CAN training session on Thursday evening

Just wanted to highlight this training session we are running on Thursday evening at Granton Hub (6.30 pm – 8.30pm).  It will help you and your group work out what your key priorities and avoid taking on too much.

Please let me know if you would like to attend – or if you need childcare, transport or anything else so you can attend.

Please share with anyone you think may  be interested.

Anita Aggarwal

Community Development Worker

Community Action North

0131 315 6405

Check out our training programme here –don’t forget to book.

Groups thank Lynn with farewell tea party

Community says au revoir to ‘people person’ Lynn

Local groups Power to the People and Spring Chickens got together to arrange a surprise summer tea party for popular community worker Lynn McCabe last month. Lynn has decided to take a career break and friends and colleagues couldn’t let her go without saying thanks for the wonderful work Lynn has carried out over the best part of thirty years in North Edinburgh. Continue reading Groups thank Lynn with farewell tea party

Michele McDougall funeral service

The service will be at Lorimer Chapel at Warriston on Tuesday 5th June at Everyone very welcome.

“A wonderful woman I first knew when she was chair of the Greater Pilton Childcare Action Group in the early 90s. She took up so many other causes over the years, in spite of ill health, and it was always an inspiration to talk with her , including at St. Columba’s earlier this month. Deepest condolences to Lauren; RIP Michelle.”

Malcolm Chisholm

I am so very sad to hear of Michelle’s passing .She was a really beautiful woman both inside and outside .We did keep in touch for a while through texts and occasionaly FB. I am thinking of her daughter whom Michelle introduced me to .She was a lovely person ,like her mother and had just completed her degree.

If you see this please know I am thinking of you .I am also thinking of Michelle who suffered so much pain but never it make her bitter She always saw the bright side of things .She will be so missed by everybody .So my condolences to hear family,friends and all who knew her .RIP Michelle – you deserve it .

Cait Ni Cadlaigh


Courageous Michele, who used her final days to warn fellow mesh victims of the risks, dies after cancer battle

New exhibition to celebrate the historic role played by the women of Edinburgh in the Suffrage movement

Marking the centenary year of the first women receiving the right to vote in the UK, a new exhibition is to open at The Museum of Edinburgh charting the significant role the women of Edinburgh played. Continue reading New exhibition to celebrate the historic role played by the women of Edinburgh in the Suffrage movement

Darling Award for ‘whirlwind’ Tracy!


The Sir William Y Darling Bequest for Good Citizenship for 2015/16 has been awarded to Tracy Rendall in recognition for her charity work and volunteering. Edinburgh’s Lord Provost Donald Wilson made the presentation on Tuesday night during a reception held in the City Chambers. Continue reading Darling Award for ‘whirlwind’ Tracy!

Tomorrow at North Edinburgh Arts: United We Will Swim … Again

Continue reading Tomorrow at North Edinburgh Arts: United We Will Swim … Again

Building unity after EU Referendum

People’s Assembly Scotland Conference this Saturday


The People’s Assembly Scotland is organising an industrial and political conference on Saturday 17 September in the Renfield St Stephens Centre, 260 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JP starting at 10.30am where leading trade unionists from UNITE, UNISON, RMT, FBU and others will address activists to discuss and organise building unity in the fight against austerity in a post-EU Scotland. Continue reading Building unity after EU Referendum

Rise in racist incidents sparks community action


The North Edinburgh community will discuss a worrying rise in the number of racist incidents at this afternoon’s Living in Harmony forum at Spartans Community Football Academy. Continue reading Rise in racist incidents sparks community action

CAN newsletter


Community Action North has produced a Spring newsletter (see below).

CAN newsletter Spring16

If you’d like to help to make your community a better place to live – perhaps through CAN’s Action Groups, through training or placements or maybe you have some great ideas of your own – CAN would love to hear from you!

Can we improve North Edinburgh? Of course we CAN!

Email for more info

Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight

human rights

North Edinburgh’s Power to the People group is hosting a session to discuss human rights tonight in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre tonight. Continue reading Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight