Police appeal following local robberies

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for information after two robbery incidents took place in two convenience stores yesterday (Saturday, 4 July).

The first incident happened around 5.45pm at the Best One store on Bonnington Road. The suspect threatened the shop keeper with a knife and demanded money from the till. The shop keeper challenged the suspect who then left.

The second incident happened around 6.15pm at the Co-op store on McDonald Road. The suspect entered the store from the direction of Bonnington Road and threatened two members of staff with a knife, demanding money from the till. Around £200 worth of cash was stolen. Nobody was injured in either incident.

The suspect is described as male, in his twenties, around 6ft tall with black sunglasses and a black/grey snood only showing his eye line. He was wearing a slim fitted Nike top with a black Nike tick on the right chest and black cuffs looped over his thumbs.

He had a red/burgundy top underneath showing at the waistline, skinny blue Nike joggers, black running trainers, orange gloves and a black rucksack worn to the front of his body.

Detective Sergeant Steven Gray, of Gayfield CID, said: “We believe these incidents are linked and between speaking to the victims and watching CCTV, there is a good description of the suspect so we’re appealing to the public to help us.

“If anybody saw somebody matching this description on Bonnington Road or McDonald Road shortly before or after these incidents on Saturday, please contact us.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 2824 of 4 July, 2020.

Leith Theatre Gets Set to Persevere Through Yet Another Closure

It is with regret that Leith Theatre announces that, in light of the widespread disruption to cultural life caused by Covid-19, it has made the difficult decision to remain closed to the public until next Spring.

In a building already suffering the effects of years of neglect, and after weeks of scenario planning and calculating financial risk, it must, like so many other theatres and venues across the country, stay shut to remain a viable business in the longer term.

The colder months of the year are much more challenging in this still establishing business, with a quieter programme and with some parts of the theatre still without heating. The Spring and Summer programmes have been lost, and the current landscape is all so uncertain.

With so many unknowns, to risk re-opening to what would be reduced and socially distant audiences, is a risk simply too high to take and one that could potentially sound the death knell for this unique venue which sits proudly in the heart of Leith.

It is a decision that has not been taken lightly, but one which recognizes that temporary closure is necessary to protect the building and business for the future. 

Most of the staff at Leith Theatre were furloughed as part of the Government Support scheme since the Theatre closed its doors in March. This longer term closure does mean that staff employment is affected and the theatre is in touch with its small team to discuss what that means directly.

However, the closure also brings an opportunity for Leith Theatre; it is with huge thanks to its funders; the Architectural Heritage Fund, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and most recently, Theatres At Risk, that it is able to conserve its limited resources and invest this time in prioritising its strategic next steps and planning for refreshed doors opening once more.

Lynn Morrison, Exec Director of Leith Theatre Trust, said: “The sector is facing incredible challenges and for our small dedicated staff team who have worked tirelessly to bring this venue to back to its feet, it is the hardest thing to see the building closed and the Leith family unable to return.

 “We have to use this opportunity to build a stronger platform for the venue’s future. We are a Theatre at Risk and a business start-up, and we have major refurbishment and construction needs.

“Our committed funding and Government COVID support has granted us this time to review our future business development. We hope we can also explore future fundraising possibilities and consider if further building regeneration works are possible.

“We cannot wait to welcome everyone back through our doors but in the meantime we will keep supporting the community in any way we can”

Since shutdown, Leith Theatre has continued to provide a community lifeline, acting as a collection point for the North East Edinburgh Foodbank, collecting stationery for pupils in partnership with a local primary school and also pipelining fabric and materials for making masks for an Edinburgh craft collective. The doors were also re-opened to support NHS blood banks.

Leith Theatre has already seen periods of closure in its rich history and one day this temporary shutting will join the rest as mere notes in its timeline.

Leith Theatre will, as always, Persevere.

Donations to Leith Theatre can be made via the website or JustGiving or please get in touch with fundraising@leiththeatretrust.org

Briggs backs Leith Walk businesses

Call for extra help and Leith Open For Business campaign

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs says that local businesses on Leith Walk will need extra support if they are to survive Covid-19 restrictions and work being carried out on the trams extension.  

