Community Alcohol Partnership launched in North Edinburgh

North Edinburgh has a new Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) based at Drylaw covering the Forth and Inverleith wards. The CAP was launched at Spartans Community Football Academy yesterday, and over the coming weeks more community groups and youth organisations will have the opportunity to help develop and contribute to a local Action Plan. Continue reading Community Alcohol Partnership launched in North Edinburgh

More emphasis on hazards of drink and drug driving needed in driving lessons, warn campaigners

Despite a recent study by the University of London revealing that Millennials are shunning alcohol, and teetotalism has become more mainstream, drink driving casualties are at a four year high. In fact, data released by the Department of Transport showed that more than 24% of drink drivers were aged between 16 and 19 years old – inexperienced drivers who have recently passed their driving test. Continue reading More emphasis on hazards of drink and drug driving needed in driving lessons, warn campaigners

Minimum Unit Price awareness campaign kicks off

Owners of the 5,300 convenience stores across Scotland will be the focus of a new awareness-raising campaign on the introduction of a minimum unit price for alcohol. This is the first stage in a large-scale campaign to ensure retailers and customers are ready for the implementation of the new legislation on 1st May.

It comes as the Scottish Government is set to recommend a minimum unit price to the Scottish Parliament.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said: “Minimum unit pricing will tackle the scourge of cheap, high-strength drink that causes so much damage to so many families and is going to save the lives of thousands of Scots.

“Retailers are the key to ensuring the legislation is implemented, which is why it is crucial we raise awareness of this change in the law early and give people time to get prepared.

“These materials will allow shop-owners to access a valuable bank of information to educate themselves and their staff ahead of the change on 1 May.

“Our consultation on the price of a unit of alcohol recently closed, and I am looking forward to presenting our recommendation to the Scottish Parliament next week.”

Posters, leaflets and adverts in trade magazines will be distributed from next week highlighting the changes to alcohol licences from 1 May.

Online resources will be available shortly after to provide guidance for retailers on issues like calculating the minimum unit price of a product, enforcement, and money-off vouchers.

Alcohol minimum unit pricing gets go ahead

UK Supreme Court ruling hailed as ‘landmark moment’ for public health

The UK Supreme Court has today ruled that minimum unit pricing for alcohol, which was passed overwhelmingly by the Scottish Parliament in 2012, can now proceed. Health Secretary Shona Robison welcomed the decision and confirmed she intends to make a statement to Parliament shortly, setting out the Scottish Government’s next steps.

Following the unequivocal backing of the highest court in Scotland – and a referral to the European Court of Justice – the UK Supreme Court has now dismissed an appeal by the Scotch Whisky Association and others, ruling that the proposed minimum unit pricing policy is appropriately targeted, lawful and proportionate.

Prior to implementing the policy, Ministers will now conduct a consultation on the proposed 50 pence per unit price and refresh the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) that is required by Parliament.  The Scottish Government anticipates setting the minimum unit price at 50 pence per unit, subject to the outcome of the consultation and the refreshed BRIA.

Ms Robison said: “This is a historic and far-reaching judgment and a landmark moment in our ambition to turn around Scotland’s troubled relationship with alcohol. In a ruling of global significance, the UK Supreme Court has unanimously backed our pioneering and life-saving alcohol pricing policy.

“This has been a long journey and in the five years since the Act was passed, alcohol related deaths in Scotland have increased. With alcohol available for sale at just 18 pence a unit, that death toll remains unacceptably high.

“Given the clear and proven link between consumption and harm, minimum pricing is the most effective and efficient way to tackle the cheap, high strength alcohol that causes so much damage to so many families.

“So we will proceed with plans to introduce minimum unit pricing as quickly as possible. I intend to make a statement to Parliament shortly setting out our next steps, including our preferred implementation timetable and how we will engage with retailers and industry to make this a success.

“The Scotch Whisky Association were within their rights to make this case. I am pleased that the case has now been settled decisively by the courts and I know the Scotch Whisky Association will accept the decision.

“The Scottish Government has always supported whisky as a key part of our economy and an icon of Scottish food and drink, and we will continue to work closely with the sector to ensure its economic success. We will also work closely on the promotion of safe and responsible alcohol consumption and the smooth implementation of the policy.”

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, Ben Macpherson, has welcomed the UK Supreme Court’s ruling. The policy was passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2012, but has been delayed due to a long-running legal challenge. Today’s ruling allows it to go ahead, setting a minimum unit price on alcohol of 50 pence.

Minimum unit pricing is backed by academic research, which suggests that the policy will cut alcohol-related deaths and reduce hospital admissions linked to alcohol misuse, which costs Scotland £3.6 billion every year.

Ben Macpherson said: “This is excellent news and the ruling now allows us as a nation to move ahead with the implementation of this policy, that was overwhelmingly backed by the Scottish Parliament five years ago, and take action that is needed to help cut alcohol-related deaths and reduce hospital admissions.

