Scotland’s national celebration of books, Book Week Scotland 2024, returns from 18-24 November to uplift Edinburgh and Lothians with its theme of Hope.
This year’s programme offers unique perspectives on resilience, community, and the landscapes that define the region. Over the years, Book Week Scotland has deepened its impact on Edinburgh and the Lothians, delivering literary events to even the remotest locations and fostering connections in towns and communities.
The 2024 programme spotlights regional authors and local libraries as community cornerstones. 65,000 copies of a new free book, Scotland’s Stories: Hope, will be distributed during the week.
It is made up of real-life stories from people across Scotland, including contributions from people in Edinburgh and Lothians.

Local voices in this year’s Hope book include:
· “A Wee Pocket of Joy” by Rosemary Henderson, East Lothian
· “Dancing for Hope” by Georgia Marlborough, Edinburgh
· “Ribbons and New Socks” by Sheena Mason, Dalkeith
· “Hope and Consolation” by David Pickering, Edinburgh
· “It’s The Hope That Kills You” by Julie Drybrough, Edinburgh
· “Thorin” by Sam Eastop, Edinburgh (also adapted as a comic strip by Mollie Ray)
Each piece reflects the theme of Hope in unique and personal ways, highlighting the power of local stories.

Book Week Scotland event highlights in Edinburgh and the Lothians:
· Landscapes of Hope and Inspiration, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, 18 November—This event will bring together visual artist Julie Brook, writer Linda Cracknell, and musician Duncan Chisholm to discuss how Scotland’s landscapes inspire and provide hope.
· The Pleasures of Reading with Jackie Kay, Portobello Bookshop, 20 November – Jackie Kay shares the books that have inspired her, joined by Dr Sarah McGeown to explore the benefits of reading for pleasure.
· Various Author Events Across Edinburgh and East Lothian – Libraries and regional community centres will host readings, discussions, and family events celebrating the joy of reading.
The variety of events this year reflects Edinburgh and Lothians’ longstanding engagement with Book Week Scotland, now in its 13th year and supported by Creative Scotland.
Scottish Book Trust invites everyone to join the #BookWeekScotland conversation and find further information and event listings at Book Week Scotland 2024 – Scottish Book Trust .

Rosemary Henderson, Tranent (East Lothian), ‘A Wee Pocket of Joy’

Sheena Mason, Dalkeith (Midlothian), ‘Ribbons and New Socks’
Georgia Marlborough, Edinburgh, ‘Dancing for Hope’

David Pickering, Edinburgh, ‘HOPE AND CONSOLATION’

Julie Drybrough, Edinburgh, ‘It’s The Hope That Kills You’

Sam Eastop, Edinburgh, ‘Thorin’ – story also adapted as a comic strip by Mollie Ray Jennie Tripp, Edinburgh