Work on the controversial tram extension down to Newhaven has resumed, creating more disruptions for local businesses.

The tram extension has gone ahead, despite the ongoing inquiry being carried out into why the initial project was significantly over budget and over time – the inquiry has so far cost the tax payer over £10 million.

Mr Briggs has said that the combination of Covid-19 restriction and disruptions from the trams have put businesses on Leith Walk under severe pressure and extra support must be offered by Edinburgh Council.

Included in the support measures suggested by Mr Briggs to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture are an advertising campaign to promote businesses on Leith Walk during and after the tram works.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “The current uncertainty for businesses around Covid-19 restrictions and when they will be able to start fully operating again is very challenging.

“Businesses on Leith Walk have been dealt a double blow of Covid-19 restrictions and now disruptions from tram extensions as well, putting businesses at risk.

“I have written to Edinburgh Council to raise these concerns and ask what additional support will be made available for businesses on Leith Walk.

“I have also written to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture to ask what support will be provided by the Scottish Government and if there will be an advertising campaign to promote businesses on Leith Walk during and after the tram extension.”

Have you seen John?


Police are appealing for the public’s help as part of our efforts to trace a 38 year old man reported missing in Edinburgh. John Glynn (AKA Gee) was last seen in the Leith area on 12th June and there are concerns for his welfare.

John is descried as about 5ft 5 tall, slim build, he normally has a shaved head and a clean shaven face. He has tattoos on his neck onto his arm as far as his elbow, and also has other tattoos on his arms and back.

John would normally wear a blue Stone Island jacket (one he is wearing in the above image), tracksuit and often a cap or hat.

John is almost always on his silver/yellow Giant Talon mountain bike (which is missing from his flat). He has links to the East Lothian area.

Anyone who may have seen John since this time, or who has any information on his whereabouts, is urged to contact Police Scotland via 101 quoting incident number 1125 of the 19/06/20.

John Glynn has been traced SAFE AND WELL. Police would like to thank the public for their assistance.

Edinburgh North & Leith: the UK’s most pro-EU constituency

  • Edinburgh North & Leith constituency leads the way with more signatures than any other in the UK
  • Leading Scottish pro-EU organisation adds voice to calls for Brexit delay as petition passes 100,000

Scotland’s largest pro-EU campaign organisation, the European Movement in Scotland (EMis) has added its voice to calls for a two-year extension to the Brexit transition period, which culminates at the end of this year.

Urging the UK Government to focus on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis, the call comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to meet EU institution leaders (the president of the European Council, Commission and Parliament.

Branding the refusal to extend as “highly reckless”, the demand by EMiS comes as a petition calling for such an extension passes the 100,000 threshold.

Passing this mark this requires the Petitions Committee of the Westminster Parliament to give serious consideration to whether such a delay should be debated.  An Edinburgh constituency, Edinburgh North & Leith has led the charge with more signatures than any constituency in the UK.

The First Ministers of Scotland and Wales have both written to Boris Johnson, requesting an extension period and a recent Ipsos Mori poll indicates that just under two-thirds – 64% – of people in Scotland believe the UK Government should seek an extension to focus on the pandemic. This compares to 54% across the UK – still a clear majority.

Recent evidence also points to the fact that the UK’s economic output has declined by over 20% in April amid warnings of seismic job losses caused by the Covid lockdown.

The World Trade Organisation has also warned that a No Deal Brexit during an economic recession could be as deep as the Great Depression.

David Clarke, Vice-Chair of the European Movement in Scotland said: “Despite experiencing one of the largest global pandemics, Boris Johnson’s government recklessly ploughs on with a transition period due to finish at the end of this year, deaf and blind to the enormous damage a poor Brexit deal or indeed no deal will have on an already weakened UK economy.

“If it is to be anything short of an economic catastrophe, the matter of negotiating a good trading deal with the EU should be set to one side until it can be given the serious attention that it clearly now requires.