“Alcohol misuse costs Scotland £3.6 billion every year and, while recognising that most people are responsible drinkers, together we need to consider our relationship with alcohol and tackle problematic alcohol consumption.

“Given the clear and proven link between consumption and harm, minimum pricing will be an effective and efficient measure to tackle the sale of cheap, high strength alcohol that can cause so much damage to individuals, families and communities.

“I know that the Scottish Government will continue to support the whisky industry, Scotland’s burgeoning gin production and other distillers, and work alongside them to ensure their economic success, while maintaining the SNP’s commitment to promote safe and responsible alcohol consumption.

“Scotland is the first country in the world to implement a minimum unit pricing policy – and we should be proud to be taking a lead, for the benefit of our society and future generations.”

The Scottish Greens have also welcomed the UK Supreme Court decision. Green health spokesperson Alison Johnstone MSP says the alcohol companies behind the failed block should be “ashamed of themselves” and called on ministers to now get on with putting the policy in place.

Lothian MSP Alison Johnstone said: “The big drinks firms who have stalled this sensible piece of public health legislation should be ashamed of themselves. They’ve attempted to use the same tactics of the tobacco industry, but thankfully they’ve failed.

“Health charities and doctors have expressed support for minimum pricing as part of Scotland’s effort to reduce the damage that alcohol can cause and now the Scottish Government must get on and implement this urgent public health priority.

“Greens were the only opposition MSPs to support minimum pricing in the 2007-11 parliament and again voted for it when it was passed in 2012.”

The British Liver Trust also welcomed today’s judgement that minimum unit pricing is legal and can be implemented in Scotland.

Judi Rhys, Chief Executive, British Liver Trust commented “The MUP ruling for Scotland is a welcome first step to help stem the rise in deaths from alcohol related liver disease. There has been 400% increase of liver disease over the last 40 years and at the same time alcohol has become less expensive and more easily available. This ruling will impact the most harmful drinkers as MUP affects the cheapest booze and the heaviest drinkers. We look forward to MUP being adopted across the rest of the UK.”

The British Liver Trust believes that this decision has implications far beyond Scotland.  England, Wales and Northern Ireland are now clear to progress plans for minium unit pricing.

The British Liver Trust urges everyone to take their online screening test to find out if they are at risk of liver disease:

Not everyone is raising a glass to celebrate the decision, however.

Tom Stainer, CAMRA’s Head of Communication said: “While we recognise the Supreme Court decision, CAMRA does not support minimum pricing as we believe that it penalises moderate and responsible drinkers while doing little to support those who have issues with alcohol abuse. We think governments would achieve more by focussing on reducing beer duty and business rates to help pubs survive and continue to provide a vital community service.”

Karen Betts, Scotch Whisky Association chief executive, said: “We accept the Supreme Court’s ruling on minimum unit pricing (MUP) of alcohol in Scotland. Looking ahead, the Scotch Whisky industry will continue to work in partnership with the government and the voluntary sector to promote responsible drinking and to tackle alcohol-related harm.

“We will now look to the Scottish and UK Governments to support the industry against the negative effects of trade barriers being raised in overseas markets that discriminate against Scotch Whisky as a consequence of minimum pricing, and to argue for fair competition on our behalf.  This is vital in order that the jobs and investment the industry provides in Scotland are not damaged. At home, we hope to see an objective assessment of the impact of MUP.”

Almost three quarters of young Scots have witnessed sexual harassment while out drinking

Alcohol-related sexual harrassment has become a normalised part of a night out, a new Drinkaware/YouGov survey has revealed. Almost three quarters (71%) of 18-24 year old men and women who drink in bars, clubs or pubs surveyed said that they had seen sexual harassment on a night out. Continue reading Almost three quarters of young Scots have witnessed sexual harassment while out drinking

One Punch: Police Scotland’s hard-hitting campaign

police arrest

A night out relaxing with friends and having a few drinks can be the perfect way to unwind. Unfortunately, alcohol affects people in many different ways in terms of their capacity and reaction to various beverages. 

One Punch Animated banner

The fact is, alcohol is a key element in a large percentage of violent crime and anti-social behaviour incidents in Scotland. The available statistics indicate that over half of ‘one punch’ crimes are committed under the influence of drink.

Alcohol related crimes range from relatively low level offences such as drunkenness, disorder and assault to serious crimes like domestic abuse, sexual offences and other violent crimes including serious assault, attempted murder, murder and robbery. Sadly, even a minor drunken scuffle can result in tragedy.

During recent public surveys, violent crime was ranked as a key concern, placing it as one of Police Scotland’s top priorities. As such, the One Punch Can Ruin Two Lives campaign has been introduced to raise awareness of the consequences that one punch can have on two people’s lives.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams said, “Drinking too much can make you vulnerable and it increases your risk of becoming a victim of crime or getting into trouble.

“One punch can kill and could result in you facing a jail sentence. I want people to enjoy their nights out but at the same time to drink responsibly and consider how much alcohol they are consuming and the effect it has on their decision making and judgement.”

Cabinet Secretary for Justice Michael Matheson said: “Identifying and tackling the root causes of crime and the issues that cause harm in our communities is a responsibility for the police, our partners and communities.

“The ‘One Punch’ campaign is part of the Safe Summer – Action Against Violence campaign and I am encouraged by this initiative to reduce the number of violent incidents and improve the safety and wellbeing of individuals and communities.”

We want you to have a good time, but remember…

  • Getting into an altercation can ruin two lives. It increases the risk of becoming a victim of crime and also the risk of getting into trouble if a situation quickly escalates into violence and disorder.
  • Think about how much alcohol you are consuming, and consider the effects alcohol has on the mind and body.
  • Remind yourself what these effects are. Alcohol is a proven precursor to antisocial behaviour, which all too often leads to more serious criminal acts.
  • Too much drink affects your judgement, leading to bad decisions which may well end with your arrest.
  • Alcohol reduces self-control, and can give the drinker a false sense of bravery or heightened uncharacteristic aggression.
  • Understand the consequences of drinking too much; overindulgence increases the risk of becoming vulnerable or overstepping the mark.
  • As well as risking becoming a victim of crime, you could risk getting into trouble by a situation quickly escalating into violence or disorder.

Dr Christine Goodall, Director of Medics Against Violence, Honorary Consultant and Lead Clinician for Oral Surgery said, “We are pleased to support Police Scotland with their important ‘One Punch’ Campaign. ‘One Punch’ can be enough to take a life or to result in permanent and life changing disability. This not only affects the victim and their family but leaves the perpetrator facing a long prison sentence with their future and that of their family also significantly affected. There are no winners.

“We would like to reinforce, to young people particularly, how easy it is to cause serious injury. We see this all too often in hospitals and even if the victims survive their lives can be very difficult and different going forward.

“We would appeal to young people to make sensible choices about their actions and around alcohol and to groups of friends to look out for each other when out socialising, because impulsive action taken when judgement is clouded can result in a lifetime of regret.”

National Licensed Trade Partnership’s Chair Donald MacLeod said, “The newly formed National Licensing Trade Partnership (NLTP) is more than happy to lend its support to Police Scotland’s anti-violence and responsible drinking campaign.

“While it has never been safer for the general public to visit a restaurant, pub or club to enjoy a night out with family or friends, acts of violence and crimes associated with alcohol are still a national concern, particularly for local communities. As such, the NLTP fully supports any rational targeted campaign, including this one, which promotes responsible drinking of alcohol and highlights the dangers, damage and suffering that can occur when someone has one drink too many and throws ‘One Punch’.”

Alison Douglas, Chief Executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland said, “With more than half of violent crime in Scotland linked to alcohol, this campaign delivers a really important message. Binge drinking can cause people to lose self-control and situations can quickly escalate with devastating consequences.

“While everyone is responsible for their own actions, there’s no doubt cheap, highly visible and easily accessible alcohol encourages us to drink too much. Measures to reduce our overall alcohol consumption will reduce crime, make our communities safer and ease the burden on the police and emergency services.”

Security Industry Authority (SIA)’s Dave Humphries, Director Partnerships & interventions said, “The SIA is committed to ensuring public protection and we fully support this excellent initiative by Police Scotland. Security operatives have a vital role to play in reducing the risks of violence in the night time economy.”

Violence Reduction Unit’s Will Linden said: “When we drink alcohol, it impacts upon our behaviour, and we can react to situations in a way that we wouldn’t whilst sober. One punch can lead to another then another, one punch can seriously injure someone, one punch can kill and one punch can mean prison. One brief moment can change your life and those around you forever.”

The campaign is supported by the charity ‘Every Action Has Consequences’ which was launched by the family of Adam Rogers, who was killed as a result of one punch in 2009. Having lost Adam his family and friends through the charity urge people to think about the consequences of their actions.

Pat Rogers, Mother of Adam and co-founder of the charity ‘Every Action Has Consequences’ said, “Dave, Tim and I are really pleased to see the ‘One Punch Can Ruin Two Lives’ Campaign being launched in Glasgow this week. We are so glad that Adam’s Story is being used and we hope it continues to have a powerful impact on those who see it. Many people don’t realise that fists can be as dangerous as a knife or a gun. One punch killed our lovely son when he was trying to act as a peacemaker. We fully support this campaign it is so important to get the message across loud and clear – one punch is too many.”

The video below illustrates the scenario which was brought about by over indulgence, and which resulted in needless tragedy and the ruination of not one, but two lives: