboard for MoonWalk’s tenth anniversary


The Walk the Walk Team was in St Andrew Square earlier today aboard the Lothian Pink Bus specially branded in The Mad Hatter’s Midnight Tea Party theme of this year’s event!

The MoonWalk Scotland is celebrating its tenth anniversary on 13 June at Inverleith Park and organisers breast cancer charity Walk the Walk are inviting everybody to join them by signing up for one of four different challenges all to raise money, raise awareness, get fit and have fun!

The excitement for the Hottest Party in Town is already building with The Red Hot Chilli Pipers set to perform to thousands of women and men as they enjoy the electric atmosphere before they start their Midnight Challenges.

Edinburgh Castle, Lloyds on the Mound and many other iconic buildings in Scotland’s Capital City will be lit up pink on the night in support of the wonderful walkers and volunteers.

If people feel a wee bit timid about taking their first step in a charity challenge, The MoonWalk offers The New Moon (6.55 miles) with children of 10 years and upwards allowed to take part.

Alice Ferguson , aged 12, says: “ Last year, when I was 12, I heard about the New Moon. I really wanted to take part. On the night everything made me feel so special, the atmosphere was so friendly and exciting. In Moonwalk City my mum and I got a massage, had some food, and danced until we began our journey through Edinburgh.

“I remember walking up towards the castle – it was lit up pink – and everything feeling so magical. I will treasure that memory. I am over the moon to be taking part again in this amazing event this year! The New Moon is a simple, fun thing to raise money for something that is definitely not fun and simple.”

Enjoy The MoonWalk Experience without the worry of walking a long distance but anybody looking for a larger challenge can still enter The Half Moon (13.1 miles), The Full Moon (26.2 miles) and Over The Moon (52.4 miles).

To find out more about Walk the Walk and The MoonWalk Scotland visit


Sports quiz support for Sick Kids

‘during these worrying times the Drop-In Centre is a haven’ – Michelle (mum)

Olivia and Ben at beachThe Sick Kids Friends Foundation (SKFF) is calling on sports fans to pit their knowledge against rival teams at this year’s Ultimate Sports Quiz to help the charity raise funds for the Drop in Centre at the children’s hospital. 

The Foundation is looking for supporters to enter teams of five or ten to battle it out at The Ghillie Dhu on Thursday 23 April, after last year’s event raised £10,700 for the hospital’s Wayfinding signpost system.

This year the charity aims to raise £18,500 for the SKFF Drop in Centre, which provides a non-clinical atmosphere where patients, siblings, families and friends can spend time together away from the hospital.

Last year the centre welcomed more than 650 patients and 1,700 parents, including the Harnwell family of Rosyth in Fife. Mum Michelle visits the Drop in Centre regularly when accompanying her 7-year-old daughter Olivia and 9-year-old son Ben (pictured top) to appointments at the RHSC.

Michelle said: “Olivia has cerebral palsy and as a result visits the Sick Kids regularly for crucial orthopaedic appointments. My son Ben also has acute lymphoblastic leukaemia so we visit the hospital every month so he can receive life-saving chemotherapy treatment and blood and platelet transfusions.

“During these worrying times the Drop in Centre is a haven – it’s somewhere you can go for a relaxing, reliable chat located within the hospital grounds. The team are second to none and their professional, empathetic and approachable nature always puts me at ease.

“As well as having the opportunity to meet with other parents who are going through a similar experience, the centre provides complementary therapy which helps keep you sane after spending hours in the hospital ward worrying about your little one.”

The SKFF’s Drop in Centre was the first of its kind in the UK when it opened its doors in 2006 and the funds raised from the Ultimate Sports Quiz will help to meet the £135,000 the charity invests in the centre each year.

SKFF supporters and sports buffs attending this year’s quiz will be treated to a drink and tasty supper before having the opportunity to get their hands on priceless sporting items at the event auction.

The quiz itself will be hosted by Scottish sport pundit Scott Wilson and quizmaster Johnny Craig.

Rachel McKenzie, head of voluntary fundraising at the Sick Kids Friends Foundation, said: “We’re very excited to welcome quiz teams from across Edinburgh to join long-time SKFF supporter Scott Wilson at the eighth annual Ultimate Sports Quiz.

“I know Scott will have no problem putting attendees’ sporting knowledge under the spotlight on what is sure to be a great night of fun and fundraising. There’s still time to secure your place and help us continue to fund a fantastic facility which benefits thousands of families each year, including the Harnwells.”

