Public praised after 'momentous' Cup Final weekend

Lothian and Borders Police have praised the public for ensuring the Scottish Cup Final between Heart of Midlothian FC and Hibernian FC and the yesterday’s victory parade was a huge success for the city of Edinburgh.

Over 50,000 supporters attended the match at Hampden stadium, while thousands more watched the match at home or within licensed premises. Yesterday, approximately 100,000 people around the city participated in the victory celebrations and watched the Hearts team travel from the City Chambers to Tynecastle Stadium in Gorgie.

Lothian and Borders Police and their partner agencies carried out a major operation on match day and on the day of the parade to ensure public safety was maintained throughout and to facilitate an historic and family-friendly weekend for the capital, and all organisations involved would now like to thank supporters of both clubs and members of the public alike for their responsible behaviour and good spirits over the past two days.

Eight people were arrested in Edinburgh on Saturday for offences including alleged breaches of the peace and assault, but police and partners have hailed the weekend as a major success with no significant incidents having occurred.

Chief Superintendent Gill Imery, Divisional Commander for the City of Edinburgh said: “With Edinburgh’s two professional teams facing each other in a major cup final, worldwide attention focused on Edinburgh, Glasgow and the fans and organisations associated with the match. I am delighted by the manner in which members of the public conducted themselves. Both sets of fans were a credit to themselves and their clubs as they travelled to and from Glasgow and while they watched the match, either within the stadium, at home or in licensed premises.”

She went on: “Detailed planning between all partner agencies was carried out prior to this event to ensure the public were aware of all key issues including transport arrangements, local bylaws and planned activities for both clubs. Significant police resources were in place to assist fans as they made their way to watch the match and to deal with any issues that arose. The feedback from officers across all forces has been extremely positive and the engagement between police and public appears to have been a key factor. “Lothian and Borders Police have a wealth of experience in facilitating large events within Edinburgh and worked closely with both clubs and the City of Edinburgh Council to agree two separate parade routes. Once the result of yesterday’s match was decided, the parade plan for City Chambers to Tynecastle Stadium was implemented to allow fans the chance to safely view their team with the Scottish Cup and enjoy the celebrations put on by the club. We would like to thank our local communities for all their assistance, support and co-operation throughout this momentous weekend.”

Public praised after ‘momentous’ Cup Final weekend

Lothian and Borders Police have praised the public for ensuring the Scottish Cup Final between Heart of Midlothian FC and Hibernian FC and the yesterday’s victory parade was a huge success for the city of Edinburgh.

Over 50,000 supporters attended the match at Hampden stadium, while thousands more watched the match at home or within licensed premises. Yesterday, approximately 100,000 people around the city participated in the victory celebrations and watched the Hearts team travel from the City Chambers to Tynecastle Stadium in Gorgie.

Lothian and Borders Police and their partner agencies carried out a major operation on match day and on the day of the parade to ensure public safety was maintained throughout and to facilitate an historic and family-friendly weekend for the capital, and all organisations involved would now like to thank supporters of both clubs and members of the public alike for their responsible behaviour and good spirits over the past two days.

Eight people were arrested in Edinburgh on Saturday for offences including alleged breaches of the peace and assault, but police and partners have hailed the weekend as a major success with no significant incidents having occurred.

Chief Superintendent Gill Imery, Divisional Commander for the City of Edinburgh said: “With Edinburgh’s two professional teams facing each other in a major cup final, worldwide attention focused on Edinburgh, Glasgow and the fans and organisations associated with the match. I am delighted by the manner in which members of the public conducted themselves. Both sets of fans were a credit to themselves and their clubs as they travelled to and from Glasgow and while they watched the match, either within the stadium, at home or in licensed premises.”

She went on: “Detailed planning between all partner agencies was carried out prior to this event to ensure the public were aware of all key issues including transport arrangements, local bylaws and planned activities for both clubs. Significant police resources were in place to assist fans as they made their way to watch the match and to deal with any issues that arose. The feedback from officers across all forces has been extremely positive and the engagement between police and public appears to have been a key factor. “Lothian and Borders Police have a wealth of experience in facilitating large events within Edinburgh and worked closely with both clubs and the City of Edinburgh Council to agree two separate parade routes. Once the result of yesterday’s match was decided, the parade plan for City Chambers to Tynecastle Stadium was implemented to allow fans the chance to safely view their team with the Scottish Cup and enjoy the celebrations put on by the club. We would like to thank our local communities for all their assistance, support and co-operation throughout this momentous weekend.”

