Man pleads guilty to rape of Drylaw pensioner

A TEENAGER today admitted raping and killing a frail pensioner who regarded him as a grandson.

Jay Soso, 19, pleaded guilty to carrying out the horrific sex attack on 63-year-old Marie Reid at her home in Easter Drylaw Way, Edinburgh on November 11, 2010.

Jay Soso admits having sex with the pensioner.

Mrs Reid’s body was discovered four days later after family and neighbours became worried because they hadn’t heard from her.

She was found lying in the living room in a bloodstained nightie. Pathologists say that the trauma of the rape contributedd to Mrs Reid death.

Initially, police thought that Mrs Reid’s death was not suspicious, but her son Paul, 31, and step-daughter Jacqueline pressed for further investigations to be made.

At this point it was discovered that someone had had sex with Mrs Reid just before her death.

The cause of death was unascertained, but pathologists said that the rape would have put an additional strain on her heart and lungs and could predispose her to sudden death

Prosecutor Leanne Cross told the High Court in Glasgow: “The deceased was raped on the evening of November 11, 2010. She had died at that time and the rape had made, at the least, a material contribution to the death.

Police contacted everyone who knew Mrs Reid and when interviewed Soso said he had not seen her for a couple of months.

However he gave a mouth swab which was a match for DNA found on Mrs Reid.

The court heard Soso and his mother lived next door to Mrs Reid for five years between 2003 and 2008.

He helped Mrs Reid by running errands for her and she was described by Soso’s mother Sharon as treating him “like a grandson.”

Soso’s family moved to England, but he didn’t like it there and moved back to Edinburgh.

By 2010 he had a job in a fishmongers in the city and lived close to Mrs Reid.

He visited her occasionally claiming he was checking to see how she was.

Speaking outside the court, Mrs Reid’s son Paul said he became worried that something terrible had happened to his mother when he noticed the pre-paid meter for her television was missing along with a tin she collecting loose change in and her purse was empty.

Paul and his step-sister Jacqueline Sanderson, 38, and her husband Gordon, 54, asked for the matter to be thoroughly investigated.

He said: “If it wasn’t for us and our persistence it could have been recorded as a natural death.”

Judge Lady Dorrian deferred sentence on Soso of Spring Gardens, Edinburgh, for background reports and an assessment of the risk he poses to the public until later this month and remanded him in custody.

Blackhall kids’ Sports Day Saturday

The 2012 Blackhall Children’s Sports Day takes place at Ravelston park tomorrow (Saturday 2 June) and it’s forecast to be a scorcher!

It’s a real fun family afternoon with kids races (ages 3-16), mum’s and dad’s races, refreshments, go karts, beat the goalie, bouncy castles, slides and lots more too.

Organised by Active Blackhall, gates open at 12:15, race warm up at 1:15pm, with races starting at 1:30pm. Entry is by donation, and money raised from the event goes to supporting sport for children in the Blackhall area.

Remember your sun cream!

Blackhall kids' Sports Day Saturday

The 2012 Blackhall Children’s Sports Day takes place at Ravelston park tomorrow (Saturday 2 June) and it’s forecast to be a scorcher!

It’s a real fun family afternoon with kids races (ages 3-16), mum’s and dad’s races, refreshments, go karts, beat the goalie, bouncy castles, slides and lots more too.

Organised by Active Blackhall, gates open at 12:15, race warm up at 1:15pm, with races starting at 1:30pm. Entry is by donation, and money raised from the event goes to supporting sport for children in the Blackhall area.

Remember your sun cream!

Jubilee holiday advice from NHS Lothian

As the Diamond Jubilee Holiday approaches (Tuesday 5 June), NHS Lothian is reminding people to think ahead as many GP surgeries, pharmacies and dentists will not open on that day. All GP surgeries in Lothian are open on Monday 4th June.

NHS Lothian’s GP out-of-hours service will be open on the Diamond Jubilee public holiday to see patients who are unable to wait until their practice opens the next day. To obtain advice or an appointment please contact NHS24 08454 242424.

Sian Tucker, Acting Clinical Director of Lothian Unscheduled Care Service, NHS Lothian said:  “I would like to remind people that all GP surgeries in Lothian are open on Monday 4th June but make them aware that the majority of GP surgeries will be closed on Tuesday 5th June.  Patients who rely on prescription medication should ensure that they go to their GP or pharmacist in advance of the holiday.”

In addition, the Minor Injuries Clinic based at the Western General Hospital is open for business as usual. It provides a walk-in service, from 8am-9pm. No appointment is necessary but calls can be made in advance on 0131 537 1330/1331. The staff at the clinic can treat a wide range of minor injuries from cuts and burns to wound infections, sprains and small bone breaks

It is important that people should only use Accident and Emergency departments for genuine emergencies.

NHS Lothian

It’s Jubilee party time!

The Bank Holiday weekend will see Diamond Jubilee parties across the country and you won’t have to travel too far to join in the celebrations.

Granton Baptist Church are having a barbecue, fun and games at Crewe Road West on Sunday from 11 – 4pm, all welcome

Also on Sunday, Holy Cross Church in Davidson’s Mains is holding a picnic with music and games from 12.15pm – again all welcome, bring your own picnic but no dogs please!

Next weekend, St Serf’s on Clark Road are holding a Jubilee Fete on Saturday (9 June) from 2 – 4pm. Games with the Air Cadets, Stockbridge Pipe Band, many stalls and afternoon teas are all on offer along at Goldenacre.

Seems like North Edinburgh’s going Jubilee crazy!

If you know of any other Diamond Jubilee celebrations, or would like to publicise your own event, let us know!

It's Jubilee party time!

The Bank Holiday weekend will see Diamond Jubilee parties across the country and you won’t have to travel too far to join in the celebrations.

Granton Baptist Church are having a barbecue, fun and games at Crewe Road West on Sunday from 11 – 4pm, all welcome

Also on Sunday, Holy Cross Church in Davidson’s Mains is holding a picnic with music and games from 12.15pm – again all welcome, bring your own picnic but no dogs please!

Next weekend, St Serf’s on Clark Road are holding a Jubilee Fete on Saturday (9 June) from 2 – 4pm. Games with the Air Cadets, Stockbridge Pipe Band, many stalls and afternoon teas are all on offer along at Goldenacre.

Seems like North Edinburgh’s going Jubilee crazy!

If you know of any other Diamond Jubilee celebrations, or would like to publicise your own event, let us know!

Mike moves on and Alex takes the chair

Alex Dale is the new chairman of Drylaw Telford Community Council. The Wester Drylaw man was elected unopposed at last night’s annual general meeting held in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre.

Alex (above left) takes over from Mike Clark (right), who was chair of the community council for three years. Choking back the tears (!), Mike explained that he now had just too many other commitments and that he felt it necessary not only to step down as Chair, but also to resign from the community council.

Thanking Mike for his sterling service, Jackie Brown said: “Mike has been a very popular chair and we’ll miss him. We all wish Mike all the very best and hope he’ll come back to join us for the occasional meeting”.

Following the election process – conducted by new Inverleith SNP councillor Gavin Barrie – the other office-bearers remain in place: Jackie Brown (treasurer), Dave Pickering (vice-chair) and Ian Greenhalgh (secretary).

Guest speaker at the meeting was local historian Ian Moore (pictured below), who gave an entertaining talk on the history of the area, in particular Drylaw House.

Drylaw House was built in 1718, and perhaps it’s most infamous inhabitant was James Loch, who was born there in 1780. Loch is best known for his role in the Highland Clearances, and during research for the North Edinburgh Social History project Ian was so incensed by Loch’s actions that he wrote a song about him.

Ian sang the song at last night’s meeting, and in the process made his own piece of local history – by being the first man ever to sing at a Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting in it’s long and august history!

Ian Moore guest speaker at Drylaw Telford AGM

The history of Drylaw in fifteen minutes! Local historian Ian Moore is making a quick return to Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre as guest speaker at Drylaw Telford Community Council’s annual general meeting tomorrow evening.

An enthusiastic member of North Edinburgh Social History Group, Ian was presented with DTCC’s annual Thomas Tierney Award just last month. He’s a real character and his contribution should make a refreshing change from the usual old balance sheets and dull reports!

The annual general meeting starts at 7pm – all welcome.

Fire crews tackle Muirhouse blaze

Firefighters spent two hours battling a fire in a derelict building in Muirhouse Avenue last night.

Three fire appliances from Crewe Toll attended the incident after the alarm was raised at 9.20pm. Crews discovered a fire in the ground floor of the derelict domestic property and two firefighters in breathing apparatus used high-pressure hose reels to tackle the blaze.

The fire spread to the first floor, but was put out with a high-pressure hose reel and crews using a short extension ladder. Following further safety inspections and damping down fire crews  left at 11pm.

The Muirhouse Avenue building is one of two due for demolition as part of the Muirhouse Pennywell regeneration programme.