Stop and Search: Section 60 authorised in city centre and Leith ahead of Sunday’s derby match

POLICE have responded to a number of incidents of football-related disorder and violence in Edinburgh in recent months. As a result, Chief Superintendent David Robertson has authorised the use of powers under Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

This allows officers to stop and search people where this is appropriate and necessary, either in vehicles or on foot.

This power allows officers to require the removal of any item the officer believes is being used wholly or partly for the purposes of concealing their identity.

The Section 60 stop and search power will be in force in various areas, including the city centre and Leith, from 10.30am to 4.30pm on Sunday, 2 March,2025.

It will be used responsibly and when justified to help prevent disorder and serious violence.

Chief Superintendent David Robertson said: “Over the past few months, we have responded to several incidents of disorder and violence linked to football events in Edinburgh.

“Attacks on police officers, possession of offensive weapons or dangerous instruments, and attempts to evade justice by concealing their identity will not be tolerated. Our officers will take all necessary action to ensure public safety.

“This type of behaviour impacts the local community and the vast majority of football fans who simply want to enjoy these events safely.”

New powers to clamp down on anti-social behaviour in England

New Respect Orders will see repeat perpetrators of anti-social behaviour subject to tough restrictions

Hooligans who wreak havoc on local communities will face tough restrictions under new powers announced by the Home Secretary today.  

Meeting a manifesto pledge to crack down on anti-social behaviour, the new Respect Orders will give the police and local councils powers to ban persistent offenders from town centres or from drinking in public spots such as high streets and local parks, where they have caused misery to local people. These will be piloted prior to national rollout to make sure they are as effective as possible.

Perpetrators can also be required to address the root cause of their behaviour by being mandated to undertake positive rehabilitation, such as attending drug or alcohol treatment services, or an anger management course to address the underlying causes of their behaviour. 

Failure to comply with Respect Orders will be a criminal offence. Police will have the ability to immediately arrest anybody who is breaching their Respect Order.

Police will also be given stronger powers to seize vehicles involved in anti-social behaviour will also be strengthened, with officers no longer required to issue a warning before seizing the vehicles which bring misery to local communities. 

This will allow police to deal more swiftly with the scourge of off-road bikes in public parks and dangerous e-scooters on pavements, street racing and cruising. It will also assist the police in tackling car meets, which can see hundreds of cars gather in public spaces that often include loud aggressive engine revving and intimidating music. 

Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper said: “Too many town centres and neighbourhoods across our country are being plagued by anti-social behaviour, be it street drinking, harassment or vandalism on the high street or noisy and intimidating off-road bikes terrorising our estates.

“Antisocial behaviour chips away at communities’ sense of confidence and pride, undermines local businesses and can have a devastating impact on victims.  

“This cannot be allowed to continue. Respect Orders will give police and councils the powers they need to crack down on repeated anti-social behaviour, keeping our communities safe and ensuring repeat offenders face the consequences of their actions. We will also make it easier to seize the vehicles causing misery in too many neighbourhoods, including deafening off-road bikes or e-scooters ridden dangerously on the pavement. 

“These new powers alongside thousands more neighbourhood officers and PCSOs will help this government deliver on our mission to take back our streets.”

As well as prison sentences of up to two years, criminal courts will also be able to issue unlimited fines and community orders, such as unpaid work, and curfews as punishment for breaching a Respect Order. This will ensure that the most serious offenders are dealt with before their behaviour can escalate and cause further harm.

The new powers will be introduced as part of the forthcoming Crime and Policing Bill, partially replacing existing Civil Injunction powers for adults, to ensure a wider range of penalties as breaches will be dealt with in the criminal courts, alongside the new power of arrest. Existing legislation will be amended to allow the police to seize nuisance off-road bikes – and other vehicles which are used in an anti-social manner – without having to first give a warning to the offender.

Enhanced powers will complement the government’s commitment to restoring neighbourhood policing in England and Wales. The Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee will bring back police patrols to town centres, recruit thousands of additional officers to neighbourhood roles and ensure every community has a named local officer to turn to.

Deputy Chief Constable Andy Prophet, National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Anti-Social Behaviour, said: “I welcome the introduction of Respect Orders and stronger powers to seize vehicles being driven in an anti-social manner.

“Respect Orders will give the police and councils the ability crack down on those who persistently make our streets and public spaces feel unsafe. I am pleased to see the ability to ban offenders from our high street and parks, with a power of arrest for those who ignore such direction, as well as the power to require individuals to seek help for underlying causes of their poor behaviour such as drug or alcohol misuse.

“Similarly, giving officers the option to immediately seize vehicles from those who use their vehicle in an anti-social manner is welcome addition to the powers available to officers to crack down on ASB and make our street safer.”

Harvinder Saimbhi, ASB Help CEO said: “As the national charity that supports victims of ASB, we regularly hear from victims who share with us the impact and harm they experience from repeated incidents of ASB.

“We welcome the approach of addressing the root causes of the anti-social behaviour which will in turn work towards reducing reoffending rates, therefore bringing respite to victims and communities. We are keen to see how the respect orders will be implemented.”

Three charged following Bonfire Night disorder

Three people have been charged in connection with offences that took place in Edinburgh on Bonfire Night.

On Thursday, 7 November, officers investigating the significant disorder in Calder Road arrested a 38-year-old man following an incident where fireworks were set off within a common stair in Dunsire House North.

The male will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday, 5 December.

A 13-year-old boy was then arrested today (Friday, 8 November) in connection with vandalism that took place at the Macklin Motors car dealership on Calder Road that resulted in damage estimated at over £20,000 being caused to vehicles.

He will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Tuesday, 10 December.

During the evening of Bonfire Night, a car was observed stopping amongst a group of young people, who then took possession of a quantity of fireworks from inside the vehicle. These were then used to cause disorder and antisocial behaviour within the Gracemount area.

As a result of inquiries to trace the driver, a 40-year-old man was also arrested today and he will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Tuesday, 10 December.

Detective Chief Inspector George Calder from Edinburgh CID said: “We made it clear following the disorder that put our communities in a state of alarm on Bonfire Night, that we would be unrelenting in our pursuit of those responsible and these arrests are just the first of many, as we continue to pursue various positive lines of inquiry.

“You might think you have evaded arrest, because we’ve not yet come to your door, but we will be doing so imminently.

“The public still have a vital role to play in helping us identify everyone involved in the criminality that took place on 5 November by providing us with photographic, or video evidence, via our Major Incident Public Portal.

“Please submit your footage to”

Criminal investigations begin following Bonfire Night disorder

Police Scotland’s criminal investigations into Bonfire Night disorder began yesterday, with detectives across the country following positive lines of inquiry to identify those responsible.

Certain areas of Scotland experienced significant levels of disorder, with the Niddrie, Calder Road, Gracemount and Moredun areas of Edinburgh and the Pollokshields area of Glasgow being the most adversely affected.

In each of these regions, local policing teams and other emergency services required the assistance of Operation Moonbeam assets to tackle violence and damage being caused by large groups of youths who threw fireworks and other projectiles at officers, vehicles and public property. Fires were also set in some of these areas, causing fear and alarm to the local communities.

Other isolated incidents involving the reckless or criminal use of fireworks were also reported in various parts of both cities, including a report of 21 cars being damaged by fireworks at a car dealership in Calder Road, Edinburgh.

In Glasgow, officers and colleagues from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service had to respond to large number of unauthorised bonfires being lit and were met with large groups of hostile youths upon their attendance.

All of these offences continue to be investigated.

Between Thursday, 31 October and Wednesday, 6 November, a total of 19 arrests have been made throughout Scotland in connection with firework offences. Six people have been charged under the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles Act, while a further 26 charges have been brought against individuals for associated criminality. Further arrests are expected in the coming days.

A Major Incident Public Portal has also been established, allowing communities to share video and photo evidence of Bonfire Night offences taking place in their area. Anyone with footage that can assist officers in identifying people involved in fireworks-related crime can submit it to:

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam, said: “Now that our Bonfire Night deployments have stood down, our investigation teams will begin reviewing all the evidence we obtained through Body Worn Video, Air Support Unit footage and statements from the public.

“This will help us establish the identities of those who chose to cause harm within our communities and who sought to attack and injure emergency service workers.

“While I am encouraged that we didn’t see the same levels of serious disorder, when compared to last year, I am under no illusion that that actions of a minority of individuals still had a significant and detrimental impact on various communities across Scotland.

“Their actions will not be tolerated, and detectives are working tirelessly to make arrests and ensure all of those involved in the offences we witnessed are brought to account.”

Chief Superintendent David Robertson, Divisional Commander for Edinburgh, added: “I made it clear following the incidents that occurred during the evening of Halloween that we’d leave no stone unturned as part of our investigations and I am reaffirming that statement today.

“Law-abiding members of the public living in Niddrie, Calder Road, Gracemount and Moredun were left terrified as serious disorder took place in their communities and vital bus services that allow safe travel across our city were violently attacked, which is entirely unacceptable.

“I am enormously grateful and immensely proud of all of the officers and staff who contributed to Operation Moonbeam.  Colleagues worked tirelessly behind the scenes and on the front line, putting themselves in harm’s way to restore order and return these areas to a state of normality as quickly as possible, but the work begins now in terms of identifying and arresting everyone responsible.

“If members of the public have information or evidence that can help with our inquiries then please contact us immediately.”

Chief Superintendent Lynn Ratcliff, Divisional Commander for Greater Glasgow Division, said: “The overwhelming majority of those within Glasgow chose to enjoy Bonfire Night in the proper spirit. However, groups of young people, motivated to cause the maximum amount of fear and alarm carried out targeted disorder in certain parts of the city.

“This put not only local residents at risk, but meant police officers, fire service personnel and ambulance crews were in danger of being injured, as they responded to protect communities. Thankfully, however, no injuries were reported.

“Detectives across Glasgow are reviewing all evidence they obtained during Bonfire Night, and working with the public to gather more information, which will help bring these offenders to justice.

“If you believe you can assist with our ongoing inquiries then please get in touch.”

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service received more than 1,000 calls from the public during an eight-hour period on Bonfire Night

There were also six reported attacks on crews within three hours, however no injuries have been reported.

Two attacks took place in Clydebank, two in Glasgow, one in Edinburgh and one in Blackridge, West Lothian.

Initial figures indicate that crews responded to approximately 347 bonfires across the country between 3.30pm and 11.30pm on Tuesday, 5 November. 

In the run up to the event, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) had appealed to the public to be aware of the dangers of both fireworks and unsafe bonfires with a message to consider the impact of their actions on communities and emergency services.

Andy Watt, Deputy Chief Officer for SFRS said: “I would like to pay tribute to the professionalism and resilience of our frontline crews.

“Operations Control firefighters answered over 1,000 calls tonight and have once again worked tirelessly to ensure we respond to those who need us the most.

“Unfortunately, several of our crews came under attack across Scotland, with six attacks within three hours. Crews were bombarded with missiles and fireworks while responding to emergency incidents.

“These attacks prevent our crews from bringing any emergency to a safe and swift conclusion, and can impact on our emergency service colleagues – including the police when they must escort us at the scene. 

“This type of behaviour is, of course, carried out by a very small minority and we once again thank our communities for their continuing support and working together with us to stay safe across the Bonfire period.”

Bonfire Night: Police report a fall in number of serious incidents


Incidents of serious disorder during Bonfire Night have fallen this year.

In 2023, specialist resources as part of Operation Moonbeam were deployed on 26 separate occasions during the evening of 5 November. This year, 18 deployments were required during the same period.

The overall number of fireworks-related calls has remained consistent to previous years, however, the number of officers injured has reduced significantly, compared to last year.

During the Operation Moonbeam deployment for October and November 2023, a total of 62 officers sustained injuries after being targeted with fireworks and other projectiles.

To date, one officer was injured on Halloween evening after a brick was thrown through the window of her police vehicle in Edinburgh. No further injuries to officers have so far been reported. One person has been arrested and charged in relation to this assault.