Telford students to showcase skills at Edinburgh Castle

Students from Edinburgh’s Telford College will showcase their work at Edinburgh Castle as part of an event to celebrate traditional construction skills this week.  Telford is taking part in this year’s Scottish Apprentice Week by sending students from its building courses to the Edinburgh Traditional Skills Exhibition.

The exhibition, which takes place over two days, will be launched by Fiona Hislop, Minister for Culture and External Affairs and is a collaborative partnership between Construction Skills, Historic Scotland, The National Federation of Roofing Contractors, The Stone Federation and Edinburgh’s Telford College.

John Laing, Sector Business Senior Manager at Edinburgh’s Telford College said: “We are delighted to have been invited to the Edinburgh Traditional Skills Exhibition to showcase the multitude of talents of our Traditional Building students. This event is ideal for our young roofing, stonemasonry and building apprentices to demonstrate skills as well as impart knowledge on those considering studying the various traditional building courses that are out there. They have also worked hard to put together innovative roofing and stonemasonry models, an ideal way for them to showcase their skills at the exhibition and also a great way of demonstrating the type of things individuals will learn on our traditional building courses.”

Construction Skills Scotland will also be on hand at the two-day exhibition to give out information to those interested in taking up a course or a career in the industry.

Miles Dibsdall OBE, Principal of Edinburgh’s Telford College who will also be attending the event said: “It is important for us to get involved in events like the Edinburgh Traditional Skills exhibition for Scottish Apprenticeship week. Teaching practical skills which will ensure students are ready for the work place is one of the main aims we have at Telford College and the fact that many individuals are able to learn as well as work is the best thing about modern apprenticeships.”

John added: “An event like this is extremely important for the construction sector. It is important to keep educating people of what’s needed for a career in construction as well getting the chance to talk about how important traditional building courses are to the future of some of our most historic buildings. The fact that we still have a significant number of individuals wanting to come and learn these skills is increasingly promising and having exhibitions like the one at Edinburgh Castle are a great way to get everyone in the same place creating a buzz about the sector.”

Local adult learners up for achievement awards

Best wishes to four groups of North Edinburgh adult learners who have been nominated for Adult Learner Achievement Awards at an event at the City Chambers this evening.

The groups – based at Muirhouse Millennium Centre, The Prentice Centre, West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre and Royston Wardieburn – are all supported by the local Community Learning and Development (CLD) team who are keeping their fingers tightly crossed!

Tonight’s City Chambers reception is the culmination of a number of events held to mark the 21st anniversary of Adult Learners Week across the city.

St Serf's Players perform Blithe Spirit

Award-winning local amateur dramatic company St Serf’s Players will be performing Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit in the Church Halls on Clark Road from 24 – 26 May at 7.30pm.

Tickets, from £3, are available from local outlets in Goldenacre, by calling 249 4899 or through the group’s website at

St Serf’s Players are members of the Scottish Community Drama Association and recently scooped both first and second prizes in the Edinburgh District’s One Act Play Festival, so you’re assured of an entertaining evening!


St Serf’s Players perform Blithe Spirit

Award-winning local amateur dramatic company St Serf’s Players will be performing Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit in the Church Halls on Clark Road from 24 – 26 May at 7.30pm.

Tickets, from £3, are available from local outlets in Goldenacre, by calling 249 4899 or through the group’s website at

St Serf’s Players are members of the Scottish Community Drama Association and recently scooped both first and second prizes in the Edinburgh District’s One Act Play Festival, so you’re assured of an entertaining evening!


Letter – Thank You

Dear Editor,

We would like to thank the residents of Forth Ward for electing us at the election to represent them at the Council.

Two of our priorities are housing/fuel poverty, and the regeneration of the area.  We have already approached Council Officers to start this process and we will keep you informed of our progress.

Since being elected in 2008 Cammy has done much for the community and attended many community meetings and events but it was difficult when events clashed.  Now that there are two of us we can attend events more often.

Councillor surgeries will continue as advertised for the time being but from August this year, instead of fortnightly surgeries, there will be weekly surgeries at the Muirhouse Millennium Centre, The Prentice Centre and at the Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

This is just an indication of how we will be working for the residents of North Edinburgh.


Councillor Cammy Day and Councillor Vicki Redpath

Labour Councillors, Forth Ward

PIlton walkers step out for better health

Pilton Walking Project has been going for 10 years and has been based at Pilton Community Health Project for the past seven. We felt it was time to celebrate and thank some of our long standing volunteers for their contribution. Les Simpson, Allan Hawke and Fred Downie collectively have volunteered for 21 years!

Les (pictured above, right) started walking in the 1950’s when he did his military service. He completed his mountain leadership in 1975. He loves walking and has inspired his grandsons with his walking zeal, although he says he still has his two great grandsons still to work on! “I have made a lot of friends through the walking project he says, I really enjoy the social side and seeing the change in people as they get used to walking more”. The Pilton Walking Project provides people with a social, fun and safe environment to go out and enjoy the fresh air and exercise.

Allan (above) is a former teacher and school inspector and really enjoys hill walking. He recently climbed all 30 of the Scottish mainland county summits – the highest point in every traditional Scottish county. But he also likes gentler walks and helping others enjoy them too. “Walking is good for physical, mental and social health – a good leg stretch and a good chat make the day. I like introducing folk to new areas of Edinburgh that they might not otherwise get to know from the Cammo Estate to the wonderful Water of Leith”.Fred (above, driving the bus!) started with the walking group when he retired. He said “We only had 5-people on the first walk; that included my wife, the organiser and two others! After a few months more people came along and the walks became a bit of a social occasion. Some of the group went for a wee cuppa after the walk and we really got to know each other. The walks filled up and although a few people came and went, we always had a group whatever the weather!”

“I kept on volunteering because it was clear folk were enjoying themselves, in some cases the walk was the only trip outside they made that week. Ten years has just flown past that just goes to show how much we all enjoyed it”.

A New and Exciting Programme of Walks

PCHP runs local walks on a Monday from the project based at 73 Boswall Parkway. Walkers leave with Christine and Liz at 1.30pm, catch a bus and take a walk in and around Edinburgh, perhaps to the Meadows, Holyrood Park or Forth Quarter Park in Granton. Once a month walks will include a visit to a local place of interest, such as Drylaw House or Blackhall Mosque.

PCHP will be partnering up with Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre for the next few weeks on Fridays at 9am a minibus will leave from the Neighbourhood Centre and take you further afield for example to the Pentland Hills or over to Fife. The trips last around 2-3 hours, back in time for lunch!

If you are interested in coming along to any walk call Clare Symonds on 0131 551 1671.

We also welcome new walk leaders to join our group of volunteers. We offer walk leader and other training and welcome anyone who is interested in encouraging local people to get out and about a little more. If you have good personal and social skills and enjoy walking you are the right person to volunteer for us!

Clare Symonds

Trying times for Telford rugby students!

Former Scottish rugby star Gregor Townsend joined young sporting talent from Edinburgh’s Telford College to pass on invaluable advice and experience relating to the sport yesterday. Gregor who won 82 Scottish caps, conducted a coaching session at Telford as part of the inaugural Edinburgh Colleges’ Festival.

Putting the newly developed Marine Drive rugby pitches to good use, Gregor worked with the college’s rugby performance students for around an hour. This was followed by a short Q&A session that gave the students a chance to get helpful tips and advice from the sporting star.

Robert Chrystie, Rugby Performance Course Leader at Edinburgh’s Telford College said: “The new and improved rugby pitches allow our students to achieve better results through having good quality training facilities. Our rugby performance course is one of very few in Scotland. It is therefore of the utmost importance that we provide our students with the resources they require in order to improve their rugby skills.

“The event with Gregor was of real use to the learners, some of whom are considering a professional career in the sport. Being able to have access to someone who has experienced the sport and its highs and lows is a great experience for them and we hope to build upon this with similar sessions in the future.”

Edinburgh’s Telford College runs a dedicated Rugby Performance course, which aims to cover all aspects of the sporting profession, helping attract more young people into the sport and provide a springboard into some of the country’s top teams.

