Throughout last year, I had the pleasure of meeting many of Scotland’s faith communities and have enjoyed learning more about their traditions and hearing about their experiences (writes Communities Secretary AILEEN CAMPBELL). Continue reading There is room for everyone in Scotland
Tag: Aileen Campbell MSP
Bloody Big Brunch at Edinburgh Napier University
Students and staff from Edinburgh Napier University came together yesterday at a special event that aims to help end period poverty across the country. All three of the University’s campuses – Merchiston, Sighthill and Craiglockhart – hosted a Bloody Big Brunch event. Continue reading Bloody Big Brunch at Edinburgh Napier University
Communities Secretary to address EVOC annual general meeting
Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC) is delighted to announce that Aileen Campbell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, will deliver a speech at this year’s conference and AGM. Continue reading Communities Secretary to address EVOC annual general meeting
Aileen Cambell opens Opening Doors!
Youth Scotland kicked off its 80th anniversary celebrations with ‘Opening Doors’, an event showcasing the achievements of young people, at the Edinburgh Airport Hilton Hotel last Saturday (2 November).
The interactive event, themed around the opportunities created for young people through youth work, included performances and showcased the projects that Youth Scotland currently delivers to young people across the country.
Around a hundred people attended the Opening Doors event, which featured a keynote speech from Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, a rousing choir performance from the BIG Youth Project, and a terrific dance routine performed by Kic Dance on the theme of “opening doors”.
As well as performances from young people, a marketplace showcased the range of projects and opportunities that Youth Scotland offers. Projects that are opening doors for young people include Bike Club, Girls on the Move, Stand Up To Sectarianism, Dynamic Youth Awards and Youth Achievement Awards.Ian McLaughlan, Chief Executive of Youth Scotland, said: “As Youth Scotland enters its eightieth year, we felt it was important to highlight some of the amazing achievements of Scotland’s young people. The Opening Doors event has shown just how diverse a membership Youth Scotland has, with small rural youth groups all the way to large, well established urban projects all working together to reach the common goal of creating opportunities for young people and giving them the best start in life.
There is no doubt that today there are many challenges to face, but Youth Scotland is working hard to open doors for young people and we look forward to another 80 years of positive youthwork.”
Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, said: “Opening Doors is a great title for Youth Scotland’s 80th Anniversary celebrations and an important opportunity to recognise and showcase young people’s amazing achievements and contributions.
“The theme of Opening Doors reflects all that Youth Scotland and its members are doing to deliver innovative and meaningful youth work programmes that open up positive opportunities for young people across Scotland.
“With its membership of over 1,200 groups, working with more than 60,000 young people, Youth Scotland’s network is making a significant contribution towards improving life chances and wellbeing.”
Dads Rock head to Hamilton for fun on Father’s Day

Edinburgh dads group Dads Rock will head west to help launch a new PlayTalkRead initiative aimed at men tomorrow.
A list of 30 things for dads to do with their children up to the age of three is being launched this Father’s Day. Dads attending the Family Man Fun Day at Hamilton Park Racecourse this Sunday will be invited to have a go at some of the suggestions on the list by climbing on board the PlayTalkRead buses.
The two buses will be packed with activities for children to enjoy with their families. One of the buses will be taken over by Dads Rock, Scotland’s only musical playgroup run by dads for dads, who will be demonstrating their own brand of fatherly fun through songs, storytelling and games.
The 30 Things To Do With Dad Before You’re Three list offers loads of great ideas to encourage dads to spend some quality time with their children, from dressing dad up as a superhero and making pancakes together, to staging a mini Olympics and building a den to read a book inside.
Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell said:
“Father’s Day rightly celebrates all that’s great about dads and is a great opportunity to have some family fun.
“This new list is packed with great ideas for dads spending quality time with their children. We know that evidence shows us that during the first three years of a child’s life, 75 per cent of brain growth is complete and an estimated 50 per cent of language is in place, so it’s never too early to start.
“Simply playing, talking and reading with little ones will give them the best start in life. I hope everyone visiting the PlayTalkRead buses at the Family Man Fun Day has a great day out.”
The full 30 Things To Do With Dad Before You’re Three list is available to download from the PlayTalkRead website along with a number of new interactive games for parents and children.
Thomas Lynch, co-founder of Dads Rock, said:
“We are thrilled to be asked to be a part of PlayTalkRead’s celebration of Father’s Day. This is only one step towards our long term vision to support dads across the country to understand the vital role they play in their children’s development. In line with PlayTalkRead’s principles we believe that doing simple things such as singing along to your favourite band, or playing with your children daily is crucial for bonding and children’s healthy development.”
Research underpinning the Early Years Framework shows that:
- During the first three years 75 per cent of brain growth is complete
- By the age of three, 50 per cent of our language is in place
- Children whose parents talk to them frequently have better language skills than parents who seldom talk to them (at 20 months babies of talkative parents knew 131 more words that infants of less talkative parents. At 24 months the difference was 295)
Follow Play Talk Read on Twitter – @playtalkread
Government cash to support families in need
The work being carried out by Pilton-based Circle Scotland was praised by Aileen Campbell, the Minister for Children and Young People, during a visit to the project yesterday. Ms Campbell also announced details of £10 million Strategic Partnership Funding for voluntary sector organisations working with children and families.
Families across Scotland will benefit from better support services with 45 third sector organisations receiving a funding boost from the Scottish Government. This £10 million of Strategic Partnership Funding will strengthen the work of young people’s organisations working across Scotland, in areas such as adoption, vulnerable families, child health, literacy, bereavement counselling and parental support.
Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell (pictured below, right) said: “We are working to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up, including increasing the level of free early learning and childcare through the Children and Young People Bill, which will save families equivalent to around £700 per child. Scottish families already benefit from a wide range of support and the organisations receiving a share of this £10 million will help to improve what is on offer. Thanks to our investment, great organisations like Circle, which I am visiting today, will be able to take their work further into the community, helping families in need across Scotland get access to the right information and resources.”
Funding of £20 million through the Third Sector Early Intervention Fund and £10 million through Strategic Funding Partnerships was announced last month.
The following 45 organisations will receive support through the Strategic Funding Partnerships to enhance or develop work focussed on supporting the needs of young people and their families:
Article 12 in Scotland, Asthma UK Scotland, Birthlink, British Association for Adoption and Fostering Scotland, Capability Scotland, Care and Learning Alliance, Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta), Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland, Dyslexia Scotland, Families Need Fathers Scotland, Family Service Unit Scotland (Circle), Fathers Network Scotland (FNS), Genetic Alliance UK, Girlguiding Scotland, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland, Hearts and Minds, John Muir Trust, Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens, Lead Scotland, Learning Link Scotland, LGBT Youth Scotland, National Day Nurseries Association, Parent Network Scotland, Partners in Advocacy, Relationships Scotland Core, Relationships Scotland Project, Scotland’s Learning Partnership, Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs, Scottish Community Development Centre, Scottish Environmental & Outdoor Education Centres Association, Scottish Marriage Care, Scottish Trades Union Congress, Scottish Youth Parliament, Sense Scotland, Sleep Scotland, The Boys’ Brigade, The Girls Brigade in Scotland, The Iona Community, The Mentor Foundation UK (Mentor), Working On Wheels , The Princes Trust, The Scout Association, Woodcraft Folk , Workers’ Educational Association and YWCA Scotland.
Childrens Minister to open Dads Rock
Children and Families Minister Aileen Campbell MSP will officially open the new Dads Rock group at The Prentice Centre on Saturday 27 October at 10am. Continue reading Childrens Minister to open Dads Rock