SCSC: New figures highlight 145 children waiting more than a year for mental health treatment

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, has raised concerns that 145 children and young people have been waiting more than a year for mental health treatment.

These figures were highlighted in the latest waiting time statistics from Public Health Scotland published yesterday (4th March), indicating that 145 children and young people had been waiting over a year for treatment from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in the quarter ending December 2024.

This is an increase from 115 in the previous quarter ending September 2024.

In addition, 4,362 children and young people were waiting to start treatment at quarter ending December 2024, which is an increase of 3.1 per cent (131) compared to 4,231 in the previous quarter

On a more positive note, 90.6 per cent of children and young people started treatment within 18 weeks of referral. The Scottish Government target, dating from December 2014, states that 90 per cent of children and young people should start treatment within 18 weeks of referral to CAMHS. This has been achieved for the first time.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, cases of poor mental health in children and young people were at unprecedented levels, with under-resourced services struggling to keep pace with growing demand, leaving an increasing number of vulnerable individuals unable to access support

However, it should be noted that despite this greatly increased demand, only 0.82 per cent of the total frontline NHS budget was spent on CAMHS in the 2023/24 financial year, amounting to £134.188 million (real terms). This equates to just 82p in every £100 of the NHS budget. 

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “The latest figures highlighting that 145 children and young people have been waiting over a year for mental health treatment is extremely alarming.

“We are facing a mental health emergency, and many of our children and young people are at breaking point, with stress and anxiety reaching alarming levels as they battle with the long shadow of lockdown and the rising cost of living.

“This is also having a major effect on classroom behaviour, impacting the young people concerned, their fellow pupils and staff.

“Each one of these statistics is an individual, and we would urge the Scottish Government ensure the adequate resourcing of mental health services for our children and young people so that they can get the care and support they need, without lengthy waits.”

‘Encouraging progress’ as child mental health waiting times target met

The national standard on waiting times for children and young people accessing mental health services has been met for the first time.

Latest Public Health statistics show 90.6% of those who were referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) were seen within 18 weeks from October to December– the Scottish Government standard is 90%.

The figure is an increase from 89.1% for the previous quarter and from 83.8% for the same quarter in 2023.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Maree Todd said: “This continued progress is testament to the dedication of the staff who work so hard to help the children and young people they care for.

“We want everyone to get the support they need, when they need it. Clearly, reaching the national standard is encouraging but I know there is much more to be done if this is to be sustained and consistent across Scotland.

“However, we are on the right path and the £123 million we have allocated to NHS Boards this year will mean the quality and delivery of all mental health services – including CAMHS – will continue to improve.”

Responding to the latest CAMHS referral figures, Children First chief executive Mary Glasgow said: “While the progress on meeting CAMHS waiting times should be applauded, it shouldn’t deflect attention from the still growing mental health crisis among Scotland’s children and young people.

“Numbers of referrals to CAMHS have risen by almost a fifth and our teams across Scotland are seeing rapidly rising levels of worry and anxiety among the children and young people who come to us for support.

“The fact remains that children are often not getting support until they are in severe distress. This must stop.  

“The Scottish Government must invest more in early help and support to prevent children reaching crisis point.” 

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) waiting times – Quarter ending December 2024 – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) waiting times – Publications – Public Health Scotland

Scotland’s national children’s charity urges the public to protect the future of Scotland’s children

With worrying levels of children experiencing anxiety, distress and fear, this children’s mental health week, Children First is asking people to leave a gift in their Will to help protect the next generation of children in Scotland.

With Scotland’s children in the grip of a mental health crisis, Scotland’s national children’s charity predicts their support services will be needed more than ever.

In November, the charity revealed that nearly 100 referrals a day were being made to child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) across Scotland, following a freedom of information request (FOI). More than 60 percent of people who call Children First’s national support line are worried about a child’s emotional wellbeing.

The charity has launched a campaign asking the public to make their legacy a brighter future for Scotland’s children.

Michelle Supple, director of fundraising, marketing and communications at Children First, said: “There is a childhood emergency in Scotland and an increasing need for the vital services we offer children and families across Scotland.

