Catch Up with a Cop at Stockbridge Market today

The next Catch Up with a Cop at Stockbridge Market will be held today – Sunday 30th June, from 1100 hours.

This 3 -weekly surgery is a chance to speak to your beat officer, report crimes/issues/intel, or obtain advice. People are also welcome to bring children along to meet a police officer and ask us questions.

It’s been a useful resource so far this year for many people, and the North West Community Policing Team would like to thank Stockbridge Market for hosting them.

It’ll Cost You!: Campaign launches to tackle youth street drinking


That’s the stark message of a campaign running across this summer in collaboration with retailers, alcohol companies and Police Scotland.

Evaluations of the previous “It’ll Cost You!” campaigns have shown a steady increase in awareness about the implications of supplying alcohol to minors, but it remains a serious issue with 18 detections being made during the course of last year’s campaign.

It is an offence in Scotland for an adult to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for someone who is under the age of 18. This is known as proxy purchase and can result in a fine, imprisonment or both.

The “It’ll Cost You!” campaign is a collaboration between Police Scotland, the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership and Community Alcohol Partnerships aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under 18s.

This year’s campaign will run from 1 July to 12 August across Scotland.

Superintendent Joanne McEwan, Police Scotland, said: “This campaign showcases the benefits of key partners working together to inform the public of dangers associated with underage drinking, as well as the criminal consequences for supplying those under 18 with alcohol.”

Luke McGarty, Chair of the SAIP Campaigns Group and Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Scottish Grocers Federation, said: “Proxy purchasing is not an easy crime to detect and retailers are the first line of defence in reducing underage drinking and anti-social behaviour linked to alcohol.

“The “It’ll Cost You!” campaign fits perfectly with SGF’s position of promoting responsible community retailing. We look forward to continuing to work with our partners on the campaign again this year.”

Grahame Clarke, Community Alcohol Partnership Coordinator, said: “The campaign gives us an opportunity to spread the “It’ll Cost You!” message in local communities, highlighting the dangers of buying alcohol for young people.

“We look forward to working with Police Scotland and the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers to make sure that this messaging is carried through all our engagement activity this summer.”

Siobhain Brown MSP, Minister for Victims and Community Safety, said: “I welcome the return of a campaign that successfully illustrates the value of strong collaboration and regular engagement between partners, which help to deliver shared aims to help reduce underage drinking and anti-social behaviour in our communities.”

Twelve year old boy charged after threatening Morningside shop staff

Following an attempt shoplifting incident in Morningside yesterday (Thursday 25 April) police officers traced a 12-year-old boy who has now been charged with making threats of violence towards staff.

Community Sergeant Jen Macgregor said: ‘Behaving and acting in a threatening and abusive way will not be tolerated by our communities.

“Our officers continue to deal with any reports robustly and work tirelessly with families, schools and partners to deter such incidents.

“Please check in with your kids when they’re out and about to ensure they are safe and not involved in anti-social-behaviour or criminality.’


Nine teenagers charged with 77 antisocial behaviour offences

Following a number of recent anti-social-behaviour incidents in the Morningside and Bruntsfield areas, 9 people between the ages of 13-14 years have been identified and charged with 77 offences relating to ASB offences.

Community Inspector Scott Casey of St. Leonard’s Police Station said “ASB is a blight on our communities and I recognise the fear it causes.

“It will not be tolerated in south-east of Edinburgh and my team and I are committed to tackling it and bringing those responsible to justice.

“I would encourage members of the public who are experiencing such issues to get in touch with my team via 101 or you can contact Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.”

Castlebrae summit discusses fireworks disorder

A summit on fireworks between the Council, partner agencies, community representatives, local MPs, MSPs and councillors took place yesterday (December 18) at Castlebrae Community Campus in Niddrie.

This follows the significant level of disorder seen in the city on Bonfire Night (November 5), particularly in the Niddrie area, where emergency services were attacked with fireworks, petrol bombs, masonry, and other missiles.

