Lib Dems announce candidate list and pledge to “Put Recovery First”

As nominations close, Scottish Liberal Democrats have announced their list of candidates for Lothian and are pledging their commitment to make recovery from the pandemic their number one priority as MSPs.

Today the Scottish Liberal Democrats submitted their nomination papers for the upcoming Scottish parliament election to be held on the 6th May.

The Scottish Liberal Democrat candidate for Edinburgh Northern and Leith will be Rebecca Bell (above). She is also the mental health spokesperson for the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

Rebecca Bell said: “People are under huge pressure from the pandemic. There’s a lot of work to be done to recover from this crisis. It will not be easily done and we will need our complete focus on the project at hand.

“As an MSP, I want to focus on cutting mental health waits, a bounce back plan for education, creating jobs and tackling the climate emergency.

“After years of arguing about independence and Brexit, the last thing we need right now is another independence referendum.

“As the MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, I will put the recovery first.”

Willie Rennie said: “This election is about priorities. Liberal Democrats will put recovery first. After the dreadful year we have endured, people want a needle-sharp focus on jobs, mental health, our NHS, schools and the climate crisis.

“With ten years of experience as leader I have won support for areas like mental health, education and nursery education.  For me it has always been about investing in people so they can do great things.

“For the next five years the divided nationalists will put independence first, dividing the country too.

“For the next five years I will put the recovery first, cut mental health waits, help pupils bounce back, create jobs and take action on the climate. The SNP will prioritise another independence referendum.

INK on MESH crowdfunder launches today

Lorna Brown is seeking your support to turn her dream of a creating a community arts and design resource in Newhaven into a reality.

Lorna explained: “Creative Scotland selected my business plan for their crowdmatch funding support in February this year.

“I’m looking to achieve my goal of establishing INK on MESH, a community print space that offers classes, courses and tuition in screen printing and stitched textiles.

“Post – pandemic, INK on MESH will become a space that promotes and encourages creative expression, community connections, confidence building and well being through hand craft and heritage skills education.

“I can continue to develop my own textiles brand, Blessed Unrest and also provide affordable space and specialized equipment for developing, emerging and graduate practitioners.”

INK on MESH is an interest partner with The Heart of Newhaven Community, one of the first dedicated intergenerational centres in the UK and will potentially open there in Autumn 2021 or in another local retail space.

Lorna added: “Individuality prevails! You can give people the same instructions and access to the same materials & equipment but how they explore that, interpret and express that is entirely UNIQUE … this is one of the fascinating and constant motivating experiences for me as a craft educator.

“Ink on Mesh will become that dedicated space where people at all ages and stages can come to explore their unique ideas through the craft of screen printing and textiles. Let’s make this happen!”

The crowdfunder launches at 9am this morning (Monday 22 March).

Crowd funder for #inkonmesh

Linda’s friend and colleague Lisa Arnott said: “I can not express how super delighted for my amazing best friend Lorna Brown of BlessedUnrest and her Crowdfunding launch for the new and amazing dedicated print studio INK on MESH.

“Her Crowdfunding starts at 9am on Monday 22nd March. It’s an amazing way to become part of her story, show your support for a well-needed resource for our community and support the arts and design industries.

“Set your watches and phone alarms for 9am on Monday 22nd March!”

Please start supporting and following:




Individuality prevails!

Let’s make this happen!!😁🙌🏼Monday 22nd at 9am.

Heart of Newhaven: Last chance to become a member before the AGM

We are abandoning our usual monthly newsletter schedule to send you this advice that there is little time remaining if you wish to become a member of HoNC before our first AGM.

The AGM has now been set for Thursday 29th April and because of the admin work required, you must apply for membership before the 1st April.

New member applications will then be verified and confirmed by the board at their next meeting on 7th April and official notice of the AGM and all that entails will be sent out by the 13th.