“By leaving a gift in your Will to Children First, you are leaving a legacy to protect Scotland’s children and give them a brighter future, a gift for generations.

“These special gifts ensure we can keep babies, children and young people safe and help them recover from trauma today, tomorrow and in the years to come.”

For over 140 years Scotland’s national children’s charity has protected children from harm and supported them to recover from trauma and abuse through its national and local services, including a support line for anyone in Scotland who is worried about a child.

Thanks to gifts left in Wills to Children First, young people  can have a better future, due to the emotional and practical support the charity provides for children and young people to recover and move forward after difficult experiences.

Reflecting on their experience with Children First, one young person said: “Children First really helped me. I’ve grown more confidence, have volunteered at a mental wellbeing group and got my first proper job.”

Anyone interested in leaving a gift in their Will to Children First or receiving a free legacy guide can visit

Children First’s new legacy advert began airing on STV yesterday, which you can view here: 

‘Continued improvement’ in child mental health waiting times

Best performance since national target was set – but charities say targets are still being missed

Almost 90% of children and young people accessing mental health services started treatment within 18 weeks of referral from July to September – the best performance since a national target was introduced a decade ago.

Latest Public Health statistics show 89.1% of those who were assessed as suitable for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) were seen within 18 weeks – the Scottish Government target is 90%.

The figure is up five percentage points on the previous quarter and 13.5 percentage points on the same quarter the previous year.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Maree Todd said: “We are working hard to ensure that everyone gets the support they need, when they need it, so the continued improvement in CAMHS waiting times is very welcome.

“These positive figures are testament to the dedication of the staff who work so hard to help the children and young people they care for. While the national standard applies only to each quarter, it is also encouraging that the highest ever monthly performance – 91.3% was recorded in September.  

“However we know there is still more to do, which is why we have provided local authorities with more than £65 million, since 2020, to develop and deliver community-based mental health support for children, young people and their families. We have also invested £16 million a year to work towards ensuring every secondary school in Scotland has access to school counselling services.”

Children 1st Chief Executive, Mary Glasgow.

Responding to the latest CAMHS quarterly waiting list figures, Children First chief executive Mary Glasgow said: “Today’s figures show thousands of children are still in desperate need of support.

“It’s a decade since the Scottish Government committed to 90 percent of CAMHS referrals being seen within 18 weeks. This target has still not been met. 

“Our teams across Scotland are supporting young people who are frightened, worried, anxious and need help now. The fact remains that children are often not getting support until they are in severe distress. This must stop.  

“Ahead of tomorrow’s budget, the Scottish Government must invest more in early help and support to prevent children reaching crisis point.

We want to see more funding so that families can quickly get support for their children when they need it.” 

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, is calling on the Scottish Government to deliver a budget for mental health tomorrow (4th December).

The call comes as the latest waiting time figures from Public Health Scotland published today (3rd December), indicate that 115 children and young people had been waiting over a year for treatment from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in the quarter ending September 2024.

The figures also show that a total of 4,231 children and young people were still stuck on waiting lists to start treatment at the end of that quarter.

This comes against the background of an increasing level of violent incidents in the classroom, a result in part due to the current mental health emergency, exacerbated by the long shadow of the Covid lockdown and cost-of-living crisis.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, cases of poor mental health in children and young people were at unprecedented levels, with under-resourced services struggling to keep pace with growing demand, leaving an increasing number of vulnerable individuals unable to access support

However, it should be noted that despite this challenging situation, only 0.75 per cent of the total NHS budget was spent on CAMHS in the 2023/23 financial year.2 

Indeed, spend on mental health services generally has declined by 4.5 per cent in real terms over the past three years.

The SCSC is calling the Scottish Government to up its game in the budget and make the treatment of mental health issues a key national priority, prioritising spending and avoiding a potential lost generation of children and young people with mental health problems.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “The latest figures highlighting that more than 4,200 children and young people are still waiting for treatment from mental health services, with 115 waiting over a year, is extremely alarming.

