Celebrate Robert Louis Stevenson Day next month

Edinburgh is to celebrate an annual Robert Louis Stevenson Day in November.  Organisers hope the accolade to our world-famous author will match the popularity of Dublin’s Bloomsday tribute to James Joyce.

The City of Literature Trust has designated 13 November – the writer’s birthday – as Robert Louis Stevenson Day but this year’s inaugural event will be held on 17 November as it’s the closest Saturday, allowing more fans to take part in the event.

Stevenson, author of classics including Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde and Kidnapped, was born was born at 8 Howard Place at Canonmills on 13 November 1850. His family moved to nearby Inverleith Terrace in Jan the following year and then on to 17 Heriot Row in 1857. A student at Edinburgh University, Stevenson lived in Edinburgh for 29 years, and continued to visit until 1887. He died on the island of Samoa in 1894, aged just 44.

Events planned to celebrate his work will include a continuous public reading of the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, a flashmob, high-profile speakers and the chalking of quotations from his words on pavements.

Richard Lewis, the city council’s culture leader, said: “Robert Louis Stevenson is one of Edinburgh’s most treasured sons and the creation of RLS Day is a fitting tribute to his life , work and legacy. We assisted with a number of special events held across the city last November, all of which generated significant interest, so clearly the public shares our enthusiasm.”

The plan comes after a one-off event last year and a proposal by another Edinburgh writer – Rebus author Ian Rankin  – that it should be held every year. The day will bring theatre performances of Stevenson’s work in the city centre, and Ian Rankin has also suggested projecting quotation’s from Stevenson’s work onto public buildings at night as well as tours of the city.

Professor Linda Dryden, director of the Centre for Literature and Writing at the city’s Napier University, said: “A perennially popular author and an international brand, there are scholars around the world who study his works but Stevenson himself has never really been celebrated in any significant way as the son of Edinburgh. We want to bring together people who are interested in Stevenson and we anticipate there will be international interest.”

It is hoped the day will bring tourists to the city just as Dublin’s annual Bloomsday, named after the protagonist Leopold Bloom in Joyce’s Ulysses, has also spread around the world. First introduced in the 1950s, it is also marked in the United States and Italy, where it was partially written.

Events are being held on Stevenson’s birthday too:

RLS Day 13 November

Robert Louis Stevenson Day (RLS Day) rolls out on his birthday, 13th November. There will be a series of events and Stevenson inspired shenanigans popping up across the city and online. It is the perfect way to celebrate the life and writings of the man who brought us Treasure Island: so wear velvet and don a ‘tache in his honour, and be part of a Stevenson flashmob. Enjoy pop up theatre on your doorstep. Stroll across his words chalked on your streets. Eat cream tarts and learn about his alter ego, the duplicitous John Libbel. Discover what he was really like as a student of the University of Edinburgh. Walk the closes and cobbles that he walked and see Edinburgh through his eyes. And why not catch John Sessions and Nigel Planer talking about their lifelong fascination of the man. Share your favourite Stevenson facts with us on Facebook and Twitter #RLSDay, and open a book, read a story and raise a glass to RLS, wherever you find yourself.

A Robert Louis Stevenson Evening with John Sessions and Nigel Planer

Tuesday 13th November, 7-8pm

Reid Hall, Bristo Square, Edinburgh EH8 9AG

It is the perfect finale to RLS Day, and Stevenson’s birthday: actors and writers, Nigel Planer and John Sessions, both famous in their own right, discuss their lifelong fascination with another famous man, Robert Louis Stevenson. Talking about his life and works – from moustaches to memoirs, tall tales to world travel – they’ll be reading from his novels and poems, and working out what it is that makes Stevenson the literary phenomenon he is today.

Part of the RLS Day celebrations and brought to you by Edinburgh Napier University’s Centre for Literature and Writing (CLAW), in partnership with the Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature Trust. Tickets cost £5. To book yours: purchase from the Edinburgh Napier Online Store.

Campaign launched to ensure city cyclists are seen

HI VIZ: Police cyclists on patrol

A new campaign and series of roadshows to cut the city’s cycle casualty rate was launched at the Western General Hospital this morning. It’s hoped the campaign will encourage both cyclists to ‘light up’ and motorists to be extra aware of cyclists – particularly at junctions.

