Advice session at Royston Wardieburn this Friday

Granton Information Centre (GIC) are to provide free monthly advice sessions at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. GIC staff will be at the community centre on the first Friday of every month starting this Friday (4th May) from 10am – 12.30pm. Continue reading Advice session at Royston Wardieburn this Friday

West Pilton West Granton Community Council sets AGM date



Tuesday 8th May at 7pm in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre Continue reading West Pilton West Granton Community Council sets AGM date

Hearing the voice of older people

“They never listen to the auld folk, son. We’re invisible.”

Earlier this month eighty older people from groups spread across the community got together in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre for a day of conversation, activities and entertainment. Continue reading Hearing the voice of older people

Getting together, making a difference: free event for North Edinburgh’s older people

MONDAY 16th APRIL 10am – 2pm

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Come and join us!

Your voice, your choice: have your say on spending in Muirhouse this Saturday

 ‘Your Voice Your Choice’ is back this Saturday 14th April  at 10am in Old Kirk & Muirhouse Parish Church.

Hear the pitches and have your say on how £4500 can be allocated to improve the local community! Continue reading Your voice, your choice: have your say on spending in Muirhouse this Saturday