“We are facing a mental health emergency and many of our children and young people are at breaking point, with stress and anxiety reaching alarming levels as they battle with the long shadow of lockdown and the rising cost of living. This is also having a major effect on classroom behaviour, impacting the young people concerned, their fellow pupils and staff.

“Each one of these statistics is an individual, and we would urge the Scottish Government to up its game and make the adequate resourcing of mental health services for our children and young people an absolute priority in the forthcoming budget.”

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in NHSScotland for the quarter ending September 2024.

Children First uncover staggering 100 referrals a day for child mental health support

In the run up to Christmas, Children First is calling for action to address Scotland’s child mental health crisis after a recent freedom of information (FOI) request revealed a ‘staggering’ 100 referrals a day, on average, are being made to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). 

Scotland’s national children’s charity has described the figures as ‘a sad reflection of growing up in Scotland today’ after they declared a childhood emergency last month. At the time, a survey carried out by the children’s charity found 88 percent of adults were worried about children and young people’s mental health.  

Children First chief executive, Mary Glasgow, said: “The fact that a staggering 100 referrals for children are being made for children’s mental health support daily is a sad reflection of growing up in Scotland today. This Christmas thousands of children will wake up full of fear and worry. 

“Scotland’s children should be safe, loved and happy – not robbed of their childhoods. This must stop. As a nation we have a responsibility to protect their mental health and wellbeing and to ensure they receive the support they need. 

“We are calling on the Scottish Government to roll out more early help and support to stop children reaching crisis point and asking the Scottish public to get behind our Christmas fundraising campaign to protect Scotland’s children and keep them safe.” 

The news comes a week before the latest quarterly CAMHS waiting list statistics are released and a decade on from the Scottish Government committing to 90 percent of CAMHS referrals being seen within 18 weeks. That target has never been met.  

Mary Glasgow continued: “Ten years on the Scottish Government has not kept its promise to stop children getting stuck on waiting lists and children are often not getting help until they are in severe distress. We want to see more funding so that families can quickly get support for their children when they need it.  

“Our teams across Scotland are supporting young people who are frightened, worried and anxious and in desperate need of help.” 

One young person, Tessa* who was suffering panic attacks, anxiety and fear during a difficult time at home, shared her experience of being supported by Children First: “After I met Sharon* from Children First I felt that I had someone to turn to.

“I could talk to her and share my feelings with her. She helped me learn to cope with my anxiety. Before then I’d been bottling up everything but having Sharon to talk to felt like a weight off my shoulders.” 

Glasgow added: “At Children First we provide emotional, practical and financial support to help children and families when they need it most.

“We know Christmas time can be a strain for many families and the support we provide is needed now more than ever. We want children to have hope and a brighter future. Please donate today and give the gift of childhood this Christmas.” 

Donations to the Children First Christmas appeal can be made at or by calling 0345 10 80 111. 

Anyone worried about a child in Scotland can contact the Children First support line by calling 08000 28 22 33 for free or visiting

You can read Tessa’s full story here: Tessa’s story | Children First 

*Names have been anonymised to protect the identity of the young person quoted. 

Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity: ‘No Time To Wait’

Charity head: New children’s mental health service has “the potential to be transformational”

  • ECHC reports promising data showing children and families benefiting from ‘The Haven’ 
  • No Time To Wait pilot service attracts almost 1,300 visits in first six months  

A new pilot service set up to tackle the mental health crisis facing children and young people in Scotland has released promising data showing the numbers benefitting from its service in the first six months of operating. 

Developed by Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC), ‘The Haven’ wellbeing and resilience service opened at The Fraser Centre in Tranent in September 2023. It is the first centre to open under the Charity’s ‘No Time To Wait’ strategy.

The Haven aims to support families with children struggling with their mental health and prevent problems escalating to the point where professional intervention is needed.

It is open for three afternoons a week and has attracted 1,264 visits in the first six months. 

Roslyn Neely, CEO of ECHC said: “Children and young people in Scotland are in the midst of a mental health crisis, a crisis which doesn’t just impact the child, but the whole family who feel they have nowhere to turn. 