More than half of Edinburgh’s cycle casualties in November, December and January happen during the hours of darkness. Meanwhile, almost 50% of serious injuries sustained by cyclists in the Capital between 2006 and 2010 were linked to other vehicles carrying out turning manoeuvres.  So while cyclists should take extra care to be seen, it is equally important that motorists take extra care to look out for cyclists as they turn at junctions.

Run by the Streets Ahead partnership, the campaign will reinforce these messages in a bid to cut the cycle casualty rate this winter.

The visibility campaign urges cyclists to make sure they are seen on the roads during the winter months by wearing high visibility clothing and ensuring their bikes are fitted with lights and reflectors.

Councillor Jim Orr, Vice Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee, said: “Cycling is a safe and healthy way to travel and as a Council we are committed to encouraging bike use. However, too many Edinburgh cyclists are still taking a cavalier approach to visibility, in particular by cycling without lights. Apart from being unsafe, this contravenes the Highway Code and undermines the goodwill of the motorists we cyclists share the roads with.

“As a keen cyclist, I’m always properly kitted out with high visibility kit and lights. This new joint campaign will reinforce the visibility message with free samples and timely tips on how cyclists can keep themselves safe. My message for all road users  – motorists and cyclists alike – is to take special care to look out for each other during the darker winter months and make sure you are visible and brightly lit.”

In addition to the marketing and advertising campaign launched today, a cycling safety roadshow aimed at both cyclists and motorists will tour University of Edinburgh and NHS buildings over the coming days to coincide with the clocks going back at the weekend.

Cyclists will be given free bike lights and information leaflets and advice, and free bike checks by The Bike Station and bike security marking by Lothian and Borders Police are also on offer.

Superintendent David Carradice of Lothian and Borders Police said: “Edinburgh, like many cities in the UK has numerous cyclists travelling on the road network as they make their way to work, school, or who use their bikes recreationally. The road conditions change dramatically during the autumn and winter months, with increased hours of darkness and more challenging road conditions to face.

“It is therefore extremely important for cyclists to take the appropriate steps to ensure their safety. “The cycle safety road shows will provide cyclists with all the necessary advice and guidance on keeping themselves safe while out on the road. Lothian and Borders Police and their partner agencies are committed to promoting cycle safety and reducing the number of casualties on our roads.”

Emma Crowther, Transport and Parking Manager at the University of Edinburgh, said: “Huge numbers of our staff and students cycle to University and we want to make sure they continue to do so through the darker winter months – but safely. Over the last few weeks in the run-up to this campaign we have been spreading awareness of the importance of bike lights and high-viz clothing. Motorists also have their part to play in taking special care to look out for cyclists and we will be relaying this message to drivers.”

Ian Maxwell from Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign, said: “Many people continue to cycle all year round in Edinburgh and this campaign emphasises that winter commuting is just as feasible if you wear appropriate clothing (warm, but in zippable layers so that you can avoid overheating) and use lights after dark.  In recent years the traffic counts by Spokes in May and November have shown almost no decrease in cycling in November compared with May.”

Dr Graham MacKenzie, Consultant in Public Health, NHS Lothian, said: “Cycling is a great way to stay active and improve your health. It is important that people cycle safely at all times and NHS Lothian would urge cyclists to make sure they are seen on the roads during the winter months. It’s vital that cyclists and motorists exercise caution on the roads as the dark nights set in.”

Following today’s launch outside the Western General’s Wellcome Trust Building the roadshow moves on to the Royal Infirmary on Monday (29 October), the University of Edinburgh’s King’s Buildings Murray Library on Tuesday and Potterrow on Thursday 1 November.

Anyone wishing further information on keeping themselves or their bike safe can also contact their local policing team or visit the Lothian and Borders Police website at www.lbp.police.uk


Guide dog puppies to visit Sainsbury’s

Aawww! A wee Guide Dog puppy

Jasper and Sandy, two Guide Dog puppies sponsored by Sainsbury’s Blackhall customers, will be making personal appearances at the local store next Wednesday at 2pm. 

Sainsbury’s customers and staff chose Guide Dogs as their nominated charity for 2011/12 and Jasper and Sandy will be calling in to meet everyone and say thanks! Guests of honour will be Rebecca Law, a member of staff at Sainsbury’s, and Clermiston Primary School pupil Eve McCall – Rebecca and Eve won the store’s ‘Name the Puppies’ competition.

Jasper and Sandy – who is named after Guide Dogs volunteer collector Sandy Miller, a well-known face at Sainsbury’s – don’t have too far to travel to visit the local store. Jasper is being walked for his first year by a Guide Dog puppy walker who lives in Blackhall, while Sandy is learning his trade in Leith.