Since then, 26 people have now been charged with a total of 51 offences and police investigations remain ongoing.

The summit, hosted by Council Leader Cammy Day, discussed the events of this year, and looked ahead to how we address Bonfire Night and fireworks use in the future. This included our preventative community work alongside partners, the future implementation of Firework Control Zones (FCZs) and other strategies. Work is already well underway in these areas.

There will be a further summit in March 2024.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: It was really useful to come together and discuss our collective approach to Bonfire Night and broader fireworks use.

“Unfortunately, in recent years, Bonfire Night has become something of a focal point for potentially life-threatening disorder and violence. This year had the distinction of clear planning and premeditation on the part of those attacking police in Niddrie, which is a deeply disturbing development. I fear that unless we take decisive action now it is only a matter of time before we see serious injuries or even deaths on a future Bonfire Night.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to our fantastic emergency services colleagues who do an excellent job in keeping us all safe.

“I believe that we need to go further and ban the public sale of fireworks, such is the unprecedented risk to public safety and order. Whilst this may seem unfair to the majority of people who celebrate and use fireworks responsibly, what we have seen this year necessitates such a response. I’ll also be looking into whether we can help provide organised displays in the city, so our residents can enjoy fireworks in a safe and secure way.

“We need to face these challenges head on, and I look forward to further summits in the New Year.”

Bonfire Night disorder: 27 arrests, 53 offences as investigations continue

Twenty-six people have now been charged with a total of 51 offences following bonfire night disorder seen in Edinburgh on Sunday, 5 November, 2023.

A further individual will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal in connection with two charges, meaning a total number of 27 people have been identified for 53 offences.

The ages of those range between 12 and 34 years of age, with the majority aged in their mid to late teens.

A total of 31 charges against 15 individuals relates specifically to the significant disorder seen in the Niddrie area.

Within this, two men, aged 29 and 27 have been charged in connection with inciting violence. They are alleged to have filmed the events on mobile phones while encouraging youths to be violent towards police.

A 31-year-old man and a 34-year-old woman were also charged in connection with supplying fireworks to youths.

The charges are a result of an extensive investigation which has been ongoing since bonfire night by a dedicated team of officers.

Chief Inspector Kieran Dougal said: “The events of bonfire night, especially in the East of the city, were wholly unacceptable.

“The scenes experienced are not reflective of the Niddrie community as a whole and were acts carried out by a minority.”

Read the full update at:

5th November disorder: More Arrests

Eight further people have been charged in connection with bonfire night disorder seen in Edinburgh on Sunday, 5 November.

Two male youths, both aged 15, have been charged in connection with preparing petrol bombs and firing fireworks at police in the Niddrie area.

Six other male youths, all aged between 14 and 16, have been charged in connection with possession of fireworks and associated disorder in the Southhouse/Gracemount areas.

Work remains ongoing to establish the identities of others involved and a number of others have been identified.

Officers continue to appeal to the public to provide any information that can help with ongoing enquiries.

There is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows:

Chief Inspector Kieran Dougal said: “The disorder seen in the capital on bonfire night was completely unacceptable and these charges show our continued commitment to identifying and tracing those involved in the incidents.

“Our investigation continues and I would urge the public to continue to help us with that by reporting any information to 101, or send it to the portal link. Alternatively you can call Crimstoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.”

Bonfire Night disorder: More Arrests

POLICE investigating the violent disorder in both Edinburgh and Glasgow on Bonfire Night have arrested a further seven people and identified as least 14 others.

Two arrests had already been made on the night, bringing the total to nine since Sunday, 5 November, 2023.

In relation to the disorder in the Niddrie area, a 31-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman were arrested and charged with fireworks offences and were released on an undertaking to appear in court at a later date.

An 18-year-old man and a 13-year-old boy were also both arrested and charged with culpable and reckless conduct and being in possession of a weapon. The 18-year-old will appear in court at a later date and the 13-year-old was reported to the relevant authorities.