The SKFF’s Ultimate Sports Quiz takes place from 7pm on Thursday, 23 April at The Ghillie Dhu, 2 Rutland Street.

Tickets are priced at £45 per person, £225 for a team of five or £450 for a team of ten and can be purchased from Linda Cameron on 0131 668 4949 or

Putting the boot in for Fresh Start

Customised Doc Martens raise over £1000 in raffle for local charity Fresh Start 

Customised boots by Dr. Martens' Cobbs Lane Apprentice FrankieThe Dr. Martens Edinburgh team demonstrated its ongoing support for the local art and charity scene when they attended the fifth annual Scottish Tattoo Convention recently. 

The global footwear brand set-up shop alongside some of the world’s most renowned artists and entertainers at the Corn Exchange, in aid of the homelessness charity Fresh Start.

An impressive line-up of tattooists from the convention set to work in customising Dr. Martens’ product with an inked-based twist.

Making use of mixed-mediums, products were embellished with hand-drawn or painted designs as well as leather tattooing or etching, raising over £1,000 as part of a charity raffle – the proceeds from which will support people who have been homeless to resettle successfully.

Jenni, Jenny & FrankieDr. Martens Edinburgh store manager, Jenni Birrell said: “After a huge success last year, we are so pleased that this year has been equally as triumphant. The team are big fans of tattoo culture – myself included – so being a part of the convention is a perfect fit.

“We selected Fresh Start as our chosen charity for the second year running because of the close work they do in helping the city’s community and it’s important to us to do our bit on a local level.”

Keith Robertson, Managing Director of Fresh Start, said: “We are delighted that Dr. Martens has chosen to support Fresh Start once again at such a well-attended international event. Each year we provide goods and support to over 2,000 of the most vulnerable households in Edinburgh and this is only possible due to the support we receive from the wider community.

“Dr. Martens’ support will enable us to help people who are moving into an empty tenancy with the goods they need to make their house a home.”

Fresh Start


Student fashion show raises funds for charity

Edinburgh College students organise fundraising fashion show for people with dementia

Megan Fairley, Laura Presly, Sara Penn and Zoe Fraser.

Edinburgh College events management students have staged a fashion show featuring people with dementia as models to raise funds for Alzheimer Scotland.

Service users, carers, staff and volunteers at the charity’s Fife Dementia Resource Centre in Kirkcaldy strutted the catwalk as models at the event, which was organised by a team of four college students -Sara Penn, Laura Presly, Zoe Fraser and Megan Fairley.

The team raised more than £700 for Alzheimer Scotland with the fashion show, which formed part of their coursework for their BA (Hons) Event Management. The four students named their project team Icon Events and organised the show with the support of their lecturers.

BHS, Wallis, Dorothy Perkins and New Look provided clothes for the fashion show, while a local salon donated handbags and accessories.

Edinburgh College events students have organised 37 events this year, each raising vital funds for a variety of charities.

Team member Sara suggested Alzheimer Scotland as their charity as she regularly volunteers at the Resource Centre alongside her mother and grandmother. Both Sara and Laura’s family members have been affected by the disease, which affects more than 86,000 people in Scotland.

DSC_0119Alzheimer Scotland’s deputy regional manager for Fife and the Forth Valley Anne Buchanan said: “This is a great example of inter-generational working and will help to raise awareness of dementia, as well as raising funds for us so we can continue to provide the range of activities, advice and support for people living with dementia and their friends, families and carers.”

Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia organisation in Scotland. The charity campaigns for the rights of people with dementia and their families, and provides an extensive range of innovative and personalised support services. The Fife Dementia Resource Centre provides information and support to carers and service users including drop-in information cafes and day care.

Edinburgh College offers a range of events management courses from introductory level to the BA (Hons) course, the last year of which is delivered by Queen Margaret University.  Applications are currently invited for these courses and more than 900 other courses across the curriculum offered by Edinburgh College and starting in August on its four campuses.

See for more information on how to apply.


Hearts and Save the Children partnership is ‘the perfect match’

‘I’ve been involved in some important signings in my time at Hearts, but this is perhaps the most significant’ – Hearts Director of Football Craig Levein.

perfect match

Hearts will wear the Save the Children name on their kit for the next three years after agreeing a partnership with the international charity.  Announcing the agreement – the first of it’s kind in British football – club owner Ann Budge said  the new partnership is a ‘win-win-win’ for everyone involved.