Gregor Townsend said: “I really enjoyed working the boys on their skills. I was keen to pass on my experience in professional rugby and I definitely made sure they all worked extremely hard in the session. The rugby performance course at Telford College is important as it helps individuals to reach their full potential within a physically demanding sport. I’m proud to be able to work with colleges to help develop the future talent of Scottish rugby.”

The event was part of the Edinburgh Colleges’ Festival, which runs from 7 May to 30 June and celebrates the work and talent of students from Edinburgh’s Telford College, Stevenson College and Jewel and Esk College ahead of the October 2012 merger.  The event is one of the largest student-led Further Education events in the UK.

Edinburgh’s Telford College, provides a wide range of career related programmes to help learners progress into work or University education. Currently the college has around 17,000 students and 600 members of staff. More information about Telford can be found at

Cup Final Information


With THE BIG DAY fast approaching, Lothian and Borders Assistant Chief Constable Bill Skelly has issued the following message:

On Saturday 19 May, Heart of Midlothian FC and Hibernian FC will compete for the Scottish Cup at Hampden Park, Glasgow.  This is the first time since 1896 that two Edinburgh teams have made it to the final and the day should be one of great pride for the capital city.

The Scottish Cup Final weekend will present some unique challenges for communities in and around Edinburgh and for Lothian and Borders Police.

Large numbers of fans will travel to the national stadium in Glasgow for the game resulting in an influx in the numbers utilising the transport infrastructure, including the road and rail networks.

It is important that those using these networks over the weekend leave plenty time for their journey and are prepared for possible delays Our partners at City of Edinburgh Council and First Scotrail have already released details of the provisions and plans in place for facilitating travel to the West and back.

I would strongly advise supporters to consult all the partner agency websites for updates relating to transport issues, policing messages and guidance from the respective football clubs.

With such a busy weekend of sport due to be televised, Lothian and Borders Police fully anticipate the various licensed premises across Edinburgh, the Lothians and the Scottish Borders to experience an increase in business. Many of those attending the Cup Final may also wish to drink before heading to the match, which they are free to do so either at home or at a pub or restaurant.

However, it is important that people adopt a responsible attitude and ensure their behaviour does not place them or others at risk of harm. It is a momentous occasion for the city and we want everyone to enjoy the festival of sport.

Lothian and Borders Police, Strathclyde Police and British Transport Police have worked closely with one another and with both Hearts and Hibs to prevent alcohol from ruining a special day for the capital.

Fans travelling by rail and coach have already been made aware that drinking onboard is prohibited and officers from each force will carry out various policing activities to remove alcohol from anyone found in possession.

Last weekend, police in Edinburgh’s city-centre carried out unannounced inspections at a number of pubs and clubs to ensure the terms of their licenses were being adhered to. Staff at these venues were offered crime prevention advice ahead of the cup final weekend and are urged to report any criminal behaviour immediately. Officers will provide a visible presence within these establishments across the weekend to offer reassurance and deal with any issues, which may arise.

Sectarian behaviour within Scottish football is very topical at the moment and active steps are being taken by all police Forces and football clubs and governing bodies to address this issue. It is important that everyone can attend football matches and related events without fear of prejudice or discrimination.  The Scottish Cup final should be a time for celebration and the public are reminded that police in Scotland will use relevant legislation in response to those acting in an unacceptable manner.

Regardless of the result, Sunday 20 May will be a day of celebration within the city and detailed planning has been ongoing between Lothian and Borders Police, City of Edinburgh Council and the football clubs in respect of a victory parade for the winning side.

The event will be a time for friends and family to come together and savour the success of their team and our communities can rest assured that public safety is paramount during all planning discussions.

The parade routes for the victorious team can already be found on the Lothian and Borders Police blog as well as on the respective club websites and fans are urged to consult these sites to determine their best position for seeing the trophy.

Communication between the partner agencies and the public has been at the forefront of this operation and all organisations are keen to utilise their various platforms for reaching our communities.

As well as operational updates on the police website –  live matchday tweets with all relevant information can be received by following @LBP_Police and using the hashtag #LBPCup.

On behalf of Lothian and Borders Police I would like to wish both sides the best of luck for Saturday and I sincerely hope that supporters and neutrals alike experience a safe and well-tempered cup final weekend.

ACC Bill Skelly