Fourteen others have also been identified for the disorder in the Edinburgh area, and work is ongoing to establish the identities of others.

In Glasgow, a 17-year-old man was arrested and charged with assault and being in possession of a weapon. Two men, aged 16 and 17, were also arrested and charged with assault. Reports will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Enquiries continue into both incidents and further arrests are expected. We continue to appeal for information from the public with major incident portals set up for both Glasgow and Edinburgh where the public can submit information, including videos and images.

For disorder in Edinburgh there is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows:

For disorder in Glasgow there is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows:

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam said: “We are continuing our enquiries into the significant disorder we experienced on bonfire night. These arrests are just the start, and we expect to make more in the coming weeks.

“We took a robust stance, and I am proud of the courage, discipline and professionalism that officers showed in the face of the violence that night.

“A number of our officers sustained minor physical injuries, however we are also aware of the mental impact that dealing with such significant levels of violence can have and will continue to support all officers affected.  Nobody deserves to be injured in this way for doing their job. An emergency worker is also someone’s son, daughter, husband or wife.”

If anyone has any information that can help us in our investigation, then please contact 101 or send it in via the respective portal link. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.

Police: Attacks on buses

POLICE have recently received a number of reports of youths throwing objects at buses in the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh. This behaviour is extremely dangerous and has the potential to cause serious injury.

Lothian Buses provide an essential public service. Removing damaged buses from service and diverting public transport from the area has a negative impact on the local community.

Police Scotland will continue to work in partnership with Lothian Buses to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and identify those responsible.

If you see or know of anyone engaging in this reckless behaviour, please contact police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Tackling antisocial behaviour

New drive to keep communities safer

Preventing and addressing antisocial behaviour will be the focus of a new independently chaired working group being set up by the Scottish Government.

Members will look at the current approach and make recommendations on what long-term changes can be made to reduce such behaviour and support victims. It is expected that the group will provide regular updates and present their conclusions to Ministers by the end of 2024.

The new group was announced following the publication of a joint report on antisocial behaviour by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Community Safety Network.

Community Safety Minister Siobhian Brown, who is bringing together the working group, said: “We want everyone to be, and feel, safe in their community and we are committed to tackling all forms of antisocial behaviour.

“Reported antisocial behaviour has broadly been in decline over the last decade, but the recent disorder on Bonfire Night, in particular, has shown that where issues arise, these can have a very serious impact for many people.

“The report published today recommends that we need to consider how we best develop our long-term approach to preventing and addressing this type of behaviour. That is why I will be convening an independently chaired working group. I

“t is nearly 20 years since the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 was introduced and it is right that we examine whether this remains fit for purpose and that we assess our wider approach.

“I am grateful to those who took part in the engagement work with the Scottish Government and the Scottish Community Safety Network and shared their views and experience of antisocial behaviour. This report will inform the work of the new group.”

Director of the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice Fiona Dyer, who will be one of two chairs of the working group, said: “I am really looking forward to working with colleagues to support the prevention of antisocial behaviour across Scotland.

“Research demonstrates the vital importance and value of better engaging, enabling, and supporting individuals and their communities to reduce incidents of antisocial behaviour.  

“Through encouraging actively social behaviour within local communities, we can collectively address current issues and develop an inclusive and effective strategy that Scotland will be proud of.”

Joint co-chair Lorraine Gillies, Chief Officer at the Scottish Community Safety Network, said: “Ultimately, we believe victims will experience less antisocial behaviour with a changed approach, making our communities safer places.

“We believe in taking evidence-based approaches to what works to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour, focused on tackling root causes and working together with communities to find solutions.

“I welcome the publication of our co-authored report – written in partnership with the Scottish Government – and the announcement of an independent working group, set up to review antisocial behaviour in-depth. I look forward to pursuing this work and, in doing so, improving people’s lives.”

Reviewing Scotland’s Approach to Antisocial Behaviour