The deal, which was made possible by an anonymous group of ‘big-hearted’ philanthropists, will see a seven-figure sum shared between Hearts and Save the Children. The Gorgie club’s own charity Big Hearts will also receive a donation to support their work in the local community.

Thanking those mystery supporters, Ann Budge said: “Through their enormous generosity they have agreed to provide funds at a level which more than removes the need for a commercial shirt sponsor.”

The Hearts owner told HeartsTV:  “It’s been an amazing few weeks. A few days ago we were celebrating what we had achieved on the field, and now we’re celebrating what we’ve achieved – or at least one of the achievements -, off the field.

“It’s not a commercial sponsor that we have on our shirts, but we’ve achieved terms through this agreement that more than equate to that. So we have lost nothing by having no commercial sponsor and gained everything, in my view.

“Its very pleasing to hear that reaction to the partnership has been overwhelmingly positive. I personally can’t see any downside to this; I think it’s a win-win-win for everybody. I’m delighted that the fans are happy.”

Director of Football Craig Levein added: “It’s amazing, isn’t it? I’ve been involved in some important signings in my time at Hearts, but this is perhaps the most significant.

“It’s such a great match, a perfect match as they’re saying. It’s such a good story and pretty much in line with things that are coming out of the club just now, since Ann’s taken over. I’m really proud to be part of it.”

Spanish giants Barcelona have a sponsorship deal with Unicef (United Nations Children’s Fund) (Unicef) until 2016 but Hearts’ shirt deal with a charity partner is the first of it’s kind in British football.  News of the agreement has been warmly welcomed across Scottish football and it’s now likely that, like Hearts adoption of the Living Wage, other clubs will try to follow Hearts lead.

SPFL Chief Executive Neil Doncaster said: “Heart of Midlothian is to be congratulated on their sporting success this season; and also on this exciting new partnership, which will bring welcome additional funds into the Scottish game‎ as well as to the most worthy of causes.”

A Scottish FA spokesperson added: “We commend Heart of Midlothian for today’s announcement, which demonstrates the strength and value of Scottish football in helping to tackle society’s inequalities, especially among vulnerable groups. Such innovative thinking and partnership also plays a significant part in reinforcing the reputation of the national sport in Scotland.”


Abseil allies!

CHAS bridge03

Macmillan Cancer Support and Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS) joined forces this week to appeal for adventurous supporters in and around Edinburgh to abseil from the Forth Rail Bridge on Sunday 7 June. 

The challenge, which is run and organised by the Rotary Club of South Queensferry, will see the charities most daring fundraisers sponsored to freefall abseil 165ft from the iconic Forth Bridge onto the beach below.

Local Fundraising Manager, Jayne Forbes, from Macmillan Cancer Support and CHAS Fundraiser, Laura Campbell, visited the Bridge ahead of the event to encourage people to sign up and support them.

Laura said: “As the official charities for the abseil, brave participants can elect to support both Macmillan and CHAS and have their funds split equally between us. This is a great event and a fantastic way to support two deserving charities!”

Jayne added: ‘We’d both like to thank the Rotary Club of South Queensferry for organising the abseil and choosing us as the main charities. We’d also like to thank those who have signed up already as well as encouraging more people to take up the challenge! Both our organisations rely heavily on public donations and we couldn’t provide the valuable services we do without people participating in events like these.’

Macmillan helps people in many ways, from specialist nurses and doctors, to help and advice for people who have financial worries as a result of their cancer diagnosis.

CHAS is the only charity providing hospice services in Scotland for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions.

For more information and to sign up, contact Macmillan on 0300 1000 200 or email

Record-breaking resident Rascal seeks new home

One thousand days in care for Rascal the snake


A snake who has become the Scottish SPCA’s longest resident is looking for a home after 1000 days in care. Scotland’s animal welfare charity is hoping to find the right home for Rascal, a California kingsnake who arrived at their Edinburgh Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre in the summer of 2012.

Assistant manager Kenny Sharpe said, “Poor Rascal has been with us for nearly three years and has attracted very little interest. He arrived in our care after he was found behind a kitchen unit in Bathgate. A lot of people are put off by his appearance but we know there are plenty of reptile enthusiasts out there who will appreciate Rascal for the stunning creature he is.

“Rascal has a good temperament for a kingsnake and we are looking for an owner with previous snake experience to take him on. Snakes have specialist care requirements and should not be rehomed on a whim so we would certainly urge any would-be owners to do their research.”

Anyone who can offer Rascal a new home is being urged to contact the Scottish SPCA’s Edinburgh centre on 03000 999 999.