It costs £10,000 to adopt, name and train two puppies for their first year but through collections at checkouts, by volunteers and through a local ‘Go Walkies’ sponsored event generous staff and customers raised that amount and more – the local store is now well on the way to raising another £5000 to sponsor another puppy in the New Year!

Aawww! Another wee Guide Dog puppy!

See stars and spooks at the Botanics this weekend!

It’s a big weekend at the Botanics, with family drop-in activities and a late late show on Sunday for a special event …

Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 October, 12 noon – 4.30pm

Take part in a weekend of astronomy fun for all the family with The Royal Observatory. See a comet-making demonstration and handle some real meteorites! In true Halloween style, we’ll not only be exploring spooky space but also spooky plants. Have you ever seen a bat plant?

Real Life Science Studio, John Hope Gateway. Free – no booking required

Sunday 28 October, 6.30pm

Pop your beanies on and enjoy a very special FREE late night opening of the Gateway on Sunday 28 (entry via West Gate on Arboretum Place only). You’ll get an introduction to astronomy and the night’s sky, meet the astronomers and (if it’s clear) partake in stargazing activities using powerful telescopes. Doors open at 6.30pm and introduction to astronomy/stargazing sessions will run from 7pm-9pm. Sign up on the night on a first come, first served basis. There will also be talks on astrobiology and more comet-making demonstrations. The Gateway Restaurant Bar and the Botanics Shop will be open for hot and cold drinks and pre-Christmas shopping!

With the Royal Observatory.



Letter: Unity

Dear Editor


Unity is strength – this truth us demonstrated in the struggle to defend the NHS by both users and those who work in providing the services.

Those who are trying to privatise the NHS have a glint in their eyes of making vast profits – what a disgusting attitude, when every penny is needed to treat people both old and young.

Unity also needs expressing by people in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, London – in fact everywhere, who have the same problems of needing regular work and wages and decent working conditions to be able to make life as it should be.

This unity of needs must be expressed as strongly as the unity in support of our NHS. Private companies aching to take over the NHS and other public services and their Tory and Liberal political supporters can and will be defeated.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens


Transport’s the theme for Inverleith community conference

On the Move in Inverleith

Transport is the theme for this year’s Inverleith Community Conference, which will take place on 15 November from 6 – 9pm in Broughton High School.

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership development officer Elaine Lennon said: “Our fourth annual community conference is coming up and this year’s theme is local transport in all it’s forms. We are formatting it as world café style with table discussions around themes of: public transport, road safety, winter weather, walking and cycling and road maintenance and we hope to have Officers leading on each table who are ‘experts’ in the subject.”

An evening of lively discussion, community cohesion, information sharing and fun is promised, so please tell your friends and neighbours about the event!

Organisers add:

On the theme of local transport, there will be opportunities to discuss issues and ask questions on various aspects of getting around Inverleith in small table discussions –

  • parking,
  • public transport,
  • road repairs,
  • road safety,
  • walking and cycling,
  • winter weather.

We hope that you can join us in person or live on twitter on the night, by following #inverleithconf

A finger buffet and live entertainment will be provided, and transport related stalls and information will be available for browsing.

You can book your place online through the Eventbrite website, but if you prefer to register off-line, or want more information, please contact Anne Brown on 332 6316, anne.brown@ea.edin.sch.uk or Elaine Lennon on 529 5270, elaine.lennon@edinburgh.gov.uk


Poppy Appeal launched

 Susan Boyle launched the 2012 Poppy Appeal in Glasgow today, and people all over the country are being urged to dig deep to support ex-servicemen and their families. The launch is also the culmination of another year of hard work for the locally-based Lady Haig Poppy Factory – staff at Warriston have produced five million poppies for this year’s appeal.

Poppyscotland, the charity which runs the appeal, uses all the money raised to support Scotland’s ex-service members and their families. Last year a record-breaking £2.68m was raised during the Scottish poppy appeal, and the charity hopes to top that total this year – despite the ongoing economic gloom.

Ian McGregor, chief executive of Poppyscotland, said: “These are hard times. We know that the Scottish public has been tremendously supportive of our work in the past. We know we’re asking a lot, but we’re saying please can we increase that sum because the need is still there. It won’t go away. We have to be there for the long haul to support the Armed Forces and veterans community in Scotland.”