During the evening of Tuesday, 5 November, officers in Edinburgh responded to various incidents of youth disorder in Niddrie, Sighthill and Moredun.

Large groups gathered in these areas before throwing fireworks, bottles and bricks at police vehicles and other cars. Two fire service appliances were also attacked during this time.

No injuries to emergency service workers or members of the public were reported.

Various parts of Glasgow also experienced pockets of disorder, with youths witnessed throwing fireworks at members of the public, vehicles and police officers. There were also four incidents of fire appliances being subjected to attacks when responding to calls. Again, however, no injuries were reported.

In Peterhead a pyrotechnic device was ignited within a skate park in Aalesund Road at around 9.20pm. Those responsible then made off in a van before striking a 33-year-old male pedestrian and fleeing the scene.

The male was treated by paramedics at the scene but did not require further medical attention. Inquiries to identify the suspects are ongoing and anyone with information is asked to come forward.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam said: “I firstly want to recognise the outstanding courage and professionalism of all of those emergency service workers who put themselves in harm’s way to keep communities safe.

“Their actions ensured that some of the challenging scenes we witnessed this year did not escalate into mass disorder, on the scale of what we experienced last year.

“Nevertheless, the levels of violence and aggression police officers, fire service and ambulance service personnel faced in some areas was wholly unacceptable and a significant investigative response is now underway to identify each and every one of those involved and bring them to justice.

“In advance of Bonfire Night 2024, local policing teams across Scotland have worked diligently with local authority and third sector partners to make positive in-roads with communities and identify some of the root causes that lead to disorder.

“In addition, this engagement has resulted in an increase in the intelligence we have received from the public, allowing us to take preventative enforcement action before crimes could occur.

“Throughout Operation Moonbeam, we have utilised all legislation and policing powers at our disposal and we will continue our discussions with local authorities and Scottish Government to explore further opportunities for reducing fireworks offences for next year and moving forward.”

Police act following intelligence of planned firework-related disorder

Following intelligence relating to planned disorder and firework related crime in Moredun, Niddrie and Gracemount tonight, Police will be utilising Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act.

Please report any concerns about firework related criminality to the police.

“Stones were rattling off the side of the fire appliance”


Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

An Ayrshire firefighter has recalled stones “rattling off the side” of a fire appliance as he and his colleagues came under attack ahead of Bonfire Night last year.

Crew Commander Jonny Milliken was leading a response to a spate of grass fires in Troon on 3 November 2023 when his crew were turned on by youths attempting to climb the fire appliance and throwing bricks and stones at them.

CC Milliken, an on call firefighter, said he and colleagues are “local people trying to do their best for their town” and shouldn’t face this type of behaviour.

He said: “The stones were rattling off the side of the fire appliance.

“We decided to keep all crew inside the appliance to ensure their safety. After being bombarded with stones, we had to retreat and leave the area.

“The last thing I wanted as a Crew Commander was for anyone to get injured.

“We are well aware antisocial behaviour comes from a very small minority, but we were all completely shocked.”

“As on call firefighters, we live and work in our community. All the firefighters that attended that incident were from Troon.

“We are just local guys trying to do the absolute best we can for our town. We are real people, with real lives in our local community and we deserve to be respected and allowed to do our job properly.”

5 November is typically one of the busiest nights of the year for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) and last year, firefighters across Scotland came under attack nine times in eight hours.

SFRS received 892 calls on Bonfire Night in 2023, with Operations Control staff mobilising to 355 bonfires.

Crews working to protect communities across Scotland want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable Bonfire Night and the public is being urged to attend public events wherever possible and a list is available on the SFRS website. This is by far the safest way to watch fireworks.

Statistics released by Care of Burns in Scotland (COBIS) show that 37 people accessed emergency treatment between 4 and 6 November last year for fireworks related injuries.

Deputy Chief Officer Andy Watt is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Director of Prevention, Protection and Preparedness. He said: “We want people to enjoy themselves at times of celebration, but we want them to do so safely and think of others, including our crews who are working hard to respond to emergencies. 

“Bonfires and fireworks go hand in hand at this time of year, and we advise people to go to an organised event wherever possible. This is the safest way to enjoy firework displays and bonfires.” 

Community Safety Minister Siobhian Brown said: “Fire crews and other emergency services workers do an outstanding job protecting communities over the Bonfire Night period and any attack on them is utterly despicable.

“Such assaults endanger 999 workers and can prevent crews from reaching those in emergency situations who desperately need help.

“Attacks on 999 crews using fireworks or pyrotechnics are aggravating factors that courts can take into account when sentencing offenders.

“We have also introduced a ban on providing fireworks to under-18s and provided local authorities with powers to designate firework control zones within their boundaries. These new powers will be used for the first time this year in areas across Edinburgh over the Bonfire Night period.”

SFRS encourages everyone to attend public events in their area. If deciding to have a display at home, is encouraged to make sure they are aware of the environment and the Fireworks Code.

It is essential to read all packet instructions on each firework, light fireworks at arm’s length and stand well back. Never return to a firework that has already been lit.

It is illegal for anyone to supply someone under the age of 18 with fireworks. Additionally, it is illegal to set off fireworks in public spaces, such as streets, roads and parks.

Fireworks are restricted in terms of use between 6pm and 11pm, and this is extended until midnight on November 5.

Additionally, for the first time, there are Firework Control Zones implemented in Balerno and in the Niddrie, Seafield and Calton Hill areas of Edinburgh. This means it is against the law to set off fireworks at any time between the 1st and the 10th of November.

SFRS also encourage anyone who may be having a bonfire at home to ensure it is kept away from buildings, vehicles and trees. Any bonfire which is unsafe, or where people are behaving irresponsibly, will be extinguished and made safe.


Our Multi-Agency Control Room in Edinburgh is in operation over the next two days for Operation Moonbeam.

Specialist resources are on hand to support local policing teams across the country in responding to fireworks-related crime taking place.

On Thursday, 31 October, a 14-year-old boy was charged in connection with fireworks offences, following reports of disorder in the Capital. A 17-year-old male was then arrested on Sunday, 3 November, following an attack on a police vehicle in the Niddrie area of the city, where an officer was injured.

He has been remanded in custody for the next seven days.

Our officers are out in communities to keep the public safe. Please help us stop fireworks offences and attacks on emergency service workers.

If you have any information about planned offences, contact us on 101 or make an anonymous report to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Crimestoppers: Support your emergency services staff

Emergency Service workers will be exceptionally busy over the next week as we work together to combat issues that can arise from the misuse of fireworks and illegally lit bonfires.

As we have already seen, workers will be verbally and physically injured as a result of this.

Crimestoppers are running a campaign across Scotland that aims to help prevent deliberate fires and Bonfire Night attacks on Scotland’s Police, Fire and rescue, and Ambulance services during fireworks season.

If you have any information on the misuse of fireworks or any planned disorder, please report anonymously via Crimestoppers and do your bit by keeping your community safe.


Police statement: Halloween horror


Police in Edinburgh are continuing with their inquiries to identify those involved in disorder that took place across various parts of the city last night on Halloween evening.

Local officers, supported by specialist colleagues from Operation Moonbeam, responded to the Hay Avenue area of Edinburgh, where groups of youths were involved in a range of offences involving fireworks.

While in attendance, police vehicles were also attacked with fireworks and other projectiles, including bricks.

A police officer was injured after the window of the vehicle she was within was struck by a brick, causing the window to smash.

Further incidents of fireworks related disorder were also responded at Moredunvale Road, Southhouse Road and Captains Road as well as West Pilton Park, where a number of busses were targeted.

A 14-year-old male has been arrested and charged in connection with fireworks offences. Further enquiries are ongoing to identify those involved in the disorder.

Following intelligence relating to planned disorder, a warrant was executed at an address in Magdalene Gardens during the afternoon of Thursday, 31 October. A quantity of fireworks and two cans of petrol were recovered from inside. Enquiries into this recovery are ongoing.