“We are staggered by the number of people we have been able to support through The Haven, and the impact the service has had on young people and their families. It really does have the potential to be transformational.

“We truly believe there is no time to wait. Allowing the mental health crisis to escalate just wasn’t an option.”

The service was developed in response to ECHC’s research which found that over half (59%) of Scottish families have a child who has experienced a mental health concern. It is hoped the service will be scaled and delivered in community settings and available to all children struggling with their mental health, and their families, across Scotland.

The Haven is open to any child or young person with a mental health concern, and any member of their family, including parents, carers, siblings and grandparents. It offers support in a relaxed and informal setting and provides interventions including family support groups, signposting, fun activities and a drop-in service for those who may just need a cup of tea and a listening ear.

Roslyn Neely added: “While we are humbled by the results of the first six months, this is just one pilot service in one small town. We want to see a Haven available for every child who needs it, in every community.”

The Haven is being piloted in Tranent for two years to ascertain the scale of demand. It is modelled on the charity’s existing Hospital Hub, which delivers very similar interventions to children and families visiting Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP).

At its best, The Haven may negate a family’s need for future access to medical support, alleviating the pressures on Scotland’s CAMHS.

Fiona O’Sullivan, Director of Children’s Wellbeing at ECHC, said: “The Haven exists to support the whole family; the child, the parent, the grandparent, the auntie, the carer, whomever is closest to the child in need. 

“We have supported people suffering from a range of issues including anxiety, depression, self-harming, challenges with education and school attendance, and eating disorders. Without any medical intervention we have provided young people and their families coping mechanisms to deal with these issues, and crucially, we are seeing positive results.”

Coalition calls for political consensus as more than 460 children wait more than a year for mental health treatment

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, is calling on all Scotland’s political parties to come together and make mental health a key focus.

The call comes as new waiting time figures out yesterday (6th June), highlight that 469 children and young people had been languishing on waiting lists for more than a year for treatment from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) at the quarter ending March 2023.1

Indeed, just 74.2 per cent of patients with mental health problems were seen within 18 weeks of referral to CAMHS, with more than a quarter waiting longer than this time. This is short of the Scottish Government’s waiting time target of 90 per cent being seen within 18 weeks. 1

The new figures indicate that it has failed to deliver a key pledge to clear waiting lists by March 2023, as outlined in the NHS Recovery Plan.2

Figures also show that as many as 7,701 children and young people were still stuck on waiting lists to start treatment at the end of the quarter ending March 2023, an increase of 138 on the previous quarter ending December 2022.

The new figures are set against the backdrop of a mental health emergency, which is set to worsen given the cost-of-living crisis and services already at breaking point.

The SCSC is calling on a cross party approach to prioritise spending on mental health, avoiding a potential lost generation of children and young people with mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression and self-harm.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, cases of poor mental health in children and young people were at unprecedented levels, with under-resourced services struggling to keep pace with growing demand, leaving an increasing number of vulnerable individuals unable to access support. Children and young people are still battling with the long shadow of lockdown, and the rising cost of living is adding to the pressure.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “The latest figures highlighting that more than 460 of our children and young people have been languishing on waiting lists for treatment more than a year is extremely alarming.

“Disturbingly, this means that the Scottish Government has totally failed to achieve its pledge to clear waiting lists by March 2023, leaving many thousands of children and young people waiting for treatment.

“Even before the Covid-19 pandemic demand for already overstretched and under-resourced mental health services was increasing. The mental health of our children and young people has deteriorated markedly over the past decade, and both the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis are making matters even worse, creating a potential lost generation of vulnerable children and young people.

“We are facing a mental health emergency and many of our children and young people are at breaking point, with stress and anxiety reaching alarming levels as they battle with the long shadow of lockdown and the rising cost of living.

“We must make the delivery of adequately resourced mental health services for our children and young people an absolute priority and would urge all of Scotland’s political parties to come together and make this a reality.” 

Public Health Scotland, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: Waiting Times in Scotland, Quarter Ending December 2022, 7th March 2023. Dashboard. Available at:

2 Scottish Government, NHS Recovery Plan, 25th August 2021. Available at: (accessed 2nd September 2021).

NHS Lothian launches innovative digital Wellbeing Hub

NHS Lothian Children’s Services is giving thousands of children and young people across Scotland access to important wellbeing resources with the launch of a new digital Wellbeing Hub.

Following the launch of the new Children’s Services website, a Wellbeing Hub has been developed to provide an interactive, engaging platform with expert support for young people aged 12–17 in Scotland. A children’s section for 5–11-year-olds has been launched at the same time.

The Wellbeing Hub was designed in collaboration with 10 key partners including CAMHS, the Children’s Rights Commissioner for Scotland, Young Scot, Chalmers Sexual Health Services, and Sleep Scotland who were all instrumental in providing outstanding resources and offering guidance in the development of a Wellbeing Hub that would be fit for purpose for children and young people across Scotland.

The new hub features a wealth of information to support a young person’s physical and mental wellbeing with topics such as anxiety, body image, social media, sleep, healthy relationships and consent featuring on the website.

The Wellbeing hub also incorporates Children’s Health Scotland’s SMS self-management service, advice about drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and support for young carers.

Young people will be able to access tools and resources, including top tips, videos and animations to help manage their own wellbeing.  With an increasing focus on the benefits of youth work, the Hub also includes a tool to ‘Find a Youth Club’ along with how to speak to a youth worker while in hospital.

NHS Lothian worked with Passion4Social, a social enterprise that nurtures the talent of people with disabilities, to develop and build the site with funding made available through Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity.  

Zoe Paige, Project Manager, Children’s Services, NHS Lothian, said: “Protecting and providing for the wellbeing and health of children and young people is a priority for the Children’s Services at all times and we know that there is a growing need for people to have digital choices if they are struggling and need to reach out, and the pandemic has only made this need more urgent. 

“Colleagues and partners have been eager to bring helpful content together and make our Wellbeing Hub a reality.  It was really important that we made our Wellbeing Hub as engaging and interactive as possible.

“The Wellbeing Hub encourages young people to feel empowered to seek out information on many things they might be struggling with or need advice online within a few clicks.

“The Children’s Services team at the RHCYP are always looking for ways to improve access to wellbeing support and we’re proud to continue to expand our Children’s Services website to support children and young people and their families. We have ambitious plans for its continued development.”

Professor Cathy Richards, Lead Clinician and Head of Psychology at CAMHS, said: “At CAMHS, we are thrilled that children, young people and families in the Lothians and across Scotland will benefit from access to the Wellbeing Hub.

“Young people who use the new platform can access mental health resources and information that are designed to keep them engaged and they can find recommendations for additional resources based on their needs.  

“The new hub contains information that has been created or recommended by the NHS Lothian CAMHS Psychology team. This includes some newly developed online information sessions for parents on supporting children with anxiety and access to computerised CBT.” 

Leanne Hughes, Communications Officer, Healthy Respect (Chalmers Sexual Health Services), said: “Young People can sometimes be embarrassed or unsure about accessing Sexual Health Services.

“We hope that the Wellbeing Hub will help to normalise using our services and highlight what is available locally for those 13+. The hub signposts to key Sexual Health information and resources in a way that makes sense to young people.” 

Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, said: “Children and young people have the right to good healthcare, to have decisions made in their best interests and to be a part of those decisions. They should also get all the information needed to make choices about care. 

“Good healthcare means that children can get the care they need, when they need it and that adults support them to get all of their human rights. The Wellbeing Hub will help children grow in confidence and understanding about the rights that they are entitled to in healthcare settings and will signpost them to extra support.”

Alyson O’Brien, Sleep Services Manager at Sleep Scotland, said: “Sleep Scotland is delighted to be working with the Wellbeing Hub.

“Children’s Services are committed to the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Scotland, and we wanted young people to understand that a lack of sleep can be detrimental to their physical and mental wellbeing.”

Find out more information on @LothianChildren. These channels will share the latest news and updates from the Wellbeing Hub.

Call for Scottish budget for mental health as figures show over 1,900 children have been waiting over a year for treatment

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of children’s services, has called for a Scottish Budget for mental health. It urged greatly increased investment in mental health services against a backdrop of concerns over a mental health pandemic as the impacts of Covid-19 on the young become clearer.

The call comes as new figures published today (7th December 2021) from Public Health Scotland indicate that at the end of September 2021, 1,978 children and young people had been waiting over a year for treatment from specialist child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) provided by the NHS.

This figure represents a doubling from September 2020 (959).They also represent 16.7 per cent of those waiting for specialist treatment. 

With already under-resourced and overstretched services facing overwhelming pressure due to increased demand, the SCSC has raised concerns over a potential “lost generation” of vulnerable children and young people whose mental health is being impacted by Covid-19. 

Even prior to the pandemic cases of poor mental health were at unprecedented levels and in crisis, and there are a growing number of vulnerable children who cannot access adequate support.

While 3,792 children and young people were treated over the period July to September 2021 by CAMHS, only 78.6 per cent were seen within the Scottish Government’s waiting time target for the NHS of 18 weeks from referral to treatment (met for at least 90 per cent of patients). Nine out of 14 health boards failed to meet this target.

Waiting times (with adjustments) for people who started their treatment from July to September 2021, by NHS Board of treatment.

Health boardTotal number seen% seen within 18 weeks
NHS Scotland3,79278.6
NHS Ayrshire & Arran38199.5
NHS Borders7755.8
NHS Dumfries & Galloway8133.3
NHS Fife34083.8
NHS Forth Valley8764.4
NHS Grampian39294.9
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Valley1,02175.5
NHS Highland17076.5
NHS Lanarkshire18368.3
NHS Lothian66167.9
NHS Tayside35284.1
NHS Island Boards47100.0

In addition to increased investment in mental health services through a Scottish Budget for mental health, the SCSC has called for a renewed focus on expanded prevention and early intervention services, reducing the need for referral to costly specialist CAMHS.

It has also called for greater partnership working between the public, private and third sectors as well as greater awareness of the services on offer, especially those at a community level.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “We are urging the Scottish Government to make the forthcoming budget a Budget for mental health for our children and young people.

“For some time we have raised concerns over a potential lost generation of vulnerable children and young people, whose mental health is being impacted even further by the Covid-19 pandemic.  It is more important than ever that children can access the support they need, when they need it, irrespective of where they live.

“To achieve this there must be a radical transformation of our mental health services, investing in specialist services and with a focus on preventing such problems arising in the first place and intervening early.

“This is a crisis we can overcome, but it will require a similar energy and commitment to that demonstrated for Covid-19 if we are to achieve this and prevent many young people giving up on their futures.”

Holyrood Committee launches inquiry into health and wellbeing of children and young people

An inquiry has been launched into the health and wellbeing of children and young people by a Scottish Parliament Committee.

The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is seeking to find out the key issues around health and wellbeing for children and young people in Scotland. They will investigate what the challenges and opportunities are for improving their health and wellbeing, and how addressing poverty can lead to improved health and social care outcomes.

The inquiry will focus on 4 key areas:

• Child poverty (including the Scottish Government’s current child poverty delivery plan), inequality and adverse childhood experiences;
• Issues affecting care experienced young people;
• Mental health, access to Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and the importance of early intervention;
• Health and wellbeing in schools

Speaking as the inquiry launched, Gillian Martin MSP, Convener of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, said: “There are a whole host of factors which impact the health and wellbeing of our children and young people, and our Committee will consider these in detail.

“The physical and mental toll of the pandemic on children and young people cannot be overstated and we know that prior to this pandemic there was already a high and
increasing demand for youth mental health services in Scotland.

“As we emerge from the pandemic and with the Scottish Government’s current child poverty delivery plan due to run until 2022, our inquiry comes at a pivotal time. We are determined to find out how children and young people can best be supported to live healthy and flourishing lives.”

You can let the Committee know your views here: 

Inquiry into the Health And Wellbeing of Children And Young People – Scottish Parliament – Citizen Space

The call for views will close on 7 December 2021.