£14 million for young people and communities

More than £14 million of funding will support the work of 117 charities helping children and young people throughout Scotland. The money, from the 2018/19 Children, Young People and Families Early Intervention and Adult Learning and Empowering Communities Fund, will enable a wide range of projects aimed at improving outcomes for children and young people and supporting adult learning to be delivered. Continue reading £14 million for young people and communities

Adult Education classes at Craigie

Continue reading Adult Education classes at Craigie

Adult learning classes at Craigroyston

Happy New Year!

Our adult learning classes begin next week and we still have spaces available for some courses. Please spread the word! Starting from Monday 23 January for an 8 week term. 

We also have  FREE WalkingTuesday mornings 10.15-11.15am free walkers group to encourage people to become more active. They will be gentle walks building up into longer sessions. These start from Tuesday 24th January. Just come to the school for 10am.  Wear waterproofs and good waterproof shoes and bring a bottle of water.

Plus a drawing class on Monday afternoons, Scottish History through Novels on a Wednesday afternoon and Mindfulness on Thursday afternoons and a New year, New You class on Saturday mornings to help make 2017 your best year ever!

Courses cost £48 for the 8 weeks (£24 for senior citizens and £15 for people receiving concessions)

All the best

Fiona Henderson

Fiona Henderson|Community Access to Schools Development (North) |Craigroyston Community High School, 67 Pennywell Road, Edinburgh, EH4 4NL | Tel 0131 477 7801 | or Tel 0131 538 7285 | Fiona.Henderson@craigroyston.edin.sch.uk |www.craigroyston.edin.sch.ukcommunity@craigroyston.edin.sch.uk

Learn something new this autumn

edinburgh (8)

Chanter for beginners, exploring local bridges, creative crochet and the history of Edinburgh are just some of the courses being offered in the new City of Edinburgh Council Adult Education Programme.

With hundreds of day, evening and weekend courses available for adults aged 16 and over, the programme really has something for everyone.

So if you’re looking to learn a new language, brush up on your artwork, meet new people or improve your job prospects then check out the courses which can be booked from today (Wednesday 10 August).

Booking online is the quickest way to secure a place on your chosen course and people are asked to be patient as demand is expected to be high.

Among the numerous classes being offered are art, crafts, creative writing, history, computing, cookery, health and fitness, languages, music, drama, walks and talks and much more.

Councillor Cathy Fullerton, Vice-Convener for Education, Children and Families said: “Every year, thousands of people of all ages and in all areas of the city take part in our adult education classes. Learning should always be enjoyable, and we hope that this programme will inspire people to learn something new or in more depth.

“There are many stimulating, creative and challenging courses and opportunities to suit a wide range of interests, purposes and abilities. This is the chance to learn a new language, play a musical instrument, find out more about Scottish literature or learn a new skill such as wood carving or creative writing.

“Research shows that people who are in lifelong learning are more likely to be employed, to remain in work and to be involved in their communities. It truly is about learning for life and it’s never too late to start.

“Plenty of flexibility is built into the programme as to where and when people can study, with opportunities to take classes at different schools and community centres across the city and they can also be a stepping stone on to further education or indeed into a new career.”

A full list of Adult Education Programme classes are available online or by phoning 0131 556 7978. You can pick up a brochure from your local library or community centre or click on the link (below).

As well as online enrolment, courses can be booked by post, phone or in person.

Also on offer are Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) courses at Higher and Unit levels, run by Edinburgh College.

Full details on all classes and how to enrol can be found here.


Saving community space at Craigroyston: complete the survey


Craigroyston Community Centre’s management committee, which oversees the adult community wing at Craigroyston Community High School, has sent out an unofficial audit (see below) to raise awareness of the cuts in community service provision in Craigroyston High School.

CommunityAudit July 2016

Have you used the facilities at Craigroyston? Do you plan to use them, and if not, why not? Please complete the attached survey and email it to


or drop it off at the Community Shop on Pennywell Road.

Thank you, 

Craigroyston Community Centre

Free Summer Programme for adults at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre


Royston/Wardieburn Adult summer programme  kicked off on Tuesday with a visit to the Scottish Parliament.  After viewing the World Press Photo exhibition by the world’s leading photo journalists*,  participants had a meeting with Ben MacPherson, the new MSP for the Forth Ward.  Continue reading Free Summer Programme for adults at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Craigroyston’s adult learners in last ditch appeal

Fight to keep the ‘community’ in Community High School


Craigroyston Community Centre, the adult education wing of Craigroyston Community High School, has appealed to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon for her support in retaining a full adult education service at the school. Continue reading Craigroyston’s adult learners in last ditch appeal

Help! Craigie’s adult students are homeless!

Craigroyston HS

Craigroyston Community High School’s adult learners are looking for a new home. Course organisers are urgently seeking temporary accomodation for mature students’ classes – and the courses start next week!
Continue reading Help! Craigie’s adult students are homeless!

Craigroyston community meeting cancelled

Craigroyston HS

Tomorow’s Craigroyston Community Centre meeting has been postponed as rooms in the school’s community wing are being used by displaced primary school classes.

Craigroyston Community Centre chairperson Vanessa Cousins said: “We are having to reschedule the meeting planned for the 18th as Craigroyston Primary are having to use the rooms due to the problems with the schools in the area. We as the community are fully supporting this measure and are more than happy to help and change plans for the children. We will let you know the revised date.”

The Craigroyston group recently announced that the committee plans to mount a campaign to save community facilities in the Pennywell Road school, which they say are under threat once again.