UNISON, the union representing Edinburgh Council workers, will lobby the City of Edinburgh Council’s budget meeting this morning, calling on the Labour/SNP administration to expose ‘the human cost of yet more massive Government cuts.’ Continue reading Councillors urged: Stand Up for Local Services
Tag: budget cuts
Granton Youth Centre: Community Meeting
We are holding a short community meeting on Tuesday 2nd February from 5.30pm in the Main Hall at GYC to raise awareness and discuss issues and concerns regarding the City of Edinburgh Council Revenue Grant budget cuts and finances moving forward for GYC.
Young people, volunteers, staff and the wider community have been invited to attend and we warmly invite yourself. The purpose of this meeting is as follows:-
1. Information regarding City of Edinburgh Council Budget Cuts
2. Impact on GYC’s work, services and staff.
3. How you can continue to support GYC in 2016/2017
4. Contacting Edinburgh Council on behalf of GYC, to raise concerns
We sincerely hope you can come along and offer any input on the evening.
If you are able to attend we would appreciate it if you can please let us know by return email.
0131 467 5854
Granton Youth Centre, 3-11 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1HG
Local groups unite to say: NO CUTS!
Edinburgh Council is planning to cut millions from its budget over the next three years. These cuts will affect all our public services.
We say
to our schools, nurseries, community centres, youth services, libraries, museums, social and day care services.
Join local groups and communities from across Edinburgh to save our services on budget day.
Thursday 12 February 2015
8.30 am – 9.45 am
City Chambers, High Street.
For transport to and from the Chambers call Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700.
Stop the cuts. Save our Services. Defend public sector jobs.
North Edinburgh is standing together and fighting back.
Womens International Group
Power to the People Group
Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Anti-cuts meeting goes ahead tonight
The anti-cuts meeting will take place tonight at 6.30 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. We hope to finish by 8pm.
Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance will be there to give us an update on what’s happening in other parts of the city and local councillor Cammy Day will join us after his surgery to answer any questions you might have about the proposed budget cuts and how they will affect our area.
We will then discuss plans for the mass lobby of the Council on 12 February when the budget will be set.
We hope you can join us.
Anna Hutchison
On behalf of WIG (Womens International Group)
Council budget cuts: meeting at Royston Wardieburn next week
See below for relevant Council reports:
Letter: Not BOLD, cuts!
Dear Editor
We are thoroughly disgusted with Edinburgh councillors who were elected to represent the interests of their constituents. They have chosen to abdicate their responsibilities by quietly accepting from National and Scottish governments reductions to their forthcoming budget, instead of maintaining budgets to increase funds to sustain services within Edinburgh.
They are asking Edinburgh citizens to decide what cuts should be made to meet budget reductions . They have introduced doublespeak by talking about Better Outcomes Leaner Delivery (BOLD) which in effect means cuts.
They are aiming to cut £22 million from the 2014/15 budget. Local communities should not be asked to decide where cuts are implemented; this is the responsibility of councillors . How dare they put the onus on Edinburgh citizens when they are morally and financially responsible?
Employees from the City Council are demonstrating how to access this survey which is totally unacceptable . Councillors call them savings – they can only be described as cuts which we are sure the people of Edinburgh are opposed to.
Anna Hutchison
(by email)