Chief Superintendent David Robertson, commander for Edinburgh Division said: “The disorder witnessed this evening was carried out by a minority of individuals intent on causing fear and alarm within their communities and subjecting emergency service workers to horrific levels of violence and aggression.

“Thankfully, local policing teams were bolstered with specialist colleagues, who helped bring these incidents to a safe conclusion and investigations are underway to identify everyone who was involved.

“I want to make it clear to anyone who thinks they will evade justice because they weren’t apprehended this evening, they are very much mistaken. You will be identified during our inquiries, and you will be held to account for your actions.

“Our local policing teams will continue to be supported by Operation Moonbeam resources over the next week to ensure any further incidents of disorder or fireworks-related criminality are appropriately dealt with.”

Anyone with information is asked to come forward and enquiries are continuing to identify those responsible.

The public are thanked for their assistance and support during our response.

Council Leader calls for tougher measures against nuisance fireworks and disorder


Council Leader Cammy Day yesterday repeated his calls for a complete ban on the public sale of fireworks and tougher sentences for those misusing them and causing public disorderbut trouble flared up in Niddrie last night.

Councillor Day said:We all remember vividly the shocking scenes we saw last year with emergency services being attacked while trying to do their jobs. And more recently the appalling reports of violence and antisocial behaviour with buses and cars coming under attack.

“Whilst this isn’t an issue unique to Edinburgh, or indeed Scotland, I’m clear that this sort of behaviour has no place in our city.

“It’s long been my view that we need to ban the public sale of fireworks, given the potential risk to health, if misused, but also the unnecessary fear and alarm they cause in our communities. 

“I will be writing to my colleagues in the UK Government to request a review of the legislation, as well as the Crown Office to ask for tougher sentences for those found guilty of committing these crimes.

“I’m determined to do everything within our power to prevent a repeat of last year. Earlier this week I chaired the latest multi-agency meeting with colleagues, the police and fire service as part of our ongoing preparations, and the implementation of our firework control zones, which come into effect tomorrow (1 November).

“In addition to FCZs, we’re also increasing patrols from our waste services to collect items that could potentially be set alight.

“Bonfire Night should be an opportunity for communities to come together to celebrate and spend time together. I would urge everyone in the city to only attend organised displays and look out for one another.

“Please work with us and our fantastic emergency services to help make it a safe and enjoyable occasion this year. If you witness any criminality, please call the police on 101.

“I want to thank our emergency services once again for the professional and measured way they carry out their duties under the most difficult of circumstances. Police officers, firefighters and paramedics have a tough enough job already without being subjected to violence and abuse.

“Please show them the respect they deserve this Bonfire Night.”

Chief Inspector Mairi Creanor added:We know that certain areas of Edinburgh experienced unprecedented levels of disorder during Bonfire Night last year, and because of this a significant number of officers responding to the incidents that arose sustained a range of injuries.

“The unacceptable actions of a minority of individuals left communities in a state of alarm and put the safety of emergency service workers at serious risk of harm.

“Such offences cannot and will not be tolerated and detailed planning has been undertaken since last year to ensure we have appropriate resources in key areas and can provide additional support should they be required.

 “It is an offence to use fireworks in any manner within a Fireworks Control Zone and we will take appropriate action against anyone in breach of an FCZ over the Bonfire Night period.

“This is just one of the tools at our disposal and we’ll continue to work with key partners to keep our communities safe and bring those intent on causing harm to justice.”

Firework Control Zones will come into effect in four areas of the city – Niddrie, Calton Hill, Seafield and Balerno – from 1 to 10 November, making it a criminal offence to use fireworks (excluding sparklers and indoor fireworks) unless part of a licensed display.

There are a number of organised events taking place across the city. Full details are available on the council website.

UPDATE: Council Leader @cllrcammyday has responded to reports of disorder taking place across Edinburgh last night.

Police officers attended the Hay Avenue area following reports of disorder. Police vehicles and public transport providers were targeted with fireworks and missiles, including bricks.

Roads in the area were closed during the incident, but were reopened by 11pm.

Cllr Cammy Day said: “I’m shocked and saddened to hear of the mindless violence and disorder taking place in areas across the city tonight.”