“We are urging the Prime Minister to propose a two-year extension to the Brexit transition period.

“Such an extension is vital if the UK is not to suffer an even more grievous body-blow to our economy and society from Brexit, on top of the pandemic.

“So far, Boris Johnson has adamantly rejected any extension, but he now faces a full-scale Westminster debate after a petition demanding an extension while the ravages of Covid-19 continue passed the 100,000 barrier set by the Commons.

“It is great to see a Scottish constituency, Edinburgh North & Leith, cementing its role as Britain’s most pro-EU constituency.”

Hibs to consult supporters on ‘difficult choices’

Since the global pandemic hit the UK – wreaking havoc with our lives, our health and care systems, and our businesses – Hibernian supporters have been magnificent in their backing for the club.

Our support has been the silver lining on a cloudy horizon. In turn, we have sought at every turn to keep supporters informed as honestly as we are able to. With that in mind, it is now important to let supporters know that difficult choices must be considered to reduce costs to protect the future of Hibernian.

We are today embarking on a process of consultation with our people over proposals to find cost reductions. This is no different from any other business in this economy, many of which have already taken steps to protect their future.  We must all recognise that the club must be financially sustainable.

When we outlined our ambitious plans at our AGM a few months ago, no-one could have predicted that the healthy cash balance the club enjoyed at that time would be severely depleted a few months later as we faced this crisis and no revenue being generated from normal operations.

The club has continued to meet its full liabilities, internally and externally, with some of these deferred but still due later in the year. This initial action was a vital step, allowing us breathing space to manage cashflow and, importantly, to engage with our staff.

With no clear end in sight and a full return to football in stadia full of supporters likely to be in 2021, there has been, and there will continue to be, a substantial and unsustainable strain on the Club’s finances.

We forecast that our revenues will be halved in 2020-21 and we anticipate a significant loss for the current season that was cut short in March, despite the support shown by fans so far. That is the reality we face, and the continued uncertainty and restrictions mean our current cost structure is not sustainable.

Chairman Ronald Gordon said: “We’re all excited that football is returning – but it will be behind closed doors, with likely limited attendance as a next phase. That means we continue to endure limited revenue opportunities for the foreseeable future.

“Therefore, several initiatives, activities and services at our club need to be paused or scaled back until it is safe, permissible and financially prudent for us to resume activity.

“We must now focus our limited resources on our core business – and that is supporting our first team to deliver success on the pitch. That is what we are here to do.  This scaling back will have an impact on our people, and we enter into a period of consultation with them to discuss the potential impact on them.  I would like to thank the contribution and efforts of all of our staff during this difficult time.

“I would also like to thank our supporters who, recognising the threat to the club, have responded. Around 8500 Season Tickets for next season have sold so far, with more selling each day despite fans knowing that the timing and shape of next season is far from clear at this stage.

“Our “Thank You NHS” home shirt was launched to national acclaim and record sales. And with the 2019-20 season called early, with four home matches not played, less than 15 per cent of season ticket holders have requested a refund.

“We will get through this by all working together. Supporters, staff, management and players have all played their part so far, and I believe will continue to do so.”

Monies raised through the sale of season tickets for 2020-21 will help fund next season’s campaign. We welcome the announcement of a framework agreed between the SPFL and Sky which should see the top-flight of Scottish football resume in August.

With football facing a “behind closed doors” start to the season, the new framework means those who have already purchased season tickets for season 2020/21 now know they are guaranteed to see all home matches live until entry to stadiums returns.

Hibernian will soon announce full details of our package, which is being designed to give our season ticket holders the best possible value and a unique, exciting and enjoyable Hibernian matchday experience.

Leeann Dempster, Chief Executive, said: “I would add my thanks to Ron’s for the professionalism shown by our staff throughout this crisis.

“From the start, in light of the uncertainty around what shape next season will ultimately take, we have sought to ensure our supporters have the fullest understanding of the situation before us, and that includes what your ticket will secure for you.

“Any supporter who cannot commit to travel this difficult journey with us will be treated fairly, with respect, and with our understanding, but we hope and believe you will want to be with us every step of the way.

“We understand not everyone is able to help as they might like in these difficult times, however if you can help, we thank you for it.”

North & Leith leads the way in rejecting Michael Gove’s reckless statement

Edinburgh North & Leith leads the way as petition to delay Brexit negotiations until after the Coronavirus Outbreak has passed breaks the critical 100,000 threshold.

It might seem like a no-brainer to most that when negotiators cannot meet face to face and when civil servants across Europe are busy fighting the biggest threat health to health for 100 years that the “lesser” matter of negotiating a good trading deal with the EU should be set to one side until it can be given the serious attention that “one of the easiest in human history” clearly now requires if it is to be anything short of an economic catastrophe.

But with UK citizens supporting such a delay by almost 2:1 Boris Johnson’s government still ploughs on, apparently deaf and blind to the enormous damage which hammer an already weakened post-Covid UK economy.

Now a petition has reached the threshold which requires the Petitions Committee of the Westminster Parliament to give serious consideration to whether such a delay should be debated.  And an Edinburgh constituency, Edinburgh North & Leith has led the charge with more signatures than any other constituency in the UK.

If a delay is itself a no-brainer, then a debate to consider it should be automatic but Conservative  instransigence makes even that unlikely.  They don’t even want to talk about it.  That makes the  likelihood of a No Deal crash all the more likely. 

If the debate does go ahead, then it will, at least give Opposition politicians the opportunity to question why a government which is supposed to protect the country seems determined to inflict further chaos, unemployment and slash GDP by over 9% on a country which is already staggering after coronavirus. 

Signatures will continue to be collected despite reaching the critical threshold.  If you would like to add yours go to https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/300412

European Movement in Scotland

CALA goes to town with Leith waterfront homes

A MODERN reimagining of the city townhouse has been launched to the market at a sought-after Leith development.

Comprising plenty of flexible space set across three levels, The Brae townhouse by CALA Homes (East) is the latest housetype to be launched by the developer at its popular Waterfront Plaza development.

Designed with city professionals, growing families and downsizers in mind, its carefully created layout can be adapted to cater for different and evolving needs, while also providing all the extra room needed for visiting family and friends.

With the first two of these three bedroom townhouses now available for reservation, priced at £495,000 and £500,000 respectively, CALA also plan to launch a townhouse showhome in late summer/early autumn; this will initially be able to be viewed virtually from the comfort of your own home, until it is deemed safe to host private appointments.

At the start of the lockdown it also launched its Remote Reservations service, which has proven popular in enabling buyers to confidently secure their new dream home from the comfort of their current home, with the fee fully refundable. Buyers can also opt to use the developer’s other helpful services such as its Part Exchange or Guaranteed Buyer services.

Philip Hogg, Sales and Marketing Director with CALA Homes (East), said: “There is a real community building at Waterfront Plaza – and that is owing in part to the brilliant range of apartments and homes, attracting a diverse range of buyers.

“We’ve already seen the sell-out success of the colony apartments and duplexes – a style of home intrinsic to Edinburgh.

“These townhouses are again so familiar to the city. Yet our design teams have been able to build on everything we love with traditional townhouses; that sense of height, large windows and grand hallways – with modern twists throughout including a first floor private terrace to reflect how we live now.”

On the ground floor, a family room the breadth of the property offers a range of potential uses, while a third bedroom could easily be repurposed into the ultimate home office, boosted with fibre connectivity direct into the home available. A utility room, WC and storage space add further real world practicality.

Upstairs a formal lounge with two Juliet balconies is just a few steps from a contemporary open-plan kitchen and dining area. This space is made even more impressive with sliding glass doors to a copious, first floor terrace, which also provides a cover for the private parking space below, with many offering south facing aspects to maximise sunlight.