Do consider becoming a member. It costs nothing and if you live in our area of benefit it ensures you have a say in who runs the charity and what they do. There is a simple form to fill in on the website under JOIN US.

The AGM may well be rather strange this year because of Covid. Only a small number of people constituting the required quorum will be allowed to be present in person. Everyone else will be invited to an online meeting. It also means that those voting members not present in person will have to send in a proxy voting form, but all that will be explained in the notice of meeting which will be sent by email to members only.

If you have any questions regarding the Board or the AGM please contact

In other news, we are so pleased to report that there was a tremendous response to our initial Crowdfunding appeal which has helped us pay for professional fees. The many supportive comments have also provided welcome proof that we are not working in vain. 

Here are some of the things supporters said:

This is a brilliant project that will deliver huge community benefits. It’s well thought-out and is being impressively well-organised.

Amazing project to support the community and get everyone of all ages together!

Great to see this project making progress – all strength to your elbows for what will be a tremendous asset for the community.

Fantastic work, well done to all involved.

Meanwhile our volunteers are working away in the background on greening projects, lending a neighbourly hand in the community and spreading the word, while we deal with preparing for our very first AGM, a momentous stage in our progress.

The trustees are looking forward to seeing you there.

Don’t forget to keep checking the website.
There’s always something new. April will see the addition of the first of a two-part blog by Bill Hall about fishing in the Forth.

There will be no April newsletter and the next communication will be with members only, by the 13th April.  The next newsletter will be in May, after the AGM.

Join Us!

Spring Air: Heart of Newhaven’s March newsletter

First of all, sincere thanks to all of you who have contributed to our first Crowdfunding campaign.

We have almost achieved our initial target which will enable us to pay legal and design fees and allow us to move forward with our ambitious community plans. If you have contributed, thank you.

If you have not, then please consider doing so. No matter how small, the donation will be appreciated.

The campaign ends on 13th March. Let’s make one final push and remember that any excess over the original target will be spent on costs pertaining to other parts of the project such as accessibility plans. It will not be wasted.

Now, following the success of our digital appeal earlier in the year, which helped so many families with children at Victoria Primary School access online learning, we are preparing to launch a new digital campaign.

This time it’s to help the more elderly in the community who are feeling cut-off and isolated because they cannot keep up with the online communications necessary in these difficult times. They may have no digital access or no knowledge of how to use it if they have.

We will be working once again with the Pilmeny Development Programme (PDP) this time recruiting both older and younger members of the community and helping organise digital learning and support sessions in line with COVID-19 regulations.

Can you help us to develop a sustainable, community-based, skills-sharing network? Bringing generations together is what we’re all about! Get in touch through the volunteering page on the website.

Volunteer Page

If you haven’t already done so, please fill out our membership application form and send it in as soon as possible. Once your membership status has been verified, this will ensure you have a say at our forthcoming AGM, which must be held before 4th May. The date and details will be given out shortly.

Apply Now

Meanwhile, good news on the environmental partnership initiatives some of our volunteers have been helping with.

There’s been no public fanfare because of Covid, but the Little Birdhaven at Western Harbour, a collaboration with The Shoreline Project and a mini orchard for Victoria Park in collaboration with Friends of Victoria Park, have both received funding and support because of the hard work put in by the volunteers.

You can inspect the new information banner (illustrations courtesy of pupils from VPS) at Western Harbour (between the wilded plot and the John Lloyd Centre) and watch the currently tiny trees growing steadily. 

Over in Victoria Park, funding has been secured from the Alpkit Foundation to expand the mini orchard by the beech hedge with suitable fruit trees which will be planted by pupils from Trinity Academy and Trinity primary School in the autumn. You can read more about all this on our social media pages.

Social Media

Special thanks to volunteer Lucy Metcalfe for leading the way on this.

If you would like to join in with any of our projects, sign up on the volunteering page of the website and watch out for further news of yet more greening projects coming up soon.

Finally, as always, a reminder to watch the website for news and blogs and don’t forget our social media platforms.

Check out Instagram for example, where there’s a “new” picture of “old” Newhaven posted every week.

Website Homepage

Heart of Newhaven crowdfunder goes live today

Please help kickstart our heart!

Heart of Newhaven Community’s Crowdfunding campaign goes live today, St Valentine’s day. What better day to launch what we hope will help us all fulfil our ambition of creating a vibrant Heart, full of life and vitality and shared and used by the wide, ever-growing community?

You can help us bring the Heart to life as soon as possible, by making a donation.

You can find out all about it on our website and following the link, or by going direct to the Crowdfunding website. You’ll find FAQs and get some idea of what the first funds are needed for.

You can remain anonymous or choose one of our rewards depending on the amount you give, but remember that it doesn’t matter how small or how large it is. It all adds up.

You know all about the ambition, now help fund the reality as we move closer and closer to creating the living, beating heart of the community.

Please look at the poster button at the bottom of this newsletter. They are the posters that will soon be appearing in the area. If you can possibly print out one or two of your favourites,  and put them in your windows or send them to friends or colleagues that would be wonderful.

The better the coverage, the better the response and the quicker we can get the Heart beating.

Please help us kickstart our Heart!

CrowdFunder Posters

Share the Love on Valentine’s Day

FEBUARY NEWSLETTER from Heart of Newhaven

First of all, we have had a magnificent response to our digital appeal which we launched so recently on 25th January.

Thanks to all who have very kindly donated old laptops or tablets to help families in the community who needed help to access online learning. We have already dealt with around a dozen such items, some of which are being wiped and processed while others are awaiting collection and soon they will all be winging their way to Victoria Primary School. Please continue to get in touch.


We understand that others have been delivered directly to the school following our appeal and if you would still like to help but have no old machines you no longer need, you can also donate funds to enable the school to buy more.

An average laptop or tablet suitable for home-schooling could cost around £200 but any smaller contributions that could go towards that would be most welcome. 
You can contact the school directly below:


This is such an encouraging example of the community helping each other, just what Heart of Newhaven proposes to expand on once we’re fully operational.

The main news for you this month however is about the launch of our CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN. 

This will go live on 14th February. It’s all about the Heart of course – it seemed a very suitable date for obvious reasons.

While we have applied to the Scottish Land Fund for the purchase cost of the site, we still need immediate funds to pay our legal advisers, currently working on the contract with CEC. Then there are the essential repairs to such things as windows and the roof, as well as fire and safety features.

There is also the preparatory work we have to do in the way of design costs to enable us to move into the buildings and get them going with our “meanwhile use” plans to bring the centre “online” stage by stage.

The campaign will go live on Crowdfund Scotland and there will also be links from our website and social media channels.

Please consider donating something, no matter how small, to enable this ambitious project to go ahead – and don’t forget to spread the word among neighbours and friends!

Finally, may we remind you to visit our website regularly. There’s always something new, including several blogs being posted on the different pages, that you might enjoy.

This month for example, the Culture & Heritage page is hosting a contribution from one of our many volunteers, who talks about the Hispanic community in Newhaven and how they’ve adapted and settled in to the local community.

On our new Intergenerational page, there’s not only an explanation of what intergenerational means, but a blog from trustee Judy Crabb.

Of course our regular blog from the chairman will be along soon as well.

Keep checking.

Trams to Newhaven: Revised plans for Stevedore Place unveiled

The city council has been working with representatives of the local community to revise concept designs for the area’s development as part of the Trams to Newhaven project.

The updated layout will see a ‘boulevard’ feel retained on Stevedore Place, with trees planted along the south side of the street and a row of hedges on the north.

We need to remove 30 trees to construct the tram, but as part of the landscaping we’ll be replanting between 75 and 80 trees in the area. Around 60 of these will be in the immediate vicinity of Stevedore Place.

Transport and Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: “We have worked closely with local community representatives to develop new designs for Stevedore Place, which will maintain the ‘boulevard’ feel on the street, with trees and hedges lining both sides.

“As well as replanting between 55 and 60 trees in the immediate vicinity, we’ll also be able to plant even more trees in the wider area.
“We want residents to feel the maximum benefits of this project, and by locating a stop here we’re providing an attractive and accessible option for all users, especially those with mobility issues. These new designs fulfil this while also retaining trees and green space for the people that live here.”

In addition to the trees on Stevedore Place, more will be planted: 

  • In front of the old casino building
  • On a strip of land next to the development site on Ocean Way
  • At the Fingal car park on Stevedore Place
  • On Ocean Way
  • Around the Ocean Terminal

A tram stop will be located on Stevedore Place to allow local people to easily access the service. The optimal distance between tram stops is approximately 500 to 750m, allowing maximum accessibility to the stop and taking into account the willingness or ability of people to walk.

The forecasted patronage of the new service includes a tram stop at Stevedore Place being in place.

Further discussion will take place on the best species and size of tree to plant in each location, and when the best time to plant them is. 
In order to avoid the nesting season, the existing trees will be removed before the end of February 2021.

Find out more on the Trams to Newhaven website.

Councillors to debate new parking controls proposed for Leith, Gorgie and Shandon

The next steps will be taken toward introducing new Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) to help alleviate parking pressures around Edinburgh, if approved by councillors this week.

On Thursday (28 January), Transport and Environment Committee will consider the results of an informal consultation on proposals for new controls in Leith, Gorgie and Shandon, as well as details on the operation of measures. Designs for parking controls have been amended following consultation and, if approved, we’ll commence the legal processes for introducing them.

This is the first of four phases of implementation of parking controls around the city, developed as part of the Strategic Parking Review, which was originally approved in 2018. The review has taken a holistic approach to parking pressures across Edinburgh, assessing the city on a street by street basis.

This has led to the identification of areas where parking controls may be required to resolve challenges facing residents, in particular from non-residential parking.

The report also updates on timescales for phase two (Roseburn, Corstorphine, Willowbrae and Saughton), phase three (Southside and Fettes) and phase four (Newhaven, Trinity, South Morningside, Portobello, Stenhouse and Saughton), which have been impacted by COVID-19.

Transport Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: “This review responds to the concerns of residents across the city, many of whom have told us that they want to see controls introduced to help limit the impact of non-residential parking.

Thanks to an in-depth, citywide analysis we have been able to identify the areas most in need of restrictions. Of course, the way we travel has changed immeasurably over the last year, but the introduction of new CPZs will be extremely beneficial to managing parking pressures when we eventually return to some sense of normality.

Not only do these controls help residents to park near their homes, but they can encourage those travelling into and around the city to consider alternative, sustainable modes of transport.”

The city council began the Strategic Parking Review in 2018 in response to comments from residents, community councils and ward councillors across the city, which demonstrated increasing support for new parking controls to limit non-residential parking.

An in-depth review split the city into five areas, further subdivided into 124 investigation areas, helping to generate heat maps for each location showing relative parking pressures by street. As a result, a series of new parking controls were approved in 2019, to be implemented in four phases.

On Thursday, committee members will also be asked to agree proposals to commence the legal process for introducing limited parking controls in Sighthill Industrial Estate to help manage parking demand there, as well as restrictions on the availability of permits for new or redeveloped properties.

The report details an approach to consultation for future phases in light of COVID restrictions, with virtual drop-in sessions, detailed plans online and opportunities to feed back on proposals via websites, interactive plans and questionnaires.

Consultation on phase two of the Strategic Parking Review is expected to begin in February.

Read the full report, Strategic Review of Parking – Results of Phase 1 Consultation and General Update, on the Council website.

You can watch Transport and Environment Committee live via webcast from 10am on Thursday (28 January 2021).

Gie’s a hand … on Burns Night

Here’s a hand, my trusty fiere and gie’s a hand o’ thine …

What would Rabbie Burns have made of our digital age? He would probably have loved it. He was a philosopher and a rebel and as a man of humble origins living during the Enlightenment, he would surely have dived right in.

So as we celebrate the birth of our national poet let’s celebrate our digital age as well. We’d like to ask you to “gie’s a hand” in our digital appeal.


Home learning can be an issue for those who do not have access to technology, especially during the unprecedented times we are all living through.

Can you help make significant change in your community?

If you have a laptop, mobile, tablet or any other device that could help us in our mission to help people, we would love to hear from you!

Many local schools are struggling to support families with home learning and children within our community are the future and our hope. They are our next generation of essential workers: doctors, teachers, politicians, engineers, and retail workers.

Victoria Primary School would be grateful for at least ten additional devices to help tackle these issues and to make sure those in disadvantaged situations are not punished long-term for a situation that is not their fault.

We will arrange safe collection of devices and have them cleaned and refurbished if necessary. After which, the school will distribute accordingly.

As you will understand, due to the current situation, we need to act as soon as possible.

If you can assist, we wholeheartedly appreciate any help you can provide at this time.

So “gies’ a hand”, and as you celebrate Rabbie Burns’ birthday, remember to play and watch our online Heart of Newhaven choir sing Auld Lang Syne.

News from Heart of Newhaven

January 2021 Newsletter

Happy New Year! – Szczesliwego Nowego Roku – Feliz Ano Novo – Un An Nou Fericit -Bonne année – Glückliches Neues Jahr – Eutychismenos o Kainourgios Chronos – Feliz año nuevo -Shuvo noboborsho – Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu – Bliadhna Mhath Ur!

We hope you brought the new Year in in style, including playing our very own version of Auld Lang Syne and by making suitable resolutions.

Saying goodbye to 2020, let’s look forward with positivity and enthusiasm for what is to come, for this is the year we do it.
This is the year we move in to Victoria Primary School and make it the hub the growing Newhaven community wants and needs. How are we going to do this and how can you help?

Things to look out for:


The launch of our Crowdfunding campaign:

Help us kickstart our Heart – Help us create a centre for you!

The first phase will identify the immediate essential work required to bring the building into use and our appointed architect will be working with the community to design age-friendly spaces to meet the needs of all users.

If you can give even a small amount to ensure our plans for the community go smoothly, then please do so and encourage all your friends and neighbours to do the same. Whether it’s contributing towards the necessary lawyers’ fees or for the installation of a lift to the first floor, everything will be put to good use. You’ll be able to read all about it in the next newsletter.


The launch of our ‘gardening and greening project’ still to be named – watch this space project, a brand new community project run by our ever-expanding group of volunteers. Several of our volunteers who ticked “gardening” in the volunteer choices, have been busy working on this and we look forward to being able to introduce it to everyone very soon.

Then there’s our very first AGM as a SCIO. Members will be able to have a real say in what happens next. Watch out for an announcement about the date and time and method.


The next round of the Scottish Land Fund grants. Our application will be among the many to be decided once the new Scottish Parliament to be elected in May gives the go-ahead for the fund to get going again. We’ve already had very positive vibes from the SLF so we have great hopes that our application will meet with success.

That’s just the first half of the year. Imagine what the second half has in store!

Our New Year’s Resolution was to take HoNC from strength to strength and for that, as usual, we need your help.

We want to know what you thought of the community initiatives we ran before Christmas. Did you participate in Newhaven Neighbours (still running, by the way), Newhaven Sings or Newhaven Lights Up ?

We want to know if we’re getting it right or, if not, what we could have done better.

Please can you feed back here

Let us know how we can improve.

Finally, remember to keep watching the website.

There’s always something new, including the View from the Chair, our Chairman’s blog.