Around five million poppies and 8,000 wreaths are hand-assembled by 40 veterans with disabilities every year at Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory, which are then distributed across Scotland by about 10,000 volunteers.

The Lady Haig Poppy Factory has always had an association with North Edinburgh, and is now based in Warriston Road. The organisation’s website explains:

‘The original Lady Haig Poppy Factory was opened in March 1926, employing men who had been disabled during World War 1 to make poppies for Scotland. We moved into the Warriston Road factory in 1965 and currently have a work force of 40 ex-Servicemen, the large majority of whom are registered disabled. While we are a commercial organisation, we are also a charity that provides dignity through work. Many of our workers have been with us for many years and there is a palpable feeling of the military about the place that provides a comfortable and secure atmosphere, for both visitors and workers alike. We work hard to ensure it remains primarily a happy and productive place.

As well as the five million poppies that are handmade each year, we also produce over 8,000 wreaths to order. We process over 25,000 collection tins and make up and dispatch orders to Poppy Appeal Area Organisers all over Scotland. We also make crosses for the Gardens of Remembrance and long stemmed poppies, for sale to the public via the factory.’

Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory also offers a comprehensive picture framing service and factory tours can also be arranged – although they are fully booked for this year. To book a slot for 2013 call Jackie Connolly on 550 1573 or email through the charity’s website at www.ladyhaigspoppyfactory.org.uk



Local groups to take bins fight to Council doorstep

Two local tenants groups are to take their protest over bin collection changes right to the council’s door – literally. Tenants and Residents in Pilton and recently-formed Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse will be dumping black bags at the North Neighbourhood Office in West Pilton Gardens on Monday morning.

A spokesperson for the groups said: “We are taking action against the chaos caused by the Council’s mismanagement of the changes to refuse collection. Many residents don’t have recycling bins yet, and some areas don’t even have enough green wheelie bins. It has led to rubbish piling up in our streets, and we have told the Council that they need to sort this situation out. However, the Council is not listening to residents concerns so we are forced to take further action.”

The groups are inviting local residents to join the protest outside the Local Office at 9.30 on Monday morning – and encourage them to bring a few bags of rubbish of their own to dump outside the office.

There’s no doubt changes introduced to refuse collection – particularly the move to fortnightly bin pickups – has angered many residents, but after initial ‘teething problems’ the new system has settled down and that the sight (and smell) of piles of uncollected refuse is over. Improving? Not so, say the protest group.

TRIP secretary Jon Black, one of the protest organisers, said:  “Every week bins are overflowing, and the situation is getting worse not better. We demand that the council re-introduce weekly collections until people have received their recycling bins, and recycling rates are improved. We want the council to clear up all the rubbish that has been missed in our area.”

Councillor Lesley Hinds is convener of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee. She said that fortnightly collections were introduced to encourage households to use recycling services available and reduce the amount of rubbish being sent to landfill.

She added: “In Muirhouse and Pilton, recycling advisers have been down twice in the last few months to speak to residents and will continue to do so in the coming months. After discussion with the local community we are looking to put in more recycling points in an effort to encourage more recycling, but people must take responsibility for the amount of waste they produce. I know there have been issues with the implementation of the new service and we need to get that right first, but I hope everyone agrees with what we are trying to achieve.”

What’s your view? Is the system improving or is the council talking rubbish? 

Let us know!

Send us your pictures



Free movies in Muirhouse

Looking for something to do with the kids on Saturdays?

Well look no further, North Edinburgh Arts and Link Up Muirhouse are to host free family film days. Starting Saturday 3 November from 12.30 you’re welcome to come along and enjoy the film of the day in North Edinburgh Arts Centre’s fantastic cinema!

Films will be shown from 1pm, but children are more than welcome to arrive early and purchase goodies for the film from the tuck-shop. When the film finishes everyone is welcome to head into the library as they staff will be holding a film relevant fun session.

Sat 3rd November – 1pm                               Top Cat

Sat 10th November – 1pm                             The Muppets

Sat 17th November – 1pm                             Shrek 4

Sat 24th November – 1pm                             Brave

These films are totally free and we hope to see many families enjoying them, Parents and carers are more than welcome to come to the Arts centre if they wish and sit in the modern café area whilst younger children watch the film.

So rather than spend time on the streets when it’s cold and miserable why not come to the centre and enjoy the film?

More information please call in to the Arts centre or telephone: 0131 315 2151 or visit www.muirhouseresidents.org.uk/

Robert Pearson