EVOC is supporting organisations that were unsuccessful in the EIJB grant application process to help with the immediate issues and longer-term sustainability for the organisations affected by the grant decisions. Continue reading Reminder: EVOC support for grant decision casualties
Tag: advice
NHS Lothian: stay safe and happy this Hogmanay
NHS Lothian have issued some health and safety advice to stay safe and happy this Hogmanay. Continue reading NHS Lothian: stay safe and happy this Hogmanay
Granton goes to Holyrood: GIC’s pioneering work to be celebrated at Scottish Parliament
Granton Information Centre’s pioneering work is to be celebrated at an event at the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood tomorrow. Continue reading Granton goes to Holyrood: GIC’s pioneering work to be celebrated at Scottish Parliament
Talking Money at The Prentice Centre
The Prentice Centre in West Granton was the venue for the third in a series of money advice community events taking place across Edinburgh during Talk Money Week. Fourteen organisations were represented at yesterday’s event. Continue reading Talking Money at The Prentice Centre
Charity Fraud Awareness Week
22 – 26 October 2018
This is the third annual Charity Fraud Awareness Week aiming to help you increase resilience against fraud. Continue reading Charity Fraud Awareness Week
Citizens Advice to provide support to Universal Credit claimants
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will fund Citizens Advice to provide Universal Support from April 2019, the UK government has announced. Continue reading Citizens Advice to provide support to Universal Credit claimants
PPI, bank accounts, payday loans & credit cards top Scotland’s financial complaints
Scotland’s consumers most often ask the Financial Ombudsman Service for help resolving problems with PPI, payday loans, current accounts, packaged bank accounts and credit cards, its complaints data shows. Continue reading PPI, bank accounts, payday loans & credit cards top Scotland’s financial complaints
Edinburgh College to hold post-exam results Course Clearing Event
Edinburgh College to hold post-exam results Course Clearing Event
Edinburgh College is hosting a Course Clearing Event this week to provide support and guidance to young people following SQA exam results day. The event is aimed at helping anyone who has received their results to work out what they want to do next and discover the right college course for them. Continue reading Edinburgh College to hold post-exam results Course Clearing Event
Doorstep Crime and Bogus Callers: advice from Police Scotland
Keep Safe from Doorstep Crime and Bogus Callers
What is doorstep crime?
From bogus callers to rogue traders, doorstep criminals are cunning, creative, and often very convincing.
Anyone can be fooled as these people are professional con artists. However, the over 60s are often specifically targeted.
What types of doorstep criminals are there?
There are two main types:
Bogus callers try to get into your home or obtain personal details by pretending to be someone they’re not, including council staff, charity collectors, meter readers and police officers. In reality, they are criminals trying to steal money and valuables.
Rogue traders usually cold-call, claiming to be workers offering to sell services, make repairs or carry out work on your house, garden or driveway. In reality they charge inflated prices for shoddy or unnecessary work.
We DO NOT recommend dealing with cold-callers for property maintenance and home repairs.
How can I spot a Rogue Trader?
- They may tell you the work is urgent and needs to be carried out immediately.
- They will normally ask for payment there and then and may offer to come to the bank with you if you don’t have the cash at hand.
How can I protect myself from doorstep crime?
- Be on guard if someone turns up unexpectedly.
- Keep front and back doors locked.
- Use the door vieweror nearby window when answering the door.
- Fit a door chain or bar – use it and keep it on when talking to callers at the door.
- If you’re not sure, don’t answer the door.
- Don’t feel embarrassed – genuine callers expect you to be careful.
- Only let callers in if they have an appointment and you have confirmed they are genuine.
- Always ask for identification badges of anyone you answer the door to, but don’t rely on them. Identity cards can be faked – phone the company to verify their identity.
- Some companies offer a password system. Ask your utility providers if this can be used and if you have a password with a company make sure the caller uses it.
- Never let people try to persuade you to let them into your home even if they are asking for help – they may not be genuine. If someone is persistent, ask them to call at another time and arrange for a friend or family member to be with you.
- Never agree to pay for goods or give money to strangers who arrive at your door.
- Don’t keep large amounts of money in your home.
- Remember, it’s your home. There’s no reason why anyone should ever enter your home against your wishes.
- If you’re not sure, don’t answer the door.
For more information about how to secure your home and the property within it, see our advice on how to Keep Your Home Safe
British Sign Language
What else can I do to stop being defrauded by a Rogue Trader?
Trading Standards advice is:
- Don’t feel pressurised into agreeing to immediate work or buying a product or service.
- Don’t agree to buy from the first person who calls.
- Don’t pay cash up front or offer to go and get money.
- Shop around if you decide you need work done.
- Ask what your cancellation rights are.
- Report them.
What action should I take if someone visits me and I think they’re a doorstep criminal?
- Keep the caller out of your house, ask them to leave and call the police immediately by dialling 101.
- You might also want to try to alert a family member or attract a neighbour’s attention but you should always contact the police first by dialling 101. The police would much rather attend a false alarm than have someone fall victim to a doorstep criminal.
- If the person refuses to leave your door, or you feel threatened or scared – Call 999 and ask for the police.
- Note down their description and the description of any vehicle they’re using, including make, model, colour and registration number.
How can I protect my family, friend and neighbours?
Discuss the advice on this page with family, friends or neighbours who are older or vulnerable. There are also other things you can do to help protect them against bogus callers – everyone has a part to play to keep the community safe.
- Keep an eye out for strange vans in your neighbour’s driveway.
- Make sure your relativesare not regularly taking large amounts of cash out of the bank.
- Make arrangements to ensure your relative’s house looks well maintained and, for example, that it is not immediately obvious that an older person lives there alone.
- Doorstep criminals will often target the same victim more than once, so be particularly alert if someone has previously been a victim.
- Police Scotland has a ‘Nominated Neighbour Scheme’ which can assist those who prefer not to answer the door to those they don’t know. Read our Nominated Neighbour leaflet.
- Look out for your community and report any suspicious activity immediately to Police Scotland on 101 or your local authority Trading Standards.
- For more information on doorstep crime or assistance regarding home security contact your local Community Policing Team on 101.
Bogus Phone Calls
Bogus callers can also make contact with you by phone. Get more information about this in our advice about Identity Fraud and Scams.
Further Advice
Find out more about doorstep crime by downloading our Beat Doorstep Crime campaign material here.
Advice session at Royston Wardieburn this Friday
Granton Information Centre (GIC) are to provide free monthly advice sessions at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. GIC staff will be at the community centre on the first Friday of every month starting this Friday (4th May) from 10am – 12.30pm. Continue reading Advice session at Royston Wardieburn this Friday