The top floor is reserved for two impressive, near mirror-image en suite bedrooms, both exceeding five by three metres and including built in storage and their own private Juliet balconies. The en suites suit every preference, with one offering a bath and the other a shower.

Further to the balconies and the spacious terrace, a low-maintenance garden means the home offers easy living that blends inside and outside space across all its levels.

Ewan McIntyre, Managing Director with EMA Architecture and Design, who designed the homes in partnership with CALA’s in-house teams, said: “It’s a real privilege to be able to work with CALA on a site as special as this. CALA’s particular approach has enabled us to design a broad range of high quality and innovative family homes for the site, including these townhouses.

The opportunity to design homes for families to live in a waterside setting in Edinburgh is very rare and we’re proud of what we’ve been able to achieve here.”

Set in the heart of the thriving Leith shoreline, recently crowned the Best Place to Live in Scotland by The Sunday Times, Waterfront Plaza benefits from a range of vibrant bars, cafes and restaurants, as well as all the amenities of Ocean Terminal which is situated directly opposite.

The development follows on from nearby successful projects by CALA at Albert Dock, Trinity Park and Ten Brunswick Road.

Accessing the capital city centre is made easy with regular bus services and cycle paths. By car, the M8, M9 and the A90 are all within easy reach via the city bypass.

Utilita Hub raises funds for Leith Foodbank

Utilita, the UK’s leading Smart Pay As You Go Energy supplier, is running ‘The Utilita Energy Hub-to-Hub Challenge’ in Leith to support South Leith Parish Foodbank whose vital fundraising and community-building activities have been curbed by the coronavirus crisis.

The charity fundraiser kicked off on 18th May and includes a team from the Leith Energy Hub either walking, running, cycling or skipping the equivalent distance from the Utilita Hub in Newport in the Isle of Wight to the Hub in Leith – totalling a whopping 516 miles.

They are clocking up the miles by making the most out of outdoor spaces, such as doing laps in their local park until they reach the 516-mile milestone.

To promote positive physical and mental health during the lockdown, members of the Utilita Energy Hub team are also recording their weekly body mass index, to demonstrate the health benefits of the challenge.

Debra Clason, Utilita Hub Manager in Leith, said: “The Utilita Energy Hubs exist to give local communities a place to go to talk about reducing their energy usage, as well as providing a space free of charge where local community groups and good causes can host their own activities, so we wanted to fill that current void with something equally as community-centred, whilst keeping the staff active to promote positive physical and mental wellbeing.

“Each Energy Hub has chosen a local charity or support group to raise money for, reflecting Utilita’s ethos of engaging with and supporting local communities.

“The team in Leith chose to fundraise for the South Leith Parish Foodbank because on a daily basis, we see people access the service, some of whom are also our customers. It’s a sobering thought to think there is an increasing need for reliance on food banks in the UK, with many families just one pay cheque away from becoming homeless.

“The energetic Hub team will happily put in the leg work and would be grateful for your donations via a dedicated JustGiving page to help them on their way.” 

Rev Iain May, Chair of the South Leith Parish Church Food Bank, said: “The support from Utilita is really appreciated. In Leith, there are over 6,000 people, including over 1,500 children, who live on or below the poverty line.

“The efforts of the team from Utilita will make such a difference in allowing us to provide essential food to those in need in these challenging and difficult times.

 “The support of the local business community here in Leith has been amazing, and Utilita has been in many ways at the forefront of this recently. So thanks again for all many miles, running, cycling, skipping that Utilita staff are doing, it will really make a difference.”

Visit the Leith Energy Hub JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/hub2hubchallenge

The Utilita Hub teams have been busy taking part in the challenge across the UK, clocking up more miles each day – please see an infographic providing an update on how far they have travelled below.

You can download this here: https://we.tl/t-7mqEN1fpzT 

Support Stockbridge and Leith markets and their traders

Hi all,

Please help support Stockbridge and Leith markets and their producers: we want to be able to come back safely when its time 🙂
Stay Safe, Stay Distanced – but eat well with us! 🙂

help spread the word …


The Market team
At the Market Limited